Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

This should be true.
KavaGangTrain in an allegation of rape.
Was Long Dong Thomas a rape assault claim?

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Garland didn't have the votes, so they shelved Garland.
Reid did that stuff all the time.

That's funny. No Republican Senators even interviewed him. McConnell prevented any contact with Garland.

Why they should? They were following Biden's rule.

I personally think Biden is a flake - but when was the so-called "Biden Rule" ever adopted or used by the Senate on Supreme Court nominations?

In Context: The 'Biden Rule' on Supreme Court nominations in an election year

Leftists demanded that Bush leave SCOTUS seat vacant during the election year, so he did. Now tell me, if there wasn't rule, why leftists made such demand?

Second, if such rule doesn't exist, why Schumer demanded it's enforcement during mid election year?

Third, you lefties you can make up rules as you go, just not to respect them when they're not going in your favor. Since you used "nuclear option", now sit back and enjoy the show.

"Folks, liberals have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

BS lair DOPer! The folks you are claiming for,
is some 26% of Extreme ANAL MORON DOPers. Some in the old GOP are still rational.
And the GOP lost control of.
HRC had 3M more votes. Obama 10M more votes in 2008. The Great Douche got 77K to win and sell out America.
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Trump Attacks Dems Amid Reports That GOP Is Restricting Kavanaugh Probe

Several outlets, including CNN, NBC News and The New York Times, have reported that the probe is being tightly controlled by the White House counsel’s office in coordination with Senate Republicans, contrary to Trump’s claims on Twitter on Saturday.

There are reportedly restrictions on the number of total witnesses federal investigators can interview, as well as on their ability to question Kavanaugh’s Yale classmates about his drinking habits. Alcohol plays a role in Blasey’s claims about the nominee, as well as the claims of two other women who came forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct.

More: Trump Attacks Dems Amid Reports That GOP Is Restricting Kavanaugh Probe

It's all a sham. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.
Interesting today.

Yale classmate accuses Kavanaugh of ‘blatant mischaracterization’ of his drinking at college


A Yale classmate of Judge Brett Kavanaugh accused him Sunday of a “blatant mischaracterization” of his drinking while in college, saying that he often saw Kavanaugh “staggering from alcohol consumption.”

The classmate, Chad Ludington, who said he frequently socialized with Kavanaugh as a student, said in a statement that the judge had been untruthful in testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee when he had denied any possibility that he had ever blacked out from drinking.

...read more
No one is going to fall the this weeks BS fest...let the FBI do their job and STFU!!!!!
Trump Attacks Dems Amid Reports That GOP Is Restricting Kavanaugh Probe

Several outlets, including CNN, NBC News and The New York Times, have reported that the probe is being tightly controlled by the White House counsel’s office in coordination with Senate Republicans, contrary to Trump’s claims on Twitter on Saturday.

There are reportedly restrictions on the number of total witnesses federal investigators can interview, as well as on their ability to question Kavanaugh’s Yale classmates about his drinking habits. Alcohol plays a role in Blasey’s claims about the nominee, as well as the claims of two other women who came forward to accuse him of sexual misconduct.

More: Trump Attacks Dems Amid Reports That GOP Is Restricting Kavanaugh Probe

It's all a sham. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.

Yep. And, to cover it up...

An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment, referring questions to the White House.​

... they gagged the FBI, and so far have not reacted to Feinstein's request they hand over the authorization of the FBI investigation to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

It's going to be interesting to see, once that "investigation" turns up nothing of any relevance - by design, not because there's nothing out there - whether or not the three musketeers will find their spine and resist what will be, without doubt, intense pressure to vote with the rest of the sheep. As of now, I suspect they're going to soil themselves.

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