Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Death threats are something to gain?
She found it worth the risk...
She found that the truth was worth the risk, while death threats linger. If she wins, the truth wins, and she'll still get death threats. She's getting nothing, but the truth might?
No. She’s getting instant prestige, and a shot load of cash. I’ve had multiple death threats myself. That doesn’t mean shit. Welcome to life. Don’t linger...
We don't know you, and you are as irrelevant as I am, so your argument about "you" is worth squat.

Lol! " She's getting instant prestige"? Right! That's a good one. You mean death threats, scared, embarrassed, and humiliated after nut job Graham and the rest of them tried to mock this hearing as a circus, when they themselves have no facts to back up their premise. How is one instantly graced with prestige after that?
Lol! Money going to security; Christine Blasey Ford’s GoFundMe Raises More Than $130K

Try again.
Answer, because Kavanaugh and the rest of the country knew it happened. How do we all know? Because Republicans won't let it be investigated. What do they have to hide? The Republican party, turned criminal organization, has no interest in finding out the truth.

You know because your handlers told you to know

Mental midgets
Cowards on the Right side are afraid to have him investigated by the FBI. There is nothing mental about the truth. You and your ilk know what the truth is. Challenge Ford on her 100% claim. If you do not, Kavanaugh will never be acknowledged as a legitimate judge if they do not investigate him. The Left is not afraid to have Ford and her story corroborated by the FBI. Why aren't Republicans willing to do the same?

They don’t want an investigation bc they think it’s all a bunch of bullshit and it would further be bowing to the whim of the Dems. What is there even to investigate? I’ve asked this question multiple times but no one can seem to provide an answer... now why would that be?
Putting witnesses under oath like Mark Judge. Subpoena those who do not want to testify. Get the testimony from the third woman, and any witnesses she has. Any more stupid questions?

Think these story telling women want to risk going to jail for lying to the FBI? Don't kid yourself.
So, since they are now "story telling women", explain to us all how you found out? What's your evidence they are story tellers?
Yea, good guys won today.

Be careful what you wish for, it just may come true.

And what are you people going to be saying when the FBI finds nothing? I can't wait to hear your whining how Kavanaugh was confirmed on YOUR terms. And I'm sure we will be treated to a host of reasons the agency found nothing; Trump instructed them to find nothing, the FBI was pissed they had to get involved, they didn't look hard enough. It will be just like the day after election when libs start getting creative with excuses.
The FBI may not find anything, but the American public sure did. When a person cannot answer direct questions while taking the questionnaire to task, while that person failed to answer the initial question, tells me they won't answer. When that person won't take a polygraph, or go under oath for allegations he may or may not have committed, sitting there waiting to be nominated for the highest judgeship in the land, has no business being a judge. He just admitted guilt yesterday in the eyes of the people. He revealed who he really was and is.

Nice toppings for today!
She found it worth the risk...
She found that the truth was worth the risk, while death threats linger. If she wins, the truth wins, and she'll still get death threats. She's getting nothing, but the truth might?
No. She’s getting instant prestige, and a shot load of cash. I’ve had multiple death threats myself. That doesn’t mean shit. Welcome to life. Don’t linger...
We don't know you, and you are as irrelevant as I am, so your argument about "you" is worth squat.

Lol! " She's getting instant prestige"? Right! That's a good one. You mean death threats, scared, embarrassed, and humiliated after nut job Graham and the rest of them tried to mock this hearing as a circus, when they themselves have no facts to back up their premise. How is one instantly graced with prestige after that?
Lol! Money going to security; Christine Blasey Ford’s GoFundMe Raises More Than $130K

Try again.
800+ thousand is indeed more than 130K. Thank you captain obvious....
You know because your handlers told you to know

Mental midgets
Cowards on the Right side are afraid to have him investigated by the FBI. There is nothing mental about the truth. You and your ilk know what the truth is. Challenge Ford on her 100% claim. If you do not, Kavanaugh will never be acknowledged as a legitimate judge if they do not investigate him. The Left is not afraid to have Ford and her story corroborated by the FBI. Why aren't Republicans willing to do the same?

They don’t want an investigation bc they think it’s all a bunch of bullshit and it would further be bowing to the whim of the Dems. What is there even to investigate? I’ve asked this question multiple times but no one can seem to provide an answer... now why would that be?
Putting witnesses under oath like Mark Judge. Subpoena those who do not want to testify. Get the testimony from the third woman, and any witnesses she has. Any more stupid questions?

Think these story telling women want to risk going to jail for lying to the FBI? Don't kid yourself.
So, since they are now "story telling women", explain to us all how you found out? What's your evidence they are story tellers?

Ramirez claimed she was so drunk she fell down and had blackouts. Like Ford, she could not find anybody to corroborate her story. She's FOS. She was so drunk she doesn't know what happened that night.

Swetniick is even less credible. She claims she attended at least 10 parties where drug rapes took place, and a victim at one of them. She never reported it to authorities, never tried to help the other so-called victims, and in spite of this happening repeatedly, she kept attending these parties of kids two years younger than her. Her ex had to get a restraining order against her to keep the loon away from his new wife and child. Unfortunately he couldn't afford the fees involved with actually obtaining one, but it's on public record that way. It would take the FBI ten minutes to catch her in a lie.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.

If I didn't do it, I would demand the polygraph. I would want it given before the committee on live TV if possible.

Who would be stupid enough to take a test that's been well documented for it's inaccuracies? Why don't they hire a fortune teller instead?
And what potential SC judge would be stupid enough to reject a polygraph, a subpoena for questioning by the FBI under oath for possible sexual misconduct, and think that would pass the smell test?
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.

If I didn't do it, I would demand the polygraph. I would want it given before the committee on live TV if possible.

Who would be stupid enough to take a test that's been well documented for it's inaccuracies? Why don't they hire a fortune teller instead?
And what potential SC judge would be stupid enough to reject a polygraph, a subpoena for questioning by the FBI under oath for possible sexual misconduct, and think that would pass the smell test?

So who said Kavanaugh refused to talk to the FBI? He talked with the FBI many times, and was through a background check six times! What would he have to fear the FBI for?

You can find polygraph failures all over the internet; even instructions on how to fool them. It's not an exact science like investigations are.
Cowards on the Right side are afraid to have him investigated by the FBI. There is nothing mental about the truth. You and your ilk know what the truth is. Challenge Ford on her 100% claim. If you do not, Kavanaugh will never be acknowledged as a legitimate judge if they do not investigate him. The Left is not afraid to have Ford and her story corroborated by the FBI. Why aren't Republicans willing to do the same?

They don’t want an investigation bc they think it’s all a bunch of bullshit and it would further be bowing to the whim of the Dems. What is there even to investigate? I’ve asked this question multiple times but no one can seem to provide an answer... now why would that be?
Putting witnesses under oath like Mark Judge. Subpoena those who do not want to testify. Get the testimony from the third woman, and any witnesses she has. Any more stupid questions?

Think these story telling women want to risk going to jail for lying to the FBI? Don't kid yourself.
So, since they are now "story telling women", explain to us all how you found out? What's your evidence they are story tellers?

Ramirez claimed she was so drunk she fell down and had blackouts. Like Ford, she could not find anybody to corroborate her story. She's FOS. She was so drunk she doesn't know what happened that night.

Swetniick is even less credible. She claims she attended at least 10 parties where drug rapes took place, and a victim at one of them. She never reported it to authorities, never tried to help the other so-called victims, and in spite of this happening repeatedly, she kept attending these parties of kids two years younger than her. Her ex had to get a restraining order against her to keep the loon away from his new wife and child. Unfortunately he couldn't afford the fees involved with actually obtaining one, but it's on public record that way. It would take the FBI ten minutes to catch her in a lie.
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.
The accusal can be proven. The assault named in the accusation cannot...
Indeed. No comparison. Thank you for pointing that out.
Brace yourself. Your fellow Lefties will crucify you for speaking the truth..,
Youre so brave. You’re a Hero...

Only the ones who can't comprehend or read.
Which describes most Leftists. Stay strong. You’re a Hero...
Based on events so far the Dems will wait until late Wed night to come up with another accuser of sexual or alcohol misconduct and begin clucking for another delay
They don’t want an investigation bc they think it’s all a bunch of bullshit and it would further be bowing to the whim of the Dems. What is there even to investigate? I’ve asked this question multiple times but no one can seem to provide an answer... now why would that be?
Putting witnesses under oath like Mark Judge. Subpoena those who do not want to testify. Get the testimony from the third woman, and any witnesses she has. Any more stupid questions?

Think these story telling women want to risk going to jail for lying to the FBI? Don't kid yourself.
So, since they are now "story telling women", explain to us all how you found out? What's your evidence they are story tellers?

Ramirez claimed she was so drunk she fell down and had blackouts. Like Ford, she could not find anybody to corroborate her story. She's FOS. She was so drunk she doesn't know what happened that night.

Swetniick is even less credible. She claims she attended at least 10 parties where drug rapes took place, and a victim at one of them. She never reported it to authorities, never tried to help the other so-called victims, and in spite of this happening repeatedly, she kept attending these parties of kids two years younger than her. Her ex had to get a restraining order against her to keep the loon away from his new wife and child. Unfortunately he couldn't afford the fees involved with actually obtaining one, but it's on public record that way. It would take the FBI ten minutes to catch her in a lie.
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.

If it makes you happy............
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.

If I didn't do it, I would demand the polygraph. I would want it given before the committee on live TV if possible.

Who would be stupid enough to take a test that's been well documented for it's inaccuracies? Why don't they hire a fortune teller instead?
And what potential SC judge would be stupid enough to reject a polygraph, a subpoena for questioning by the FBI under oath for possible sexual misconduct, and think that would pass the smell test?

So who said Kavanaugh refused to talk to the FBI? He talked with the FBI many times, and was through a background check six times! What would he have to fear the FBI for?

You can find polygraph failures all over the internet; even instructions on how to fool them. It's not an exact science like investigations are.
Durbin asked him and he wouldn't answer.
Putting witnesses under oath like Mark Judge. Subpoena those who do not want to testify. Get the testimony from the third woman, and any witnesses she has. Any more stupid questions?

Think these story telling women want to risk going to jail for lying to the FBI? Don't kid yourself.
So, since they are now "story telling women", explain to us all how you found out? What's your evidence they are story tellers?

Ramirez claimed she was so drunk she fell down and had blackouts. Like Ford, she could not find anybody to corroborate her story. She's FOS. She was so drunk she doesn't know what happened that night.

Swetniick is even less credible. She claims she attended at least 10 parties where drug rapes took place, and a victim at one of them. She never reported it to authorities, never tried to help the other so-called victims, and in spite of this happening repeatedly, she kept attending these parties of kids two years younger than her. Her ex had to get a restraining order against her to keep the loon away from his new wife and child. Unfortunately he couldn't afford the fees involved with actually obtaining one, but it's on public record that way. It would take the FBI ten minutes to catch her in a lie.
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.

If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.
The accusal can be proven. The assault named in the accusation cannot...
Indeed. No comparison. Thank you for pointing that out.
Brace yourself. Your fellow Lefties will crucify you for speaking the truth..,
Youre so brave. You’re a Hero...

Only the ones who can't comprehend or read.
Which describes most Leftists. Stay strong. You’re a Hero...
The accusal can be proven. The assault named in the accusation cannot...
Really? How do you know that is absolute? Are you a member of the team ?
Kavabaugh did answer Durbin and quite naturally need not be the requesting party for an investigation into himself in order to prove himself innocent
Think these story telling women want to risk going to jail for lying to the FBI? Don't kid yourself.
So, since they are now "story telling women", explain to us all how you found out? What's your evidence they are story tellers?

Ramirez claimed she was so drunk she fell down and had blackouts. Like Ford, she could not find anybody to corroborate her story. She's FOS. She was so drunk she doesn't know what happened that night.

Swetniick is even less credible. She claims she attended at least 10 parties where drug rapes took place, and a victim at one of them. She never reported it to authorities, never tried to help the other so-called victims, and in spite of this happening repeatedly, she kept attending these parties of kids two years younger than her. Her ex had to get a restraining order against her to keep the loon away from his new wife and child. Unfortunately he couldn't afford the fees involved with actually obtaining one, but it's on public record that way. It would take the FBI ten minutes to catch her in a lie.
Thanks! Catching you in lies is even easier. You have provided zero evidence. Typical Right-wing lies.

If it makes you happy............
Nothing to do with happy. Just exposing the lies.

Thanks for proving my point: a leftists has no idea what a lie is. A lie to a leftist is anything they say a lie is.

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