Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Dumbass, it is the accuser who has the task of providing evidence and corroboration, nobody else.

And yes, without corroboration it is indeed, JUST A STORY.

Geez, that’s pretty basic shit
Speaking of "dumb asses" to see how you tell it, any retard should be able to understand, that when an individual attends a hearing on his or her behalf, the testimony from that person would certainly always be "story telling". Why? Because it isn't a court of law where actual evidence is presented. Get it? And so, the "story telling" that was told was neither a lie or the truth. It just wasn't corroborated due to the nature of the type of testimony. Do you Trump Sheep know anything?

No dipshit, it doesn’t matter where the “story” is told, the accuser STILL has the DUTY to prove that it’s not simply a fairy tale.

Good lord you are naive
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
When’s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.

He has that chance because he worked damn hard idiot. He was pissed, and rightfully so, for being accused of a crime he obviously did not commit and his wife and children were dragged into this and were receiving death threats.

And speaking of his Wife, I noticed that Christine Fords GUTLESS HUSBAND, was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!

That says all you need to know about how believable Dr. Fords story is. Even her own Husband would NOT SUPPORT HER.

End of story CuckDave.

Ford's husband was staying at home with their children because they were not going to use them as props in the hearings.

The children? Would they be forced to attend if the husband went?

You seriously are dumber than a post.

Because Dad goes to the hearing, something ANY spouse would do at such a difficult time, in no way makes the children go.

So I ask again, where was Christine Fords limp dicked, excuse for a husband at during the hearing?

And, what is the real reason for the escape door in their bedroom?

Gee. Now you advocate leaving children at home alone while the parents travel?? He stayed home to take care of those kids.

He was not so desperate as to drag in his kids ass props.
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400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
When’s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.

He has that chance because he worked damn hard idiot. He was pissed, and rightfully so, for being accused of a crime he obviously did not commit and his wife and children were dragged into this and were receiving death threats.

And speaking of his Wife, I noticed that Christine Fords GUTLESS HUSBAND, was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!

That says all you need to know about how believable Dr. Fords story is. Even her own Husband would NOT SUPPORT HER.

End of story CuckDave.

Ford's husband was staying at home with their children because they were not going to use them as props in the hearings.

The children? Would they be forced to attend if the husband went?

You seriously are dumber than a post.

Because Dad goes to the hearing, something ANY spouse would do at such a difficult time, in no way makes the children go.

So I ask again, where was Christine Fords limp dicked, excuse for a husband at during the hearing?

And, what is the real reason for the escape door in their bedroom?

Gee. Now you advocate leaving children at home alone while the parents travel?? He stayed home to take care of those kids.

He was not so desperate as to drag in his kids ass props.

Fucking spineless men use any excuse. Dummy, they could have brought the children with them. But not taken them to the hearing. It happens millions of times each and every day.

You really are cuckolded, aren’t you?
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Dumbass, it is the accuser who has the task of providing evidence and corroboration, nobody else.

And yes, without corroboration it is indeed, JUST A STORY.

Geez, that’s pretty basic shit
Speaking of "dumb asses" to see how you tell it, any retard should be able to understand, that when an individual attends a hearing on his or her behalf, the testimony from that person would certainly always be "story telling". Why? Because it isn't a court of law where actual evidence is presented. Get it? And so, the "story telling" that was told was neither a lie or the truth. It just wasn't corroborated due to the nature of the type of testimony. Do you Trump Sheep know anything?

No dipshit, it doesn’t matter where the “story” is told, the accuser STILL has the DUTY to prove that it’s not simply a fairy tale.

Good lord you are naive

So, you are saying it is OK to try to rape people as long as there is no video & no witnesses.

How did they get Jerry Sandusky on all those charges? How did they get those priests?

How did they get the gymnastics doc.

Foid correctly identified Kavanaugh's drinking & lifestyle as a sloppy drunk.

She knew his best friend was Judge.

Why would she lie & bring him into the situation if she knew he would deny it?
When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.

He has that chance because he worked damn hard idiot. He was pissed, and rightfully so, for being accused of a crime he obviously did not commit and his wife and children were dragged into this and were receiving death threats.

And speaking of his Wife, I noticed that Christine Fords GUTLESS HUSBAND, was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!

That says all you need to know about how believable Dr. Fords story is. Even her own Husband would NOT SUPPORT HER.

End of story CuckDave.

Ford's husband was staying at home with their children because they were not going to use them as props in the hearings.

The children? Would they be forced to attend if the husband went?

You seriously are dumber than a post.

Because Dad goes to the hearing, something ANY spouse would do at such a difficult time, in no way makes the children go.

So I ask again, where was Christine Fords limp dicked, excuse for a husband at during the hearing?

And, what is the real reason for the escape door in their bedroom?

Gee. Now you advocate leaving children at home alone while the parents travel?? He stayed home to take care of those kids.

He was not so desperate as to drag in his kids ass props.

Fucking spineless men use any excuse. Dummy, they could have brought the children with them. But not taken them to the hearing. It happens millions of times each and every day.

You really are cuckolded, aren’t you?
Now you eant to leave the children in a hotel room.

Yea, good guys won today.

Be careful what you wish for, it just may come true.

And what are you people going to be saying when the FBI finds nothing? I can't wait to hear your whining how Kavanaugh was confirmed on YOUR terms. And I'm sure we will be treated to a host of reasons the agency found nothing; Trump instructed them to find nothing, the FBI was pissed they had to get involved, they didn't look hard enough. It will be just like the day after election when libs start getting creative with excuses.

Libs are breeding DOPers out. It will happen.
THE Anal loser raygoon collective of fartwell scumbags
are losing membership in the sick cult. And others who feel raping
young children is godly.
Dang! No more breeding of extreme BS moralistic
abused godly folks.
That's the Real MAGA Solution.
Thanks, DOPers. Cum on down and be saved by a Lib.

The GOP are a party of old white men dying off. The Communists are the new way Americans want to go. Yeah, I've heard that........for the last 35 years.

And here we are, 2018, and the GOP has the White House, the Senate, the House, and about 2/3 of the governorships across the country. So who is being bred out?

I love the brainwashing though. It's an interesting observation for us on the right; how the human mind of many can be molded.

Molded to be fuvckimng dumb enbougfh to vote for a piece of shgit like Donald Trump.

A Fraud
A business cheat

A liar

An adulterer

An accused (by 18 women) of abusing women

Accused child rapist

How the fuck is your mind molded?
Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Dumbass, it is the accuser who has the task of providing evidence and corroboration, nobody else.

And yes, without corroboration it is indeed, JUST A STORY.

Geez, that’s pretty basic shit
Speaking of "dumb asses" to see how you tell it, any retard should be able to understand, that when an individual attends a hearing on his or her behalf, the testimony from that person would certainly always be "story telling". Why? Because it isn't a court of law where actual evidence is presented. Get it? And so, the "story telling" that was told was neither a lie or the truth. It just wasn't corroborated due to the nature of the type of testimony. Do you Trump Sheep know anything?

No dipshit, it doesn’t matter where the “story” is told, the accuser STILL has the DUTY to prove that it’s not simply a fairy tale.

Good lord you are naive

So, you are saying it is OK to try to rape people as long as there is no video & no witnesses.

How did they get Jerry Sandusky on all those charges? How did they get those priests?

How did they get the gymnastics doc.

Foid correctly identified Kavanaugh's drinking & lifestyle as a sloppy drunk.

She knew his best friend was Judge.

Why would she lie & bring him into the situation if she knew he would deny it?

Did you really think she thought he would admit it?

She's a Democrat activist. She wore pussy hats and attended rallies. She's a college professor.

Do you really believe it's okay that a man's life get torn apart by an allegation that was unproven? How would you like that to happen to your father, your brother, your son?

People that do the kinds of things she accuses Kavanaugh of doing have a history of similar events because they are psychopaths. They have no control over themselves. And drinking beer does not a rapist make.
Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Dumbass, it is the accuser who has the task of providing evidence and corroboration, nobody else.

And yes, without corroboration it is indeed, JUST A STORY.

Geez, that’s pretty basic shit
Speaking of "dumb asses" to see how you tell it, any retard should be able to understand, that when an individual attends a hearing on his or her behalf, the testimony from that person would certainly always be "story telling". Why? Because it isn't a court of law where actual evidence is presented. Get it? And so, the "story telling" that was told was neither a lie or the truth. It just wasn't corroborated due to the nature of the type of testimony. Do you Trump Sheep know anything?

No dipshit, it doesn’t matter where the “story” is told, the accuser STILL has the DUTY to prove that it’s not simply a fairy tale.

Good lord you are naive

So, you are saying it is OK to try to rape people as long as there is no video & no witnesses.

How did they get Jerry Sandusky on all those charges? How did they get those priests?

How did they get the gymnastics doc.

Foid correctly identified Kavanaugh's drinking & lifestyle as a sloppy drunk.

She knew his best friend was Judge.

Why would she lie & bring him into the situation if she knew he would deny it?

And nothing else. Where, when, nada

Not even her best friend backed her story up.
Yea, good guys won today.

Be careful what you wish for, it just may come true.

And what are you people going to be saying when the FBI finds nothing? I can't wait to hear your whining how Kavanaugh was confirmed on YOUR terms. And I'm sure we will be treated to a host of reasons the agency found nothing; Trump instructed them to find nothing, the FBI was pissed they had to get involved, they didn't look hard enough. It will be just like the day after election when libs start getting creative with excuses.

Libs are breeding DOPers out. It will happen.
THE Anal loser raygoon collective of fartwell scumbags
are losing membership in the sick cult. And others who feel raping
young children is godly.
Dang! No more breeding of extreme BS moralistic
abused godly folks.
That's the Real MAGA Solution.
Thanks, DOPers. Cum on down and be saved by a Lib.

The GOP are a party of old white men dying off. The Communists are the new way Americans want to go. Yeah, I've heard that........for the last 35 years.

And here we are, 2018, and the GOP has the White House, the Senate, the House, and about 2/3 of the governorships across the country. So who is being bred out?

I love the brainwashing though. It's an interesting observation for us on the right; how the human mind of many can be molded.

Molded to be fuvckimng dumb enbougfh to vote for a piece of shgit like Donald Trump.

A Fraud
A business cheat

A liar

An adulterer

An accused (by 18 women) of abusing women

Accused child rapist

How the fuck is your mind molded?

I elected a successful businessman to run the country like a business. You voted for a woman so drunk she couldn't even attend events without passing out. She was under FBI investigation while running. She exposed our classified material to the world and now China has it thanks to her private server that any high school geek could have broke into.
He has that chance because he worked damn hard idiot. He was pissed, and rightfully so, for being accused of a crime he obviously did not commit and his wife and children were dragged into this and were receiving death threats.

And speaking of his Wife, I noticed that Christine Fords GUTLESS HUSBAND, was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!

That says all you need to know about how believable Dr. Fords story is. Even her own Husband would NOT SUPPORT HER.

End of story CuckDave.

Ford's husband was staying at home with their children because they were not going to use them as props in the hearings.

The children? Would they be forced to attend if the husband went?

You seriously are dumber than a post.

Because Dad goes to the hearing, something ANY spouse would do at such a difficult time, in no way makes the children go.

So I ask again, where was Christine Fords limp dicked, excuse for a husband at during the hearing?

And, what is the real reason for the escape door in their bedroom?

Gee. Now you advocate leaving children at home alone while the parents travel?? He stayed home to take care of those kids.

He was not so desperate as to drag in his kids ass props.

Fucking spineless men use any excuse. Dummy, they could have brought the children with them. But not taken them to the hearing. It happens millions of times each and every day.

You really are cuckolded, aren’t you?
Now you eant to leave the children in a hotel room.


She has relatives on the east coast dummy.

Oh and by the way, one of the stated reasons for the delay in her testimony was, THEY NEEDED TIME TO ARRANGE FOR CHILD CARE!
And this doozy from the hearing I’m hearing no discussion on:

Feinstein was directly asked if she or her staff leaked the letter to the press.

Feinstein said she was sure she hadn’t BUT HAD TO TURN TO A STAFF MEMBER TO ASK IF THE STAFF DID?

She had no clue if her staff did, and after asking ONE QUESTION, determined it COULD NOT BE ONE OF THEM

Let that sink in.
Because Ford couldn't find anyone to corroborate her story, it's just "story telling" for you. Seeing that you are in need of knowing what a "lie" is, that is a text book example. She told her side of the story, you decide it is "story telling" without your own evidence, and at the least, a middle school child would be smart enough to know that is a lie. You should be embarrassed for presenting to us such a weak argument. You people are way out of your league debating what the truth is.

Dumbass, it is the accuser who has the task of providing evidence and corroboration, nobody else.

And yes, without corroboration it is indeed, JUST A STORY.

Geez, that’s pretty basic shit
Speaking of "dumb asses" to see how you tell it, any retard should be able to understand, that when an individual attends a hearing on his or her behalf, the testimony from that person would certainly always be "story telling". Why? Because it isn't a court of law where actual evidence is presented. Get it? And so, the "story telling" that was told was neither a lie or the truth. It just wasn't corroborated due to the nature of the type of testimony. Do you Trump Sheep know anything?

No dipshit, it doesn’t matter where the “story” is told, the accuser STILL has the DUTY to prove that it’s not simply a fairy tale.

Good lord you are naive

So, you are saying it is OK to try to rape people as long as there is no video & no witnesses.

How did they get Jerry Sandusky on all those charges? How did they get those priests?

How did they get the gymnastics doc.

Foid correctly identified Kavanaugh's drinking & lifestyle as a sloppy drunk.

She knew his best friend was Judge.

Why would she lie & bring him into the situation if she knew he would deny it?

And nothing else. Where, when, nada

Not even her best friend backed her story up.
Well huh! Do you folks practice stupidity as a hobby? If her "best friend can't back her story up", maybe she wasn't there or didn't see it? It doesn't automatically cancel out that it didn't happen. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE ON THE RIGHT SO RETARDED?
Yea, good guys won today.

Be careful what you wish for, it just may come true.

And what are you people going to be saying when the FBI finds nothing? I can't wait to hear your whining how Kavanaugh was confirmed on YOUR terms. And I'm sure we will be treated to a host of reasons the agency found nothing; Trump instructed them to find nothing, the FBI was pissed they had to get involved, they didn't look hard enough. It will be just like the day after election when libs start getting creative with excuses.

Libs are breeding DOPers out. It will happen.
THE Anal loser raygoon collective of fartwell scumbags
are losing membership in the sick cult. And others who feel raping
young children is godly.
Dang! No more breeding of extreme BS moralistic
abused godly folks.
That's the Real MAGA Solution.
Thanks, DOPers. Cum on down and be saved by a Lib.

The GOP are a party of old white men dying off. The Communists are the new way Americans want to go. Yeah, I've heard that........for the last 35 years.

And here we are, 2018, and the GOP has the White House, the Senate, the House, and about 2/3 of the governorships across the country. So who is being bred out?

I love the brainwashing though. It's an interesting observation for us on the right; how the human mind of many can be molded.

Molded to be fuvckimng dumb enbougfh to vote for a piece of shgit like Donald Trump.

A Fraud
A business cheat

A liar

An adulterer

An accused (by 18 women) of abusing women

Accused child rapist

How the fuck is your mind molded?

I elected a successful businessman to run the country like a business.
A successful businessman does not go bankrupt four to five times then has to turn to Russia and SA to borrow money that ends up being laundered.
You voted for a woman so drunk she couldn't even attend events without passing out. She was under FBI investigation while running.
She exposed our classified material to the world and now China has it thanks to her private server that any high school geek could have broke into.
And nothing was ever found from the classified emails that had the wrong labels.
The ABA flagged concerns of possible bias just before the Senate made Brett M. Kavanaugh a federal judge.

American Bar Association had concerns in 2006 about Kavanaugh

More interesting background.

Dumbass, it is the accuser who has the task of providing evidence and corroboration, nobody else.

And yes, without corroboration it is indeed, JUST A STORY.

Geez, that’s pretty basic shit
Speaking of "dumb asses" to see how you tell it, any retard should be able to understand, that when an individual attends a hearing on his or her behalf, the testimony from that person would certainly always be "story telling". Why? Because it isn't a court of law where actual evidence is presented. Get it? And so, the "story telling" that was told was neither a lie or the truth. It just wasn't corroborated due to the nature of the type of testimony. Do you Trump Sheep know anything?

No dipshit, it doesn’t matter where the “story” is told, the accuser STILL has the DUTY to prove that it’s not simply a fairy tale.

Good lord you are naive

So, you are saying it is OK to try to rape people as long as there is no video & no witnesses.

How did they get Jerry Sandusky on all those charges? How did they get those priests?

How did they get the gymnastics doc.

Foid correctly identified Kavanaugh's drinking & lifestyle as a sloppy drunk.

She knew his best friend was Judge.

Why would she lie & bring him into the situation if she knew he would deny it?

And nothing else. Where, when, nada

Not even her best friend backed her story up.
Well huh! Do you folks practice stupidity as a hobby? If her "best friend can't back her story up", maybe she wasn't there or didn't see it? It doesn't automatically cancel out that it didn't happen. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE ON THE RIGHT SO RETARDED?

Are you purposely stupid.

Because her best friend might not have been there? FORD TESTIFIED SHE WAS THERE!

Good God, you have no clue as to any of this, you must just like yapping?
Be careful what you wish for, it just may come true.

And what are you people going to be saying when the FBI finds nothing? I can't wait to hear your whining how Kavanaugh was confirmed on YOUR terms. And I'm sure we will be treated to a host of reasons the agency found nothing; Trump instructed them to find nothing, the FBI was pissed they had to get involved, they didn't look hard enough. It will be just like the day after election when libs start getting creative with excuses.

Libs are breeding DOPers out. It will happen.
THE Anal loser raygoon collective of fartwell scumbags
are losing membership in the sick cult. And others who feel raping
young children is godly.
Dang! No more breeding of extreme BS moralistic
abused godly folks.
That's the Real MAGA Solution.
Thanks, DOPers. Cum on down and be saved by a Lib.

The GOP are a party of old white men dying off. The Communists are the new way Americans want to go. Yeah, I've heard that........for the last 35 years.

And here we are, 2018, and the GOP has the White House, the Senate, the House, and about 2/3 of the governorships across the country. So who is being bred out?

I love the brainwashing though. It's an interesting observation for us on the right; how the human mind of many can be molded.

Molded to be fuvckimng dumb enbougfh to vote for a piece of shgit like Donald Trump.

A Fraud
A business cheat

A liar

An adulterer

An accused (by 18 women) of abusing women

Accused child rapist

How the fuck is your mind molded?

I elected a successful businessman to run the country like a business.
A successful businessman does not go bankrupt four to five times then has to turn to Russia and SA to borrow money that ends up being laundered.
You voted for a woman so drunk she couldn't even attend events without passing out. She was under FBI investigation while running.
She exposed our classified material to the world and now China has it thanks to her private server that any high school geek could have broke into.
And nothing was ever found from the classified emails that had the wrong labels.

I understand you are kind of new here, but you have to learn how to post. Make your comment after the last "quote" when you reply, anyway.

As to your assertion, here is James Comey himself about Hillary's emails:


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