Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

"We're going to keep trying to parrot this into reality!" does not qualify as "on his resume". He's going to be on the Supreme Court until he retires or passes away; you're going to keep whining and griping impotently; everyone's going to keep laughing at you. The sooner you come to terms with the fact that you're utterly powerless and meaningless, the sooner we can all enjoy your despair and anger.
I get it. You know it's correct that only the WH can order the investigation, but you think a bit of snark will hide your mistake.
You are a piece of shit liar...
Contact your representatives as they submit the request.
All you and the rest of your low IQ ilk are good for is making up bullshit.
Or...are your representatives Rs?

You're ignorant, so you resort to insult. Ignorance can be cured. Look it up.
One more lie from you and you’re on Ignore.

Oh, God, no! Anything but that!

I haven't lied. You do what you want.
Your Democratic representatives are fully capable of requesting and getting their desired investigation.
The fact that you refuse to accept this fact is further proof to all of those on this board with an IQ above -1 that you, like all of your fellow Liberals, are emotionally disturbed and mentally disturbed.

In fact, I’m starting to appreciate the fact that you are a total asshole so new comers with a brain can be fully cognizant of your iterative bullshit.

They literally had months to arrange whatever investigations they wanted from this letter. The fact that they waited until literally the day before the committee vote to pretend they needed more time is ludicrous.
Fake Flake is a DOPer. His head down in shame was fake gurls.


btw: He is a Mormon, where gurls are slaves in the church.
As Fake Flake is part of a female young sex service cult for men.
So KavaGangTrain is like having many wives to abuse, like Morons..
But flys under another church as well. KavaGangTrain is a Catholic.
So rape is approved by the faithful flocks. And his lord' planned the
gang trains.

Kinda Fitting he went after Bubba sex past in 1994.
Gotta love this. It's always the fire-spitting ones who
end up being exposed as same or worse. Than their targets
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Okay, now THIS is news!

A handful of Democratic Senators walked out in protest of the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting Friday on the confirmation vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after it became clear that Republicans have the votes to recommend Kavanaugh to the Senate.

"Democratic senators Kamala Harris of California, Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Patrick Leahy of Vermont walked out of the meeting in protest," ABC News reports. "Staff for Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey left the room, signaling he might walk out too."

The protest followed the announcement by Republican Sen. Jeff Flake, one of the key "swing votes," that he plans to vote to confirm Kavanaugh, which, as NBC Newsreports, "guaranteed that the committee would vote to send the nomination to the full Senate."

After committee chair Chuck Grassley's announcement that the committee will vote at 1:30 p.m. Friday, NBC notes that Booker and Harris "sat there in silence" when they were called to vote. "They're not answering because this is so unfair," said Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn), NBC reports.

Awwww. Wait, let me get a cup to catch all these leftist tears.
FFS! Dang? WTF is this now Fake Flake.


YOU ASSHOLE, all you need to say to Sen. GrassASSHOLE.
Look I won't vote yes till an FBI investigation is done.
You get what you want Fake FlakeASSHOLE!

FFS? Why are you showing so much pain?
Was your daughter attacked?
Is another son playing with guns, now?

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"yesterday, with the lack of temperament and lack of dignity in his presentation, that Kavanaugh was doing an imitation of Trump" - Speaker Pelosi
What level of retard are you?
Any senator can request an FBI Investigation.
Did you even watch yesterday?
If you did then you have some severe mental issues.

And not a single Democrat has yet to dispute this.

Not one

Let that sink in.
Actually several senators disputed it and offered letters where they asked for the FBI to investigate to be entered in evidence and Grassely said without objection they would.
But keep them lies a comin'.
Is that why not one D said such yesterday?
They did, at least 3 offered the letters during the hearing to expose Grassley's lie that you are mindlessly parroting.
Guess what?
I watched the hearing.
The Ds kept bitching until the very end and beyond that they haven’t had a chance to request an FBI investigation.
So who’s lying?
The Ds?
You’re in one hell of a pickle on this one.

They had the letter since July. They had all the opportunity they needed to request any investigation they wanted. They could have done their own if the FBI refused (as we know they did when it was presented to them). They could have done any number of things to question Kavanaugh about the allegation and check it out, but did nothing. Now they complain the vote has to be delayed? I don't think so. Crass political manuvers like that should not be rewarded. But it's so important, the charges are so severe! All the more reason for them to act expeditiously, not like this.

Would Ford accept a student turning in work late because the student was at an event that he/she knew about for months ahead of time, yet did nothing until it was too late?
The FBI has already investigated BK multiple times, they have no juridisction over any of this anyway. This is what the underdeveloped brains of society can't relate to.

They only want to delay for the exact reason Candace says

Yale Law School Dean Calls For Kavanaugh Investigation Before Confirmation Vote

The Supreme Court nominee is an alumnus of the law school.

The dean of the Yale Law School on Friday joined the American Bar Association in calling for an FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on his confirmation.

“Proceeding with the confirmation process without further investigation is not in the best interest of the Court or our profession,” said Dean Heather Gerken in a statement posted on Twitter.

Three of Kavanaugh’s former classmates at the law school who previously endorsed the judge’s nomination have since rescinded their support and said the allegations warrant a “fair and credible investigation.”

More: Yale Law School Dean Calls For Kavanaugh Investigation Before Confirmation Vote

More good news! More fair news!
Yale Law School Dean Calls For Kavanaugh Investigation Before Confirmation Vote

The Supreme Court nominee is an alumnus of the law school.

The dean of the Yale Law School on Friday joined the American Bar Association in calling for an FBI investigation into sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh before the Senate Judiciary Committee votes on his confirmation.

“Proceeding with the confirmation process without further investigation is not in the best interest of the Court or our profession,” said Dean Heather Gerken in a statement posted on Twitter.

Three of Kavanaugh’s former classmates at the law school who previously endorsed the judge’s nomination have since rescinded their support and said the allegations warrant a “fair and credible investigation.”

More: Yale Law School Dean Calls For Kavanaugh Investigation Before Confirmation Vote

More good news! More fair news!

More people whose opinions have no weight or real meaning. I can see why you'd be fond of those.
BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC: Trump has authorized the FBI to reopen the Kavanaugh investigation.
there was an FBI investigation with Clearance Thomas and they found nothing and folks still believe Annita Hill

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