Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

... Personally destroying a person's career, family, and life over a political appointment with flimsy at best accusations is wrong.
I totally agree.

If Blasey-Ford is lying, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts.

If Franken(fein)stein was complicit in advancing a lie, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts, too.

But's let's find out if that's truly the case, or if Kavanaugh is hiding something, first.

Lets be sure.

Let's be damned sure.

The best way to do that, is to have the FBI reopen its background investigation(s) on Kavanaugh, and for the FBI to amend its findings.

Even if it's on a hurried, 3-day-Anita-Hill -style snapshot basis.

Better than nothing.


The Republicans are setting themselves up for terrible election-year optics, should they fail to do that small thing.

Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, or fair or unfair.

Politics is all about perception.

Perception relies largely upon optics.

If you have terrible optics, you trigger terrible perceptions.

You give your opponent an early Christmas gift - tons of ammunition to use against you in an election year.

Fail to re-open the investigation into Kavanaugh's background at your own very great peril.

Both with respect to the upcoming election for control of the House and Senate, and with respect to any future SCOTUS impeachment.

The democrats had 6 weeks to look into it prior to Feinstein purposefully dragging Dr. Ford into this.

In that time, if Ford was to be believed, Feinstein could have hired any number of Private Detectives, many are former FBI agents, and get some facts to at least tie the victim to the Judge.

Problem is, she likely did, and they came up with nothing. It wouldn't take an FBI investigation to produce, at least a minimal amount of facts on the dude.

When that fails, as is often the case in actual police investigations, the Law Enforcement agency doing the investigation will seek the public's assistance, and Feinstein did by leaking the name. From that they hope to garner information. At this point the Dem's have gotten a grand total of a single lead, and that from someone in Mexico who within hours retracted her statement.

This is a crap show and a waste of time and money.

Let her speak, but unless she brings up FACTS to back her allegations, then it needs to be considered an unfounded allegation and proceed to a speedy vote.

She, Feinstein and the Democrats have had due time to produce damning evidence, and have failed. That's on them and nobody else.
Terrible optics.

You are giving your adversaries tons of ammunition, six weeks before the mid-terms.

Oh, well... you've been warned.
Curious, what are you so afraid of?
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
It is a wonder that she does not want the Judge to testifiy prior. This would give her a idea where he was at the time of the incident. This whole thing is the progressives have put her into a incident and they are going to have to make evidence fit the so called crime. What a bunch of crap.

Not only that, but she is demanding Ford not be questioned by lawyers. Okay, then WTF is going to question Kavanaugh on your side, our Senators?

Katz is doing everything possible to make the Republicans refuse their offer so they could claim Bully status. And saying that Kavanaugh needs to go first makes that obvious. What can Kavanugh say other than he doesn't know WTF this dingbat is talking about? There are no questions you can ask Kavanaugh unless you know what he's defending. Katz knows this quite well.

There's a reason why in no place in American life does the defendant speak before the accuser, and it's because you can't defend yourself against an accusation until it's actually made. How are you even supposed to know what to talk about?
... Personally destroying a person's career, family, and life over a political appointment with flimsy at best accusations is wrong.
I totally agree.

If Blasey-Ford is lying, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts.

If Franken(fein)stein was complicit in advancing a lie, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts, too.

But's let's find out if that's truly the case, or if Kavanaugh is hiding something, first.

Lets be sure.

Let's be damned sure.

The best way to do that, is to have the FBI reopen its background investigation(s) on Kavanaugh, and for the FBI to amend its findings.

Even if it's on a hurried, 3-day-Anita-Hill -style snapshot basis.

Better than nothing.


The Republicans are setting themselves up for terrible election-year optics, should they fail to do that small thing.

Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, or fair or unfair.

Politics is all about perception.

Perception relies largely upon optics.

If you have terrible optics, you trigger terrible perceptions.

You give your opponent an early Christmas gift - tons of ammunition to use against you in an election year.

Fail to re-open the investigation into Kavanaugh's background at your own very great peril.

Both with respect to the upcoming election for control of the House and Senate, and with respect to any future SCOTUS impeachment.

The democrats had 6 weeks to look into it prior to Feinstein purposefully dragging Dr. Ford into this.

In that time, if Ford was to be believed, Feinstein could have hired any number of Private Detectives, many are former FBI agents, and get some facts to at least tie the victim to the Judge.

Problem is, she likely did, and they came up with nothing. It wouldn't take an FBI investigation to produce, at least a minimal amount of facts on the dude.

When that fails, as is often the case in actual police investigations, the Law Enforcement agency doing the investigation will seek the public's assistance, and Feinstein did by leaking the name. From that they hope to garner information. At this point the Dem's have gotten a grand total of a single lead, and that from someone in Mexico who within hours retracted her statement.

This is a crap show and a waste of time and money.

Let her speak, but unless she brings up FACTS to back her allegations, then it needs to be considered an unfounded allegation and proceed to a speedy vote.

She, Feinstein and the Democrats have had due time to produce damning evidence, and have failed. That's on them and nobody else.
Terrible optics.

You are giving your adversaries tons of ammunition, six weeks before the mid-terms.

Oh, well... you've been warned.

"We have said terrible things about you! We refuse to prove them! You aren't immediately apologizing, so YOU have terrible optics!"

Yeah, thanks for "warning" us that we need to give you total control of everything.

Screw the truth

The Cucks want optics
BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
It is a wonder that she does not want the Judge to testifiy prior. This would give her a idea where he was at the time of the incident. This whole thing is the progressives have put her into a incident and they are going to have to make evidence fit the so called crime. What a bunch of crap.

Not only that, but she is demanding Ford not be questioned by lawyers. Okay, then WTF is going to question Kavanaugh on your side, our Senators?

Katz is doing everything possible to make the Republicans refuse their offer so they could claim Bully status. And saying that Kavanaugh needs to go first makes that obvious. What can Kavanugh say other than he doesn't know WTF this dingbat is talking about? There are no questions you can ask Kavanaugh unless you know what he's defending. Katz knows this quite well.

There's a reason why in no place in American life does the defendant speak before the accuser, and it's because you can't defend yourself against an accusation until it's actually made. How are you even supposed to know what to talk about?

And Katz knows this quite well. They are demanding they set the procedure instead of the committee. Could you imagine trying to do that in a court of law?

"Yeah judge, I will testify against the guy that beat me up in the bar, but I can't make it until Friday, I can't be asked any questions by a defense attorney, and I need a pillow to sit on when I'm on the stand."

Any judge would tell you to GFY.
As an "I" woman, this has only made me dislike D's more for their complete disregard for "color of law" and "due process" - it just shows me that they'd be content to wrongfully throw me in jail for disagreeing with them. Fuck that fascist shit.
BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.

Piss on her request
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Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
It is a wonder that she does not want the Judge to testifiy prior. This would give her a idea where he was at the time of the incident. This whole thing is the progressives have put her into a incident and they are going to have to make evidence fit the so called crime. What a bunch of crap.

Not only that, but she is demanding Ford not be questioned by lawyers. Okay, then WTF is going to question Kavanaugh on your side, our Senators?

Katz is doing everything possible to make the Republicans refuse their offer so they could claim Bully status. And saying that Kavanaugh needs to go first makes that obvious. What can Kavanugh say other than he doesn't know WTF this dingbat is talking about? There are no questions you can ask Kavanaugh unless you know what he's defending. Katz knows this quite well.

There's a reason why in no place in American life does the defendant speak before the accuser, and it's because you can't defend yourself against an accusation until it's actually made. How are you even supposed to know what to talk about?

And Katz knows this quite well. They are demanding they set the procedure instead of the committee. Could you imagine trying to do that in a court of law?

"Yeah judge, I will testify against the guy that beat me up in the bar, but I can't make it until Friday, I can't be asked any questions by a defense attorney, and I need a pillow to sit on when I'm on the stand."

Any judge would tell you to GFY.

Can you imagine telling the judge that you'll only testify if he makes the defendant leave the courtroom? He'd roast you over a slow fire.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
It is a wonder that she does not want the Judge to testifiy prior. This would give her a idea where he was at the time of the incident. This whole thing is the progressives have put her into a incident and they are going to have to make evidence fit the so called crime. What a bunch of crap.

Not only that, but she is demanding Ford not be questioned by lawyers. Okay, then WTF is going to question Kavanaugh on your side, our Senators?

Katz is doing everything possible to make the Republicans refuse their offer so they could claim Bully status. And saying that Kavanaugh needs to go first makes that obvious. What can Kavanugh say other than he doesn't know WTF this dingbat is talking about? There are no questions you can ask Kavanaugh unless you know what he's defending. Katz knows this quite well.

There's a reason why in no place in American life does the defendant speak before the accuser, and it's because you can't defend yourself against an accusation until it's actually made. How are you even supposed to know what to talk about?

And Katz knows this quite well. They are demanding they set the procedure instead of the committee. Could you imagine trying to do that in a court of law?

"Yeah judge, I will testify against the guy that beat me up in the bar, but I can't make it until Friday, I can't be asked any questions by a defense attorney, and I need a pillow to sit on when I'm on the stand."

Any judge would tell you to GFY.

Can you imagine telling the judge that you'll only testify if he makes the defendant leave the courtroom? He'd roast you over a slow fire.

Was Clarence Thomas in the room when Anita Hill testified? I didn't see him...
As an "I" woman, this has only made me dislike D's more for their complete disregard for "color of law" and "due process" - it just shows me that they'd be content to wrongfully throw me in jail for disagreeing with them. Fuck that fascist shit.

You are one of the smart ones who can recognize being used. It's a shame how Democrats use their support groups to forward their political agenda all the while claiming they are fighting for them. Notice how fast they try to turn this into a gender issue instead of what it really is, a political issue. They do this all the time with Americans.

If we were ever able to rid our country of victims and government dependents, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party is in history class at school.
BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.

Will Grassley respond to her request for ONE more day?

Why, yes, and thank you for asking.

"Despite the fact that the July 30th letter remains hidden, my committee has been investigating the allegations and has heard from multiple witnesses since Sunday," Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley said in a statement.

"Ms. Katz has discussed Dr. Ford's allegations in numerous media interviews and said on TV Monday morning that Dr. Ford wants to share her account with the Senate Judiciary Committee," Grassley continued. "It's Friday night and nothing's been agreed to despite our extensive efforts to make testimony possible."

"I'm extending the deadline for response yet again to 10 o'clock this evening," Grassley stated. "I'm providing a notice of a vote to occur Monday in the event that Dr. Ford's attorneys don't respond or Dr. Ford decides not to testify."

"In the event that we can come to a reasonable resolution as I've been seeking all week, then I will postpone the committee vote to accommodate her testimony. We cannot continue to delay."

So the answer is, "No. Show up Monday, or piss off."

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