Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Every time I post here the leftist stench is unbearable. Don't you creatures ever take a bath?
Fox really has Trumpdrones foaming under the armpits over this one dont they ?

EVery decent rational person is "foaming under the armpits" over this sleazy attempt to destroy a decent man. The people who support this maneuver are lying pieces of shit who have no honor, ethics or integrity. That means you, douchebag.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

You have yet to tell us how, precisely, this is supposed to be investigated. Aside from the alleged victim, who apparently should never be asked questions by anyone, who should they talk to, and what EXACTLY should they ask them?
So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Ms/Mrs/Comrade Ford do you have any corroborating evidence of your charges?

Yes Senator...I have notes I myself dictated to a therapist.


If we dont mercilessly put these people down now this degeneration towards Bolshevism will go too far.

So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Hence the need for a investigative report from the FBI.


And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Are you sure that's what you want?

And by "correctly" do you mean "by any means necessary to derail the confirmation of Kavanaugh"?

No, dope.
By correctly I mean correctly. Like taking this allegation seriously and do the dilligence required to look into the allegation properly.

Which would be what? Lay out for us the so-obvious-to-you plan for this "investigation".
Credible? In what way?

How is it not?
Where has it been disproven?

It doesn't have to be. It is assumed to not have happened until proven.

Hence the need for an investigation.


Hence the need for the alleged victim to talk to the investigative body.

So you're in favor of the FBI investigating! Good/ Call the White House

And tell them what, to make a teenage house party a federal crime?
How is it not?
Where has it been disproven?

It doesn't have to be. It is assumed to not have happened until proven.

Hence the need for an investigation.

Aside from your adolescent name calling, Ford needs to step up in the investigation and tell her story in front of congress.
That would be a good start in the investigation.

Seriously. She presents her case and anything specific she says can be checked out.

Hey, if she ever comes up with something concrete, I have no doubt that the Judiciary Committee WILL check it out. Unlike the left, the GOP doesn't actually have any desire to support scumbags.
they support trump ,,,nuff said
The trolls are scared and working overtime on this one. :laugh:
They are positively freaking out

That's okay, I'm sure you and your friends will calm down after JUSTICE Kavanaugh has heard a few cases.


I think you're starting to enjoy this. Your wit is superb!

Why, thank you, kind sir. I'm actually very happy lately, and having quite the improvement in my character and soul. I am glad to think that it is showing.
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days

Exactly. And you're side is trying to stall it past that time to take a chance at your Senate stopping a presidential pick of his choice which is his right to do.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

Cecil never issued a death threat. You just feel like its a death threat because you haven't been accustomed to losing like this. But you will get used to it in time. A few more years of Donald Trump and losing will feel quite natural to you and not like dying.

And what Ford got out of it was a continuation of her efforts to play some part in the destruction of the President the American people selected. She was a left wing, Marxist, hate-filled agitator her whole life.
And f course a little help from (((soros))) who is funding her lawyers I believe?

Why on Earth would I want to kill any of these sad little partisan dolts when they are providing me with such excellent entertainment?
EVery decent rational person is "foaming under the armpits" over this sleazy attempt to destroy a decent man. The people who support this maneuver are lying pieces of shit who have no honor, ethics or integrity. That means you, douchebag.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

I started to laugh when I first heard it. No matter what the conditions are, she will refuse for some reason.
What is Ms. Ford asking for? An FBI investigation. Essentially of the criminal variety.

Or have you been too busy reveling in this spectacle to pay any attention?

It can't be criminal, fool. Its not a federal crime and has long since been past the statute of limitations.

It would simply be a follow up to the background investigation focused on the allegation.

Be serious for once, will you?

I go to my police department today to report an armed robbery. The cop asks me when it happened, and I say somewhere around 35 years ago. The cop asks me where it happened. I don't know. The cop asks me if there were witnesses around. I don't know who they were. The cop asks me what city the robbery happened. I don't know. The cop asks me for a season. I don't know.

WTF do you expect a police officer to do other than laugh in your face?

Like I already said, dope. It's not a criminal investigation. It's a fact finding investigation.

Obviously there are already multiple people that need to be interviewed. There's no telling where those interviews will lead.

Launching an investigation on a citizen, without probable cause, and without the citizens authorization (such as a background check) IS A VIOLATION OF THE CITIZENS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!

Do you need a piano to fall on your demented moronic head to understand simple legal principles?

Completely wrong.

Fox is keeping you dopes especially dumb on this go around.

Christine Blasey Ford Wants The Same Thing Anita Hill Got, An F.B.I. Investigation Into Her Claims

Your proof is a BLOG? A blog about which even Wikipedia says:

In 2016, Above the Law received criticism from many publications when its Breaking Media Editor at Large, Elie Mystal, wrote an article suggesting that jury nullification of crimes by African Americans against whites could be used by jurors as a form of protest.

Well, SOMEONE is being especially dumb, but I don't think it's us.
Fox really has Trumpdrones foaming under the armpits over this one dont they ?

EVery decent rational person is "foaming under the armpits" over this sleazy attempt to destroy a decent man. The people who support this maneuver are lying pieces of shit who have no honor, ethics or integrity. That means you, douchebag.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
/——/ And What happens if she is caught in a purjury trap? What will Libs say then?

They'll say, "Christine who?"
No rush. Let's go ahead and seat him on the SC, then they can investigate as long as they want to. What could be wrong with that?

Why would you seat a man who is accused of sexual assault without looking into it?
Does that seem responsible to you?

At this point, after he's been so thoroughly checked out by the FBI and there is no pattern of sexual abuse in his life (such as what we see in Bubba Clinton's life), there would have to be very clear and compelling evidence to overcome the obvious last minute partisan nature of the allegation. At the VERY least, one would expect the accuser to leap at the chance to tell her story in public. Instead, she's trying to dictate to whom she'll talk and who she'd allow to investigate her claims. It just doesn't work that way. One would also expect that the issue would have been raised during the hearing, when it was appropriate to ask questions. Waiting until now has severely, if not fatally, damaged the allegation.

So, minus more compelling evidence, Kavenaugh should be confirmed as originally planned. He has a great record and is eminently qualified, garnering praise from both sides of the aisle.

There doesn't need to ne a pattern of behavior for this incident to have occured as described.

Any compelling evidence might never come to light without an investigation.

There doesn't need to be, but there certainly OUGHT to be.

Any compelling evidence might never come to light if Dr. Ford continues to refuse to be questioned about it.

She hasn't refused to be questioned, dope. She's actually requested to talk to the FBI. Something the accused has not.

Congress has the authority. She doesn't get too pick and choose.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Even if it's day by day or hour by hour. The main goal here is to stall as long as possible. If she gave no answer by 10:00 am tomorrow, they were going to just continue the confirmation without her. So now she's trying to stall by saying "she might" show up hoping to stall some more.

She doesn't get to dictate when, where, and how she testifies.

It sure seems like she does. Grassley offered to have a meeting on the phone, she refused. He offered to fly to where she lives to testify, she refused. They offered her to come to Washington to testify, and now she's giving them conditions they must meet.

They need to set a time and if she doesn't show, hold the vote.
Or, it was just a hit job, not like the democrats don't play that game far too often.
Call it what you will but it still needs to be addressed.

It was addressed. She and her lawyer are refusing to cooperate. WTF else do you want the government to do?

It was not addressed. Background investigations are done for a reason. This very serious allegation has not been a part of that investigation.
It was addressed and Ford does not want to testify in front of congress. There must be a reason.

It could not have been addressed in the background investigation as the allegation was not known at the time, fool.

Whether or not she will testify is not known at this time.

Actually, it was. It was known by Diane Frankenfeinstein and that politician chick in California. They just didn't bother to tell anyone about it.
Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
she wants someone to talk to that believes her. WTF, enough with this slut Monday show up or fk it and vote.

Even if it's day by day or hour by hour. The main goal here is to stall as long as possible. If she gave no answer by 10:00 am tomorrow, they were going to just continue the confirmation without her. So now she's trying to stall by saying "she might" show up hoping to stall some more.

She doesn't get to dictate when, where, and how she testifies.

It sure seems like she does. Grassley offered to have a meeting on the phone, she refused. He offered to fly to where she lives to testify, she refused. They offered her to come to Washington to testify, and now she's giving them conditions they must meet.

They need to set a time and if she doesn't show, hold the vote.

I believe they already did: Monday morning. But watch how her lawyer demands full immunity to testify.
And of course the fight against abortion in the US is led by and energized by women.

Only the ones who hate and resent being women.

Thats plenty if thats the case. 60% I would guess. Barreness and infanticide are the realm of the self hating women. Women do a fine job keeping the anti-abortion pressure on. They are life givers.
Rachel Maddow is now reporting that a criminal complaint could trigger a Maryland state criminal investigation against Kavanaugh. Maryland says no one has filed a criminal complaint - yet. Wow...

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