Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Fox really has Trumpdrones foaming under the armpits over this one dont they ?

EVery decent rational person is "foaming under the armpits" over this sleazy attempt to destroy a decent man. The people who support this maneuver are lying pieces of shit who have no honor, ethics or integrity. That means you, douchebag.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

Why should anyone "investigate" the claim of an obvious kookoo-bird who has no evidence of any kind to support it? I mean none. No witnesses. No physical evidence. No contemporaneous accounts. Nothing. Honor, ethics and integrity would dictate that this women be kicked to the curb.
Why should anyone "investigate" the claim of an obvious kookoo-bird

To make sure they aren't confirming someone who may have committed such an act, of course.

Yeah, no. The severity of the alleged act doesn't stand on its own, dumbass. It has to be accompanied by a credible accuser, and she's less credible every day this drags on without her providing any actual details.
And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Are you sure that's what you want?

And by "correctly" do you mean "by any means necessary to derail the confirmation of Kavanaugh"?

No, dope.
By correctly I mean correctly. Like taking this allegation seriously and do the dilligence required to look into the allegation properly.
There is absolutely no reason to take this allegation seriously.

That's the view of a fool.
Just because she has not YET put forth any evidence that compels you, certainly does not mean it doesn't exist. The prudent thing to do is make sure before moving foreward.

Oh, of course. She said she didn't know, but that's no reason to believe she doesn't. We need the FBI to investigate to find out, because it would make too much sense for her to just SAY SO.
No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

The American people disagree with you.

More Americans say Kavanaugh should be rejected than confirmed: poll

Your fake news poll of liberal pukes means nothing.

It means the clock is ticking.


I wonder how much further they will drop when the details come out.

I wonder how long I'll have already been on Social Security by the time "the details" come out.

Woman's had 36 years to make up a story, and this is all she's managed in that time. Probably take another 36 for her to invent details.
then in that case FOOL hes been investigated 6 times. gobthe fuck away now.

Not on this allegation, dope. It couldn't have been investigated if no one knew about it.

When Thomas was accused of sexual harrassment, the president directed the FBI to investigate the claims as a part of the background investigation.

How is this different?
If it was such a serious and believable allegation, why did Feinstein hold on to the letter for several months.
Why did she wait until the eve of the confirmation? Why didn't she question Kav about it when she had her
time with him?
You are a water carrying minion.

It's been explained in the world outside of Fox.

It wasn't released as the accuser wished to remain anonymous.we saw that when it broke. It only came out because of a leak.

None of that really matters anyway.
It's here now and needs to be dealt with.

Seriously? If she was really dumb enough to think she was going to remain anonymous, she has no business teaching at a university, or even a daycare.

And yeah, it matters. You don't get to just throw out this insane narrative and go, "Never mind, just accept all that and focus on what I WANT you to think."

I didn't say " never mind" , liar.

Oh, yeah, "none of that really matters" is TOTALLY different. Spare me, bullshitter.
no it doesn't. It was, the FBI did a background check it didn't come up. so it didn't exist. that's simple

There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:


Evidence such as what? Do we know when it happened yet? Where it happened? Who was present at the party? How she got to the party? How she got home from the party? Does she have his DNA on something?

List the evidence.
There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:


Not really, it's just that when you think the Democrats could never go any lower, they surprise as always.

That's why I never think that.
nothing is nothing. perhaps you could explain how you investigate nothing? I'll wait. I'm curios cause nothing = nothing.

That's pretty stupid.

A claim is made that something happened in a certain place at a certain time and that other people were present.

You think nothing can be ascertained? Witnesses can't be interviewed?

How stupid are you?

Okay, Lush, what part of "She DIDN'T name a certain place, she DIDN'T name a certain time, and she CAN'T name anyone who was there who doesn't say she's batshit crazy" is not filtering into your brain past the syphilis lesions?

If she's named these details, why don't you tell us what they were. WHEN did it happen? WHERE? Who was there?
That's it!

After this farce, I'm giving any woman I meet at least 20 feet of clearance.

Personal space? You got it toots! I'm not going to get accused of sexual assault because I brushed your shoulder walking by you.

Yeah, I'm being cynical. Give me a reason not to be!
Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?

As a woman who was a teenaged girl at the same time as Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, I don't believe so, either.

I knew a number of boys back then who were utter asshats, and was even clumsily and unwillingly groped by quite a few of them. I know a lot of those same men now, and they are nothing like that. In the intervening 36 years, they did this thing sane humans call "growing up".

It's called sexual assault, loser.

Holding a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet is not "clumsily groping".

Yeah, actually, it can be, when you're talking about a drunk teenaged boy in the 80s.

Why do you think attitudes toward sexual behavior and consent changed after that?

I realize you want to pretend THIS is different because XYZ, PDQ whatever, which just amounts to "This is different, because I want it to be!" I hate to break it to you, but I stand by my statement. Been in that exact position, didn't react at all like Ford at any point in the line.

wait...your moronic claim is that his actions should be excused (sexual assault??) because he was drunk and a teenager?

Are ya fucking braindead?

No, actually, my completely-sane claim is that they shouldn't be considered "his actions", because she has exactly jack and shit to prove that anything happened.

Simply as a side note, I am even MORE skeptical of her story because she's claiming trauma like she was gang-raped by the football team, when what she describes amounts to very little.

I think she - along with you - is pissing on and cheapening the experiences of ACTUAL victims as a cynical political ploy.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
It is a wonder that she does not want the Judge to testifiy prior. This would give her a idea where he was at the time of the incident. This whole thing is the progressives have put her into a incident and they are going to have to make evidence fit the so called crime. What a bunch of crap.

My understanding is that she does want Kavanaugh to testify first. Am I wrong?

Yeah, well, he's already said pretty much everything he CAN say, given her utter lack of specificity about anything.

And that is NOT how it works.
There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:


Not really, it's just that when you think the Democrats could never go any lower, they surprise as always.
low? you repubs are lower than shark shit on the bottom of the ocean You're sneaks thieves and perverts
As a woman who was a teenaged girl at the same time as Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, I don't believe so, either.

I knew a number of boys back then who were utter asshats, and was even clumsily and unwillingly groped by quite a few of them. I know a lot of those same men now, and they are nothing like that. In the intervening 36 years, they did this thing sane humans call "growing up".

It's called sexual assault, loser.

Holding a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet is not "clumsily groping".

Yeah, actually, it can be, when you're talking about a drunk teenaged boy in the 80s.

Why do you think attitudes toward sexual behavior and consent changed after that?

I realize you want to pretend THIS is different because XYZ, PDQ whatever, which just amounts to "This is different, because I want it to be!" I hate to break it to you, but I stand by my statement. Been in that exact position, didn't react at all like Ford at any point in the line.

wait...your moronic claim is that his actions should be excused (sexual assault??) because he was drunk and a teenager?

Are ya fucking braindead?

In order for his actions to be "excused", there needs to be actual evidence of it happening. Which there isn't any.

This is what happens when you let your political zealotry and assumptions drive you.

Off a cliff.
Can't you read?

Your buddies are excusing actions that they claim didn't happen.

Sounds like THEY don't even believe Kavanaugh's bullshit

Can't YOU read? What part of "Don't think anything happened, there's no evidence" slid past the point on top of your head?
Must be why HE has no problem with the hearing.
He does seem to have a problem with the FBI investigating this though...doesn't he.

I wonder why...

He never said squat. One more time: the FBI investigates federal crime, not house parties. It’s the FBI who said they have no interest in this case.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
/----/ Ray, you'll be reposting that for 10 years. That's how long it took Libs to finally understand the USSC didn't select GW Bush president.

What? They finally understood that? When did THAT happen? Why didn't someone tell me?
/——/ Well, I haven’t had to argue that point since the Yahoo Hal board shut down. I figured most of the libtards migrated to USMB.

Who can tell? They're all interchangeable and indistinguishable.
You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:


Not really, it's just that when you think the Democrats could never go any lower, they surprise as always.
low? you repubs are lower than shark shit on the bottom of the ocean You're sneaks thieves and perverts
Shit floats to the top..........seems fitting for the left.
I wonder how long I'll have already been on Social Security by the time "the details" come out.

Woman's had 36 years to make up a story, and this is all she's managed in that time. Probably take another 36 for her to invent details.

36 years or since the nomination was announced?

36 years since nothing happened and "utterly traumatized" her.

Woman makes up stories about as fast as George RR Martin.
That's it!

After this farce, I'm giving any woman I meet at least 20 feet of clearance.

Personal space? You got it toots! I'm not going to get accused of sexual assault because I brushed your shoulder walking by you.

Yeah, I'm being cynical. Give me a reason not to be!

You can trust me. If you grope me, I'm more likely to punch you than to call the cops. And I probably wouldn't even notice if you brushed my shoulder. Big whoop.
you're #1 ,,,and you don't know WTF you're talking about
Everyone knows she's lying. Even you. I admit that you're incredibly stupid, but you're not that stupid.

Great. Then let the FBI nail her ass to the wall.
You mean allow here to derail the nomination?

Go fuck yourself.
Derail the nomination? How would the FBI proving her a liar do that?
Delay it until after the midterms. Another reason the Dims want the FBI to investigate is so they can forever brand Kavanaugh has being been investigated by the FBI for rape. They're also hoping the FBI will turn up some embarrassing information about him, even if it doesn't support the nutburger's claim. It's just another way to smear him.
oh gee smear him like you did bill hillary and obama,,,,,,,how your pos in the wh smeared obama and hill?? now you don't like it ?? TS

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