Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Total conflict of interest for McGahn to be overseeing the FBI probe and limiting its scope. If this is allowed to continue, it will mean that Flake and the others were played by a disingenuous White House. And...a perfect target for investigation if Dems win the House.Josh Marshall on Twitter

Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's "rigged" investigation.

Interesting that all of Kavanaugh's accusers are hard core leftists, isn't it?

Show us how
“Mitchell acknowledged that the standard of proof in a nomination hearing is less daunting than in a criminal trial. But she said the allegations against Kavanaugh didn't even rise to a lesser "preponderance-of-the-evidence" standard.

She highlighted what she said were inconsistencies in Ford's memory of dates, events and details, including who invited her to the party where the alleged assault occurred, the address of the home where the party took place or how she got to the party.

Mitchell wrote that in her (Ford) previous accounts of the alleged incident — particularly in notes of sessions with marriage and individual therapists in 2012 and 2013 — Ford struggled to identify Kavanaugh as the assailant by name.“
Evidence doesn't support claims against Kavanaugh, Judiciary Committee questioner says
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Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's "rigged" investigation.

That's a disturbing picture.

Sure that's not this guy?


sheriff joe arpaio
I don''t like to fly. That does not mean that I won't do it if needed.

Well she needed to, but said it would take her says to drive all the way from California to Washington. Then it was learned she wasn't even near California.

If you were downstairs & unaware, it was likely an uneventful event not remembered after all these years.

Oh please, I remember every single party I ever went to as a teen. Her friend believes the same. She swore on an affidavit that she was never at a party with Kavanaugh yet alone with Kavanaugh and Ford together.

A well educated, well known & respectecd college prog=ffessor with nothing to gain by stepping forward.

Nothing to gain? She's a Democrat activist. There are pictures of her wearing a pussy hat protesting. What do you mean nothing to gain? Just two days ago it was reported her Go Fund Me accounts were already past the half-million dollar mark. She will be labeled a hero by the left for many months to come.

Kavanaugh is such a POS that less than 20% of his documented record was available to the committee. Why was that???

Because he has so many documents. What he presented to the committee was more documentation of his work than the last several nominees combined. Democrats are desperately looking for a reason to stall this past midterms. To review every document of Kavanaugh's would take us well past that election.

Kavanaugh became unhinged - typical of guilty people when they are caught

And typical of a person who has to defend his reputation and seeing his life destroyed by a lie.

What is stellar about Kavanaugh?? He dodge so many questions - what was he hiding?. He lied about his drinking. Why are so many organization urging that not be confirmed.

Like what, the ABA? They recently came out and said they still stand behind Kavanaugh, and the person that wrote the BS had no authority to speak on their behalf. The NYT never checked the story, they just printed it.

Kavanauygh never said he never drank. He said he often drank beer. So what's the big deal about that? I drank pools of beer when I was that age. That doesn't mean I'm not credible or I'm a rapist.

Kananaugh denied he never drank to the point he did not remember or pass out. Many of stated he did.

Why did he dodge so many questions?

What questions? And where is the evidence he drank so much he couldn't remember or passed out?

Many have come forward with this information. Kavanaugh was frequently staggering drunk.

Right, once somebody turns on the spotlight, the roaches come out of the woodwork.

The thing is I can say that as a teen, you were stone drunk all the time. How are you going to prove me wrong? First of all that's a matter of opinion. Secondly I may have never seen you drunk once, but that's something nobody can prove.

So eye witnesses are worthless. eally???

How many people telling you about Kavanaugh's drinking will nit take to convince you?
You mean like with Merrick Garland?
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

Leftists demanded that Bush leave SCOTUS seat vacant during the election year, so he did. Now tell me, if there wasn't rule, why leftists made such demand?

Second, if such rule doesn't exist, why Schumer demanded it's enforcement during mid election year?

Third, you lefties you can make up rules as you go, just not to respect them when they're not going in your favor. Since you used "nuclear option", now sit back and enjoy the show.

You assholes do NOTHING but lie.

What Joe Biden said was a vacancy late in the election year should not be filled until AFTER THE ELECTION OR nominate a judge the Democrats could support.

My God you Trumpettes are lying fucks. Or maybe you really are that fucking stupid

Which is it?

This is what was said:

arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.
Note the words SUMMER and the words AFTER.

You lied & claimed it was for the entire election year and you lied when you claimed he said to wait until the following years.

Then there is that big "OR"

You Trump & the bawling crybaby drunk Kavanaugh do NOTHING biu lie.
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

Leftists demanded that Bush leave SCOTUS seat vacant during the election year, so he did. Now tell me, if there wasn't rule, why leftists made such demand?

Second, if such rule doesn't exist, why Schumer demanded it's enforcement during mid election year?

Third, you lefties you can make up rules as you go, just not to respect them when they're not going in your favor. Since you used "nuclear option", now sit back and enjoy the show.

"Folks, liberals have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
Quoting your college dropout hero. Wow.; No wonder you are as ignorant as you are.

Learn the Biden rule & quit embarrassing yourself
Well she needed to, but said it would take her says to drive all the way from California to Washington. Then it was learned she wasn't even near California.

Oh please, I remember every single party I ever went to as a teen. Her friend believes the same. She swore on an affidavit that she was never at a party with Kavanaugh yet alone with Kavanaugh and Ford together.

Nothing to gain? She's a Democrat activist. There are pictures of her wearing a pussy hat protesting. What do you mean nothing to gain? Just two days ago it was reported her Go Fund Me accounts were already past the half-million dollar mark. She will be labeled a hero by the left for many months to come.

Because he has so many documents. What he presented to the committee was more documentation of his work than the last several nominees combined. Democrats are desperately looking for a reason to stall this past midterms. To review every document of Kavanaugh's would take us well past that election.

And typical of a person who has to defend his reputation and seeing his life destroyed by a lie.

Like what, the ABA? They recently came out and said they still stand behind Kavanaugh, and the person that wrote the BS had no authority to speak on their behalf. The NYT never checked the story, they just printed it.

Kavanauygh never said he never drank. He said he often drank beer. So what's the big deal about that? I drank pools of beer when I was that age. That doesn't mean I'm not credible or I'm a rapist.

Kananaugh denied he never drank to the point he did not remember or pass out. Many of stated he did.

Why did he dodge so many questions?

What questions? And where is the evidence he drank so much he couldn't remember or passed out?

Many have come forward with this information. Kavanaugh was frequently staggering drunk.

Right, once somebody turns on the spotlight, the roaches come out of the woodwork.

The thing is I can say that as a teen, you were stone drunk all the time. How are you going to prove me wrong? First of all that's a matter of opinion. Secondly I may have never seen you drunk once, but that's something nobody can prove.

So eye witnesses are worthless. eally???

How many people telling you about Kavanaugh's drinking will nit take to convince you?

If they really witnessed anything at all. So even if he was drunk five days a week, WTF does that have to do with him being a Supreme Court judge today? You elected a guy for President who used ILLEGAL drugs. I’m sure you voted for the woman who was under FBI investigation as President. You people on the left are throwing stones in a glass house.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

Leftists demanded that Bush leave SCOTUS seat vacant during the election year, so he did. Now tell me, if there wasn't rule, why leftists made such demand?

Second, if such rule doesn't exist, why Schumer demanded it's enforcement during mid election year?

Third, you lefties you can make up rules as you go, just not to respect them when they're not going in your favor. Since you used "nuclear option", now sit back and enjoy the show.

You assholes do NOTHING but lie.

What Joe Biden said was a vacancy late in the election year should not be filled until AFTER THE ELECTION OR nominate a judge the Democrats could support.

My God you Trumpettes are lying fucks. Or maybe you really are that fucking stupid

Which is it?

This is what was said:

arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.
Note the words SUMMER and the words AFTER.

You lied & claimed it was for the entire election year and you lied when you claimed he said to wait until the following years.

Then there is that big "OR"

You Trump & the bawling crybaby drunk Kavanaugh do NOTHING biu lie.

You're trying to be funny. That is actually part of what he said. The full quote is:

"Is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not—and not—name a nominee until after the November election is completed.
The Senate, too, Mr. President, must consider how it would respond to a Supreme Court vacancy that would occur in the full throes of an election year. It is my view that if the President goes the way of Presidents Fillmore and Johnson and presses an election-year nomination, the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over."

In the context, he was referring to election year.

Now, if is not enough, let's play the video.

And you shitstain are calling me a liar?

Second, if Biden rule doesn't exist, why Schumer was demanding it's enforcement?
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You assholes do NOTHING but lie.

What Joe Biden said was a vacancy late in the election year should not be filled until AFTER THE ELECTION OR nominate a judge the Democrats could support.

My God you Trumpettes are lying fucks. Or maybe you really are that fucking stupid

Which is it?

This is what was said:

arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.
Note the words SUMMER and the words AFTER.

You lied & claimed it was for the entire election year and you lied when you claimed he said to wait until the following years.

Then there is that big "OR"

You Trump & the bawling crybaby drunk Kavanaugh do NOTHING biu lie.
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

And I'm sorry, what possible reason could he have for doing something so ridiculous?
Comey is an asshole - but what did he lie about?

It was under his command when the FBI submitted an affidavit to the court saying that they were supplying evidence to spy on Trump's team without notifying the court that the evidence was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Not telling the court that the evidence was opposition research indirectly funneled by Russian operatives. Not telling the court that the so-called evidence was provided by a foreign entity.

No court in the country would have issued a surveillance warrant under those circumstances.
In other words, "I got nuthin on Comey lyin' Jack!"

Ford's husband was staying at home with their children because they were not going to use them as props in the hearings.

They're in some kind of "witness protection" after receiving death threats, and the guys tasked with eventually taking a bullet from the permanent outrage faction probably advised the family not to expose themselves and the bodyguards to more risk than absolutely necessary. You know, the reasonable thing to do.

Not that it would keep the wingnuts from having their fantasies running rampant, or something.

Not sure they even have meds for your level of crazy.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.

Anyone who knows their ass from their elbow would scream that polygraphs are unreliable and inadmissable (not "impermissible", dimwit) in court, because they ARE. The rest of this is just you letting your crazy run free and hoping that we'll all think the reality you hate is as silly as the insanity in your head.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.

If I didn't do it, I would demand the polygraph. I would want it given before the committee on live TV if possible.

And THAT'S why it's so inadvisable to represent yourself instead of getting an attorney: because everyday dorks on the street make ignorant decisions like that based on what they "know" from TV and movies. SMH
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.

Police departments all over the country use polygraphs to clear suspects of crimes all the time. Not used in courts, but police, FBI, CIA use them all the time.

This is not a court. He is presumed guilty.

Set up the machine right in front of Feinstien and lets go.

No, they really don't. I defy you to find me one time that a police department "cleared" someone based on a polygraph.

Law enforcement uses them, but they don't rely on the results, and they sure as shit don't consider them evidence.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.
I agree. But I think the Dems are kind of blowing their wad a little prematurely. Kavanaugh isn't a "hardcore" conservative.
He's a conservative with Constitutional predilections. If he passes this gauntlet, and Trump gets to appoint another to the SCOTUS; they'll be begging for another Kavanaugh when Trump appoints someone who is almost Puritanical...

I think it's a pretty sure bet that if Trump gets another nomination with a Republican Senate, he's not even going to try to compromise again.
If I were Kavanaugh, I would have taken the Dems up on the Polygraph test.

In fact, Kavanaugh should demand that Trump authorize the top FBI/CIA polygraph expert to conduct the polygraph live in front of the senate committee, with the test results shared under oath following the completion of the exam. Live on TV for America to see.

If, in fact, you were Kavanaugh, you'd scream to the high heavens how polygraphs are unreliable, impermissible before the court, and how no one should ever be connected to a devilish machine, but you'd claim you'd be prepared voluntarily to do anything and everything to clear things up, like watching Grassley and Graham fire the big guns at... er, attend a Senate hearing.
He has no reason to do a thing...........the burden of proof is on the accuser...........period.............he said she said is worthless in a court of law...........but we aren't in a court of law..........we are in a 3 ring circus of political slime...............where they will destroy anyone who gets in the way of their political aims and power.

They lost...........they don't want a 5-4 court against them on their agendas..........and they will sell their first born to the devil to stop it.........being the unethical creatures they are...............especially Feinstein who held it to the last minute and then .............OOPSY........IT GOT LEAKED.

Kinda normal for them.
I agree. But I think the Dems are ki,d of blowi,g their was a little prematurely. Kavanaugh isn't a "hardcore" conservative.
He's a conservative with Constitutional predilections. If he passes this gauntlet, and Trump gets to appoint another to the SCOTUS; they'll be begging for another Kavanaugh when Trump appoints someone who is almost Puritanical...

As it is, he isn't getting on the court. This process is a joke. By next week, Flake, Collins and others will fold again to Dem pressure. Dems will say the witnesses couldn't make it next week, but will be available in two weeks or some other non sense. They are weak and easily manipulated. Timid.
And finally... You get to the crux of the problem. Weak leadership. We as voters effected a change at the top. We voted for Trump. Now the GOP needs to be purged of those who show weakness. That's what Primaries, and mid terms are for. Turn out the vote!

I personally am beginning to believe that politicians should not be allowed to stay in office after they announce an impending retirement. If they're no longer the slightest bit beholden to their constituents, they have no business "representing" those constituents, or using the seat and authority belonging to those constituents to feather their retirement nests.

And yes, I AM looking at you, Jeff Flake, you puswad.

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