Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing


Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.
As tiny and flaky as they are - it took a bold and courageous woman to remind flaky Flake that he still has "some" balls left. However, I have no doubt that he'll end up voting "YES" to confirm Kavanaugh. I hope I'm wrong.

Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.

You mean like with Merrick Garland?
As tiny and flaky as they are - it took a bold and courageous woman to remind flaky Flake that he still has "some" balls left. However, I have no doubt that he'll end up voting "YES" to confirm Kavanaugh. I hope I'm wrong.
What it took was a political activist that gave very little factual testimony. Just enough to where she couldn't
be nailed for perjury......that's what it took.

Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.

You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.

You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.
You're lying. Just as NBC and HuffPost.

View attachment 219466

Donald Trump Twitter

Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.

You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.
As tiny and flaky as they are - it took a bold and courageous woman to remind flaky Flake that he still has "some" balls left. However, I have no doubt that he'll end up voting "YES" to confirm Kavanaugh. I hope I'm wrong.

Senator Snowflake is a renown RINO. Probably somebody promised him a six figure job after his term expires if he helps with the stall.

This effeminate piece of shit is desperate to shift negative attention away from Kavanaugh.

He wants to hold them accountable for this charade. There was no real leak. It was likely planned this way by Frankenstein. Pressure some people, and the truth will finally come out that she wanted to wait until last minute to reveal Ford's name in order to buy time.
I don''t like to fly. That does not mean that I won't do it if needed.

Well she needed to, but said it would take her says to drive all the way from California to Washington. Then it was learned she wasn't even near California.

If you were downstairs & unaware, it was likely an uneventful event not remembered after all these years.

Oh please, I remember every single party I ever went to as a teen. Her friend believes the same. She swore on an affidavit that she was never at a party with Kavanaugh yet alone with Kavanaugh and Ford together.

A well educated, well known & respectecd college prog=ffessor with nothing to gain by stepping forward.

Nothing to gain? She's a Democrat activist. There are pictures of her wearing a pussy hat protesting. What do you mean nothing to gain? Just two days ago it was reported her Go Fund Me accounts were already past the half-million dollar mark. She will be labeled a hero by the left for many months to come.

Kavanaugh is such a POS that less than 20% of his documented record was available to the committee. Why was that???

Because he has so many documents. What he presented to the committee was more documentation of his work than the last several nominees combined. Democrats are desperately looking for a reason to stall this past midterms. To review every document of Kavanaugh's would take us well past that election.

Kavanaugh became unhinged - typical of guilty people when they are caught

And typical of a person who has to defend his reputation and seeing his life destroyed by a lie.

What is stellar about Kavanaugh?? He dodge so many questions - what was he hiding?. He lied about his drinking. Why are so many organization urging that not be confirmed.

Like what, the ABA? They recently came out and said they still stand behind Kavanaugh, and the person that wrote the BS had no authority to speak on their behalf. The NYT never checked the story, they just printed it.

Kavanauygh never said he never drank. He said he often drank beer. So what's the big deal about that? I drank pools of beer when I was that age. That doesn't mean I'm not credible or I'm a rapist.

Kananaugh denied he never drank to the point he did not remember or pass out. Many of stated he did.

Why did he dodge so many questions?

What questions? And where is the evidence he drank so much he couldn't remember or passed out?

As I recall seeing many times. With my teen party friends.You can get really drunk. Hit that blackout level.
And still, be moving and talking making no sense (most), but will not recall
nothang later after the party the next day. Some pass out, wake up. Stand up pee right down in front of themselves, then just
fall back down to sleep. Later they ask who pissed all over here?
Happens to some who drink, they are weak handlers of drinking.

Oh, you mean like Ramirez?
I don''t like to fly. That does not mean that I won't do it if needed.

Well she needed to, but said it would take her says to drive all the way from California to Washington. Then it was learned she wasn't even near California.

If you were downstairs & unaware, it was likely an uneventful event not remembered after all these years.

Oh please, I remember every single party I ever went to as a teen. Her friend believes the same. She swore on an affidavit that she was never at a party with Kavanaugh yet alone with Kavanaugh and Ford together.

A well educated, well known & respectecd college prog=ffessor with nothing to gain by stepping forward.

Nothing to gain? She's a Democrat activist. There are pictures of her wearing a pussy hat protesting. What do you mean nothing to gain? Just two days ago it was reported her Go Fund Me accounts were already past the half-million dollar mark. She will be labeled a hero by the left for many months to come.

Kavanaugh is such a POS that less than 20% of his documented record was available to the committee. Why was that???

Because he has so many documents. What he presented to the committee was more documentation of his work than the last several nominees combined. Democrats are desperately looking for a reason to stall this past midterms. To review every document of Kavanaugh's would take us well past that election.

Kavanaugh became unhinged - typical of guilty people when they are caught

And typical of a person who has to defend his reputation and seeing his life destroyed by a lie.

What is stellar about Kavanaugh?? He dodge so many questions - what was he hiding?. He lied about his drinking. Why are so many organization urging that not be confirmed.

Like what, the ABA? They recently came out and said they still stand behind Kavanaugh, and the person that wrote the BS had no authority to speak on their behalf. The NYT never checked the story, they just printed it.

Kavanauygh never said he never drank. He said he often drank beer. So what's the big deal about that? I drank pools of beer when I was that age. That doesn't mean I'm not credible or I'm a rapist.

Kananaugh denied he never drank to the point he did not remember or pass out. Many of stated he did.

Why did he dodge so many questions?

What questions? And where is the evidence he drank so much he couldn't remember or passed out?

Many have come forward with this information. Kavanaugh was frequently staggering drunk.

Right, once somebody turns on the spotlight, the roaches come out of the woodwork.

The thing is I can say that as a teen, you were stone drunk all the time. How are you going to prove me wrong? First of all that's a matter of opinion. Secondly I may have never seen you drunk once, but that's something nobody can prove.
Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.

You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year
You're lying. Just as NBC and HuffPost.

View attachment 219466

Donald Trump Twitter

Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.

You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Do you really want Swetnick, a person who admitted that, as an adult, she knew about multiple rapes and drug abuse among minors and did absolutely nothing to protect the underage girls involved? They're doing her a favor by not destroying her life by digging into that.
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.

You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

Leftists demanded that Bush leave SCOTUS seat vacant during the election year, so he did. Now tell me, if there wasn't rule, why leftists made such demand?

Second, if such rule doesn't exist, why Schumer demanded it's enforcement during mid election year?

Third, you lefties you can make up rules as you go, just not to respect them when they're not going in your favor. Since you used "nuclear option", now sit back and enjoy the show.
You're lying. Just as NBC and HuffPost.

View attachment 219466

Donald Trump Twitter

Bullshit. Trump is lying - as usual.

But on Saturday afternoon, NBC News reported that the White House was limiting the scope of the probe to cover only Ford and Ramirez — not Julie Swetnick, the third woman to come forward with allegations of misconduct against Kavanaugh. “Instead of investigating Swetnick’s claims,” according to NBC, “the White House counsel’s office has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview, according to several people who discussed the parameters on the condition of anonymity.” NBC also reported that certain other areas of investigation would also be off limits. For instance, the agency cannot request employment records from a supermarket where key witness Mark Judge worked, which might help corroborate Ford’s account of running into him after her alleged assault. And it cannot look into discrepancies between Kavanaugh’s account of only drinking moderately in college and that of at least one classmate, who has said he was lying.

On Saturday night, President Trump denied the NBC report.

Report: White House Is Controlling Who FBI Interviews in Kavanaugh Investigation

Limits to FBI's Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Trump’s Saturday night tweet has not changed the limits imposed by the White House counsel’s office on the FBI's Kavanaugh investigation, sources say.

Limits to Kavanaugh investigation have not changed, despite Trump's comments

Details of F.B.I.’s Kavanaugh Inquiry Show Its Restricted Range
Good, let's be done with this democrat political game and move on to confirming Kav.

You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.
Using your standard, that's proof that he had something to hide and McConnell was protecting him.
You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

Leftists demanded that Bush leave SCOTUS seat vacant during the election year, so he did. Now tell me, if there wasn't rule, why leftists made such demand?

Second, if such rule doesn't exist, why Schumer demanded it's enforcement during mid election year?

Third, you lefties you can make up rules as you go, just not to respect them when they're not going in your favor. Since you used "nuclear option", now sit back and enjoy the show.

"Folks, liberals have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

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