Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

It just keeps getting worse.....

Christine Ford Had To Ask Her Best Friend/Bridesmaid If She Ever Told Her That She Was Assaulted in High School

Sounds an awful lot like Ford’s lawyers and sympathetic senators are desperate to find anyone that can corroborate her tale.

The defining moment of her lie life, the moment she was traumatized forever, and she’s not sure if she ever mentioned it to her best friend?? Absolutely ludicrous.

Christine Ford Had To Ask Her Best Friend/Bridesmaid If She Ever Told Her That She Was Assaulted in High School
Women are going to stomp the shit out of old white men like Grassley in November.
This is the straw and the camel's back is breaking.
Trump and Hollywood Access tape.
Trump's ex campaign manager Corey Lewandowski accused of sexual assault.
Trump and the porn star.
Rob Porter, Trump aide and wife beater.
Trump's pedo buddy Roy Moore in Alabama.
Bill Shine, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly...Trump friends all fired for sexual harassment.
You old white farts....look in the mirror and kiss your asses goodbye.
You are soooooo obso-fucking-lete.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you yourself are male, are you not? It's honestly hard to tell the difference with leftists.
Women are going to stomp the shit out of old white men like Grassley in November.
This is the straw and the camel's back is breaking.
Trump and Hollywood Access tape.
Trump's ex campaign manager Corey Lewandowski accused of sexual assault.
Trump and the porn star.
Rob Porter, Trump aide and wife beater.
Trump's pedo buddy Roy Moore in Alabama.
Bill Shine, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly...Trump friends all fired for sexual harassment.
You old white farts....look in the mirror and kiss your asses goodbye.
You are soooooo obso-fucking-lete.

you leftists have been saying that bs for years

fact is normal women are fed up with your leftist nonsense

I would have never said the same thing about Reagan.
Or even George W. Bush.
Google "The Year of the Woman", 1992 and see the effect Anita Hill had on the midterms, asshole.
It's de ja vu all over again, except this time its on steroids.


sure ya leftist hack your posts back up your statement --LOL@U

Tell these guys it's leftist nonsense.

  • Publicly reported
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  • .
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  • .

This just in. The fact that lots of men are accused of sexual misbehavior does not mean that EVERY accusation of sexual behavior is automatically true, or that all men are guilty of sexual misbehavior, or any other frigging stupid group identity thing you're trying to convey by your incredibly annoying and childish waste-of-space post.
Women are going to stomp the shit out of old white men like Grassley in November.
This is the straw and the camel's back is breaking.
Trump and Hollywood Access tape.
Trump's ex campaign manager Corey Lewandowski accused of sexual assault.
Trump and the porn star.
Rob Porter, Trump aide and wife beater.
Trump's pedo buddy Roy Moore in Alabama.
Bill Shine, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly...Trump friends all fired for sexual harassment.
You old white farts....look in the mirror and kiss your asses goodbye.
You are soooooo obso-fucking-lete.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you yourself are male, are you not? It's honestly hard to tell the difference with leftists.

ROFLMAO.....freaking priceless
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc
the honorable Brett Kavanaugh, sounds fking great!!!!!!

But...weren't the hearings delayed and Thomas cleared? That should have made everything copacetic right?

Treating them as operating in good faith is always a mistake. Hopefully even the old timer GOP Senators are starting to see this. These Democrats were already crushed in the 2016 election. They have to be crushed in every vote now. No consultations with them nor any concession to their concerns whatever they may be. They have forfeited the right to be heard in a civilized environment by their viciousness and naked political machinations. Their sheer hatred precludes any need to work with them.
you're going to see a turn dotard a big turn Nov will bring about a Dem house I hope and Dems in charge Then trump can f himself as he gets 2 years of investigation Meanwhile Cohen has spent hours with Mueller ...Think he knows anything?? lol

This is a little different because it involves possible civil rights violations since they were both working for the government. From your link:

October 11, 1991: Hill testifies that Thomas had sexually harassed her while she worked with him at the Education Department and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Hill said Thomas frequently asked her out on dates and described his sexual interests to her. Thomas denies the allegations.

Babble much?
Two people don't have to be working for the same employer in order to get the FBI to investigate sexual harassment.

The FBI (first letter being Federal) only investigates Federal Crimes. They don't investigate house parties of teenagers. Civil rights is within their purview. A violation of Civil Rights is a federal crime.

Understand now???

the willful ignorant will never understand they refuse too

The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.

Oh, WELL, if the media tells us jurisdiction doesn't exist and the FBI is omnipotent, I guess that makes it true.
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc
the honorable Brett Kavanaugh, sounds fking great!!!!!!

But...weren't the hearings delayed and Thomas cleared? That should have made everything copacetic right?

Treating them as operating in good faith is always a mistake. Hopefully even the old timer GOP Senators are starting to see this. These Democrats were already crushed in the 2016 election. They have to be crushed in every vote now. No consultations with them nor any concession to their concerns whatever they may be. They have forfeited the right to be heard in a civilized environment by their viciousness and naked political machinations. Their sheer hatred precludes any need to work with them.
you're going to see a turn dotard a big turn Nov will bring about a Dem house I hope and Dems in charge Then trump can f himself as he gets 2 years of investigation Meanwhile Cohen has spent hours with Mueller ...Think he knows anything?? lol

Sure. He knows what he knew at the start...the only evidence for Russian collusion that exists is for Hillary working with the KGB on the Stele Dossier. Remember what I said about Democrats always project?

Yeah they will investigate. Its what they do. And they will move to shut down military pay again until we open the borders. And raise taxes. All the usual anti-American and socialist agenda stuff. But what they will mainly do is "investigate"...and try to undo the damage to elite rule that Trump has done. They feel power slipping from their grasp.
Its why I am saying what I say. They are beaten. Crushed. So lets finish the job. Ignore Democrats as they screech and try to hang on to power by their fingernails. Treat them for what they are..enemies of the American people.

And no the polls by their allies in the media dont worry me any more than the polls before Trumps election. I am used to watching Democrats win polls and lose elections :) In fact I am quite entertained by it.
whats wrong with voting against the pos that is against an indictment of the scumbag in our wh and against roe vs wade? you against choice too?
so this isn't about kavenaugh then is it?

it's about roe vs wade but the left don't have the balls to come out and say it so it's this passive aggressive bullshit they like to play.

Bingo! Its about destroying Kavanaugh. This latest is just another stick to beat him with. Be different if they were all ready to vote for him and then this came up. Maybe even intriguing. But that isnt the case.
The destruction of one man means nothing to them if they can keep the abortion industry ticking over.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
Fuck that bitch. She can’t even provide enough information to start an investigation. Like where? When? Who was there?

She has clearly stated all such information.

"Sometime in the 80s, some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there, some party don't know who was there."

Yeah, very clearly stated. Uh huh.

some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there,

Do you imagine the FBI would question a house, dope?

She's already named who was there.

I always love it when some imbecile tells me I'M stupid because HE doesn't understand plain English.

No, little one, I don't expect them to question the house. I would expect investigators to question THE OWNERS OF THE HOUSE AT THAT TIME. One presumes that a house party would be thrown by someone who lived in the house, and said person might then have some information as to other people who were present at the party and their activities.

But it is extremely hard to question the hosts of a party if one has no idea where the party was, and therefore who the hosts were.
Fmr Scalia Law Clerk Makes Bombshell Claim ‘Compelling Evidence’ Will Exonerate Kavanaugh Soon

Fmr Scalia Law Clerk Makes Bombshell Claim ‘Compelling Evidence’ Will Exonerate Kavanaugh Soon
there is a problem with mostly old white republican senators ..... no evidence will exonerate the pos from being against choice

Or a loony woman who make claims with no evidence...then what she did say falls apart at the seams
Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
The accuser doesn't remember the date or place this traumatic event occurred. Idiot.

So what. The date and place is not as important as witnesses who can corroborate the allegation. There already is a therapist and her husband. There is also no doubt several others who knew at the time. All of whom could be inteviewed by the FBI.
/----/ I'm sure you'd have no issue having your life destroyed on such flimsy "evidence"

My life would only be "destroyed" if the allegations are corroborated and it will have been destroyed by my own actions.

Yes, no one's life has ever been destroyed by having their reputation smeared with false allegations. That NEVER happens.
it also puts burden of proof on the accuser, fool.

Sure. Backed with facts gathered by the FBI.
Why are you afraid of that?

Even if true, it isn't a federal issue. Furthermore, what facts are you going to gather 36 years later?

It is a federal issue, fool. Kavanaugh has been nominated for a seat on the supreme court.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the question. The alleged CRIME is not a federal crime. There is no federal law against sexual assault.
There is no crime! Please don’t feed the trolls

Hence the phrase "alleged crime".
whats wrong with voting against the pos that is against an indictment of the scumbag in our wh and against roe vs wade? you against choice too?
so this isn't about kavenaugh then is it?

it's about roe vs wade but the left don't have the balls to come out and say it so it's this passive aggressive bullshit they like to play.

Bingo! Its about destroying Kavanaugh. This latest is just another stick to beat him with. Be different if they were all ready to vote for him and then this came up. Maybe even intriguing. But that isnt the case.
The destruction of one man means nothing to them if they can keep the abortion industry ticking over.
any selection by your pervert scum trump is to be investigated thoroughly Especially an accused rapist
Women are going to stomp the shit out of old white men like Grassley in November.
This is the straw and the camel's back is breaking.
Trump and Hollywood Access tape.
Trump's ex campaign manager Corey Lewandowski accused of sexual assault.
Trump and the porn star.
Rob Porter, Trump aide and wife beater.
Trump's pedo buddy Roy Moore in Alabama.
Bill Shine, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly...Trump friends all fired for sexual harassment.
You old white farts....look in the mirror and kiss your asses goodbye.
You are soooooo obso-fucking-lete.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you yourself are male, are you not? It's honestly hard to tell the difference with leftists.

Its *impossible* to tell. The men are feminized and the women masculanized. The self hatred means that it could be a male cheered that white males are going to be beaten. Its part of their cuckoldry. These Democrat males sometimes have to ask their wife's boyfriend for help with car problems.

But in this particular case it is probably a Jewish woman Democrat. You dont find this kind of genocidal hatred usually except in those quarters.
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The FBI doesn't investigate things that don't violate federal law.
They conduct background investigations.

The precedent has already been set.

Here's how the FBI investigated Anita Hill's sexual harassment allegations against Clarence Thomas

Eh, and Kavanaugh underwent 6 background investigations. You think this would have come up in at least one of them?

This is a farce and you know it.

Why would it if they didn't talk to her?

Why would they talk to her if she didn't bother to tell anyone that they NEEDED to? The FBI is good, but they aren't psychic.
Let me know when the FBI can part the Red Sea!

I'm sure the Vatican will release a statement.
whats wrong with voting against the pos that is against an indictment of the scumbag in our wh and against roe vs wade? you against choice too?
so this isn't about kavenaugh then is it?

it's about roe vs wade but the left don't have the balls to come out and say it so it's this passive aggressive bullshit they like to play.

Bingo! Its about destroying Kavanaugh. This latest is just another stick to beat him with. Be different if they were all ready to vote for him and then this came up. Maybe even intriguing. But that isnt the case.
The destruction of one man means nothing to them if they can keep the abortion industry ticking over.
any selection by your pervert scum trump is to be investigated thoroughly Especially an accused rapist

What should they investigate? She can't remember shit

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