Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Shouldn't Kavanaugh at least take a polygraph test like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - which she passed?

We should also call in Miss Cleo to check her crystal ball and commune with the spirits to tell us which one to believe. Might as well get all the mystical, pseudo-scientific garbage out of the way at once.

Or what we could do is have them both submit to a polygraph test. This time instead of her lawyer running the show, an independent agency. Bet she wouldn't touch that with a ten foot poll.
That's exactly why the FBI needs to re-engage... a good-faith due-diligence effort to get us sufficiently close to the truth, to assess.

They can't get any closer than we are now. Here's what I want you and your ilk to do: think of 5 questions you would ask anybody involved in this case. WTF could you ask? And I don't mean 5 anything questions, I mean 5 questions that could possibly bring us anywhere closer than we are now.

Which is exactly why the FBI needs to re-engage.

Only if teen house parties are a federal crime.

Au contraire... the FBI conducts the background investigations for SCOTUS nominees... including personal character attributions.

That makes it a Federal issue.

And that's what they did--6 times.

Nobody's looking to prosecute... merely to complete an extensive background investigation...

You know...the kind of thing that the FBI does all the time for prospective high government officials.

Yes they did, and again, 6 times. What you are asking for is an investigation, not a background check. The libs are using the term Background Check to launch an investigation.

A background check consists of looking at any criminal history (that's documented) seeing if you had any associations with terrorists and criminals, seeing if you involved in any criminal case of another, look into what clubs you joined in the past; what kind of organizations. That's a background check.

An investigation is when you go out and interrogate people. An investigation is to find evidence of a crime. That's what you're looking for. It's also why the FBI laughed at the suggestion.
If you have ever gone through a civilian-grade FBI background check, you would know that they are called background investigations (BI's).

Everything else you've said (above) about an FBI background check not equating to an investigation must be filtered through that fact.

As to questions to ask those whom they would interview... haven't a clue... that's why we need to leave it to the professionals.

They're professionals, not psychics. Just like every OTHER law enforcement official in the United States, they have to have something to investigate before they can investigate. And that's leaving aside the elephant in the room that you keep ignoring, which is that THIS IS NOT THEIR JOB.

Funny. It is PRECISELY their job!

Funny, it really isn't.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, and its principal federal law enforcement agency. Operating under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Justice, the FBI is also a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and reports to both the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence.[3] A leading U.S. counter-terrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigative organization, the FBI has jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crimes.[4][5]

Note the "federal crimes", and please tell me what federal crime was allegedly committed.

The FBI's mandate is established in Title 28 of the United States Code (U.S. Code), Section 533, which authorizes the Attorney General to "appoint officials to detect and prosecute crimes against the United States."[54] Other federal statutes give the FBI the authority and responsibility to investigate specific crimes.

Title 28, Section 533:

The Attorney General may appoint officials—
Department of Justice and the Department of State as may be directed by the Attorney General.
This section does not limit the authority of departments and agencies to investigate crimes against the United States when investigative jurisdiction has been assigned by law to such departments and agencies.

Again, please tell me what crime against the United States was committed.

But hey, don't believe me. Feel free to read Title 28 in its entirety on your own. Or go visit the FBI website, where they have a FAQ.

Mission & Priorities — FBI

They do not, by law, have jurisdiction to investigate state-level crimes. And especially not ones that are decades beyond being able to be prosecuted.
Shouldn't Kavanaugh at least take a polygraph test like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - which she passed?

Sure. He picks the interviewer and writes the questions. Would you accept the results?

We don't know what questions she was asked. We're supposed to just take it on faith that she "passed a polygraph". What exactly does that mean?

And shouldn't she testify under oath, taking questions from anyone on the committee, on the committee's schedule, like he did?
What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.
uh-huh, we already talked about you carrying her water in your other thread when she wasn't going to testify on Monday.
She could enlighten the feds with additional facts (if she had any).
This comes down to her perjuring herself in front of congress....or not. She chose or not.
Her trying to delay the confirmation IS the Democrat Game, and has been since Diane held the letter for months.

Don't deny it, you only will look foolish.

You do realize that Dr. Ford only came forward after her name was leaked, don't you? That's when she came forward and said SHE wants to be the one to tell her story.
She had her chance and balked. Believe what you want, carry that water for your masters, it all a political game, You don't have to admit it, but I know your not that damn stupid.

Lakhota is stupid or evil. There is really no other option.

Of course there's a third option.

She could be both.
She most certainly is both.
This just in:

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The calendar pages are one-month pages with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during summer vacation. The pages show typical teenage activities from the era, including “beach week” after the end of the school year and nights at the theater to see “Grease II,” “Rocky III” and “Poltergeist” with friends.

Judge Kavanaugh was gone many weekends with his parents in St. Michaels, Md., and one weekend in Connecticut with his grandmother, according to the calendars. He listed an interview for Yale University, where he would eventually enroll, and the start of football camp in August, when he stayed in the dorms at Georgetown Prep. He also played summer league basketball.

His friend, Mr. Judge, is mentioned, but the others from that night are not. “Go to Judge’s,” he wrote in July 28. A few parties are listed and with them the names of several friends he apparently went with.

Let's hear it for OCD!
This just in:

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The calendar pages are one-month pages with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during summer vacation. The pages show typical teenage activities from the era, including “beach week” after the end of the school year and nights at the theater to see “Grease II,” “Rocky III” and “Poltergeist” with friends.

Judge Kavanaugh was gone many weekends with his parents in St. Michaels, Md., and one weekend in Connecticut with his grandmother, according to the calendars. He listed an interview for Yale University, where he would eventually enroll, and the start of football camp in August, when he stayed in the dorms at Georgetown Prep. He also played summer league basketball.

His friend, Mr. Judge, is mentioned, but the others from that night are not. “Go to Judge’s,” he wrote in July 28. A few parties are listed and with them the names of several friends he apparently went with.

Let's hear it for OCD!
The story of this second accuser is even less credible. She admits she was too drunk to stand up, for Christ's sake.
Shouldn't Kavanaugh at least take a polygraph test like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - which she passed?

Sure. He picks the interviewer and writes the questions. Would you accept the results?

We don't know what questions she was asked. We're supposed to just take it on faith that she "passed a polygraph". What exactly does that mean?

And shouldn't she testify under oath, taking questions from anyone on the committee, on the committee's schedule, like he did?
You're not expecting Lakhota to answer good questions like that are you?
Last edited:
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.

The THIRD woman! Go Avenatti!
This just in:

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The calendar pages are one-month pages with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during summer vacation. The pages show typical teenage activities from the era, including “beach week” after the end of the school year and nights at the theater to see “Grease II,” “Rocky III” and “Poltergeist” with friends.

Judge Kavanaugh was gone many weekends with his parents in St. Michaels, Md., and one weekend in Connecticut with his grandmother, according to the calendars. He listed an interview for Yale University, where he would eventually enroll, and the start of football camp in August, when he stayed in the dorms at Georgetown Prep. He also played summer league basketball.

His friend, Mr. Judge, is mentioned, but the others from that night are not. “Go to Judge’s,” he wrote in July 28. A few parties are listed and with them the names of several friends he apparently went with.

Let's hear it for OCD!
The story of this second accuser is even less credible. She admits she was too drunk to stand up, for Christ's sake.

And evidently, her big evidence is that she saw Kavanaugh standing next to her, and she "thought he looked like he had just pulled his pants up", and "somebody" yelled a full description of her accusation, conveniently complete with his full name, down the hall. Who? No freaking clue.

Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.

The THIRD woman! Go Avenatti!

Gee, a lawyer that doesn't' know the definition of "credible." Yeah, I believe him.
It is becoming blatantly obvious to America with this hit job perpetrated by the democrats and their yarns.
The FBI conducting six background investigations on Kavanaugh and everything comes back squeaky clean.
Now all these fabricated tales come forward one minute to midnight.......:auiqs.jpg:
The dems have overplayed their hand.

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