Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Dr. Ford's lawyer talking to Senate Republicans tonight. Won't be on show.

Did you know there is no statute of limitations in Maryland on attempted rape?
She could file charges.
The FBI (first letter being Federal) only investigates Federal Crimes. They don't investigate house parties of teenagers. Civil rights is within their purview. A violation of Civil Rights is a federal crime.

Understand now???

the willful ignorant will never understand they refuse too

The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.


within their jurisdiction dummy

however ya turdbreath remain willfully ignorant

staying ignorant is important to ya

What We Investigate

The FBI Background Investigation Process - ClearanceJobs
pull out the piece that backs your claim? again, for the SC nomination process, they only run background checks, no investigation. So perhaps you should read the SC senate process.

Guides: Supreme Court Nominations Research Guide: Nomination & Confirmation Process

"The Process
  1. The President usually will consult with Senators before announcing a nomination.

  2. When the President nominates a candidate, the nomination is sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.

  3. The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on the nominee. The Committee usually takes a month to collect and receive all necessary records, from the FBI and other sources, about the nominee and for the nominee to be prepared for the hearings.

  4. During the hearings, witnesses, both supporting and opposing the nomination, present their views. Senators question the nominee on his or her qualifications, judgment, and philosophy.

  5. The Judiciary Committee then votes on the nomination and sends its recommendation (that it be confirmed, that it be rejected, or with no recommendation) to the full Senate.

  6. The full Senate debates the nomination.

  7. The Senate rules used to allow unlimited debate (a practice known as filibustering) and to end the debate, it required the votes of 3/5 of the Senate or 60 senators (known as the cloture vote). In April 2017, the Senate changed this rule and lowered the required votes to 51 to end debate on Supreme Court nominations (this is commonly known as "the nuclear option").

  8. When the debate ends, the Senate votes on the nomination. A simple majority of the Senators present and voting is required for the judicial nominee to be confirmed. If there is a tie, the Vice President who also presides over the Senate casts the deciding vote."
BTW, the senate is on at step 8

That vote will be enjoyable to watch. Im not so into politics that I normally do watch things like that but this time I probably will. The Republicans will cast votes in an orderly and civilized fashion. Like their European heritage teaches. And the Democrats will cry, rant, moan, scream about Nazis...hopefully one or two may even set themselves on fire.
The "protest" is the highest and most noble art form to them. Comes from reading books by Mao and Che. I guess the poll is the second most noble thing to them..or would that be abortion?
Dr. Ford's lawyer talking to Senate Republicans tonight. Won't be on show.

Did you know there is no statute of limitations in Maryland on attempted rape?
She could file charges.

No she couldn't. You can't file charges on anything with zero proof a crime took place. How would you like to get arrested for me reporting that you robbed me on the street 35 years ago? I have no proof it even happened, can't tell them where it happened, couldn't tell them how I got there, just take my word for it.
Apparently negotiations are still ongoing about details and a hearing date.
/——/ Ahhhh remember the good old days when the Clintons ruled the roost?
Dr. Ford's lawyer talking to Senate Republicans tonight. Won't be on show.

Did you know there is no statute of limitations in Maryland on attempted rape?
She could file charges.

Yeah, the lawyer also cancelled on Anderson Cooper.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

Cecil never issued a death threat. You just feel like its a death threat because you haven't been accustomed to losing like this. But you will get used to it in time. A few more years of Donald Trump and losing will feel quite natural to you and not like dying.

And what Ford got out of it was a continuation of her efforts to play some part in the destruction of the President the American people selected. She was a left wing, Marxist, hate-filled agitator her whole life.
And f course a little help from (((soros))) who is funding her lawyers I believe?

Why on Earth would I want to kill any of these sad little partisan dolts when they are providing me with such excellent entertainment?
Well your buddies are making death threats...and they have published her home address.

Fucking deplorables
Sure. Backed with facts gathered by the FBI.
Why are you afraid of that?

Even if true, it isn't a federal issue. Furthermore, what facts are you going to gather 36 years later?

It is a federal issue, fool. Kavanaugh has been nominated for a seat on the supreme court.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with the question. The alleged CRIME is not a federal crime. There is no federal law against sexual assault.
There is no crime! Please don’t feed the trolls

Hence the phrase "alleged crime".
There’s not an alleged crime though!
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

Cecil never issued a death threat. You just feel like its a death threat because you haven't been accustomed to losing like this. But you will get used to it in time. A few more years of Donald Trump and losing will feel quite natural to you and not like dying.

And what Ford got out of it was a continuation of her efforts to play some part in the destruction of the President the American people selected. She was a left wing, Marxist, hate-filled agitator her whole life.
And f course a little help from (((soros))) who is funding her lawyers I believe?

Why on Earth would I want to kill any of these sad little partisan dolts when they are providing me with such excellent entertainment?
Well your buddies are making death threats...and they have published her home address.

Fucking deplorables
The judges wife and kids are getting death threats. They aren’t even part of this and you’re fking proud. It’s sluts like this professor that don’t think and you got her back. Makes you the fk !
In the Merrick Garland case, we didn't want to hold a vote we knew was going to be negative, anyway. In this case, we want to hold the vote that we know has a chance of being positive.

So it was and is strictly politics.

Thanks for that admission

All that McConnell shit about "letting the voters decide" was obviously bullshit
Well your buddies are making death threats...and they have published her home address.

Fucking deplorables

I think she is worried that trying to destroy a man's life may cost her personally. It should be free and without consequence to destroy people right?

Shes entirely safe as she well knows. It just makes good politics.
In the Merrick Garland case, we didn't want to hold a vote we knew was going to be negative, anyway. In this case, we want to hold the vote that we know has a chance of being positive.

So it was and is strictly politics.

Thanks for that admission

All that McConnell shit about "letting the voters decide" was obviously bullshit

I didnt know he said that. I dont think much of old Mitch but by God he was right in this instance. The voters decided. Justice Gorsuch nice to meet you :)
In the Merrick Garland case, we didn't want to hold a vote we knew was going to be negative, anyway. In this case, we want to hold the vote that we know has a chance of being positive.

So it was and is strictly politics.

Thanks for that admission

All that McConnell shit about "letting the voters decide" was obviously bullshit

I didnt know he said that. I dont think much of old Mitch but by God he was right in this instance. The voters decided. Justice Gorsuch nice to meet you :)
The voters decided when they elected Obama.

McConnell stole that seat
But let's hold true to that principle and let the voters decide in November.

Ohhh no...can't do that.

You might lose
Rachel Maddow is now reporting that a criminal complaint could trigger a Maryland state criminal investigation against Kavanaugh. Maryland says no one has filed a criminal complaint - yet. Wow...
A criminal complaint for what?
But let's hold true to that principle and let the voters decide in November.

Ohhh no...can't do that.

You might lose

Yes, that is a possibility given the fact that the extension of the Democrat party (main stream media) has a 90 plus percent of negative reporting on Trump.
In the Merrick Garland case, we didn't want to hold a vote we knew was going to be negative, anyway. In this case, we want to hold the vote that we know has a chance of being positive.

So it was and is strictly politics.

Thanks for that admission

All that McConnell shit about "letting the voters decide" was obviously bullshit

I didnt know he said that. I dont think much of old Mitch but by God he was right in this instance. The voters decided. Justice Gorsuch nice to meet you :)
The voters decided when they elected Obama.

McConnell stole that seat

Voters also decided to stop DumBama by handing leadership of the House to Republicans and later in the Senate when this took place.
In the Merrick Garland case, we didn't want to hold a vote we knew was going to be negative, anyway. In this case, we want to hold the vote that we know has a chance of being positive.

So it was and is strictly politics.

Thanks for that admission

All that McConnell shit about "letting the voters decide" was obviously bullshit

Was it bullshit when Biden said the same thing?

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