Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

While the FBI is investigating - many investigative journalists will also be investigating. A lot can happen in a week.

Really? You mean they haven't been doing that the last two weeks?
I sure hope they were not.
Like the 20 times and two rape claims against this confirmed Orange, Pussy Gabber ordered them, not to do do.
As I recall. Till today.

Wait a minute: the President of the United States ordered investigative journalists to not be investigating all these claims?
no, the FBI liar.

Boy, you leftists love that word a lot--lying.

I was responding to Lakota's claim that investigative journalists were going to investigate along with the FBI. Don't you know how to follow a conversation?
Lying fits you so perfectly, as the Right are easy targets to expose.
So, since they are now "story telling women", explain to us all how you found out? What's your evidence they are story tellers?

Ramirez claimed she was so drunk she fell down and had blackouts. Like Ford, she could not find anybody to corroborate her story. She's FOS. She was so drunk she doesn't know what happened that night.

Swetniick is even less credible. She claims she attended at least 10 parties where drug rapes took place, and a victim at one of them. She never reported it to authorities, never tried to help the other so-called victims, and in spite of this happening repeatedly, she kept attending these parties of kids two years younger than her. Her ex had to get a restraining order against her to keep the loon away from his new wife and child. Unfortunately he couldn't afford the fees involved with actually obtaining one, but it's on public record that way. It would take the FBI ten minutes to catch her in a lie.
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.

If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.
Proof? I didn’t think so...
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
When’s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.

He has that chance because he worked damn hard idiot. He was pissed, and rightfully so, for being accused of a crime he obviously did not commit and his wife and children were dragged into this and were receiving death threats.

And speaking of his Wife, I noticed that Christine Fords GUTLESS HUSBAND, was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!

That says all you need to know about how believable Dr. Fords story is. Even her own Husband would NOT SUPPORT HER.

End of story CuckDave.

Ford's husband was staying at home with their children because they were not going to use them as props in the hearings.

The children? Would they be forced to attend if the husband went?

You seriously are dumber than a post.

Because Dad goes to the hearing, something ANY spouse would do at such a difficult time, in no way makes the children go.

So I ask again, where was Christine Fords limp dicked, excuse for a husband at during the hearing?

And, what is the real reason for the escape door in their bedroom?
Ramirez claimed she was so drunk she fell down and had blackouts. Like Ford, she could not find anybody to corroborate her story. She's FOS. She was so drunk she doesn't know what happened that night.

Swetniick is even less credible. She claims she attended at least 10 parties where drug rapes took place, and a victim at one of them. She never reported it to authorities, never tried to help the other so-called victims, and in spite of this happening repeatedly, she kept attending these parties of kids two years younger than her. Her ex had to get a restraining order against her to keep the loon away from his new wife and child. Unfortunately he couldn't afford the fees involved with actually obtaining one, but it's on public record that way. It would take the FBI ten minutes to catch her in a lie.
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.

If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Dumbass, it is the accuser who has the task of providing evidence and corroboration, nobody else.

And yes, without corroboration it is indeed, JUST A STORY.

Geez, that’s pretty basic shit
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.

If I didn't do it, I would demand the polygraph. I would want it given before the committee on live TV if possible.

Google “ how to pass a polygraph” and then ask yourself a fairly simple question.

How many people know about google?

Good God.
Ramirez claimed she was so drunk she fell down and had blackouts. Like Ford, she could not find anybody to corroborate her story. She's FOS. She was so drunk she doesn't know what happened that night.

Swetniick is even less credible. She claims she attended at least 10 parties where drug rapes took place, and a victim at one of them. She never reported it to authorities, never tried to help the other so-called victims, and in spite of this happening repeatedly, she kept attending these parties of kids two years younger than her. Her ex had to get a restraining order against her to keep the loon away from his new wife and child. Unfortunately he couldn't afford the fees involved with actually obtaining one, but it's on public record that way. It would take the FBI ten minutes to catch her in a lie.
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.

If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Okay, I built my own rocket in my backyard and flew to the moon. Do you believe I actually did that because I told you my story?

There are so many reasons this woman is not credible it would take a half of a day to list them. She's a Democrat activist. They planned not to release her BS until everything else failed to stop Karanaugh. Every witness she named said Ford was FOS. It's more than just not believing her story, it's looking at the evidence (which means proof) that what she says isn't the truth.
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.

If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Dumbass, it is the accuser who has the task of providing evidence and corroboration, nobody else.

And yes, without corroboration it is indeed, JUST A STORY.

Geez, that’s pretty basic shit
Speaking of "dumb asses" to see how you tell it, any retard should be able to understand, that when an individual attends a hearing on his or her behalf, the testimony from that person would certainly always be "story telling". Why? Because it isn't a court of law where actual evidence is presented. Get it? And so, the "story telling" that was told was neither a lie or the truth. It just wasn't corroborated due to the nature of the type of testimony. Do you Trump Sheep know anything?
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.

If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Okay, I built my own rocket in my backyard and flew to the moon. Do you believe I actually did that because I told you my story?

There are so many reasons this woman is not credible it would take a half of a day to list them. She's a Democrat activist. They planned not to release her BS until everything else failed to stop Karanaugh. Every witness she named said Ford was FOS. It's more than just not believing her story, it's looking at the evidence (which means proof) that what she says isn't the truth.
If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Okay, I built my own rocket in my backyard and flew to the moon. Do you believe I actually did that because I told you my story?
How old are you? Because you present your counter arguments as if you are just getting out of grade school, and I'm not kidding. It doesn't matter what I believe sonny. If I haven't proven you wrong about the rocket, I can't claim it to be a lie. You have to be more prepared for debate. Your counter arguments are those of a child. Grow up and come back later.

There are so many reasons this woman is not credible it would take a half of a day to list them.
Reasons you can't produce. Again, you are using elementary logic to a subject you are not prepared for. You are basing your counter argument on your own imagination. That's a game for fools or children.
She's a Democrat activist. They planned not to release her BS until everything else failed to stop Karanaugh. Every witness she named said Ford was FOS. It's more than just not believing her story, it's looking at the evidence (which means proof) that what she says isn't the truth.
Again, this was a hearing, not a court of law. And whether she is a Democrat, doesn't prove she is or isn't telling the truth. Another elementary counter argument that means nothing.
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Okay, I built my own rocket in my backyard and flew to the moon. Do you believe I actually did that because I told you my story?
How old are you? Because you present your counter arguments as if you are just getting out of grade school, and I'm not kidding. It doesn't matter what I believe sonny. If I haven't proven you wrong about the rocket, I can't claim it to be a lie. You have to be more prepared for debate. Your counter arguments are those of a child. Grow up and come back later.

There are so many reasons this woman is not credible it would take a half of a day to list them.
Reasons you can't produce. Again, you are using elementary logic to a subject you are not prepared for. You are basing your counter argument on your own imagination. That's a game for fools or children.
She's a Democrat activist. They planned not to release her BS until everything else failed to stop Karanaugh. Every witness she named said Ford was FOS. It's more than just not believing her story, it's looking at the evidence (which means proof) that what she says isn't the truth.
Again, this was a hearing, not a court of law. And whether she is a Democrat, doesn't prove she is or isn't telling the truth. Another elementary counter argument that means nothing.

Right, the timing just happened to work out that way, huh?

I'll tell you, if I ever wanted to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it was a Democrat, because you people will believe anything.
Really? You mean they haven't been doing that the last two weeks?
I sure hope they were not.
Like the 20 times and two rape claims against this confirmed Orange, Pussy Gabber ordered them, not to do do.
As I recall. Till today.

Wait a minute: the President of the United States ordered investigative journalists to not be investigating all these claims?
no, the FBI liar.

Boy, you leftists love that word a lot--lying.

I was responding to Lakota's claim that investigative journalists were going to investigate along with the FBI. Don't you know how to follow a conversation?
Lying fits you so perfectly, as the Right are easy targets to expose.

Really? Would you like me to repost the conversation and you can tell me exactly where I lied?
I sure hope they were not.
Like the 20 times and two rape claims against this confirmed Orange, Pussy Gabber ordered them, not to do do.
As I recall. Till today.

Wait a minute: the President of the United States ordered investigative journalists to not be investigating all these claims?
no, the FBI liar.

Boy, you leftists love that word a lot--lying.

I was responding to Lakota's claim that investigative journalists were going to investigate along with the FBI. Don't you know how to follow a conversation?
Lying fits you so perfectly, as the Right are easy targets to expose.

Really? Would you like me to repost the conversation and you can tell me exactly where I lied?
You are approaching this argument as a grade schooler. Post it all again. It will be as easy as the first time to prove you were lying.
Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Okay, I built my own rocket in my backyard and flew to the moon. Do you believe I actually did that because I told you my story?
How old are you? Because you present your counter arguments as if you are just getting out of grade school, and I'm not kidding. It doesn't matter what I believe sonny. If I haven't proven you wrong about the rocket, I can't claim it to be a lie. You have to be more prepared for debate. Your counter arguments are those of a child. Grow up and come back later.

There are so many reasons this woman is not credible it would take a half of a day to list them.
Reasons you can't produce. Again, you are using elementary logic to a subject you are not prepared for. You are basing your counter argument on your own imagination. That's a game for fools or children.
She's a Democrat activist. They planned not to release her BS until everything else failed to stop Karanaugh. Every witness she named said Ford was FOS. It's more than just not believing her story, it's looking at the evidence (which means proof) that what she says isn't the truth.
Again, this was a hearing, not a court of law. And whether she is a Democrat, doesn't prove she is or isn't telling the truth. Another elementary counter argument that means nothing.

Right, the timing just happened to work out that way, huh?

I'll tell you, if I ever wanted to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it was a Democrat, because you people will believe anything.
You are definitely grade school. You must mature first, then you can train yourself through education to use critical thinking in a debate setting. Without those essential tools, you will only be exposed as a fool on this forum. Take care.

It is indeed interesting, and this part is surprisingly well conceived:

What is different this time is that this nomination battle is no longer purely about predicting the likely outcome of Judge Kavanaugh’s vote on the court. It now involves the symbolic meaning of his nomination and confirmation in the #MeToo era. The hearings and the committee’s deliberations are now also a bellwether of the way the country treats women when their reports of harassment, assault and abuse threaten to derail the careers of powerful men.

While nomination hearings are far from the best venue to deal with such issues, the question is sufficiently important that it is prudent to recognize it as determinative at this point. Dr. Blasey's accusations have neither been fully investigated nor been proven to a legal standard, but neither have they been conclusively disproved or shown to be less than credible. Judge Kavanaugh continues to enjoy a legal presumption of innocence, but the standard for a nominee to the Supreme Court is far higher; there is no presumption of confirmability. The best of the bad resolutions available in this dilemma is for Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to be withdrawn.

If Senate Republicans proceed with his nomination, they will be prioritizing policy aims over a woman’s report of an assault.​

And yet, arguing that Kavanaugh's nomination be withdrawn is not, at least not entirely, based upon the above-described valid notions of decency and respect. Rather, it's part of a larger struggle for the religion-based fight for a conservative, even reactionary, backward-oriented court majority, which shall not be tainted by a justice with a cloud of sexual violence and mendacity hanging over him:

There are many good reasons to support the nomination of a qualified judge who is committed to a textualist interpretation of the Constitution to the Supreme Court. Over time, such an approach may return the question of abortion to the states, where it belongs ...

We continue to support the nomination of judges according to such principles—but Judge Kavanaugh is not the only such nominee available.​

Such taint, they say, can be avoided, and must be, and the characteristics of the aim of governing the country according to notions of the late 18th century - ludicrous and misogynistic in its own right - should not be advertised by being associated with one such as the fine, honorable judge Kavanaugh.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Okay, I built my own rocket in my backyard and flew to the moon. Do you believe I actually did that because I told you my story?
How old are you? Because you present your counter arguments as if you are just getting out of grade school, and I'm not kidding. It doesn't matter what I believe sonny. If I haven't proven you wrong about the rocket, I can't claim it to be a lie. You have to be more prepared for debate. Your counter arguments are those of a child. Grow up and come back later.

There are so many reasons this woman is not credible it would take a half of a day to list them.
Reasons you can't produce. Again, you are using elementary logic to a subject you are not prepared for. You are basing your counter argument on your own imagination. That's a game for fools or children.
She's a Democrat activist. They planned not to release her BS until everything else failed to stop Karanaugh. Every witness she named said Ford was FOS. It's more than just not believing her story, it's looking at the evidence (which means proof) that what she says isn't the truth.
Again, this was a hearing, not a court of law. And whether she is a Democrat, doesn't prove she is or isn't telling the truth. Another elementary counter argument that means nothing.

Right, the timing just happened to work out that way, huh?

I'll tell you, if I ever wanted to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it was a Democrat, because you people will believe anything.
You are definitely grade school. You must mature first, then you can train yourself through education to use critical thinking in a debate setting. Without those essential tools, you will only be exposed as a fool on this forum. Take care.

Typical liberal rant: I'm smarter than everybody else even though I lost a debate. :wtf:
Yale Law School Dean Calls For Kavanaugh Investigation Before Confirmation Vote

The Supreme Court nominee is an alumnus of the law school.

The dean of the Yale Law School on Friday joined the American Bar Association in calling for an FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on his confirmation.

“Proceeding with the confirmation process without further investigation is not in the best interest of the Court or our profession,” said Dean Heather Gerken in a statement posted on Twitter.

Three of Kavanaugh’s former classmates at the law school who previously endorsed the judge’s nomination have since rescinded their support and said the allegations warrant a “fair and credible investigation.”

More: Yale Law School Dean Calls For Kavanaugh Investigation Before Confirmation Vote

More good news! More fair news!

Sounds like they'll get what they want. The only question now is what the usual suspects will demand of the investigation reveals nothing proving any of this is true.
there was an FBI investigation with Clearance Thomas and they found nothing and folks still believe Annita Hill

And that's what they will do now. No matter what the results of the investigation, the usual suspects will still call Kavanaugh a rapist.
Yale Law School Dean Calls For Kavanaugh Investigation Before Confirmation Vote

The Supreme Court nominee is an alumnus of the law school.

The dean of the Yale Law School on Friday joined the American Bar Association in calling for an FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on his confirmation.

“Proceeding with the confirmation process without further investigation is not in the best interest of the Court or our profession,” said Dean Heather Gerken in a statement posted on Twitter.

Three of Kavanaugh’s former classmates at the law school who previously endorsed the judge’s nomination have since rescinded their support and said the allegations warrant a “fair and credible investigation.”

More: Yale Law School Dean Calls For Kavanaugh Investigation Before Confirmation Vote

More good news! More fair news!

Sounds like they'll get what they want. The only question now is what the usual suspects will demand of the investigation reveals nothing proving any of this is true.

We're talking about the Party of Excuses here. They have more excuses than Hillary has bottles. And actually, Im anxious to see what new ones they create when the FBI says there is nothing to this story.

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