Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Comey is an asshole - but what did he lie about?

It was under his command when the FBI submitted an affidavit to the court saying that they were supplying evidence to spy on Trump's team without notifying the court that the evidence was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Not telling the court that the evidence was opposition research indirectly funneled by Russian operatives. Not telling the court that the so-called evidence was provided by a foreign entity.

No court in the country would have issued a surveillance warrant under those circumstances.
In other words, "I got nuthin on Comey lyin' Jack!"


We’ll see, because that song is still playing.

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You assholes do NOTHING but lie.

What Joe Biden said was a vacancy late in the election year should not be filled until AFTER THE ELECTION OR nominate a judge the Democrats could support.

My God you Trumpettes are lying fucks. Or maybe you really are that fucking stupid

Which is it?

This is what was said:

arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.
Note the words SUMMER and the words AFTER.

You lied & claimed it was for the entire election year and you lied when you claimed he said to wait until the following years.

Then there is that big "OR"

You Trump & the bawling crybaby drunk Kavanaugh do NOTHING biu lie.
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.

You're so smart.
Kananaugh denied he never drank to the point he did not remember or pass out. Many of stated he did.

Why did he dodge so many questions?

What questions? And where is the evidence he drank so much he couldn't remember or passed out?

Many have come forward with this information. Kavanaugh was frequently staggering drunk.

Right, once somebody turns on the spotlight, the roaches come out of the woodwork.

The thing is I can say that as a teen, you were stone drunk all the time. How are you going to prove me wrong? First of all that's a matter of opinion. Secondly I may have never seen you drunk once, but that's something nobody can prove.

So eye witnesses are worthless. eally???

How many people telling you about Kavanaugh's drinking will nit take to convince you?

If they really witnessed anything at all. So even if he was drunk five days a week, WTF does that have to do with him being a Supreme Court judge today? You elected a guy for President who used ILLEGAL drugs. I’m sure you voted for the woman who was under FBI investigation as President. You people on the left are throwing stones in a glass house.

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It means he lied under oath before the committee by totally misrepresenting his drinking at that time.

As for illegal rugs, you probably voted for George W Bush who was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.

You elected a fucking FRAUD. A fucking fraud!!!! You elected a business cheat, You elected an amoral POS

Kavanaugh drank illegally you stupjd shit.
What questions? And where is the evidence he drank so much he couldn't remember or passed out?

Many have come forward with this information. Kavanaugh was frequently staggering drunk.

Right, once somebody turns on the spotlight, the roaches come out of the woodwork.

The thing is I can say that as a teen, you were stone drunk all the time. How are you going to prove me wrong? First of all that's a matter of opinion. Secondly I may have never seen you drunk once, but that's something nobody can prove.

So eye witnesses are worthless. eally???

How many people telling you about Kavanaugh's drinking will nit take to convince you?

If they really witnessed anything at all. So even if he was drunk five days a week, WTF does that have to do with him being a Supreme Court judge today? You elected a guy for President who used ILLEGAL drugs. I’m sure you voted for the woman who was under FBI investigation as President. You people on the left are throwing stones in a glass house.

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It means he lied under oath before the committee by totally misrepresenting his drinking at that time.

As for illegal rugs, you probably voted for George W Bush who was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.

You elected a fucking FRAUD. A fucking fraud!!!! You elected a business cheat, You elected an amoral POS

Kavanaugh drank illegally you stupjd shit.

So did his accuser.
Jeff Flake Pushes For Real FBI Investigation Of Brett Kavanaugh Allegations

He said the probe should not be just to provide political cover for voting to confirm Kavanaugh.

Republican U.S. Senator Jeff Flake said on Monday he wanted the FBI to conduct a real and fulsome investigation of assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, telling a summit hosted by Forbes the probe should not be just to provide political cover for voting to confirm Kavanaugh.

Jeff Flake Pushes For Real FBI Investigation Of Brett Kavanaugh Allegations

I agree! However, Flake's slow awakening may be too little too late to expand the Trump/McGahn sham investigation into something meaningful.
That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

Leftists demanded that Bush leave SCOTUS seat vacant during the election year, so he did. Now tell me, if there wasn't rule, why leftists made such demand?

Second, if such rule doesn't exist, why Schumer demanded it's enforcement during mid election year?

Third, you lefties you can make up rules as you go, just not to respect them when they're not going in your favor. Since you used "nuclear option", now sit back and enjoy the show.

You assholes do NOTHING but lie.

What Joe Biden said was a vacancy late in the election year should not be filled until AFTER THE ELECTION OR nominate a judge the Democrats could support.

My God you Trumpettes are lying fucks. Or maybe you really are that fucking stupid

Which is it?

This is what was said:

arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.
Note the words SUMMER and the words AFTER.

You lied & claimed it was for the entire election year and you lied when you claimed he said to wait until the following years.

Then there is that big "OR"

You Trump & the bawling crybaby drunk Kavanaugh do NOTHING biu lie.

You're trying to be funny. That is actually part of what he said. The full quote is:

"Is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not—and not—name a nominee until after the November election is completed.
The Senate, too, Mr. President, must consider how it would respond to a Supreme Court vacancy that would occur in the full throes of an election year. It is my view that if the President goes the way of Presidents Fillmore and Johnson and presses an election-year nomination, the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over."

In the context, he was referring to election year.

Now, if is not enough, let's play the video.

And you shitstain are calling me a liar?

Second, if Biden rule doesn't exist, why Schumer was demanding it's enforcement?

Did Garland get his due after the 2016 election?

Was Garland nominated in the summer?

Both Fillmore & Johnson's were in the summer.

None other came up.

The truth is that your party cheated. They lied. They pissed on the Constitution.

Biden was talking about late in the election year.
Many have come forward with this information. Kavanaugh was frequently staggering drunk.

Right, once somebody turns on the spotlight, the roaches come out of the woodwork.

The thing is I can say that as a teen, you were stone drunk all the time. How are you going to prove me wrong? First of all that's a matter of opinion. Secondly I may have never seen you drunk once, but that's something nobody can prove.

So eye witnesses are worthless. eally???

How many people telling you about Kavanaugh's drinking will nit take to convince you?

If they really witnessed anything at all. So even if he was drunk five days a week, WTF does that have to do with him being a Supreme Court judge today? You elected a guy for President who used ILLEGAL drugs. I’m sure you voted for the woman who was under FBI investigation as President. You people on the left are throwing stones in a glass house.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
It means he lied under oath before the committee by totally misrepresenting his drinking at that time.

As for illegal rugs, you probably voted for George W Bush who was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.

You elected a fucking FRAUD. A fucking fraud!!!! You elected a business cheat, You elected an amoral POS

Kavanaugh drank illegally you stupjd shit.

So did his accuser.

She is not running for the USSC & did not lie about it.

If your sloppy drunken buddy had come out & admitted he drank a lot at that time & does not remember any such attach & then said he apologized if he did.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. He decided to whiner & cry like a little girl. My God.
What questions? And where is the evidence he drank so much he couldn't remember or passed out?

Many have come forward with this information. Kavanaugh was frequently staggering drunk.

Right, once somebody turns on the spotlight, the roaches come out of the woodwork.

The thing is I can say that as a teen, you were stone drunk all the time. How are you going to prove me wrong? First of all that's a matter of opinion. Secondly I may have never seen you drunk once, but that's something nobody can prove.

So eye witnesses are worthless. eally???

How many people telling you about Kavanaugh's drinking will nit take to convince you?

If they really witnessed anything at all. So even if he was drunk five days a week, WTF does that have to do with him being a Supreme Court judge today? You elected a guy for President who used ILLEGAL drugs. I’m sure you voted for the woman who was under FBI investigation as President. You people on the left are throwing stones in a glass house.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
It means he lied under oath before the committee by totally misrepresenting his drinking at that time.

As for illegal rugs, you probably voted for George W Bush who was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.

You elected a fucking FRAUD. A fucking fraud!!!! You elected a business cheat, You elected an amoral POS

Kavanaugh drank illegally you stupjd shit.

Ah yes, more crap you can't prove. Coke head? Link please?

So tell us, what is the legal definition of drinking too much? Who makes that parameter?
Right, once somebody turns on the spotlight, the roaches come out of the woodwork.

The thing is I can say that as a teen, you were stone drunk all the time. How are you going to prove me wrong? First of all that's a matter of opinion. Secondly I may have never seen you drunk once, but that's something nobody can prove.

So eye witnesses are worthless. eally???

How many people telling you about Kavanaugh's drinking will nit take to convince you?

If they really witnessed anything at all. So even if he was drunk five days a week, WTF does that have to do with him being a Supreme Court judge today? You elected a guy for President who used ILLEGAL drugs. I’m sure you voted for the woman who was under FBI investigation as President. You people on the left are throwing stones in a glass house.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
It means he lied under oath before the committee by totally misrepresenting his drinking at that time.

As for illegal rugs, you probably voted for George W Bush who was a drunk & coke head until the age of 35.

You elected a fucking FRAUD. A fucking fraud!!!! You elected a business cheat, You elected an amoral POS

Kavanaugh drank illegally you stupjd shit.

So did his accuser.

She is not running for the USSC & did not lie about it.

If your sloppy drunken buddy had come out & admitted he drank a lot at that time & does not remember any such attach & then said he apologized if he did.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. He decided to whiner & cry like a little girl. My God.

Exactly what you would expect a truly innocent person to do, be very angry that they are falsely accused. You would in essence have him plead guilty to a lesser charge in order to get a lighter sentence, because he would be leaving the door open to charges that he actually did it.
Seems KavaGangTrain was talking by text to one of the female accusers.
And lying in hearing about knowing about this latest accusation.
And knew her all alone.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public
A former classmate of the Supreme Court nominee has reached out to the FBI but hasn't received a response.
by Heidi Przybyla and Leigh Ann Caldwell / Oct.01.2018 / 5:39 PM EDT
Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public
and also,
Flake: Kavanaugh investigation 'no good' if it 'just gives us more cover'
and also,
Former Yale Classmate Of Kavanaugh's: 'Brett Has Not Told The Truth'
My, My.... KavaGangTrain Graduated Cum Laude.
Yale in 1987 with a Bachelor of Arts cum laude.
So half the school class that year seems to as well. still checking this.
But how can you Booze, Party and GangTrain so much and do this
Cum Laude thang?
Does anyone know who is controlling/directing the FBI investigation - Trump/McGahn or Senate Republicans? They seem to be pointing fingers at each other - which indicates a con game.
LOL! KavaGangTrain blew it huge based on this speech....

Kavanaugh in 2015: A judge must keep "emotions in check" and not be a "political partisan"
In 2015, Kavanaugh gave a speech—titled “The Judge as Umpire”—at the Columbus Law School at Catholic University. It was during this event that he now-infamously said, “What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep.” But later in the speech, Kavanaugh explained the importance of judicial temperament. He described the attributes required for a “good judge”: to have the “proper demeanor,” to keep “our emotions in check,” to be “calm amidst the storm,” and to “demonstrate civility.” And, Kavanaugh added, “Don’t be a jerk.”
Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

Leftists demanded that Bush leave SCOTUS seat vacant during the election year, so he did. Now tell me, if there wasn't rule, why leftists made such demand?

Second, if such rule doesn't exist, why Schumer demanded it's enforcement during mid election year?

Third, you lefties you can make up rules as you go, just not to respect them when they're not going in your favor. Since you used "nuclear option", now sit back and enjoy the show.

You assholes do NOTHING but lie.

What Joe Biden said was a vacancy late in the election year should not be filled until AFTER THE ELECTION OR nominate a judge the Democrats could support.

My God you Trumpettes are lying fucks. Or maybe you really are that fucking stupid

Which is it?

This is what was said:

arguing that if a Supreme Court seat became vacant during the summer, President Bush should wait until after the election to appoint a replacement, or else appoint a moderate acceptable to the then-Democratic Senate.
Note the words SUMMER and the words AFTER.

You lied & claimed it was for the entire election year and you lied when you claimed he said to wait until the following years.

Then there is that big "OR"

You Trump & the bawling crybaby drunk Kavanaugh do NOTHING biu lie.

You're trying to be funny. That is actually part of what he said. The full quote is:

"Is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not—and not—name a nominee until after the November election is completed.
The Senate, too, Mr. President, must consider how it would respond to a Supreme Court vacancy that would occur in the full throes of an election year. It is my view that if the President goes the way of Presidents Fillmore and Johnson and presses an election-year nomination, the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until after the political campaign season is over."

In the context, he was referring to election year.

Now, if is not enough, let's play the video.

And you shitstain are calling me a liar?

Second, if Biden rule doesn't exist, why Schumer was demanding it's enforcement?

Did Garland get his due after the 2016 election?

Was Garland nominated in the summer?

Both Fillmore & Johnson's were in the summer.

None other came up.

The truth is that your party cheated. They lied. They pissed on the Constitution.

Biden was talking about late in the election year.

Your switch is stuck on summer.... sorry, on stupid. It doesn't matter, it was Barry's last year in office, he doesn't get to nominate, especially with minority in House and Senate.

The truth is that Republicans (not my party) beat Democrats in their own game, and you lefties are having meltdown over it.

The president says he is open to a “comprehensive investigation” but said that the probe would be guided by the wishes of Republican senators and that the FBI could decide whom to interview “within reason.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the confirmation vote would be this week.

Trump adds to confusion over FBI investigation of Kavanaugh claims

Who's running this con game?
Brett Kavanaugh was questioned by police after bloody bar fight in Connecticut
While an undergraduate at Yale University, Brett Kavanaugh was questioned by police over his alleged involvement in a bloody bar fight, according to a police report unearthed Monday.

The report, which was obtained by The New York Times, states officers with the New Haven Police Department questioned Kavanaugh over allegedly throwing ice at another patron at a local bar in September 1985.

After Kavanaugh tossed ice at the man, a witness told responding officers that Kavanaugh’s friend Chris Dudley hit him with a glass, leaving him “bleeding from the right ear,” according to the report.

A White House spokesman did not immediately return a request for comment. Kavanaugh’s lawyer did not respond to emailed questions.
Brett Kavanaugh was questioned by police after bloody bar fight in Connecticut - NY Daily News

:113:Hmm? Nice if true.
LOL! KavaGangTrain blew it huge based on this speech....

Kavanaugh in 2015: A judge must keep "emotions in check" and not be a "political partisan"
In 2015, Kavanaugh gave a speech—titled “The Judge as Umpire”—at the Columbus Law School at Catholic University. It was during this event that he now-infamously said, “What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep.” But later in the speech, Kavanaugh explained the importance of judicial temperament. He described the attributes required for a “good judge”: to have the “proper demeanor,” to keep “our emotions in check,” to be “calm amidst the storm,” and to “demonstrate civility.” And, Kavanaugh added, “Don’t be a jerk.”

The president says he is open to a “comprehensive investigation” but said that the probe would be guided by the wishes of Republican senators and that the FBI could decide whom to interview “within reason.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the confirmation vote would be this week.

Trump adds to confusion over FBI investigation of Kavanaugh claims

Who's running this con game?

You demanded it, now you have it and you're finding out you don't want it.
LOL! KavaGangTrain blew it huge based on this speech....

Kavanaugh in 2015: A judge must keep "emotions in check" and not be a "political partisan"
In 2015, Kavanaugh gave a speech—titled “The Judge as Umpire”—at the Columbus Law School at Catholic University. It was during this event that he now-infamously said, “What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep.” But later in the speech, Kavanaugh explained the importance of judicial temperament. He described the attributes required for a “good judge”: to have the “proper demeanor,” to keep “our emotions in check,” to be “calm amidst the storm,” and to “demonstrate civility.” And, Kavanaugh added, “Don’t be a jerk.”

I guess you missed the review of KavaGangTrain,,

'SNL': Matt Damon Plays Beer-Shotgunning, Bro-y Brett Kavanaugh in Cold Open

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