Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

How do you investigate the possible antics of teenagers from 36 years ago?

Utterly ridiculous.
Sexual assault...is not "childhood antics"

I have no problem at all with a locally conducted investigation being done here.

The only problem I have is with a delay in the confirmation vote. Mr. Kavanaugh deserves a prompt up or down decision on this, find out if he's been tarred as a Chomo.

It's amazing how much laws and law enforcement regulations do not give a rat's rear what you personally "have no problem at all" with. It's almost as though your feelings don't matter in the real world.

And seriously, if you're going to try to use slang terms like "chomo", learn what they mean and use them correctly, or just shut up.
Why would she do that, knowing full well that this is not within the FBI's jurisdiction?

It is within their jurisdiction, fool.
The FBI conducted his background check.
Trump simply needs to ask them to look into this new information as a part of that.

They conducted MANY background checks and found nothing.

When you actually come up with a point, post it. Remember, because you have the right to freely speak, it's often best not to when your speech makes you look idiotic.

Sure they conducted a background check, fool. Just not on this specific topic.

Kavanaugh already passed 6 FBI background checks, tissue?

Do you imagine that investigation included interviews with the accuser, dope?

No, we're sure they didn't, since her "terribly important and traumatic experience" apparently wasn't important and traumatic enough for her to actually REPORT IT.
How do you investigate the possible antics of teenagers from 36 years ago?

Utterly ridiculous.
Sexual assault...is not "childhood antics"

I have no problem at all with a locally conducted investigation being done here.

The only problem I have is with a delay in the confirmation vote. Mr. Kavanaugh deserves a prompt up or down decision on this, find out if he's been tarred as a Chomo.

It's amazing how much laws and law enforcement regulations do not give a rat's rear what you personally "have no problem at all" with. It's almost as though your feelings don't matter in the real world.

And seriously, if you're going to try to use slang terms like "chomo", learn what they mean and use them correctly, or just shut up.
again, the issue is over 36 years old. no local police would take this. It's not a cold case. it's a no case. they can't do jack shit with it. they'd make more progress beating off in the john.
Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Since President Trump isn't going to authorize the Taxpayers to pay for an investigation, why doesn't this broad ask Soros or some other deep pocketed liberal to fund this investigation instead?
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

Which brings us back to WHY the FBI would interview anyone, given that this is not their job.

The appropriate investigative body, whose job this ACTUALLY is - the Senate Judiciary Committee - would like to interview people . . . starting with Dr. Ford, just as soon as she decides this is really as important as she claims it is, and agrees to do so.

It is their job. The FBI conducted the background investigations. This is a question regarding his background.

How do you investigate the possible antics of teenagers from 36 years ago?

Utterly ridiculous.
Sexual assault...is not "childhood antics"

I have no problem at all with a locally conducted investigation being done here.

The only problem I have is with a delay in the confirmation vote. Mr. Kavanaugh deserves a prompt up or down decision on this, find out if he's been tarred as a Chomo.

It's amazing how much laws and law enforcement regulations do not give a rat's rear what you personally "have no problem at all" with. It's almost as though your feelings don't matter in the real world.

And seriously, if you're going to try to use slang terms like "chomo", learn what they mean and use them correctly, or just shut up.
again, the issue is over 36 years old. no local police would take this. It's not a cold case. it's a no case. they can't do jack shit with it. they'd make more progress beating off in the john.
I wish the stupid fks here on the left knew the constitution. really, what a waste of fking human space.
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Since President Trump isn't going to authorize the Taxpayers to pay for an investigation, why doesn't this broad ask Soros or some other deep pocketed liberal to fund this investigation instead?
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

Which brings us back to WHY the FBI would interview anyone, given that this is not their job.

The appropriate investigative body, whose job this ACTUALLY is - the Senate Judiciary Committee - would like to interview people . . . starting with Dr. Ford, just as soon as she decides this is really as important as she claims it is, and agrees to do so.

It is their job. The FBI conducted the background investigations. This is a question regarding his background.

hey First Base!!!!

The fbi does background checks, not investigations. fk, would you at least go read their purpose in a nomination process? I feel bad for you that you are soo soo stupid.
Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

What's wrong with the local police or sheriff's office investigating this? Sexual Assault is a state crime
they can't that costs money. why would they on something that was a juvenile matter and there is no record of it? First Base again.

Montgomery County MD went 74% for Mrs. Clinton, means they like to pay high taxes. It would be awfully hypocritical for them to complain now

I'm pretty sure even they might find a little bit to complain about if their local police were not available to investigate ACTUAL, CURRENT, PROSECUTABLE crimes because they were busy chasing shadows on something utterly pointless, from the view of prosecution, like this.

And I'm very sure the Chief of Police, or whatever equivalent title they have, would have a LOT to complain about if he was expected to rework his budget - which is probably not unlimited - to spend money on something he can't prosecute and not on current crimes.
Correct, likely because it lacked even the tiniest shred of evidence. The only piece she had was notes from her therapist, which both she and her husband declared to be bogus.


So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Ms/Mrs/Comrade Ford do you have any corroborating evidence of your charges?

Yes Senator...I have notes I myself dictated to a therapist.


If we dont mercilessly put these people down now this degeneration towards Bolshevism will go too far.

So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Hence the need for a investigative report from the FBI.


And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

What's wrong with the local police or sheriff's office investigating this? Sexual Assault is a state crime
they can't that costs money. why would they on something that was a juvenile matter and there is no record of it? First Base again.

Montgomery County MD went 74% for Mrs. Clinton, means they like to pay high taxes. It would be awfully hypocritical for them to complain now
nope, unless this is a cold case, there is no law enforcement agency that would ever touch this. there is no one around in their department that has any knowledge of the incident and nothing from anyone else. they'd be better off beating off in a restroom.
It's not about justice, fool.
It's about finding the facts.
its about delay n block. thats it.

Well, there's a credible allegation of sexual assault as well. That needs to be addressed.

Credible? In what way?

How is it not?
Where has it been disproven?

It doesn't have to be. It is assumed to not have happened until proven.

Hence the need for an investigation.

Correct, likely because it lacked even the tiniest shred of evidence. The only piece she had was notes from her therapist, which both she and her husband declared to be bogus.


So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Ms/Mrs/Comrade Ford do you have any corroborating evidence of your charges?

Yes Senator...I have notes I myself dictated to a therapist.


If we dont mercilessly put these people down now this degeneration towards Bolshevism will go too far.

So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Hence the need for a investigative report from the FBI.


And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
it has been done correctly, so move on.
its about delay n block. thats it.

Well, there's a credible allegation of sexual assault as well. That needs to be addressed.

Credible? In what way?

How is it not?
Where has it been disproven?

It doesn't have to be. It is assumed to not have happened until proven.

Hence the need for an investigation.


Ummmmm. No
its about delay n block. thats it.

Well, there's a credible allegation of sexual assault as well. That needs to be addressed.

Credible? In what way?

How is it not?
Where has it been disproven?

It doesn't have to be. It is assumed to not have happened until proven.

Hence the need for an investigation.

First Base!!
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

want in one hand

shit in the other

see which you have more of

not happening



Chuck Grassley can go fuck himself.

The FBI did investigate Anita Hill's accusation, and it took 3 days

Christine Blasey Ford Wants The Same Thing Anita Hill Got, An F.B.I. Investigation Into Her Claims

It's just that simple. They could have done that this week and still had testimony on Monday.
its about delay n block. thats it.

Well, there's a credible allegation of sexual assault as well. That needs to be addressed.

Credible? In what way?

How is it not?
Where has it been disproven?

It doesn't have to be. It is assumed to not have happened until proven.

Hence the need for an investigation.

Aside from your adolescent name calling, Ford needs to step up in the investigation and tell her story in front of congress.
That would be a good start in the investigation.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

want in one hand

shit in the other

see which you have more of

not happening



Chuck Grassley can go fuck himself.

The FBI did investigate Anita Hill's accusation, and it took 3 days

Christine Blasey Ford Wants The Same Thing Anita Hill Got, An F.B.I. Investigation Into Her Claims

It's just that simple. They could have done that this week and still had testimony on Monday.
you still haven't said what they' would have looked for. therefore, since there was nothing to look for, the hearing scheduled for monday. seems right eh?

Oh, and if she doesn't show, the vote happens without her testimony.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

want in one hand

shit in the other

see which you have more of

not happening



Chuck Grassley can go fuck himself.

The FBI did investigate Anita Hill's accusation, and it took 3 days

Christine Blasey Ford Wants The Same Thing Anita Hill Got, An F.B.I. Investigation Into Her Claims

It's just that simple. They could have done that this week and still had testimony on Monday.
They could have had it months ago in a timely fashion if not for feinstein sitting on the letter and not playing politics with it.
Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

What's wrong with the local police or sheriff's office investigating this? Sexual Assault is a state crime
they can't that costs money. why would they on something that was a juvenile matter and there is no record of it? First Base again.

Montgomery County MD went 74% for Mrs. Clinton, means they like to pay high taxes. It would be awfully hypocritical for them to complain now
nope, unless this is a cold case, there is no law enforcement agency that would ever touch this. there is no one around in their department that has any knowledge of the incident and nothing from anyone else. they'd be better off beating off in a restroom.
/——/ Just heard the high school just scrubbed the year books from their website for 80, 81 and 82. I wonder why.

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