Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.

Police departments all over the country use polygraphs to clear suspects of crimes all the time. Not used in courts, but police, FBI, CIA use them all the time.

This is not a court. He is presumed guilty.

Set up the machine right in front of Feinstien and lets go.
Right... Because making a spectacle of it wouldn't effect the results at all... Dude. Shut the fuck up. You're embarrasing yourself...
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.

Police departments all over the country use polygraphs to clear suspects of crimes all the time. Not used in courts, but police, FBI, CIA use them all the time.

This is not a court. He is presumed guilty.

Set up the machine right in front of Feinstien and lets go.
He has no reason to do so...............they need to show evidence..........to prove it.............if they can't prove it then shove the vote down their throats and end this circus one way or another................

If he doesn't get appointed........then he should sue her ass off and get the gofundme money .............
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.
I agree. But I think the Dems are ki,d of blowi,g their was a little prematurely. Kavanaugh isn't a "hardcore" conservative.
He's a conservative with Constitutional predilections. If he passes this gauntlet, and Trump gets to appoint another to the SCOTUS; they'll be begging for another Kavanaugh when Trump appoints someone who is almost Puritanical...

As it is, he isn't getting on the court. This process is a joke. By next week, Flake, Collins and others will fold again to Dem pressure. Dems will say the witnesses couldn't make it next week, but will be available in two weeks or some other non sense. They are weak and easily manipulated. Timid.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.
I agree. But I think the Dems are kind of blowing their wad a little prematurely. Kavanaugh isn't a "hardcore" conservative.
He's a conservative with Constitutional predilections. If he passes this gauntlet, and Trump gets to appoint another to the SCOTUS; they'll be begging for another Kavanaugh when Trump appoints someone who is almost Puritanical...
There gamble is to try and stall til elections and take the Senate.............they don't take the Senate then they can't stop anything.........

That is key............no matter how this unfolds..............and was the main reason Hillary couldn't win...........
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.

Police departments all over the country use polygraphs to clear suspects of crimes all the time. Not used in courts, but police, FBI, CIA use them all the time.

This is not a court. He is presumed guilty.

Set up the machine right in front of Feinstien and lets go.
Right... Because making a spectacle of it wouldn't effect the results at all... Dude. Shut the fuck up. You're embarrasing yourself...

It is already a spectacle. You think Collins and Flake are voting yes next week? That is delusional.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.
I agree. But I think the Dems are ki,d of blowi,g their was a little prematurely. Kavanaugh isn't a "hardcore" conservative.
He's a conservative with Constitutional predilections. If he passes this gauntlet, and Trump gets to appoint another to the SCOTUS; they'll be begging for another Kavanaugh when Trump appoints someone who is almost Puritanical...

As it is, he isn't getting on the court. This process is a joke. By next week, Flake, Collins and others will fold again to Dem pressure. Dems will say the witnesses couldn't make it next week, but will be available in two weeks or some other non sense. They are weak and easily manipulated. Timid.
And finally... You get to the crux of the problem. Weak leadership. We as voters effected a change at the top. We voted for Trump. Now the GOP needs to be purged of those who show weakness. That's what Primaries, and mid terms are for. Turn out the vote!
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.

Police departments all over the country use polygraphs to clear suspects of crimes all the time. Not used in courts, but police, FBI, CIA use them all the time.

This is not a court. He is presumed guilty.

Set up the machine right in front of Feinstien and lets go.
Right... Because making a spectacle of it wouldn't effect the results at all... Dude. Shut the fuck up. You're embarrasing yourself...

It is already a spectacle. You think Collins and Flake are voting yes next week? That is delusional.
Of course not. They're RINOs. Dem plants. Their constituency needs to be made aware, and recognize that fact.
Hell, if he's innocent he and all of you should welcome an FBI investigation, didn't you all hear that if Ford or Kav was found to be lying to the committee that charges may be brought against the liar. So if Ford is lying she would be charged.

The Democrat party created this story so that it can't be proved or disproved. Why do you think they wrote it so that she couldn't tell you who took her to the party, who picked her up, what house it was, what street it was on, what age she was, what year it was? Do you want to know why? Because the Democrats knew with no leads, her story can't be proven a lie.

So humor me.
How did they suss her out from the other girls at her high school?
If her story was known only to her husband and therapist, how did they find her?
Who else might they have approached and said no?
By your theory, women were approached and an offer was made to them.
These others who declined are staying silent?
Or was it just by sheer luck that they threw a dart at an open page of the Holden Arms high school year book and it hit Blasey Ford?
By your logic, there's other women who declined the invitation to have their family and children completely upended, complete with death threats, and for how much money?
Just answer the questions.
No bullshit conspiracy theories.

Hell, if he's innocent he and all of you should welcome an FBI investigation, didn't you all hear that if Ford or Kav was found to be lying to the committee that charges may be brought against the liar. So if Ford is lying she would be charged.

The Democrat party created this story so that it can't be proved or disproved. Why do you think they wrote it so that she couldn't tell you who took her to the party, who picked her up, what house it was, what street it was on, what age she was, what year it was? Do you want to know why? Because the Democrats knew with no leads, her story can't be proven a lie.

So humor me.
How did they suss her out from the other girls at her high school?
If her story was known only to her husband and therapist, how did they find her?
Who else might they have approached and said no?
By your theory, women were approached and made an offer.
These others who declined are staying silent?
Or was it just by sheer luck that they threw a dart at an open page of the Holden Arms high school year book and it hit Blasey Ford?
By your logic, there's other women who declined the invitation to have their family and children completely upended, complete with death threats, and for how much money?
Just answer the questions.
No bullshit conspiracy theories.
I fucking dare you.

I think she something did happen to her. But, I don't think it was Kavanaugh.
Hell, if he's innocent he and all of you should welcome an FBI investigation, didn't you all hear that if Ford or Kav was found to be lying to the committee that charges may be brought against the liar. So if Ford is lying she would be charged.

The Democrat party created this story so that it can't be proved or disproved. Why do you think they wrote it so that she couldn't tell you who took her to the party, who picked her up, what house it was, what street it was on, what age she was, what year it was? Do you want to know why? Because the Democrats knew with no leads, her story can't be proven a lie.

So humor me.
How did they suss her out from the other girls at her high school?
If her story was known only to her husband and therapist, how did they find her?
Who else might they have approached and said no?
By your theory, women were approached and made an offer.
These others who declined are staying silent?
Or was it just by sheer luck that they threw a dart at an open page of the Holden Arms high school year book and it hit Blasey Ford?
By your logic, there's other women who declined the invitation to have their family and children completely upended, complete with death threats, and for how much money?
Just answer the questions.
No bullshit conspiracy theories.
I fucking dare you.

I think she something did happen to her. But, I don't think it was Kavanaugh.

That's not answering the questions.
And you're also not providing any theories to defend him.
I wrote in a different thread about how a girl in my dorm in college was raped, when an attacker came through the window of her room.
I remember it was around 3:00am and she was hysterical, crying in the hallways.
I remember almost everything about that night, when the police arrived, the bruises on her back and her room totally trashed.
And it wasn't even me who was attacked.
And that happened 35 years ago.
Blasey Ford explained in clinical terms how these things are stored in our memories.
You don't forget a face just a few inches from yours, who is threatening your life.
One of the senators should have asked her about how she knew Kavanaugh. It seems like he was a high profile jock at his school who was an extreme extrovert.
Ford is an extreme introvert but she would have been aware of him by his reputation.
Yea, good guys won today.

I'm not feeling that MAGA feeling all around me. Never did, as BS SPEW FOR MORONS!
America to me is GREAT ALWAYS. Even with DOPers running around off their leash.

But I do feel rational goosebumps about KavaGangTrain is drinking beers wildly.
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If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.

Police departments all over the country use polygraphs to clear suspects of crimes all the time. Not used in courts, but police, FBI, CIA use them all the time.

This is not a court. He is presumed guilty.

Set up the machine right in front of Feinstien and lets go.
Right... Because making a spectacle of it wouldn't effect the results at all... Dude. Shut the fuck up. You're embarrasing yourself...

It is already a spectacle. You think Collins and Flake are voting yes next week? That is delusional.
Of course not. They're RINOs. Dem plants. Their constituency needs to be made aware, and recognize that fact.
Hell, if he's innocent he and all of you should welcome an FBI investigation, didn't you all hear that if Ford or Kav was found to be lying to the committee that charges may be brought against the liar. So if Ford is lying she would be charged.

The Democrat party created this story so that it can't be proved or disproved. Why do you think they wrote it so that she couldn't tell you who took her to the party, who picked her up, what house it was, what street it was on, what age she was, what year it was? Do you want to know why? Because the Democrats knew with no leads, her story can't be proven a lie.

So humor me.
How did they suss her out from the other girls at her high school?
If her story was known only to her husband and therapist, how did they find her?
Who else might they have approached and said no?
By your theory, women were approached and an offer was made to them.
These others who declined are staying silent?
Or was it just by sheer luck that they threw a dart at an open page of the Holden Arms high school year book and it hit Blasey Ford?
By your logic, there's other women who declined the invitation to have their family and children completely upended, complete with death threats, and for how much money?
Just answer the questions.
No bullshit conspiracy theories.

Or maybe she offered herself up by sending a letter to an opposition party Senator.... Nahhh!!!
Hell, if he's innocent he and all of you should welcome an FBI investigation, didn't you all hear that if Ford or Kav was found to be lying to the committee that charges may be brought against the liar. So if Ford is lying she would be charged.

The Democrat party created this story so that it can't be proved or disproved. Why do you think they wrote it so that she couldn't tell you who took her to the party, who picked her up, what house it was, what street it was on, what age she was, what year it was? Do you want to know why? Because the Democrats knew with no leads, her story can't be proven a lie.

So humor me.
How did they suss her out from the other girls at her high school?
If her story was known only to her husband and therapist, how did they find her?
Who else might they have approached and said no?
By your theory, women were approached and made an offer.
These others who declined are staying silent?
Or was it just by sheer luck that they threw a dart at an open page of the Holden Arms high school year book and it hit Blasey Ford?
By your logic, there's other women who declined the invitation to have their family and children completely upended, complete with death threats, and for how much money?
Just answer the questions.
No bullshit conspiracy theories.
I fucking dare you.

I think she something did happen to her. But, I don't think it was Kavanaugh.

That's not answering the questions.
And you're also not providing any theories to defend him.
I wrote in a different thread about how a girl in my dorm in college was raped, when an attacker came through the window of her room.
I remember it was around 3:00am and she was hysterical, crying in the hallways.
I remember almost everything about that night, when the police arrived, the bruises on her back and her room totally trashed.
And it wasn't even me who was attacked.
And that happened 35 years ago.
Blasey Ford explained in clinical terms how these things are stored in our memories.
You don't forget a face just a few inches from yours, who is threatening your life.
One of the senators should have asked her about how she knew Kavanaugh. It seems like he was a high profile jock at his school who was an extreme extrovert.
Ford is an extreme introvert but she would have been aware of him by his reputation.
No theories to defend him are necessary. The burden is on the accused to provide proof. Welcome to America. Don't linger...
Hell, if he's innocent he and all of you should welcome an FBI investigation, didn't you all hear that if Ford or Kav was found to be lying to the committee that charges may be brought against the liar. So if Ford is lying she would be charged.

The Democrat party created this story so that it can't be proved or disproved. Why do you think they wrote it so that she couldn't tell you who took her to the party, who picked her up, what house it was, what street it was on, what age she was, what year it was? Do you want to know why? Because the Democrats knew with no leads, her story can't be proven a lie.

So humor me.
How did they suss her out from the other girls at her high school?
If her story was known only to her husband and therapist, how did they find her?
Who else might they have approached and said no?
By your theory, women were approached and made an offer.
These others who declined are staying silent?
Or was it just by sheer luck that they threw a dart at an open page of the Holden Arms high school year book and it hit Blasey Ford?
By your logic, there's other women who declined the invitation to have their family and children completely upended, complete with death threats, and for how much money?
Just answer the questions.
No bullshit conspiracy theories.
I fucking dare you.

I think she something did happen to her. But, I don't think it was Kavanaugh.

That's not answering the questions.
And you're also not providing any theories to defend him.
I wrote in a different thread about how a girl in my dorm in college was raped, when an attacker came through the window of her room.
I remember it was around 3:00am and she was hysterical, crying in the hallways.
I remember almost everything about that night, when the police arrived, the bruises on her back and her room totally trashed.
And it wasn't even me who was attacked.
And that happened 35 years ago.
Blasey Ford explained in clinical terms how these things are stored in our memories.
You don't forget a face just a few inches from yours, who is threatening your life.
One of the senators should have asked her about how she knew Kavanaugh. It seems like he was a high profile jock at his school who was an extreme extrovert.
Ford is an extreme introvert but she would have been aware of him by his reputation.

She may even believe it was Kavanaugh. But, it might not have been.

How many people have been exonerated after years in prison for crimes they did not commit based on new DNA or other evidence? If based on eye witness accounts only, many of these people would have never seen justice and would have died in prison. People have been executed of crimes they did not commit. In these cases, the prosecutor and juries were certain they had the right person as well. Beyond a reasonable doubt in fact. Certain enough to sentence someone to death. Yet, they were wrong.

What evidence could Kavanaugh supply that would change your opinion on his guilt?
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
When’s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.
Don’t change the subject. You contended that she had nothing to gain. You were proven wrong. Yet again...
Did she set it up?
Again... More questions with the hope of deflecting... You're so pathetic. She had lots to gain. And so far has. She's a long time Democrat supporter/Operative. And so far in under two weeks has accrued nearly a million dollars that we know of from across 3 Go Fund Me accounts. Not to mention being "Knighted" as a hero from the Democrat Aristocracy... Nothing like a little recognition for years of service, and great risks taken , eh?
Your claim that she had nothing to gain has been obliterated. Deal with it hack.
Death threats are something to gain?

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