Kavanaugh accuser admits she lied, never met him

Duh. Look in the mirror kiddo, and start with your own party, McConnell and your total disregard for who was elected President by we the people, president Obama, and who stopped him from his constitutional supreme court pick!

Kiss my grits, you're just the typical Trumper, republican, brainwashed, blind, hypocrite.
/——/ You’re still playing that dementia patient campaigning in the basement getting 81 million votes card? BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
Where is the link to the story that Christine B-F admitted lying and that she had never met Kavanaugh? The linked article says nothing of the kind. Neither has Mr Google heard this admission.
/——/ You’re still playing that dementia patient campaigning in the basement getting 81 million votes card? BWHAHAHAHA BWHAHAHAHA
Show us how trump won 3 of the swing states he clearly lost, and tell me how many votes he got vs Biden in those 3 states to win enough electoral college votes to reverse Biden's slaughter of trump in the electoral college....

Biden won, because TRUMP WAS A BIG-TIME LOSER. 84 MILLION Americans, when you include the independent vote, voted AGAINST re-electing President Trump....it mattered naught whether Trump's opponent was in a basement or at a COVID spreading rally....by majority, the American voter, wanted him gone. That's just the way it is....

And it's time you start accepting this FACT.... You are hurting OUR country, by promoting the BIG LIE.
Duh. Look in the mirror kiddo, and start with your own party, McConnell and your total disregard for who was elected President by we the people, president Obama, and who stopped him from his constitutional supreme court pick!

Kiss my grits, you're just the typical Trumper, republican, brainwashed, blind, hypocrite.
what are you talking about? nobody stopped him from making his pick. He made a pick. But the Constitution doesn’t mean you automatically get it, he needs the convent of the Senate
what are you talking about? nobody stopped him from making his pick. He made a pick. But the Constitution doesn’t mean you automatically get it, he needs the convent of the Senate
The senate never voted on the president's pick to give consent or deny the president's pick silly one....

Senators would have voted for the president's pick...thus McConnell not giving him a hearing and vote.
The senate never voted on the president's pick to give consent or deny the president's pick silly one....

Senators would have voted for the president's pick...thus McConnell not giving him a hearing and vote.
Actually that was a pretty good thing. Obviously they wanted Garland real bad because they have some kind of leverage on him.
The senate never voted on the president's pick to give consent or deny the president's pick silly one....

Senators would have voted for the president's pick...thus McConnell not giving him a hearing and vote.
they didn’t have to vote. Advice and concert. they adviced they would be following r he Xiden Rule
Duh. Look in the mirror kiddo, and start with your own party, McConnell and your total disregard for who was elected President by we the people, president Obama, and who stopped him from his constitutional supreme court pick!

Kiss my grits, you're just the typical Trumper, republican, brainwashed, blind, hypocrite.
Who was stopped as Obama’s Supreme Court pick? Which Obama appointee was denied AND got their name smeared through the mud with false facts? Name one.
The accusation of lying about Kavanaugh, has nothing to do with Christina Blasey Ford.
The Democrats presented their Liars. One after another.

Democrats are the scum of this country and they lie, cheat and steal every chance they get.
Show us how trump won 3 of the swing states he clearly lost, and tell me how many votes he got vs Biden in those 3 states to win enough electoral college votes to reverse Biden's slaughter of trump in the electoral college....

Biden won, because TRUMP WAS A BIG-TIME LOSER. 84 MILLION Americans, when you include the independent vote, voted AGAINST re-electing President Trump....it mattered naught whether Trump's opponent was in a basement or at a COVID spreading rally....by majority, the American voter, wanted him gone. That's just the way it is....

And it's time you start accepting this FACT.... You are hurting OUR country, by promoting the BIG LIE.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump won the Electoral College delegates but the Democrat filth stole the election by using the Pandemic as a cover to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts. Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. Our Democracy was stolen from us by Democrat greed and dishonesty.

Democrats are the scum of America.
Show us how trump won 3 of the swing states he clearly lost, and tell me how many votes he got vs Biden in those 3 states to win enough electoral college votes to reverse Biden's slaughter of trump in the electoral college....

Biden won, because TRUMP WAS A BIG-TIME LOSER. 84 MILLION Americans, when you include the independent vote, voted AGAINST re-electing President Trump....it mattered naught whether Trump's opponent was in a basement or at a COVID spreading rally....by majority, the American voter, wanted him gone. That's just the way it is....

And it's time you start accepting this FACT.... You are hurting OUR country, by promoting the BIG LIE.
Biden won because of collusion between his campaign...high ranking members of the FBI...most of the Main Stream Media and those 51 former intelligence officials to hide a political scandal that a large percentage of Democrats say would have made them not vote for Biden! The BIG LIE was the one that the American people were fed by the above people that the Hunter Biden lap top was Russian disinformation! It wasn't.
Kamarla harris is the one who put her letter in front of the committee. A false letter...will Harris be held accountable? LOLOL you know better.
The Democrats presented their Liars. One after another.

Democrats are the scum of this country and they lie, cheat and steal every chance they get.
DEMOCRATS PRESENTED only ONE WOMAN in the Kavanaugh hearings.

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