Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

I can't wait to hear more from Michael Avenatti and his THIRD accuser.

Michael Avenatti who thinks the President somehow "owes" his client a resignation because he had consensual sex with her? Yeah, let me get right on believing THAT one.
This just in:

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The calendar pages are one-month pages with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during summer vacation. The pages show typical teenage activities from the era, including “beach week” after the end of the school year and nights at the theater to see “Grease II,” “Rocky III” and “Poltergeist” with friends.

Judge Kavanaugh was gone many weekends with his parents in St. Michaels, Md., and one weekend in Connecticut with his grandmother, according to the calendars. He listed an interview for Yale University, where he would eventually enroll, and the start of football camp in August, when he stayed in the dorms at Georgetown Prep. He also played summer league basketball.

His friend, Mr. Judge, is mentioned, but the others from that night are not. “Go to Judge’s,” he wrote in July 28. A few parties are listed and with them the names of several friends he apparently went with.

Let's hear it for OCD!
The story of this second accuser is even less credible. She admits she was too drunk to stand up, for Christ's sake.

And evidently, her big evidence is that she saw Kavanaugh standing next to her, and she "thought he looked like he had just pulled his pants up", and "somebody" yelled a full description of her accusation, conveniently complete with his full name, down the hall. Who? No freaking clue.


In my younger years I recall what I thought when my bed was spinning, and for the life of me, if somebody was yelling something, I couldn't tell you what direction it came from.
Shouldn't Kavanaugh at least take a polygraph test like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford - which she passed?

Sure. He picks the interviewer and writes the questions. Would you accept the results?

We don't know what questions she was asked. We're supposed to just take it on faith that she "passed a polygraph". What exactly does that mean?

And shouldn't she testify under oath, taking questions from anyone on the committee, on the committee's schedule, like he did?
You're not expecting Lakhota to answer good questions like that are you?

Not really, but one can hope.
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.

The THIRD woman! Go Avenatti!

Yeah, you leftists are ALL about the credibiltiy, what with hiring every big-name shyster and leftist you can find. Way to convince people that you should be taken seriously.
This just in:

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The calendar pages are one-month pages with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during summer vacation. The pages show typical teenage activities from the era, including “beach week” after the end of the school year and nights at the theater to see “Grease II,” “Rocky III” and “Poltergeist” with friends.

Judge Kavanaugh was gone many weekends with his parents in St. Michaels, Md., and one weekend in Connecticut with his grandmother, according to the calendars. He listed an interview for Yale University, where he would eventually enroll, and the start of football camp in August, when he stayed in the dorms at Georgetown Prep. He also played summer league basketball.

His friend, Mr. Judge, is mentioned, but the others from that night are not. “Go to Judge’s,” he wrote in July 28. A few parties are listed and with them the names of several friends he apparently went with.

Let's hear it for OCD!
The story of this second accuser is even less credible. She admits she was too drunk to stand up, for Christ's sake.

And evidently, her big evidence is that she saw Kavanaugh standing next to her, and she "thought he looked like he had just pulled his pants up", and "somebody" yelled a full description of her accusation, conveniently complete with his full name, down the hall. Who? No freaking clue.


In my younger years I recall what I thought when my bed was spinning, and for the life of me, if somebody was yelling something, I couldn't tell you what direction it came from.

About the only time I trust what drunks are saying is when they tell me they're about to puke.
I can't wait to hear more from Michael Avenatti and his THIRD accuser.

Of course you can't. You'll have to though, because the whole purpose here is to stretch it out as long as possible and they are in no hurry to give you anything solid that can be quickly done away with.
It is becoming blatantly obvious to America with this hit job perpetrated by the democrats and their yarns.
The FBI conducting six background investigations on Kavanaugh and everything comes back squeaky clean.
Now all these fabricated tales come forward one minute to midnight.......:auiqs.jpg:
The dems have overplayed their hand.

They overplayed their.hand last week. Now they are just being stupid
Avenatti is claiming that Kananaugh was involved in a scheme to drug and rape women, and to allow a train of men to also rape these women. The allegation now is that Kavanaugh is a serial rapist. This is life in prison type allegations.

If the people making these allegations really believe this stuff, they need to start filing reports with the police department for a criminal investigation. Forget background checks. Why aren't they calling for his arrest?
This just in:

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The calendar pages are one-month pages with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during summer vacation. The pages show typical teenage activities from the era, including “beach week” after the end of the school year and nights at the theater to see “Grease II,” “Rocky III” and “Poltergeist” with friends.

Judge Kavanaugh was gone many weekends with his parents in St. Michaels, Md., and one weekend in Connecticut with his grandmother, according to the calendars. He listed an interview for Yale University, where he would eventually enroll, and the start of football camp in August, when he stayed in the dorms at Georgetown Prep. He also played summer league basketball.

His friend, Mr. Judge, is mentioned, but the others from that night are not. “Go to Judge’s,” he wrote in July 28. A few parties are listed and with them the names of several friends he apparently went with.

Let's hear it for OCD!
The story of this second accuser is even less credible. She admits she was too drunk to stand up, for Christ's sake.

And evidently, her big evidence is that she saw Kavanaugh standing next to her, and she "thought he looked like he had just pulled his pants up", and "somebody" yelled a full description of her accusation, conveniently complete with his full name, down the hall. Who? No freaking clue.


In my younger years I recall what I thought when my bed was spinning, and for the life of me, if somebody was yelling something, I couldn't tell you what direction it came from.

About the only time I trust what drunks are saying is when they tell me they're about to puke.

Something occurred to me here, and it's getting too late for me to research. But how many Hispanics attended Yale in the early 80's? The reason I ask is that this new allegation is just before midterms (when Democrats try to buy votes) and this person has a Hispanic name.

If I have time tomorrow, I'll look into it if somebody else doesn't. But I would suspect there were very few Hispanic students in Yale at the time, and by coincidence, this new victim just happens to be Hispanic.
Avenatti is claiming that Kananaugh was involved in a scheme to drug and rape women, and to allow a train of men to also rape these women. The allegation now is that Kavanaugh is a serial rapist. This is life in prison type allegations.

If the people making these allegations really believe this stuff, they need to start filing reports with the police department for a criminal investigation. Forget background checks. Why aren't they calling for his arrest?

Amazing how none of these people talk to the police isn't it?
The reality is that we have someone accusing someone else after 30 plus years. There is no paper trail... No formal charges filed at the time of the alleged event. Nothing to prove that Kavanaugh was even there! We are faced with young girls (at that time) not even belonging where this alleged event occurred. We have the women involved admitting that they were under the influence. We have now grown adults who admit that they are of an opposing party persuasion, and have no problem with Roe vs Wade (but would be very UPSET to it being overturned). And these women suddenly remember everything after therapeutic counseling. We have what best could be described as possibly the result of the permissive, sexual revolution of the late 60's - early 80's (the very same crap that idiots want for society today) if indeed it happened and among those it is alleged to have happened with. I mean it may not have happened at all. It many be the induced memory of an event that never occurred. It many have happened but with another individual. if it indeed happened.

So I see Kavanaugh also as being victimized. First, he was barely an adult. Secondly, there are no series of offences that would show him to be some dangerous predator (he's a judge and has been investigated and passed with flying colors to get where he is). Thirdly, beer parties are not places to seek chasted individuals. Fourthly, one needs to prove that Kavanaugh was a willing participant and even present at the event. Fifthly, one would need to prove that the lady involved doesn't have issues of her own.

Imagine, Obama could become President though he admits to passing out weed and yet sling 30 plus year old innuendos at a conservative REPUBLICAN judge and OH MY --- what a terrible "immoral" thing! And from those who helped to remove GOD from all our public institutions....
Last edited:
This just in:

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

The calendar pages from June, July and August 1982, which were examined by The New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The calendar pages are one-month pages with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during summer vacation. The pages show typical teenage activities from the era, including “beach week” after the end of the school year and nights at the theater to see “Grease II,” “Rocky III” and “Poltergeist” with friends.

Judge Kavanaugh was gone many weekends with his parents in St. Michaels, Md., and one weekend in Connecticut with his grandmother, according to the calendars. He listed an interview for Yale University, where he would eventually enroll, and the start of football camp in August, when he stayed in the dorms at Georgetown Prep. He also played summer league basketball.

His friend, Mr. Judge, is mentioned, but the others from that night are not. “Go to Judge’s,” he wrote in July 28. A few parties are listed and with them the names of several friends he apparently went with.

Let's hear it for OCD!
The story of this second accuser is even less credible. She admits she was too drunk to stand up, for Christ's sake.

And evidently, her big evidence is that she saw Kavanaugh standing next to her, and she "thought he looked like he had just pulled his pants up", and "somebody" yelled a full description of her accusation, conveniently complete with his full name, down the hall. Who? No freaking clue.


In my younger years I recall what I thought when my bed was spinning, and for the life of me, if somebody was yelling something, I couldn't tell you what direction it came from.

About the only time I trust what drunks are saying is when they tell me they're about to puke.

Something occurred to me here, and it's getting too late for me to research. But how many Hispanics attended Yale in the early 80's? The reason I ask is that this new allegation is just before midterms (when Democrats try to buy votes) and this person has a Hispanic name.

If I have time tomorrow, I'll look into it if somebody else doesn't. But I would suspect there were very few Hispanic students in Yale at the time, and by coincidence, this new victim just happens to be Hispanic.

Well, I don't think there's any dispute that she DID attend Yale. But I guess it is interesting that they came up with a minority accuser.

Can't say about the 80s right off the top of my head, although I don't doubt someone with better resources than I have will answer this question in the next few days. I can tell you their student population is only about 12-13% Hispanic (by self-identification) right now.
The reality is that we have someone accusing someone else after 30 plus years. There is no paper trail... No formal charges filed at the time of the alleged event. Nothing to prove that Kavanaugh was even there! We are faced with young girls (at that time) not even belonging where this alleged event occurred. We have the women involved admitting that they were under the influence. We have now grown adults who admit that they are of an opposing party persuasion, and have no problem with Roe vs Wade (but would be very UPSET to it being overturned). And these women suddenly remember everything after therapeutic counseling. We have what best could be described as possibly the result of the permissive, sexual revolution of the late 60's - early 80's (the very same crap that idiots want for society today) if indeed it happened and among those it is alleged to have happened with. I mean it may not have happened at all. It many be the induced memory of an event that never occurred. It many have happened but with another individual. if it indeed happened.

So I see Kavanaugh also as being victimized. First, he was barely an adult. Secondly, there are no series of offences that would show him to be some dangerous predator (he's a judge and has been investigated and passed with flying colors to get where he is). Thirdly, beer parties are not places to find chased individuals. Fourthly, one needs to prove that Kavanaugh was a willing participant and even present at the event. Fifthly, one would need to prove that the lady involved doesn't have issues of her own.

Imagine, Obama could become President though he admits to passing out weed and yet sling 30 plus year old innuendos at a conservative REPUBLICAN judge and OH MY --- what a terrible "immoral" thing!

I'm really skeptical that none of these people can pin down their "terribly important" events to anything more specific than "summer sometime" or "freshman year". I can tell you the exact date and time when I was assaulted, 30 years ago or not. I can also tell you the exact street and city block.
The story of this second accuser is even less credible. She admits she was too drunk to stand up, for Christ's sake.

And evidently, her big evidence is that she saw Kavanaugh standing next to her, and she "thought he looked like he had just pulled his pants up", and "somebody" yelled a full description of her accusation, conveniently complete with his full name, down the hall. Who? No freaking clue.


In my younger years I recall what I thought when my bed was spinning, and for the life of me, if somebody was yelling something, I couldn't tell you what direction it came from.

About the only time I trust what drunks are saying is when they tell me they're about to puke.

Something occurred to me here, and it's getting too late for me to research. But how many Hispanics attended Yale in the early 80's? The reason I ask is that this new allegation is just before midterms (when Democrats try to buy votes) and this person has a Hispanic name.

If I have time tomorrow, I'll look into it if somebody else doesn't. But I would suspect there were very few Hispanic students in Yale at the time, and by coincidence, this new victim just happens to be Hispanic.

Well, I don't think there's any dispute that she DID attend Yale. But I guess it is interesting that they came up with a minority accuser.

Can't say about the 80s right off the top of my head, although I don't doubt someone with better resources than I have will answer this question in the next few days. I can tell you their student population is only about 12-13% Hispanic (by self-identification) right now.
It was probably far lower in the 1980s. There aren't many Latinos that can get into Yale based on Academic performance, and they didn't have their preferential admissions policies back then.

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