Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

Cecil never issued a death threat. You just feel like its a death threat because you haven't been accustomed to losing like this. But you will get used to it in time. A few more years of Donald Trump and losing will feel quite natural to you and not like dying.

And what Ford got out of it was a continuation of her efforts to play some part in the destruction of the President the American people selected. She was a left wing, Marxist, hate-filled agitator her whole life.
And f course a little help from (((soros))) who is funding her lawyers I believe?

Why on Earth would I want to kill any of these sad little partisan dolts when they are providing me with such excellent entertainment?
Well your buddies are making death threats...and they have published her home address.

Fucking deplorables

Kind of like when Democrats published the addresses of every gun owner in New York?
The voters decided when they elected Obama.

McConnell stole that seat

The voters changed their mind about Obama and gave the Senate to the GOP. He had 57 Senators in 2009 didnt he?
But whatever. Whatever it takes. We didnt choose to be ruled by the Supreme Court. Just like we didnt choose to end filibusters. But we are getting better at making the best of things arent we? :) How many times a day should we say "thank God for President Trump"?

And here is the difference between you and me...I actually know what the Democrats plan to do if they ever get the senate back. You dont. It wouldn't bother you if you did of course. You do what you are told. You dont have an opinion on it yet. But you will...CNN will give you your opinion when that dark day comes.
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Dr. Ford's lawyer talking to Senate Republicans tonight. Won't be on show.

Did you know there is no statute of limitations in Maryland on attempted rape?
She could file charges.

No she couldn't. You can't file charges on anything with zero proof a crime took place. How would you like to get arrested for me reporting that you robbed me on the street 35 years ago? I have no proof it even happened, can't tell them where it happened, couldn't tell them how I got there, just take my word for it.
Filing a false police report is a crime in itself.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

Cecil never issued a death threat. You just feel like its a death threat because you haven't been accustomed to losing like this. But you will get used to it in time. A few more years of Donald Trump and losing will feel quite natural to you and not like dying.

And what Ford got out of it was a continuation of her efforts to play some part in the destruction of the President the American people selected. She was a left wing, Marxist, hate-filled agitator her whole life.
And f course a little help from (((soros))) who is funding her lawyers I believe?

Why on Earth would I want to kill any of these sad little partisan dolts when they are providing me with such excellent entertainment?
Well your buddies are making death threats...and they have published her home address.

Fucking deplorables
Glad to hear it. That's exactly what she deserves.
Well your buddies are making death threats...and they have published her home address.

Fucking deplorables

I think she is worried that trying to destroy a man's life may cost her personally. It should be free and without consequence to destroy people right?

Shes entirely safe as she well knows. It just makes good politics.
Lefties believes the sky is the limit when it comes to playing dirty tricks to get their way, but they cry like babies whenever anyone plays tricks on them.
Dr. Ford's lawyer talking to Senate Republicans tonight. Won't be on show.

Did you know there is no statute of limitations in Maryland on attempted rape?
She could file charges.

No she couldn't. You can't file charges on anything with zero proof a crime took place. How would you like to get arrested for me reporting that you robbed me on the street 35 years ago? I have no proof it even happened, can't tell them where it happened, couldn't tell them how I got there, just take my word for it.
Filing a false police report is a crime in itself.

Maybe, but if anybody ever did in that situation, the police would probably just laugh at the accuser.
Yale Daily News‏Verified account @yaledailynews
A photograph that appeared in @yaledailynews on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Brett Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus, via @Hailey_Fuchs @BrittonDaly https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/09/20/a-flag-of-underwear-photo-from-kavanaughs-time-shows-dke-hijinks/ …


Brett Kavanaugh's Yale Fraternity Hoisted A Flag Made Of Women's Underwear In 1985

Wow, what a school.
Yale Daily News‏Verified account @yaledailynews
A photograph that appeared in @yaledailynews on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Brett Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus, via @Hailey_Fuchs @BrittonDaly https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/09/20/a-flag-of-underwear-photo-from-kavanaughs-time-shows-dke-hijinks/ …


Brett Kavanaugh's Yale Fraternity Hoisted A Flag Made Of Women's Underwear In 1985

Wow, what a school.

was Kavanaugh involved?

Or is this more guilt by association?
Yale Daily News‏Verified account @yaledailynews
A photograph that appeared in @yaledailynews on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Brett Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus, via @Hailey_Fuchs @BrittonDaly https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/09/20/a-flag-of-underwear-photo-from-kavanaughs-time-shows-dke-hijinks/ …


Brett Kavanaugh's Yale Fraternity Hoisted A Flag Made Of Women's Underwear In 1985

Wow, what a school.

was Kavanaugh involved?

Or is this more guilt by association?

I don't know - but it was apparently school culture.
Yale Daily News‏Verified account @yaledailynews
A photograph that appeared in @yaledailynews on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Brett Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus, via @Hailey_Fuchs @BrittonDaly https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/09/20/a-flag-of-underwear-photo-from-kavanaughs-time-shows-dke-hijinks/ …


Brett Kavanaugh's Yale Fraternity Hoisted A Flag Made Of Women's Underwear In 1985

Wow, what a school.
Your point? Do you consider this to be proof that Kavanaugh is guilty?
Yale Daily News‏Verified account @yaledailynews
A photograph that appeared in @yaledailynews on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Brett Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus, via @Hailey_Fuchs @BrittonDaly https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/09/20/a-flag-of-underwear-photo-from-kavanaughs-time-shows-dke-hijinks/ …


Brett Kavanaugh's Yale Fraternity Hoisted A Flag Made Of Women's Underwear In 1985

Wow, what a school.

was Kavanaugh involved?

Or is this more guilt by association?

I don't know - but it was apparently school culture.

panty raids are pretty much school culture all over the country.
(possibly world)
Lot of fakery going on about drunken teens who can’t even drive yet rolling around on each other fully clothed
Has nothing to do with the here and now.
Well your buddies are making death threats...and they have published her home address.

Fucking deplorables

I think she is worried that trying to destroy a man's life may cost her personally. It should be free and without consequence to destroy people right?

Shes entirely safe as she well knows. It just makes good politics.
Lefties believes the sky is the limit when it comes to playing dirty tricks to get their way, but they cry like babies whenever anyone plays tricks on them.
The classic old fashioned phrase is “can dish it out but can’t take it”
Death threats are not "dirty tricks" and sexual assault is not a "youthful indiscretion"

There's something really wrong with you people
Yale Daily News‏Verified account @yaledailynews
A photograph that appeared in @yaledailynews on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Brett Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus, via @Hailey_Fuchs @BrittonDaly https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/09/20/a-flag-of-underwear-photo-from-kavanaughs-time-shows-dke-hijinks/ …


Brett Kavanaugh's Yale Fraternity Hoisted A Flag Made Of Women'sUnderwear In 1985

Wow, what a school.
It was considered off the wall humor over 30 years ago but prissy humorless types of today just get all riled up
Yale Daily News‏Verified account @yaledailynews
A photograph that appeared in @yaledailynews on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Brett Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus, via @Hailey_Fuchs @BrittonDaly https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/09/20/a-flag-of-underwear-photo-from-kavanaughs-time-shows-dke-hijinks/ …


Brett Kavanaugh's Yale Fraternity Hoisted A Flag Made Of Women's Underwear In 1985

Wow, what a school.

was Kavanaugh involved?

Or is this more guilt by association?
No his fraternity and not him. A deliberate media attemp to make that unclear
The death threats are real.

Trumpers are despicable people

and the death threats Kavanaugh?

are those being made by 'Trumpers'?
Document those death threats.
What I have seen were mean e-mails.

mean emails?

""May you, your husband and your kids burn in hell," one message read. Another said she should tell her husband to "put a bullet in his … skull," according to the WSJ"

"Another message sent this week said "F*** YOU AND YOUR RAPIST HUSBAND," according to CNN. "

Death threats target Brett Kavanaugh's family, woman who accused him of sexual assault

Sorry they don't meet your definition of threat.

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