Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

want in one hand

shit in the other

see which you have more of

not happening



Chuck Grassley can go fuck himself.

The FBI did investigate Anita Hill's accusation, and it took 3 days


--LOL too bad butt hurt loser that is not how the senate works peckerhead

LOL too bad butt hurt loser that is not how the senate works peckerhead



Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

want in one hand

shit in the other

see which you have more of

not happening



Chuck Grassley can go fuck himself.

The FBI did investigate Anita Hill's accusation, and it took 3 days

Christine Blasey Ford Wants The Same Thing Anita Hill Got, An F.B.I. Investigation Into Her Claims

It's just that simple. They could have done that this week and still had testimony on Monday.
they could have done a proper investigation on an incident outside of their jurisdiction that happened "in the early 80s" and an "undocumented house" that so far all the people who she says were there, were not there, in a week?

you one funny dumbass.

you and i both know the left is asking for something they KNOW they're not going to get so they can then say WAH UNFAIR in the end so they can one again play the victim in the tragedy they are busy writing.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

want in one hand

shit in the other

see which you have more of

not happening



Chuck Grassley can go fuck himself.

The FBI did investigate Anita Hill's accusation, and it took 3 days


--LOL too bad butt hurt loser that is not how the senate works peckerhead

LOL too bad butt hurt loser that is not how the senate works peckerhead



yep, we're sure. the senate investigates, the fbi runs background checks and submits the information for the senate to guess what? Investigate. hahahahahahahaaha you ignoring me again?
Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
The accuser doesn't remember the date or place this traumatic event occurred. Idiot.

So what. The date and place is not as important as witnesses who can corroborate the allegation. There already is a therapist and her husband. There is also no doubt several others who knew at the time. All of whom could be inteviewed by the FBI.
/----/ I'm sure you'd have no issue having your life destroyed on such flimsy "evidence"
They don't care. They'd destroy their grandmother if it meant getting their agenda through. They're scum.
The Trump Train ‏ @The_Trump_Train
Every mother of boys should be terrified that at any time, any girl can fabricate any story without any proof and ruin their lives.

Personally, I'm terrified that my boys are going to watch this and decide to just avoid girls, and then I will never get grandchildren from them.
How do you investigate the possible antics of teenagers from 36 years ago?

Utterly ridiculous.
Sexual assault...is not "childhood antics"

I have no problem at all with a locally conducted investigation being done here.

The only problem I have is with a delay in the confirmation vote. Mr. Kavanaugh deserves a prompt up or down decision on this, find out if he's been tarred as a Chomo.
What's the rush? Republicans kept what became the Gorsuch seat open for a full year

You mean, aside from the unwillingness to let your scumbag play succeed?

Personally, my rush is in listening to you wail and gnash your teeth over JUSTICE Kavanaugh sitting on the bench during the next Supreme Court session. :SMILEW~130:
Why would she do that, knowing full well that this is not within the FBI's jurisdiction?

It is within their jurisdiction, fool.
The FBI conducted his background check.
Trump simply needs to ask them to look into this new information as a part of that.

They conducted MANY background checks and found nothing.

When you actually come up with a point, post it. Remember, because you have the right to freely speak, it's often best not to when your speech makes you look idiotic.

Sure they conducted a background check, fool. Just not on this specific topic.

And once again. The background check would have caught some common character flaws (damn I get tired of posting this). Abusive males don't just turn on and turn off at the flip of a switch. They abuse females as a course of daily life. I know this from over 5 years of volunteering as a crime victim advocate, most of which were women from abusive relationships.

If, as thorough as an FBI screening is (likely involving psychological screening as well), didn't catch the flaw, it just isn't one he has.

Nonsense. This could very easily be a single incident especially given it that it was done by drunken teens.
A one off incident in no way minimizes what was alleged.

How about the fact that she didn't see the need to do anything about it until she could get something out of it? That seems awfully minimizing in MY book.
/——/ Just heard the high school just scrubbed the year books from their website for 80, 81 and 82. I wonder why.

George Orwell's genius shows in times like these. And it illustrates why liberals do not want children reading "dead white males".

. 'Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'

They have been scrubbing her internet presence for over a month now.
This is a little different because it involves possible civil rights violations since they were both working for the government. From your link:

October 11, 1991: Hill testifies that Thomas had sexually harassed her while she worked with him at the Education Department and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Hill said Thomas frequently asked her out on dates and described his sexual interests to her. Thomas denies the allegations.

Babble much?
Two people don't have to be working for the same employer in order to get the FBI to investigate sexual harassment.

The FBI (first letter being Federal) only investigates Federal Crimes. They don't investigate house parties of teenagers. Civil rights is within their purview. A violation of Civil Rights is a federal crime.

Understand now???

the willful ignorant will never understand they refuse too

The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""
Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.

I have no problem with the FBI doing a full scale criminal investigation of this alleged molestation of a child.

But it should be done AFTER the vote, and regardless of the result of the vote.

There is no statute of limitations for the child molestation in Maryland, and there is no reason why all of the suspects and witnesses shouldn't be given a full anal examination.

But delaying this vote? That would be unfair to the American people.

If Kavanaugh were convicted as the Chomo the Democrats say he is, he'll be impeached anyhow- just like Jared Fogle was impeached from his position at Subway as soon as he was convicted.

But delaying this vote? That would be unfair to the American people.

What a hypocritical loser.

M..E..R..R..I..C..K G..A..R..L..A..N..D
Some of you are so stupid to believe that the FBI is, somehow, this all encompassing law enforcement organization that can investigate and prosecute any crime. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. They are a federal agency and as such can only prosecute federal crimes. It is unconstitutional for the FBI to get involved in criminal matters which the state can reasonably prosecute themselves.

Sigh, the cognitive dissonance is starting to make me angry. Hulk smash angry.
Bullshit. The FBI has ALREADY done investigative work (vetting) on The Kav...and they could and should investigate this matter as well.

No, the FBI did a background check on Kavanaugh, which is an entirely different matter from a criminal investigation. For one thing, the first is their legal jurisdiction, and the second isn't. I realize you leftists think laws are just mere suggestions that you can wave off anytime it suits you, but most people consider them to be important and binding. Law enforcement agencies, for example, especially seem to take that view.
Correct, likely because it lacked even the tiniest shred of evidence. The only piece she had was notes from her therapist, which both she and her husband declared to be bogus.


So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Ms/Mrs/Comrade Ford do you have any corroborating evidence of your charges?

Yes Senator...I have notes I myself dictated to a therapist.


If we dont mercilessly put these people down now this degeneration towards Bolshevism will go too far.

So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Hence the need for a investigative report from the FBI.


"Everything in the world is evidence that you need to give me what I want, no matter what!"

Yeah, no.
It is within their jurisdiction, fool.
The FBI conducted his background check.
Trump simply needs to ask them to look into this new information as a part of that.

They conducted MANY background checks and found nothing.

When you actually come up with a point, post it. Remember, because you have the right to freely speak, it's often best not to when your speech makes you look idiotic.

Sure they conducted a background check, fool. Just not on this specific topic.

And once again. The background check would have caught some common character flaws (damn I get tired of posting this). Abusive males don't just turn on and turn off at the flip of a switch. They abuse females as a course of daily life. I know this from over 5 years of volunteering as a crime victim advocate, most of which were women from abusive relationships.

If, as thorough as an FBI screening is (likely involving psychological screening as well), didn't catch the flaw, it just isn't one he has.

Nonsense. This could very easily be a single incident especially given it that it was done by drunken teens.
A one off incident in no way minimizes what was alleged.

How about the fact that she didn't see the need to do anything about it until she could get something out of it? That seems awfully minimizing in MY book.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid
They conducted MANY background checks and found nothing.

When you actually come up with a point, post it. Remember, because you have the right to freely speak, it's often best not to when your speech makes you look idiotic.

Sure they conducted a background check, fool. Just not on this specific topic.

And once again. The background check would have caught some common character flaws (damn I get tired of posting this). Abusive males don't just turn on and turn off at the flip of a switch. They abuse females as a course of daily life. I know this from over 5 years of volunteering as a crime victim advocate, most of which were women from abusive relationships.

If, as thorough as an FBI screening is (likely involving psychological screening as well), didn't catch the flaw, it just isn't one he has.

Nonsense. This could very easily be a single incident especially given it that it was done by drunken teens.
A one off incident in no way minimizes what was alleged.

How about the fact that she didn't see the need to do anything about it until she could get something out of it? That seems awfully minimizing in MY book.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

She is getting here way in having Kavanaugh not confirmed.

The complete lack of knowledge of how the legal system works is utterly astounding. Even Ford's "lawyers" know full well that such an accusation can only be tried in the state in which it occurred. Rape is not a federal crime, it never will be until appropriate legislation is passed to codify it into federal statutes. It is a state crime.

Are any of you liberal lemmings paying attention?

No one is asking for a criminal investigation, dope.

Yeah, that actually is what you're asking for. What did you think it was called?
The fbi does background checks, not investigations. fk, would you at least go read their purpose in a nomination process? I feel bad for you that you are soo soo stupid.

They investigated the Anita Hill accusations in the Thomas case

Stupid fyk
He got onto the bench because your attempt to create doubt and suspicion rang true to no one, just like now. And he continues there with absolutely no "stench" whatsoever, except the stench of your leftist despair at your helplessness.

Thomas is probably the WORST Justice ever to have sat on the SC. He never cast a vote without asking Scalia first

Has it at all occurred to you that I've had farts I valued more than I value your opinion of what makes the "worst Justice"? I'm just curious whether or not you're actually trying to delude yourself that I, or anyone else, views you as something other than a negligible, unfunny joke.

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