Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Correct, likely because it lacked even the tiniest shred of evidence. The only piece she had was notes from her therapist, which both she and her husband declared to be bogus.


So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Ms/Mrs/Comrade Ford do you have any corroborating evidence of your charges?

Yes Senator...I have notes I myself dictated to a therapist.


If we dont mercilessly put these people down now this degeneration towards Bolshevism will go too far.

So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Hence the need for a investigative report from the FBI.


And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Are you sure that's what you want?

And by "correctly" do you mean "by any means necessary to derail the confirmation of Kavanaugh"?

No, dope.
By correctly I mean correctly. Like taking this allegation seriously and do the dilligence required to look into the allegation properly.
The nomination was weeks ago.

And only 10% of the requested docs were provided

Possibly because you were requesting everything except his dental records from his first teeth cleaning in kindergarten.
Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
Democrats are afraid of the vote on Kavanaugh and they're butthurt about not going 5-4 on SCOTUS because of Garland. Ginsberg is going to die and and Thomas is going to retire in a year, so 6-3. Suck it up snowflakes.
That sounds more like the fear of the GOP. They're desperate to get this done before the midterms.
Isn't this fiasco with the skank more of Dem fear that it will get before the election? Why do you think their calling for an FBI investigation of something that didn't happen 36 years ago.?

Umm...to get to the facts of the allegations.

The GOP is willing to confirm a potential sexual assaulter to the supreme court purely for political expediency.
Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
Democrats are afraid of the vote on Kavanaugh and they're butthurt about not going 5-4 on SCOTUS because of Garland. Ginsberg is going to die and and Thomas is going to retire in a year, so 6-3. Suck it up snowflakes.
That sounds more like the fear of the GOP. They're desperate to get this done before the midterms.
Isn't this fiasco with the skank more of Dem fear that it will get before the election? Why do you think their calling for an FBI investigation of something that didn't happen 36 years ago.?

Umm...to get to the facts of the allegations.

The GOP is willing to confirm a potential sexual assaulter to the supreme court purely for political expediency.

He is also potentially a Martian. Same odds as he is a sexual assaulter based on the evidence presented.
Woman Claims She Heard About Christine Blasey Ford Allegation In 1980s

This needs to be thoroughly investigated before voting on Kavanaugh.
No it doesn't. It's just another leftwing lie.
Because an investigation would KILL this nomination.

Why else would you be so afraid?

Well, also the fact that you're willing to utterly trash our entire system of law enforcement and every law and regulation we have regarding jurisidiction and procedure, because our entire society in chaos and ruins is nothing to you beside getting your way.

I find that fairly scary. Most sane people react that way to sociopaths.
Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
Democrats are afraid of the vote on Kavanaugh and they're butthurt about not going 5-4 on SCOTUS because of Garland. Ginsberg is going to die and and Thomas is going to retire in a year, so 6-3. Suck it up snowflakes.
That sounds more like the fear of the GOP. They're desperate to get this done before the midterms.
Isn't this fiasco with the skank more of Dem fear that it will get before the election? Why do you think their calling for an FBI investigation of something that didn't happen 36 years ago.?

Umm...to get to the facts of the allegations.

The GOP is willing to confirm a potential sexual assaulter to the supreme court purely for political expediency.
your logical failure is on this level:

...The only cloud is on the whore and her bogus claim.
Typical TrumpBot Misogyny... paying attention, Ladies? Remember this in November.

Before you go speaking for the "ladies" and oh-so-helpfully mansplaining to us what we should think and want, you might want to consider that even fewer women than men think these accusations are credible.
So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Ms/Mrs/Comrade Ford do you have any corroborating evidence of your charges?

Yes Senator...I have notes I myself dictated to a therapist.


If we dont mercilessly put these people down now this degeneration towards Bolshevism will go too far.

So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Hence the need for a investigative report from the FBI.


And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Are you sure that's what you want?

And by "correctly" do you mean "by any means necessary to derail the confirmation of Kavanaugh"?

No, dope.
By correctly I mean correctly. Like taking this allegation seriously and do the diligence required to look into the allegation properly.

That is not at all what you want. Please, don't insult my intelligence.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

The FBI does not investigate allegations that are 40 years old that are not federal crimes nor should they

The statute of limitations on this alleged crime expired long ago hence it is no longer a matter for any branch of law enforcement

It wouldn't be a criminal investigation, fool.
It can't be a criminal investigation, Idiot. The statute of limitation has long since expired

And if it's not a criminal investigation the FBI has no business being involved
If it was a criminal investigation then the FBI still would have no business being involved as it would be a matter for the local law enforcement agencies.

I said it wouldn't be, dope.

It wouldn't be a criminal investigation, fool.

The FBI does the background investigation.
Obviously this is part of his background.
Just as it was when the allegations against Thomas came out.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

Cecil never issued a death threat. You just feel like its a death threat because you haven't been accustomed to losing like this. But you will get used to it in time. A few more years of Donald Trump and losing will feel quite natural to you and not like dying.

And what Ford got out of it was a continuation of her efforts to play some part in the destruction of the President the American people selected. She was a left wing, Marxist, hate-filled agitator her whole life.
And f course a little help from (((soros))) who is funding her lawyers I believe?
They conducted MANY background checks and found nothing.

When you actually come up with a point, post it. Remember, because you have the right to freely speak, it's often best not to when your speech makes you look idiotic.

Sure they conducted a background check, fool. Just not on this specific topic.

And once again. The background check would have caught some common character flaws (damn I get tired of posting this). Abusive males don't just turn on and turn off at the flip of a switch. They abuse females as a course of daily life. I know this from over 5 years of volunteering as a crime victim advocate, most of which were women from abusive relationships.

If, as thorough as an FBI screening is (likely involving psychological screening as well), didn't catch the flaw, it just isn't one he has.

Nonsense. This could very easily be a single incident especially given it that it was done by drunken teens.
A one off incident in no way minimizes what was alleged.

How about the fact that she didn't see the need to do anything about it until she could get something out of it? That seems awfully minimizing in MY book.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

She’s getting those because of the dastardly acts of a sub human. DIane Feinstein did this to her, and no doubt it is her and her party making those threats.
Babble much?
Two people don't have to be working for the same employer in order to get the FBI to investigate sexual harassment.

The FBI (first letter being Federal) only investigates Federal Crimes. They don't investigate house parties of teenagers. Civil rights is within their purview. A violation of Civil Rights is a federal crime.

Understand now???

the willful ignorant will never understand they refuse too

The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.


within their jurisdiction dummy

however ya turdbreath remain willfully ignorant

staying ignorant is important to ya

What We Investigate

The FBI Background Investigation Process - ClearanceJobs
pull out the piece that backs your claim? again, for the SC nomination process, they only run background checks, no investigation. So perhaps you should read the SC senate process.

Guides: Supreme Court Nominations Research Guide: Nomination & Confirmation Process

"The Process
  1. The President usually will consult with Senators before announcing a nomination.

  2. When the President nominates a candidate, the nomination is sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.

  3. The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on the nominee. The Committee usually takes a month to collect and receive all necessary records, from the FBI and other sources, about the nominee and for the nominee to be prepared for the hearings.

  4. During the hearings, witnesses, both supporting and opposing the nomination, present their views. Senators question the nominee on his or her qualifications, judgment, and philosophy.

  5. The Judiciary Committee then votes on the nomination and sends its recommendation (that it be confirmed, that it be rejected, or with no recommendation) to the full Senate.

  6. The full Senate debates the nomination.

  7. The Senate rules used to allow unlimited debate (a practice known as filibustering) and to end the debate, it required the votes of 3/5 of the Senate or 60 senators (known as the cloture vote). In April 2017, the Senate changed this rule and lowered the required votes to 51 to end debate on Supreme Court nominations (this is commonly known as "the nuclear option").

  8. When the debate ends, the Senate votes on the nomination. A simple majority of the Senators present and voting is required for the judicial nominee to be confirmed. If there is a tie, the Vice President who also presides over the Senate casts the deciding vote."
BTW, the senate is on at step 8
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Yes. At a time when suburban, college educated women are fleeing the GOP in droves.
Huh, wrong. A majority of suburban women voted for Trump, dumbass.

Hence the word, "fleeing", dope. Currently happening.
Only in your imagination, shit for brains. Most women are intelligent enough to know a great big con when they see one.

Using the interactive features to filter results by gender, one finds the startling statistic. When asked: “Do you think that the allegation of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh generally is or is not credible?” 28% of men said it was credible, while 25% of women said the same.

Ouch, that's gotta sting. Poor, poor leftists.

Even on this board the number of women supporting Kavenaugh is noticeable. Women are getting tired of the men in the Democrat party telling them what to think.
Sure. Backed with facts gathered by the FBI.
Why are you afraid of that?

Even if true, it isn't a federal issue. Furthermore, what facts are you going to gather 36 years later?

It is a federal issue, fool. Kavanaugh has been nominated for a seat on the supreme court.
And what does the "F" in FBI represent?
We have had 6 Federal investigations already.
Nothing found

New information, dope.

The new information should be looked at by the FBI. Just as it was when the allegations against Thomas were made. That took three days in 91. It could have been done this week in time for testimony on Monday.

The fbi, or any LEO must have probable cause. What is it?

None? Carry on fool.

The allegation is all that is necessary.
And of course the fight against abortion in the US is led by and energized by women.
Why would she do that, knowing full well that this is not within the FBI's jurisdiction?

It is within their jurisdiction, fool.
The FBI conducted his background check.
Trump simply needs to ask them to look into this new information as a part of that.

They conducted MANY background checks and found nothing.

When you actually come up with a point, post it. Remember, because you have the right to freely speak, it's often best not to when your speech makes you look idiotic.

Sure they conducted a background check, fool. Just not on this specific topic.
well sure they did. what do you think a background check does?

This topic didn't hadn't come out yet, dope.
why didn't it? because guess what, it didn't come up in the background check!! dude you have a circular issue. you keep coming back to the same useless point.

and the fbi doesn't check past age 18. dude, really you need to read you some constitution stuff so you know what you're talking about.
Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Since President Trump isn't going to authorize the Taxpayers to pay for an investigation, why doesn't this broad ask Soros or some other deep pocketed liberal to fund this investigation instead?
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Yes, lying to the FBI is a felony. Why do you think she's not doing it?
Yes, lying to the FBI is a felony. Why do you think she's not doing it?

She's asking for the FBI to investigate, dope.
Liars don't ask for someone to investigate their claims.

They do if they're sure it won't happen. Just like she wanted to tell her story until they called her bluff and invited her to testify to Congress. Suddenly, other demands popped up.
They do if they're sure it won't happen.

How could she know that, dope?

None of us know whether it will happen or not.

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