Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

what year was it again?
who's house was it?
how did she get to the party? who drove?

she has given zero specifics other than 2 names, both of which have said it never happened.

it's also a local matter, not FBI. asking for FBI means you're stalling, not wanting justice. if you wanted justice, follow proper channels.

It's not about justice, fool.
It's about finding the facts.
its about delay n block. thats it.

Well, there's a credible allegation of sexual assault as well. That needs to be addressed.

I can only assume that you are defining "credible" as "Someone has said a bad thing about a Republican! We have to believe it, because it's about a Republican!"
You made a dumb assumption. Go figure.
I'm defining credible as credible.
which she isn't
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Even if it's day by day or hour by hour. The main goal here is to stall as long as possible. If she gave no answer by 10:00 am tomorrow, they were going to just continue the confirmation without her. So now she's trying to stall by saying "she might" show up hoping to stall some more.

You are correct. Thats why the letter was released AFTER the hearings were done. And its what they did to Clarence Thomas. Anita Hill presented AFTER hearings closed.

The Republicans who are going to remain with us need to learn that fear of the press is not a reason to do anything., The press will hate them no matter what. They cant win there. They will be attacked no louder and no harder by the media elites and Hollywood for moving this vote forward to success than if they help the deep state stall this.
Rest easy. President Trump is one man who understands this and he will be making that clear to them
If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Even if it's day by day or hour by hour. The main goal here is to stall as long as possible. If she gave no answer by 10:00 am tomorrow, they were going to just continue the confirmation without her. So now she's trying to stall by saying "she might" show up hoping to stall some more.

She doesn't get to dictate when, where, and how she testifies.

It sure seems like she does. Grassley offered to have a meeting on the phone, she refused. He offered to fly to where she lives to testify, she refused. They offered her to come to Washington to testify, and now she's giving them conditions they must meet.
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EVery decent rational person is "foaming under the armpits" over this sleazy attempt to destroy a decent man. The people who support this maneuver are lying pieces of shit who have no honor, ethics or integrity. That means you, douchebag.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Im not sure we owe her until Monday. Why didn't she show up in July?
If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Even if it's day by day or hour by hour. The main goal here is to stall as long as possible. If she gave no answer by 10:00 am tomorrow, they were going to just continue the confirmation without her. So now she's trying to stall by saying "she might" show up hoping to stall some more.
nope, they will tell her she has a choice, Monday with a identified person or the vote goes.

Watch, they will try to use this as a stall. My prediction:

They will say they found somebody else that stepped forward (of course they were waiting in the bullpen until called) and then they will say the "new" person needs to be interviewed by Kats. It will take another week.

It will be something along those lines. If not, a different stall tactic.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Even if it's day by day or hour by hour. The main goal here is to stall as long as possible. If she gave no answer by 10:00 am tomorrow, they were going to just continue the confirmation without her. So now she's trying to stall by saying "she might" show up hoping to stall some more.

She doesn't get to dictate when, where, and how she testifies.

It sure seems like she does. Grossly offered to have a meeting on the phone, she refused. He offered to fly to where she lives to testify, she refused. They offered her to come to Washington to testify, and now she's giving them conditions they must meet.
again, she has the opportunity, but can't completely dictate her way around the process. grassly will do the right thing for kavanaugh.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Im not sure we owe her until Monday. Why didn't she show up in July?
can't argue with you.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Even if it's day by day or hour by hour. The main goal here is to stall as long as possible. If she gave no answer by 10:00 am tomorrow, they were going to just continue the confirmation without her. So now she's trying to stall by saying "she might" show up hoping to stall some more.
nope, they will tell her she has a choice, Monday with a identified person or the vote goes.

Watch, they will try to use this as a stall. My prediction:

They will say they found somebody else that stepped forward (of course they were waiting in the bullpen until called) and then they will say the "new" person needs to be interviewed by Kats. It will take another week.

It will be something along those lines. If not, a different stall tactic.
I don't think so. I think ford will be it. I'm confident in what i heard yesterday from the three.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Im not sure we owe her until Monday. Why didn't she show up in July?
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc
If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Im not sure we owe her until Monday. Why didn't she show up in July?
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc
the honorable Brett Kavanaugh, sounds fking great!!!!!!
We're not serious about sexual harassment and assault, or Congress wouldn't have had a fund of taxpayer money set up to pay off claims. Democrats acting like they care about it is to laugh. They will drop this woman so fast after this she won't know what hit her.

Yep, just ask David Camera Hogg. If he figured it out yet, he will tell you.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Im not sure we owe her until Monday. Why didn't she show up in July?
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc
the honorable Brett Kavanaugh, sounds fking great!!!!!!
yes just as great as the honorable scumbag pervert thomas
Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Im not sure we owe her until Monday. Why didn't she show up in July?
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc
the honorable Brett Kavanaugh, sounds fking great!!!!!!
yes just as great as the honorable scumbag pervert thomas
works for me. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:I don't fall for leftists shit.

No body on the left will ever fool me into a submission. not never, not nohow.
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Im not sure we owe her until Monday. Why didn't she show up in July?
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc
the honorable Brett Kavanaugh, sounds fking great!!!!!!
yes just as great as the honorable scumbag pervert thomas
works for me. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:I don't fall for leftists shit.

No body on the left will ever fool me into a submission. not never, not nohow.
You just fall for rightey shit OK you're #12
Im not sure we owe her until Monday. Why didn't she show up in July?
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc
the honorable Brett Kavanaugh, sounds fking great!!!!!!
yes just as great as the honorable scumbag pervert thomas
works for me. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:I don't fall for leftists shit.

No body on the left will ever fool me into a submission. not never, not nohow.
You just fall for rightey shit OK you're #12
I follow facts. let me know when you find one.
They conducted MANY background checks and found nothing.

When you actually come up with a point, post it. Remember, because you have the right to freely speak, it's often best not to when your speech makes you look idiotic.

Sure they conducted a background check, fool. Just not on this specific topic.

And once again. The background check would have caught some common character flaws (damn I get tired of posting this). Abusive males don't just turn on and turn off at the flip of a switch. They abuse females as a course of daily life. I know this from over 5 years of volunteering as a crime victim advocate, most of which were women from abusive relationships.

If, as thorough as an FBI screening is (likely involving psychological screening as well), didn't catch the flaw, it just isn't one he has.

Nonsense. This could very easily be a single incident especially given it that it was done by drunken teens.
A one off incident in no way minimizes what was alleged.

How about the fact that she didn't see the need to do anything about it until she could get something out of it? That seems awfully minimizing in MY book.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

Did you checkout her Go FundMe Account? Over 100K in a few hours.
/——/ Just heard the high school just scrubbed the year books from their website for 80, 81 and 82. I wonder why.

George Orwell's genius shows in times like these. And it illustrates why liberals do not want children reading "dead white males".

. 'Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'

They have been scrubbing her internet presence for over a month now.

And now they scrubbed her school yearbook off the internet. :auiqs.jpg:
I wonder if Kavanaugh will have his kids at the next hearing? We shall see...
great one more pervert to join scum bag thomas in the repub sc

I see. So even delaying or reopening hearings and exonerating the nominee doesnt remove the hatred for him? Thats what happened to Judge Thomas. His vote was delayed and hearings reopened. And what good did it do?

This is why I say ignore that harridan and move on to putting him on the court. What does it matter? And if you are a government representative NOT hated by the elites then you are on the wrong side anyhow.

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