Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
well he was popular and i was not so he was picking on me. his friends were like his echo chamber before we had those. i can tell you we were in the new gym so this must have been my jr or sr year when it was built so sophomore is out sorry for the incorrect data on that. i can also tell you i was alone shooting hoops until they came in but surely one of those 4 in total still harbors the guilt of what they did to me that day and will come forward. we can start with school records for all white male students in 1982 and 1983 and start questioning them til we find the 4. then we can get them to confess.

we must start on this immediately.

Confession hell? We don't even need a confession to alert the national media and to start destroying folks' reputations. Who cares if it happened 35 years ago. Wot wot?

It doesn't really matter if their prefrontal cortex's weren't fully developed yet, CRUCIFY THEM in the national consciousness!
I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
well he was popular and i was not so he was picking on me. his friends were like his echo chamber before we had those. i can tell you we were in the new gym so this must have been my jr or sr year when it was built so sophomore is out sorry for the incorrect data on that. i can also tell you i was alone shooting hoops until they came in but surely one of those 4 in total still harbors the guilt of what they did to me that day and will come forward. we can start with school records for all white male students in 1982 and 1983 and start questioning them til we find the 4. then we can get them to confess.

we must start on this immediately.

Part of the Cross County team "initiation" was to get "pantsed" while on a run out in town and be forced to run sans shorts for a time. This happened to me in 1979, I want justice.
dude - i am with you. no one should EVER see you without pants on. :)

at least you know what year this happened. that beats me AND ford so far.
I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
well he was popular and i was not so he was picking on me. his friends were like his echo chamber before we had those. i can tell you we were in the new gym so this must have been my jr or sr year when it was built so sophomore is out sorry for the incorrect data on that. i can also tell you i was alone shooting hoops until they came in but surely one of those 4 in total still harbors the guilt of what they did to me that day and will come forward. we can start with school records for all white male students in 1982 and 1983 and start questioning them til we find the 4. then we can get them to confess.

we must start on this immediately.

Part of the Cross County team "initiation" was to get "pantsed" while on a run out in town and be forced to run sans shorts for a time. This happened to me in 1979, I want justice.
Eeeegads! If that's not sexual harassment?!? I don't know what is?
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

This revelation alone lends credence to her claim since it is a federal offence to lie to the FBI. What that means, for course, is that she's willing to tell her story to the FBI under the penalty of perjuring herself at the same time she's attempting to put Kavanaugh under the same scrutiny.

Here's the question people need to ask themselves. Why would she be willing to do that if she was lying?

Okay, so let’s say she was caught lying. Do you really believe that anybody would prosecute her for perjury? Could you imagine the non-stop coverage by the MSM?

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I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
well he was popular and i was not so he was picking on me. his friends were like his echo chamber before we had those. i can tell you we were in the new gym so this must have been my jr or sr year when it was built so sophomore is out sorry for the incorrect data on that. i can also tell you i was alone shooting hoops until they came in but surely one of those 4 in total still harbors the guilt of what they did to me that day and will come forward. we can start with school records for all white male students in 1982 and 1983 and start questioning them til we find the 4. then we can get them to confess.

we must start on this immediately.

Confession hell? We don't even need a confession to alert the national media and to start destroying folks' reputations. Who cares if it happened 35 years ago. Wot wot?

It doesn't really matter if their prefrontal cortex's weren't fully developed yet, CRUCIFY THEM in the national consciousness!
we can start with the principal because he never investigated it. now granted, i never told anyone. the way it fell after this was i said "is that the best you got" and he cussed me out and left. i went out the other way and fell over hurting like hell but i wasn't going to let them know. but all those details aside, he should have sensed my agony the next time i was in the main office and called me into console me and ask what happened.

i had to carry this on my own all these years. i had a therapist once but my opening statement was "did you know if i put i space in your title you become "the rapist" and she never saw me again.

we must find those 4. it is imperative into our social fabric they pay and learn. 35 years later. maybe i'll find some at the reunion.

start revenge planning now. although i only went to 1 reunion and on one remembered me, this one i'll go to!
Also the other guy in the room says he doesnt remember any assault. Said he wont testify because he has no memory. Other classmates also state this never happened.. Mark Judge, other man in room, won’t testify about Christine Blasey Ford’s Brett Kavanaugh claim
"No memory" is not the same thing as "No such thing ever happened in my presence."

The former sound like Weasel Words designed to 'cleverly' portray a negative response while avoiding the actual telling of a lie.

Which, in turn, leads folks to wonder: why the "Weasel Words"?

Even if there's nothing to tell, that's not the best way to respond, if you're more interested in providing an unequivocal, definitive answer.
Youre grasping at straws. She cant even remember the details. She is a Trump hater. I think she is lying and is being paid by the democratic party to stall..
I was bullied in High School, I WANT an FBI investigation. Bring the scum to justice, NOW!

i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
well he was popular and i was not so he was picking on me. his friends were like his echo chamber before we had those. i can tell you we were in the new gym so this must have been my jr or sr year when it was built so sophomore is out sorry for the incorrect data on that. i can also tell you i was alone shooting hoops until they came in but surely one of those 4 in total still harbors the guilt of what they did to me that day and will come forward. we can start with school records for all white male students in 1982 and 1983 and start questioning them til we find the 4. then we can get them to confess.

we must start on this immediately.

Part of the Cross County team "initiation" was to get "pantsed" while on a run out in town and be forced to run sans shorts for a time. This happened to me in 1979, I want justice.
dude - i am with you. no one should EVER see you without pants on. :)

at least you know what year this happened. that beats me AND ford so far.

Some of the blue hairs walking along the waterfront didn't seem to mind! :cool-45:
i was punched in the stomach by some guy while his friends watched in gym one day. what day? dunno. what year was i in? sophomore or junior. could have been senior. who punched me? some guy with brown hair. who were his friends? dunno but they were laughing and they must pay!

I'm sure it was assault and battery. What if that guy holds a position of power? What if he is a cop, or a powerful person in society?

We need an investigation. The FBI MUST be called in.

What folks did in their formative years definitely has a bearing on what they are doing today.
well he was popular and i was not so he was picking on me. his friends were like his echo chamber before we had those. i can tell you we were in the new gym so this must have been my jr or sr year when it was built so sophomore is out sorry for the incorrect data on that. i can also tell you i was alone shooting hoops until they came in but surely one of those 4 in total still harbors the guilt of what they did to me that day and will come forward. we can start with school records for all white male students in 1982 and 1983 and start questioning them til we find the 4. then we can get them to confess.

we must start on this immediately.

Part of the Cross County team "initiation" was to get "pantsed" while on a run out in town and be forced to run sans shorts for a time. This happened to me in 1979, I want justice.
dude - i am with you. no one should EVER see you without pants on. :)

at least you know what year this happened. that beats me AND ford so far.

Some of the blue hairs walking along the waterfront didn't seem to mind! :cool-45:
hey - good for me also that they get less picky as the years wane on. now if only i had a waterfront.
...It's like saying my house was robbed, so I want the FBI to investigate. Such a setup...
No, it's not "like that", and you know it.

...Her lawyer knows quite well the FBI won't investigate, so she'll use that as a copout for her client not appearing before the Senate for questioning...
Optics in a mod-term election year:

1. if lawmakers postpone long enough (a week? two weeks? more?) for the FBI to take a second look... Dems win.

2. if lawmakers are seen ignoring an (reportedly) abused woman in an election year and refuse to investigate... Dems win.

...Boy libs are stupid...
Indeed... they oftentimes are... as dumb-as-a-box-o-rox... truly on a par with the worst of the Right.

...They fell for this hook, line and sinker.
Somebody fell for it hook, line and sinker... but you may have it wrong with respect to who, in this narrow context.

( see "Optics in a mid-term election year:", above )

Yes, it is exactly like that. The first word in FBI is Federal. You can’t call out the feds for a local crime, especially when there is nothing more than an accusation.

Even if a full blown investigation was launched, it would take much longer than two weeks. As always, the Dems are trying to put Republicans in a damn if you do—damn if you don’t situation. The only smart thing to do is to go forward with the confirmation process if she doesn’t show up Monday.

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...It's like saying my house was robbed, so I want the FBI to investigate. Such a setup...
No, it's not "like that", and you know it.

...Her lawyer knows quite well the FBI won't investigate, so she'll use that as a copout for her client not appearing before the Senate for questioning...
Optics in a mod-term election year:

1. if lawmakers postpone long enough (a week? two weeks? more?) for the FBI to take a second look... Dems win.

2. if lawmakers are seen ignoring an (reportedly) abused woman in an election year and refuse to investigate... Dems win.

...Boy libs are stupid...
Indeed... they oftentimes are... as dumb-as-a-box-o-rox... truly on a par with the worst of the Right.

...They fell for this hook, line and sinker.
Somebody fell for it hook, line and sinker... but you may have it wrong with respect to who, in this narrow context.

( see "Optics in a mid-term election year:", above )

Yes, it is exactly like that. The first word in FBI is Federal. You can’t call out the feds for a local crime, especially when there is nothing more than an accusation.

Even if a full blown investigation was launched, it would take much longer than two weeks. As always, the Dems are trying to put Republicans in a damn if you do—damn if you don’t situation. The only smart thing to do is to go forward with the confirmation process if she doesn’t show up Monday.

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they seem to willfully ignore this little fact and keep demanding something they know they won't get. *all of this* is a stall tactic. trying to destroy a mans life for a stall tactic.
Last edited:
...The FBI doesn't investigate stories.
Yes, yes, yes... very clever, I'm sure...

Trouble is, when a "story" is merely a metaphorical device to describe a public accusation of gross misconduct against a candidate for the United States Supreme Court during the course of a US Senate confirmation process, well...

I'm not so sure your cute little play-on-words will prove a sufficient barrier to engage the Federal Bureau of Investigation, eh?
It's a story, meaning it's a fairy tale.
...It's like saying my house was robbed, so I want the FBI to investigate. Such a setup...
No, it's not "like that", and you know it.

...Her lawyer knows quite well the FBI won't investigate, so she'll use that as a copout for her client not appearing before the Senate for questioning...
Optics in a mod-term election year:

1. if lawmakers postpone long enough (a week? two weeks? more?) for the FBI to take a second look... Dems win.

2. if lawmakers are seen ignoring an (reportedly) abused woman in an election year and refuse to investigate... Dems win.

...Boy libs are stupid...
Indeed... they oftentimes are... as dumb-as-a-box-o-rox... truly on a par with the worst of the Right.

...They fell for this hook, line and sinker.
Somebody fell for it hook, line and sinker... but you may have it wrong with respect to who, in this narrow context.

( see "Optics in a mid-term election year:", above )

Yes, it is exactly like that. The first word in FBI is Federal. You can’t call out the feds for a local crime, especially when there is nothing more than an accusation.

Even if a full blown investigation was launched, it would take much longer than two weeks. As always, the Dems are trying to put Republicans in a damn if you do—damn if you don’t situation. The only smart thing to do is to go forward with the confirmation process if she doesn’t show up Monday.

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they seem to willfully ignore this little fact and keep demanding something they know they won't get. *all of this* is a stall tactic. trying to destroy a mans life for a stall tactic.

When it comes to power, the Democrats could care less who they destroy. Even if the FBI investigated this, they would find nothing and then the left would complain that it was Trump’s FBI who ushered Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
...It's like saying my house was robbed, so I want the FBI to investigate. Such a setup...
No, it's not "like that", and you know it.

...Her lawyer knows quite well the FBI won't investigate, so she'll use that as a copout for her client not appearing before the Senate for questioning...
Optics in a mod-term election year:

1. if lawmakers postpone long enough (a week? two weeks? more?) for the FBI to take a second look... Dems win.

2. if lawmakers are seen ignoring an (reportedly) abused woman in an election year and refuse to investigate... Dems win.

...Boy libs are stupid...
Indeed... they oftentimes are... as dumb-as-a-box-o-rox... truly on a par with the worst of the Right.

...They fell for this hook, line and sinker.
Somebody fell for it hook, line and sinker... but you may have it wrong with respect to who, in this narrow context.

( see "Optics in a mid-term election year:", above )

Yes, it is exactly like that. The first word in FBI is Federal. You can’t call out the feds for a local crime, especially when there is nothing more than an accusation.

Even if a full blown investigation was launched, it would take much longer than two weeks. As always, the Dems are trying to put Republicans in a damn if you do—damn if you don’t situation. The only smart thing to do is to go forward with the confirmation process if she doesn’t show up Monday.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
they seem to willfully ignore this little fact and keep demanding something they know they won't get. *all of this* is a stall tactic. trying to destroy a mans life for a stall tactic.

When it comes to power, the Democrats could care less who they destroy. Even if the FBI investigated this, they would find nothing and then the left would complain that it was Trump’s FBI who ushered Kavanaugh in the Supreme Court.

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the dems have put up a scenario that *can't* be investigated so they demand it should be and by people they know are not the right ones.


because it gives their sheep something to scream about and trying to stall til midterms.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

There is nothing for the FBI to investigate, it's another Democrat stall tactic.

Hmm...so the accuser wants the FBI to investigate and Republicans do not.
I wonder who is afraid of the truth.
Last edited:
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

There is nothing for the FBI to investigate, it's another Democrat stall tactic.

Hmm...so the accuser wants the FBI to investigaye and Republicans do not.
I wonder who is afraid of the truth.
no - the FBI does not because they can't because it's not their role in all this.

stop asking for things you KNOW you're not going to get then act all indignant cause you find out pouting isn't helping your cause.

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