Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

The reality is that we have someone accusing someone else after 30 plus years. There is no paper trail... No formal charges filed at the time of the alleged event. Nothing to prove that Kavanaugh was even there! We are faced with young girls (at that time) not even belonging where this alleged event occurred. We have the women involved admitting that they were under the influence. We have now grown adults who admit that they are of an opposing party persuasion, and have no problem with Roe vs Wade (but would be very UPSET to it being overturned). And these women suddenly remember everything after therapeutic counseling. We have what best could be described as possibly the result of the permissive, sexual revolution of the late 60's - early 80's (the very same crap that idiots want for society today) if indeed it happened and among those it is alleged to have happened with. I mean it may not have happened at all. It many be the induced memory of an event that never occurred. It many have happened but with another individual. if it indeed happened.

So I see Kavanaugh also as being victimized. First, he was barely an adult. Secondly, there are no series of offences that would show him to be some dangerous predator (he's a judge and has been investigated and passed with flying colors to get where he is). Thirdly, beer parties are not places to seek chasted individuals. Fourthly, one needs to prove that Kavanaugh was a willing participant and even present at the event. Fifthly, one would need to prove that the lady involved doesn't have issues of her own.

Imagine, Obama could become President though he admits to passing out weed and yet sling 30 plus year old innuendos at a conservative REPUBLICAN judge and OH MY --- what a terrible "immoral" thing! And from those who helped to remove GOD from all our public institutions....
It almost certainly never happened at all.
Personally, I don't believe Kavanaugh will ever be confirmed. In fact, even his current job may be in jeopardy.
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.

The THIRD woman! Go Avenatti!
When Dims use the word "credible," they mean sleazy, unsubstantiated and contradicted by the facts.
Personally, I don't believe Kavanaugh will ever be confirmed. In fact, even his current job may be in jeopardy.
It's very possible this smear campaign will work, but that will be a sad day for America. It seams smears and personal attacks are the only way Dims can gain power. I can't believe any American would knowingly put these vermin in charge of America.
It's time to stop playing games. Hold the vote monday

Why the rush? We must have "due process".

If the allegations of predatory gang rape are true, Kavanaugh should be taken into custody right now. This is not for an issue for the Senate or Avenatti to be involved in. This should be handle by detectives in the law enforcement agencies where the crimes occurred. Serial rape can not be ignored if true.
It's time to stop playing games. Hold the vote monday

Why the rush? We must have "due process".

If the allegations of predatory gang rape are true, Kavanaugh should be taken into custody right now. This is not for an issue for the Senate or Avenatti to be involved in. This should be handle by detectives in the law enforcement agencies where the crimes occurred. Serial rape can not be ignored if true.
Yale is not in Maryland, moron. It's in Connecticut. The statute of limitations has expired. Furthermore, there was no gang rape.
Sexual Assault Groups Stop Work With Senators Over Treatment Of Christine Blasey Ford

Advocates for survivors of sexual violence are suspending their work with the Senate Judiciary Committee to protest how senators are reacting to Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“Your actions and comments in the past week have taken us back 25 years,” a coalition of advocates wrote the Senate Judiciary Committee.

For two years, a task force of national sexual assault and domestic violence groups has been working behind the scenes with the Senate Judiciary Committee to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which expires this year.

Now the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence is suspending negotiations with the committee over its treatment of Christine Blasey Ford, the psychology professor who says Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teens.

Sexual Assault Groups Stop Work With Senators Over Treatment Of Christine Blasey Ford

Republicans are sinking.
Sinking, yeah as in the swamp is being lowered is that what you mean ?? Soon they will be on good solid dry land again, and the swamp will be drained.
It sounds like Ronan Farrow and Michael Avenatti are doing what the FBI should be doing - and they will report it.
States need to pass laws that provide full disclosure as to who is financing "lawyers." Or better yet, all lawyers' tax returns must be made public. Mueller and his Swamp Rat associates are already trying to do that anyway with their political opponents.
FBI conducting false accuser investigations?

What in the fuck? This is not what FBI is for.
States need to pass laws that provide full disclosure as to who is financing "lawyers." Or better yet, all lawyers' tax returns must be made public. Mueller and his Swamp Rat associates are already trying to do that anyway with their political opponents.

States and the feds now need to make perjury a minimum five year prison sentence and a maximum of fifteen.
It sounds like Ronan Farrow and Michael Avenatti are doing what the FBI should be doing - and they will report it.

The Democrats are the lowest scum on earth. They are going to do everything to delay this conformation and I say Republicans should fight back. Have a conformation vote anyway just to show Democrats their scams won"t work on us.

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