Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Yet Another Former Classmate Of Brett Kavanaugh Says He Drank More Than He Lets On

Chad Ludington, who went to Yale with Kavanaugh, told the New York Times he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

North Carolina State University professor Chad Ludington has joined a handful of other former classmates of Brett Kavanaugh in contradicting the Supreme Court nominee’s claims about his past drinking habits.

Ludington told the New York Times in a statement Sunday that Kavanaugh played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. He said he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

Ludington called Kavanaugh’s answers about drinking a “blatant mischaracterization” based on his experiences around the judge when they attended Yale University together. Ludington claimed he often saw Kavanaugh “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk.

Roche, a roommate of Kavanaugh’s during freshman year, told the New Yorker he found Ramirez’s claims to be credible. Roche added that he saw Kavanaugh “frequently, incoherently drunk.” Another unnamed classmate told the New Yorker Kavanaugh could be “aggressive and even belligerent” when he drank.

Yet Another Former Classmate Of Brett Kavanaugh Says He Drank More Than He Lets On

Well, ain't that interesting...
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North Carolina State University professor Chad Ludington has joined a handful of other former classmates of Brett Kavanaugh in contradicting the Supreme Court nominee’s claims about his past drinking habits.

Ludington told the New York Times in a statement Sunday that Kavanaugh played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. He said he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

Yet Another Former Classmate Of Brett Kavanaugh Says He Drank More Than He Lets On

Well, ain't that interesting...

Okay, so he drank in college. That's no reason to disqualify him from serving on the supreme court. My goodness you leftists are petty. You'll do anything to keep power no matter how much you have to lie, cheat or steal.
North Carolina State University professor Chad Ludington has joined a handful of other former classmates of Brett Kavanaugh in contradicting the Supreme Court nominee’s claims about his past drinking habits.

Ludington told the New York Times in a statement Sunday that Kavanaugh played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. He said he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

Ludington called Kavanaugh’s answers about drinking a “blatant mischaracterization” based on his experiences around the judge when they attended Yale University together. Ludington claimed he often saw Kavanaugh “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk.

Roche, a roommate of Kavanaugh’s during freshman year, told the New Yorker he found Ramirez’s claims to be credible. Roche added that he saw Kavanaugh “frequently, incoherently drunk.” Another unnamed classmate told the New Yorker Kavanaugh could be “aggressive and even belligerent” when he drank.

Yet Another Former Classmate Of Brett Kavanaugh Says He Drank More Than He Lets On

Well, ain't that interesting...
No! It's not.
North Carolina State University professor Chad Ludington has joined a handful of other former classmates of Brett Kavanaugh in contradicting the Supreme Court nominee’s claims about his past drinking habits.

Ludington told the New York Times in a statement Sunday that Kavanaugh played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. He said he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

Ludington called Kavanaugh’s answers about drinking a “blatant mischaracterization” based on his experiences around the judge when they attended Yale University together. Ludington claimed he often saw Kavanaugh “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk.

Roche, a roommate of Kavanaugh’s during freshman year, told the New Yorker he found Ramirez’s claims to be credible. Roche added that he saw Kavanaugh “frequently, incoherently drunk.” Another unnamed classmate told the New Yorker Kavanaugh could be “aggressive and even belligerent” when he drank.

Yet Another Former Classmate Of Brett Kavanaugh Says He Drank More Than He Lets On

Well, ain't that interesting...
No! It's not.

Well, I think it is. More negative shit on Kavanaugh.
North Carolina State University professor Chad Ludington has joined a handful of other former classmates of Brett Kavanaugh in contradicting the Supreme Court nominee’s claims about his past drinking habits.

Ludington told the New York Times in a statement Sunday that Kavanaugh played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. He said he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

Ludington called Kavanaugh’s answers about drinking a “blatant mischaracterization” based on his experiences around the judge when they attended Yale University together. Ludington claimed he often saw Kavanaugh “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk.

Roche, a roommate of Kavanaugh’s during freshman year, told the New Yorker he found Ramirez’s claims to be credible. Roche added that he saw Kavanaugh “frequently, incoherently drunk.” Another unnamed classmate told the New Yorker Kavanaugh could be “aggressive and even belligerent” when he drank.

Yet Another Former Classmate Of Brett Kavanaugh Says He Drank More Than He Lets On

Well, ain't that interesting...
No! It's not.

Well, I think it is. More negative shit on Kavanaugh.

Everyone knew this before, the Great Douche picked him for the save from jail.

Comey is an asshole - but what did he lie about?

It was under his command when the FBI submitted an affidavit to the court saying that they were supplying evidence to spy on Trump's team without notifying the court that the evidence was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Not telling the court that the evidence was opposition research indirectly funneled by Russian operatives. Not telling the court that the so-called evidence was provided by a foreign entity.

No court in the country would have issued a surveillance warrant under those circumstances.

Comey is an asshole - but what did he lie about?

It was under his command when the FBI submitted an affidavit to the court saying that they were supplying evidence to spy on Trump's team without notifying the court that the evidence was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Not telling the court that the evidence was opposition research indirectly funneled by Russian operatives. Not telling the court that the so-called evidence was provided by a foreign entity.

No court in the country would have issued a surveillance warrant under those circumstances.

Funny. That FISA nonsense has been thoroughly debunked many times. Many...

Comey is an asshole - but what did he lie about?

It was under his command when the FBI submitted an affidavit to the court saying that they were supplying evidence to spy on Trump's team without notifying the court that the evidence was bought and paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton. Not telling the court that the evidence was opposition research indirectly funneled by Russian operatives. Not telling the court that the so-called evidence was provided by a foreign entity.

No court in the country would have issued a surveillance warrant under those circumstances.

Funny. That FISA nonsense has been thoroughly debunked many times. Many...

No, it's actually still going on. Trump wanted to declassify it but was stopped.
Seriously, has anyone ever seen a job interview like this?


Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's "rigged" investigation.
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More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's "rigged" investigation.

I'd be very careful disparaging her, and her assessment. She hasn't shown herself to be a partisan mouth-breather, either during the questioning, or in the document you linked. So, what's to glean from it?

You will not find any statement to the effect, "Kavanaugh didn't do it."

You will, in particular, find nothing to the effect that Dr. Ford's credibility is such that her allegations should be summarily dismissed.

In the normal course of proceedings, and the aggrieved party shows up at the police and alleges a crime. Next, the police do an investigation. Once that's complete, the prosecutor decides on bringing a case. As we know, at the time of Dr. Ford's testimony, there was no investigation, and victims are not usually required to investigate the crimes against them on their own. How surprising can it be that a prosecutor, based solely on the victim's allegations, won't bring a case? It patently is not.

Also, you will note that Mitchell did not write up her assessment of Kavanaugh's testimony. It's an interesting exercise to ponder the reasons why that is.

Finally, despite what the Goober mouth-breathers, from Graham on down to blogging nitwits, try to establish, the standard for the confirmation process is not "beyond a reasonable doubt", or even "preponderance of evidence". The standard is, did the nominee demonstrate the temperament, the personality, the ability to render judgment setting aside personal (political) preferences, and to argue calmly and rationally even in the face of adversity, the very abilities every reasonable person would expect from a judge on the highest court of the country? By every reasonable standard, Kavanaugh demonstrated the very opposite thereof. As was noted elsewhere, there is no presumption of confirmability. That's before we get to the fact that, arguably, Kavanaugh lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee numerous times - a crime in its own right. And that is why the assessment that "no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case" does not help them at all. Rather, it further demonstrates how desperately they have to try to muddy the waters to conceal what they are doing.
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North Carolina State University professor Chad Ludington has joined a handful of other former classmates of Brett Kavanaugh in contradicting the Supreme Court nominee’s claims about his past drinking habits.

Ludington told the New York Times in a statement Sunday that Kavanaugh played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. He said he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

Yet Another Former Classmate Of Brett Kavanaugh Says He Drank More Than He Lets On

Well, ain't that interesting...

Okay, so he drank in college. That's no reason to disqualify him from serving on the supreme court. My goodness you leftists are petty. You'll do anything to keep power no matter how much you have to lie, cheat or steal.

It is amazing the degree of moral purity they demand from the Republicans while tolerating and even celebrating the worst from their own. It will backfire on them.

Senate GOP’s Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell outlined her views in a 5-page memo to Republican Senators on Sunday.

Rachel Mitchell, the outside prosecutor hired by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans to lead the questioning of Christine Blasey Ford and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, has sent out a memo arguing that a “reasonable prosecutor” would not bring a case against Kavanaugh based on Blasey’s allegations.

More: Senate GOP's Outside Counsel Says ‘Reasonable Prosector’ Would Not Bring Case Against Kavanaugh

Rachel Mitchell's analysis

So funny. So predictable. She's also a registered Republican. Even before the FBI completes Trump's "rigged" investigation.

Interesting that all of Kavanaugh's accusers are hard core leftists, isn't it?
North Carolina State University professor Chad Ludington has joined a handful of other former classmates of Brett Kavanaugh in contradicting the Supreme Court nominee’s claims about his past drinking habits.

Ludington told the New York Times in a statement Sunday that Kavanaugh played down “the degree and frequency” of his drinking to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. He said he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

Ludington called Kavanaugh’s answers about drinking a “blatant mischaracterization” based on his experiences around the judge when they attended Yale University together. Ludington claimed he often saw Kavanaugh “belligerent and aggressive” while drunk.

Roche, a roommate of Kavanaugh’s during freshman year, told the New Yorker he found Ramirez’s claims to be credible. Roche added that he saw Kavanaugh “frequently, incoherently drunk.” Another unnamed classmate told the New Yorker Kavanaugh could be “aggressive and even belligerent” when he drank.

Yet Another Former Classmate Of Brett Kavanaugh Says He Drank More Than He Lets On

Well, ain't that interesting...
No! It's not.

Well, I think it is. More negative shit on Kavanaugh.
Correct. "My no, it's not."
Meant surprise! Well, not really.
More bad spew of KavaGangTrain drinking.

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