Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Dr. Ford, she got it. The Great Douche is in a jam.
So ordered.
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The only thing that bothers me is the "limited in scope". I'd like to know more about exactly what that means.
What proven already, is they don't have the full floor votes. How can the two needed DOPer female Senators want
to vote for this guy? And KavaGangTrain said he won't quit. As many, DOPer senators want him to, to save face.
DOPer leaders are screwed. Thanks, Great Douche MAGA. I wonder what Atty gets arrested?
Kavanaugh could have done one good thing yesterday, and he passed up the chance. He could have acknowledged the immaturity and hurtfulness behind the Renate Alumni thing, and apologized for it.

Excellent point.

Yet, it takes some humanity to see the thing's hurtful nature, some humility to develop some sense of the need to get that right, and some moral spine to stand up and do the right thing. Or, one would have to have some knowledge about the role of grace in human interaction to realize he could gain some points by doing the right thing. So, the champion of women since grade school, being all indignant about having his being a mean drunk and his lack of integrity exposed, couldn't even find the smart way to actually demonstrate how he's the champion of one woman, Renate, not back then, not anytime since, but at least 36 years later.


Now that I think of it, and how the fine, honorable judge claimed he went "through hell, and then some"... he could have acknowledged that Dr. Ford went through way worse than that.

On the human side, the good honorable judge seems to be a no-show. He sure does self-pity like a champ.
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The only thing that bothers me is the "limited in scope". I'd like to know more about exactly what that means.

One week? That's a Potemkin investigation. It's a move by Flake to find some flimsy excuse (before himself and his loved ones) for what he almost always does, voting for the Trumpy. One week is about enough to claim they have done "something", but certainly not enough to do a thorough investigation, given the dozens of people who need to be located, contacted, and interviewed, most of whom are probably highly reluctant to be drawn into the confirmation maelstrom. It may actually turn out to be the smartest thing the Goober-led Senate Judiciary Committee has done since the Ford accusation surfaced, as it - in all likelihood - provides them with a tiny fig leaf to hide their raw power play. Remember, the FBI found not one shred about Kavanaugh's sexualized violence while drunk, and all they find now, after Ford and others have rubbed their nose in it, has to be an embarrassment to them. So, they might actually investigate, but they have a strong incentive to find nothing.

Them Goobers left the Scalia seat open for a year. Now they're in panic about what else might surface, and move ahead as soon as they can scrape together the necessary votes while hiding their exposed flabby hindquarters.
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What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

And not a single Democrat has yet to dispute this.

Not one

Let that sink in.
Actually several senators disputed it and offered letters where they asked for the FBI to investigate to be entered in evidence and Grassely said without objection they would.
But keep them lies a comin'.
Is that why not one D said such yesterday?
They did, at least 3 offered the letters during the hearing to expose Grassley's lie that you are mindlessly parroting.
Guess what?
I watched the hearing.
The Ds kept bitching until the very end and beyond that they haven’t had a chance to request an FBI investigation.
So who’s lying?
The Ds?
You’re in one hell of a pickle on this one.
The person who never answered Durbin's question about would he be willing to subject himself to an FBI investigation. The person who does not want to testify under oath. That's your liar right there. you have a woman who is 100% positive Kavanaugh tried to rape her, and is willing to be under the scrutiny of the FBI. More proof that the accused is lying, not the victim. You have got your pickles ass backwards.
Investigate an allegation? What should they look at? She supposedly cant remenber key details.

Lol you're spewing the stall tactic....everyone sees it.

There is nothing to investigate. She laid out her cards yesterday and no proof of any of it offered up
There was Mark Judge and at least two other people present at the house. We talking less than a week for an investigation. Hardly, a major stall.

He will be confirmed regardless. I don't know what he has to lose if it removes this cloud from his name.
Answer, because Kavanaugh and the rest of the country knew it happened. How do we all know? Because Republicans won't let it be investigated. What do they have to hide? The Republican party, turned criminal organization, has no interest in finding out the truth.

You know because your handlers told you to know

Mental midgets
Cowards on the Right side are afraid to have him investigated by the FBI. There is nothing mental about the truth. You and your ilk know what the truth is. Challenge Ford on her 100% claim. If you do not, Kavanaugh will never be acknowledged as a legitimate judge if they do not investigate him. The Left is not afraid to have Ford and her story corroborated by the FBI. Why aren't Republicans willing to do the same?

They don’t want an investigation bc they think it’s all a bunch of bullshit and it would further be bowing to the whim of the Dems. What is there even to investigate? I’ve asked this question multiple times but no one can seem to provide an answer... now why would that be?
Putting witnesses under oath like Mark Judge. Subpoena those who do not want to testify. Get the testimony from the third woman, and any witnesses she has. Any more stupid questions?
Investigate Ford's allegations and question the witnesses.

Investigate an allegation? What should they look at? She supposedly cant remenber key details.

Lol you're spewing the stall tactic....everyone sees it.

There is nothing to investigate. She laid out her cards yesterday and no proof of any of it offered up
There was Mark Judge and at least two other people present at the house. We talking less than a week for an investigation. Hardly, a major stall.

Same garbage I heard in the hearing yesterday. What's Judge going to say different? What's anyone going to say different?


Call the vote and end you left loon's BS

You seem to be afraid of the truth coming out that a REAL investigation could expose; why is that?

Because not a single Democrat Senator has contacted the FBI to actually do one, which they had the authority to do. Why didn’t they?

Might have something to do with them not even believing the story.
The story is more than believable. She is 100% confident this happened, and is willing to do another polygraph. Kavanaugh is not. Ford is willing to go through the scrutiny of being investigated. Kavanaugh is not. He's a coward because he knows the truth will come out. But ha, go ahead and nominate another sexual predator. It's what the Right does.
He’s ashamed of how fugly his wife is.

Is he the reason that Feinstein waited until it was too late for an FBI investigation to leak her name?
Either way, the question is irrelevant. The truth, however, is. And the Republicans do not want to know. The Republican prosecutor made that clear, when she went after her, instead of trying to find the truth.
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

Any wino sleeping in a doorway can request an FBI investigation. Only the White House can order it.

Trump's not stupid he knows it's all political posturing anda power struggle.
Really? And the evidence?
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get
Proof? I didn’t think so...
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
When’s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.
Don’t change the subject. You contended that she had nothing to gain. You were proven wrong. Yet again...
Did she set it up?
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get
Proof? I didn’t think so...
He bragged about his drinking till he pukes in his yearbook.
Obviously you are right.

Every heavy drinker is a rapist.
What about liars? You OK with a liar sitting on the Supreme Court?

Republicans do not care. Repeat after me everyone, "Republicans do not care". The truth, ethics, morals, and the rule of law, have zero meaning for them. Period!
Kavanaugh lied about Renata Alumnus
He lied about how intoxicated he would get
Proof? I didn’t think so...
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
When’s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.

He has that chance because he worked damn hard idiot. He was pissed, and rightfully so, for being accused of a crime he obviously did not commit and his wife and children were dragged into this and were receiving death threats.

And speaking of his Wife, I noticed that Christine Fords GUTLESS HUSBAND, was NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!

That says all you need to know about how believable Dr. Fords story is. Even her own Husband would NOT SUPPORT HER.

End of story CuckDave.

Ford's husband was staying at home with their children because they were not going to use them as props in the hearings.
Proof? I didn’t think so...
I getb it. Everything Kavanaugh says is the truth and everything Ford says is a lie.

Ford has nothing to gain by lying. Kavanaugh has everything to gain by lying.
400+K in her Go Fund me account; disputes your claim of her having nothing to gain...
When’s the last time you made 400K in one week?

When was the last time you had the opportunity to make a quarter of a million a year for the next 40 fucking years. All you have to do is pretend to be angry with the guarantee of a yes vote from Republicans.
Don’t change the subject. You contended that she had nothing to gain. You were proven wrong. Yet again...
Did she set it up?
Again... More questions with the hope of deflecting... You're so pathetic. She had lots to gain. And so far has. She's a long time Democrat supporter/Operative. And so far in under two weeks has accrued nearly a million dollars that we know of from across 3 Go Fund Me accounts. Not to mention being "Knighted" as a hero from the Democrat Aristocracy... Nothing like a little recognition for years of service, and great risks taken , eh?
Your claim that she had nothing to gain has been obliterated. Deal with it hack.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.
Ford's husband was staying at home with their children because they were not going to use them as props in the hearings.

They're in some kind of "witness protection" after receiving death threats, and the guys tasked with eventually taking a bullet from the permanent outrage faction probably advised the family not to expose themselves and the bodyguards to more risk than absolutely necessary. You know, the reasonable thing to do.

Not that it would keep the wingnuts from having their fantasies running rampant, or something.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.

If I didn't do it, I would demand the polygraph. I would want it given before the committee on live TV if possible.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.

Police departments all over the country use polygraphs to clear suspects of crimes all the time. Not used in courts, but police, FBI, CIA use them all the time.

This is not a court. He is presumed guilty.

Set up the machine right in front of Feinstien and lets go.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.
I agree. But I think the Dems are kind of blowing their wad a little prematurely. Kavanaugh isn't a "hardcore" conservative.
He's a conservative with Constitutional predilections. If he passes this gauntlet, and Trump gets to appoint another to the SCOTUS; they'll be begging for another Kavanaugh when Trump appoints someone who is almost Puritanical...

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