Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Trump Attacks Dems Amid Reports That GOP Is Restricting Kavanaugh Probe

Several outlets, including CNN, NBC News and The New York Times, have reported that the probe is being tightly controlled by the White House counsel’s office in coordination with Senate Republicans, contrary to Trump’s claims on Twitter on Saturday.

There are reportedly restrictions on the number of total witnesses federal investigators can interview, as well as on their ability to question Kavanaugh’s Yale classmates about his drinking habits. Alcohol plays a role in Blasey’s claims about the nominee, as well as the claims of two other women who came forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct.

More: Trump Attacks Dems Amid Reports That GOP Is Restricting Kavanaugh Probe

It's all a sham. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.

Yep. And, to cover it up...

An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment, referring questions to the White House.​

... they gagged the FBI, and so far have not reacted to Feinstein's request they hand over the authorization of the FBI investigation to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

It's going to be interesting to see, once that "investigation" turns up nothing of any relevance - by design, not because there's nothing out there - whether or not the three musketeers will find their spine and resist what will be, without doubt, intense pressure to vote with the rest of the sheep. As of now, I suspect they're going to soil themselves.

Amen! Trump is probably laughing his ass off.
I like Lawyer leaks. If this is true. This requires the FBI to interview them I would think.

"Deborah Ramirez gives FBI witnesses of alleged Kavanaugh misconduct "

This is tied now to the interview the Great Douche is trying to limit scope here,

FYI: They are free to speak here.
As this is not a say, grand jury interview.
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No one is going to fall the this weeks BS fest...let the FBI do their job and STFU!!!!!

They don't really want an investigation, they want delay. I expected them to whine about the investigation not being done right, but I expected them to at least wait until it cleared Kavanaugh. But here they are, laying the groundwork to continue demanding more and more delay. Quite personally, this should be the last hurrah. If this clears him, confirm him right away.
Whee. Go, Boss.

Comey: FBI sees Kavanaugh's yearbook claims as 'flashing signal to dig deeper'
Former FBI Director James Comey in a New York Times op-ed wrote that the FBI should be skeptical about comments Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh made regrading his high school yearbook, insisting they are a sign the bureau must "dig deeper."

Comey said Kavanaugh was lying about phrases in his high school yearbook during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday.

It's a frickin year book written in by a minor. Let that sink in.

And there it is, the early excuse. You wanted it, you got it, and now you're trying to poison the very thing you said you wanted.
Of course
No one with a brain thought this one week extension would satisfy the lib nut jobs. By Wednesday the cries for”more time needed” will be all we hear and like the children they are tantrums will soon follow
If puss Flake had not wet himself over the elevator encounter, the Nation would have been spared more grotesqueness
Trump and McGahn have stacked the deck to render this so-called FBI investigation useless. Kangaroo hearing, Kangaroo investigation. Sad...
Cheating in elections but still losing has consequences
Ruining a falsely accused man has consequences
Liberals don’t like consequences, they seek to destroy with no ramification and if not-Tantrums.
How can Senator Feinstein be prevented from seeing a copy of any “written directive” sent to investigators? After all, she's the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

An investigation sharply constrained by White House Counsel Donald McGahn — who is overseeing the FBI’s work and just happened to be Kavanaugh’s leading promoter — would turn a brief moment of limited bipartisanship into a new occasion for rage and recrimination.

Can the FBI do its job with Kavanaugh?
Already the next set of Lies come out from the liberal board troll for stalling and muddying the waters...........

Expected..............FBI comes back with no evidence they force the vote come hell or high water .........if the weaklings fold they fold.

Still give 3 months to force the next battle............then we use the false allegations against them in November. If not.........and he gets in...........they will then use the campaign smear campaign the GOP selected a rapist...............it's all political.........the hatchet job on Kav is political..........all planned and staged........

It's what they do.
I'm waiting on the next accusation against Kavanaugh, probably for grabbing somebody's ass when nobody else was looking.

I read where McKaskill is losing ground in Missouri, so maybe all this bullshit by the Dems is going to cost them the Senate in November. I guess you never know the how and why for how an election turns out, but this has not made them look good IMHO. Be funny if Kavanaugh gets confirmed AND the Dems remain in the minority in the Senate. And then Ginsburg croaks and Trump puts another conservative on the bench. Maybe that female judge that was on his short list the last time. Now THAT would be my idea of cosmic justice.
Whee. Go, Boss.

Comey: FBI sees Kavanaugh's yearbook claims as 'flashing signal to dig deeper'
Former FBI Director James Comey in a New York Times op-ed wrote that the FBI should be skeptical about comments Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh made regrading his high school yearbook, insisting they are a sign the bureau must "dig deeper."

Comey said Kavanaugh was lying about phrases in his high school yearbook during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday.

Who GAF what Comey thinks? He weaponized the FBI. He turned them into a political organization. He got fired. He was the worst director they ever had. Why should anybody care what he says or thinks?
Whee. Go, Boss.

Comey: FBI sees Kavanaugh's yearbook claims as 'flashing signal to dig deeper'
Former FBI Director James Comey in a New York Times op-ed wrote that the FBI should be skeptical about comments Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh made regrading his high school yearbook, insisting they are a sign the bureau must "dig deeper."

Comey said Kavanaugh was lying about phrases in his high school yearbook during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday.

Who GAF what Comey thinks? He weaponized the FBI. He turned them into a political organization. He got fired. He was the worst director they ever had. Why should anybody care what he says or thinks?

BS! Keep Faux News lying moron.

You would call in the FBI to do any needed work to prove shit in your case liar!
Sadly it never works out for you, as they do good work. Not perfect.
But 99.2% of people going to jail did their crimes. I can live with that.
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if Dr Kavanaugh is confirmed, he obviously needs to recuse himself from all cases involving Democrats
if Dr Kavanaugh is confirmed, he obviously needs to recuse himself from all cases involving Democrats

Nope, just stuck till a DOPer one dies. My bet is Thomas.
It's still carrying lots of weight. But the court will be a better Honest
liberal place in the future. They (GOP/DOPers) are being bred out.
The GOP/DOPer now is spending their last cards with the Great Douche.
As the future is not in their favor in many ways. As 3M-10M more will vote
for the Dems rather than for the DOPers. Post the last time a DOPer won
by over 3M or more votes?
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if Dr Kavanaugh is confirmed, he obviously needs to recuse himself from all cases involving Democrats

Nope, just stuck till a DOPer one dies. My bet is Thomas.
It's still carrying lots of weight. But the court will be a better liberal
in the future. They are being bred out. The GOP/DOPer shit is spending
their last cards with the Great Douche. As the future is not in their favor
in many ways.
Kavanaugh needs to recuse himself, period, your silly rant notwithstanding
if Dr Kavanaugh is confirmed, he obviously needs to recuse himself from all cases involving Democrats

Nope, just stuck till a DOPer one dies. My bet is Thomas.
It's still carrying lots of weight. But the court will be a better liberal
in the future. They are being bred out. The GOP/DOPer shit is spending
their last cards with the Great Douche. As the future is not in their favor
in many ways.
Kavanaugh needs to recuse himself, period, your silly rant notwithstanding

Did you know he like BEER? This is not helping his case saying over 10-times last week.
if Dr Kavanaugh is confirmed, he obviously needs to recuse himself from all cases involving Democrats

Nope, just stuck till a DOPer one dies. My bet is Thomas.
It's still carrying lots of weight. But the court will be a better liberal
in the future. They are being bred out. The GOP/DOPer shit is spending
their last cards with the Great Douche. As the future is not in their favor
in many ways.
Kavanaugh needs to recuse himself, period, your silly rant notwithstanding

No rant, IMO the facts you can't deal with.
Dying as a Great Orange Douche supporter seems to be your plan.
We rationals thank you. Note you won with 77K in votes. That alone
should clue you in. Even if the Great Douche starts a war. That won't save
the GOP/DOPer klan at all. We are not standing for the GOP/DOPer lying anymore.
We can thank the Great Orange Douche- the BOOB (Big Orange Orangutan Buffoon)
for this. That's about all some 68% of America will say..
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Whee. Go, Boss.

Comey: FBI sees Kavanaugh's yearbook claims as 'flashing signal to dig deeper'
Former FBI Director James Comey in a New York Times op-ed wrote that the FBI should be skeptical about comments Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh made regrading his high school yearbook, insisting they are a sign the bureau must "dig deeper."

Comey said Kavanaugh was lying about phrases in his high school yearbook during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday.

Who GAF what Comey thinks? He weaponized the FBI. He turned them into a political organization. He got fired. He was the worst director they ever had. Why should anybody care what he says or thinks?

BS! Keep Faux News lying moron.

You would call in the FBI to do any needed work to prove shit in your case liar!
Sadly it never works out for you, as they do good work. Not perfect.
But 99.2% of people going to jail did their crimes. I can live with that.

WTF are you even talking about? Your English is horrible. People can barely make out WTF you're trying to say.

I would call in the FBI to do any needed work? WTF would I call the FBI for anything?

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