Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

Actually, Ford is in the unenviable position where she'll have to put up or shut up. If she doesn't, Kavenaugh is in the clear.

Admit reality. There is no way you will accept his innocence unless she fully recants the whole thing.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.
I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

Only partisan cowards would be afraid of a thorough investigation.

And here we are. You can ruin a person's career, life and family with just one anonymous letter, as long as you have the right democrat Senator in your Rolodex.

Admit reality. There's no amount of evidence that would compel you to admit Kavenaugh is actually a decent guy.
Also the other guy in the room says he doesnt remember any assault. Said he wont testify because he has no memory. Other classmates also state this never happened.. Mark Judge, other man in room, won’t testify about Christine Blasey Ford’s Brett Kavanaugh claim
"No memory" is not the same thing as "No such thing ever happened in my presence."

The former sound like Weasel Words designed to 'cleverly' portray a negative response while avoiding the actual telling of a lie.

Which, in turn, leads folks to wonder: why the "Weasel Words"?

Even if there's nothing to tell, that's not the best way to respond, if you're more interested in providing an unequivocal, definitive answer.
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

Actually, Ford is in the unenviable position where she'll have to put up or shut up. If she doesn't, Kavenaugh is in the clear.

Admit reality. There is no way you will accept his innocence unless she fully recants the whole thing.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Which was the only reason the Dems did this. It is not about the girl, it is not about sexual assault, it is about politics. The Dems are fucking stupid, Kavanaugh was the best choice from the list of people that Trump is choosing from. If they lose seats in the Senate, which is possible they will end up with someone far worse than Kavanaugh.

And the most fucked up part of all is that you are good with the Dems doing this. You partisan sheep are far and away the most dangerous thing to this country,.
Also the other guy in the room says he doesnt remember any assault. Said he wont testify because he has no memory. Other classmates also state this never happened.. Mark Judge, other man in room, won’t testify about Christine Blasey Ford’s Brett Kavanaugh claim
i wouldn't get dragged into the democrats circus either. the left is upset that the right is attacking ford yet they're hot and heavy attacking kavanaugh AND judge and pretty much all the right. no problems. but if they hit back - FOUL!!!!

if this is true that's one thing but nothing of what ford has said CAN be proven or disproven. not by the FBI (and this isn't an federal issue anyway so demanding they get in is pure stupid and only shows it's a game to them by not following proper process but shouting out familiar terms to people) or anyone else regardless of if there is an investigation or not.

she can't remember who's house it was so how can people go "yea, i remember that party well..." esp if only 4 people in total there outside ford. that's more like a highlander gathering than a party.

she can't remember when it was, so how is someone supposed to say "oh yea, i remember that party well..." cause she can't name this party of 4 people.

what could you possibly investigate?
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

Actually, Ford is in the unenviable position where she'll have to put up or shut up. If she doesn't, Kavenaugh is in the clear.

Admit reality. There is no way you will accept his innocence unless she fully recants the whole thing.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Which was the only reason the Dems did this. It is not about the girl, it is not about sexual assault, it is about politics. The Dems are fucking stupid, Kavanaugh was the best choice from the list of people that Trump is choosing from. If they lose seats in the Senate, which is possible they will end up with someone far worse than Kavanaugh.
scares me we're agreeing these days. :)
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

With what we know of who is running the FBI these days? With those texts we saw released?

With what was revealed of the Deep State corruption in that bureaucracy?

Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

Actually, Ford is in the unenviable position where she'll have to put up or shut up. If she doesn't, Kavenaugh is in the clear.

Admit reality. There is no way you will accept his innocence unless she fully recants the whole thing.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Which was the only reason the Dems did this. It is not about the girl, it is not about sexual assault, it is about politics. The Dems are fucking stupid, Kavanaugh was the best choice from the list of people that Trump is choosing from. If they lose seats in the Senate, which is possible they will end up with someone far worse than Kavanaugh.
scares me we're agreeing these days. :)

Every now and then somethings peak their head above the cesspool that is politics!
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

Actually, Ford is in the unenviable position where she'll have to put up or shut up. If she doesn't, Kavenaugh is in the clear.

Admit reality. There is no way you will accept his innocence unless she fully recants the whole thing.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Which was the only reason the Dems did this. It is not about the girl, it is not about sexual assault, it is about politics. The Dems are fucking stupid, Kavanaugh was the best choice from the list of people that Trump is choosing from. If they lose seats in the Senate, which is possible they will end up with someone far worse than Kavanaugh.
scares me we're agreeing these days. :)

Every now and then somethings peak their head above the cesspool that is politics!
it *all* seems "weaponized" and political these days. the times we live in are more dangerous than we realize, but not for the reasons people actually suspect. it's not all the individual rights that we're now so focused in - it's the foundations of rights for all that we're ignoring.
...Which was the only reason the Dems did this. It is not about the girl, it is not about sexual assault, it is about politics...
Quite possibly. That does nothing, however, to shrink the huge problem that the Dems just served-up, does it?

...The Dems are fucking stupid...
Quite possibly... on a par with a great many Pubs, no doubt... but they sure-as-hell threw a monkey wrench in this process.

Not bad, for "stupid" people, eh?

, Kavanaugh was the best choice from the list of people that Trump is choosing from. If they lose seats in the Senate, which is possible they will end up with someone far worse than Kavanaugh.
Then again, the Pubs seem to be on-track to lose seats across the board, eh? Drumpf has seen to that.
Only partisan cowards would be afraid of a thorough investigation.
So, how many days and opportunities existed to do this thorough investigation since July when the letter first came known to China's Senator from California?

There was an opportunity for her testimony to be held in private before the Committee which would have spared her name coming out and she could have kept her anonymity while giving Kavanaugh his right to face his accuser.

This is how due process occurs while keeping intact the rule of law and America's cherished "Presumption of innocence."

But that isn't what occurred, is it? No, the cowards made the claim at the 11th hour, forcing the woman to tell her tale in public knowing full well that she had no proof, that she could not truly make a credible accusation; for the sole purpose of delaying the vote on a person, they don't want on the bench.

Tammy Bruce said it best. "This is nothing more than political assassination."

Exactly. They have been cynically using this woman to score political points. They don't care about justice, they don't care about "vetting" the nominee, they just want to delay as long as possible and totally detail if they can. Either way this pans out, they'll drop her like a hot potato when it's over.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

There is nothing for the FBI to investigate, it's another Democrat stall tactic.

If this is a Dem stall tactic, what did you call it when Merrick Garland couldn't get even one fucking Republican senator to meet with him after Obama nominated him to the bench?

Hypocrite much?

Another stall tactic. Doesn't make this one any better, does it?
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

Actually, Ford is in the unenviable position where she'll have to put up or shut up. If she doesn't, Kavenaugh is in the clear.

Admit reality. There is no way you will accept his innocence unless she fully recants the whole thing.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Which was the only reason the Dems did this. It is not about the girl, it is not about sexual assault, it is about politics. The Dems are fucking stupid, Kavanaugh was the best choice from the list of people that Trump is choosing from. If they lose seats in the Senate, which is possible they will end up with someone far worse than Kavanaugh.
scares me we're agreeing these days. :)
I've always found Golfing Gator to be rational and a free thinker.

A bit to the left, but definitely not prone to be swayed by the corporate media.
I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!
Kreepy Kavanaugh is in a no-win situation - unless his name is completely cleared of sexual assault.

Actually, Ford is in the unenviable position where she'll have to put up or shut up. If she doesn't, Kavenaugh is in the clear.

Admit reality. There is no way you will accept his innocence unless she fully recants the whole thing.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Which was the only reason the Dems did this. It is not about the girl, it is not about sexual assault, it is about politics. The Dems are fucking stupid, Kavanaugh was the best choice from the list of people that Trump is choosing from. If they lose seats in the Senate, which is possible they will end up with someone far worse than Kavanaugh.
scares me we're agreeing these days. :)
I've always found Golfing Gator to be rational and a free thinker.

A bit to the left, but definitely not prone to be swayed by the corporate media.
we clashed some early on and i get tired of "RUBE" but i'm sure i have my habits people also get tired of. like replying to their posts at times. :) overall i can see better where he's coming from now.
I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
Quite possibly. That does nothing, however, to shrink the huge problem that the Dems just served-up, does it?.

Nope, it sure does not but it sure lets people know what is important to you.

Quite possibly... on a par with a great many Pubs, no doubt... but they sure-as-hell threw a monkey wrench in this process.

Not bad, for "stupid" people, eh?

Stupid people are very adept at throwing shit at each other. Not really something to brag about to most of us.

,Then again, the Pubs seem to be on-track to lose seats across the board, eh? Drumpf has seen to that.

In the House yes, but that does not make a hill of beans difference in this matter.
I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
well he was popular and i was not so he was picking on me. his friends were like his echo chamber before we had those. i can tell you we were in the new gym so this must have been my jr or sr year when it was built so sophomore is out sorry for the incorrect data on that. i can also tell you i was alone shooting hoops until they came in but surely one of those 4 in total still harbors the guilt of what they did to me that day and will come forward. we can start with school records for all white male students in 1982 and 1983 and start questioning them til we find the 4. then we can get them to confess.

we must start on this immediately.
I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
well he was popular and i was not so he was picking on me. his friends were like his echo chamber before we had those. i can tell you we were in the new gym so this must have been my jr or sr year when it was built so sophomore is out sorry for the incorrect data on that. i can also tell you i was alone shooting hoops until they came in but surely one of those 4 in total still harbors the guilt of what they did to me that day and will come forward. we can start with school records for all white male students in 1982 and 1983 and start questioning them til we find the 4. then we can get them to confess.

we must start on this immediately.

Part of the Cross County team "initiation" was to get "pantsed" while on a run out in town and be forced to run sans shorts for a time. This happened to me in 1979, I want justice.

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