Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.
Piss on her request

Piss on due process? Why do you hate the Constitution?

Said the twat who wants to gut law enforcement jurisdiction, the Senate confirmation process, Brett Kavanaugh's right to due process, Brett Kavanaugh's 6th Amendment right to face his accuser, the rules of evidence . . .

There is no point in due process that EVER allows an accuser to set conditions on when, where, how, and whether she will answer questions about her accusation.
Dr. Ford's lawyer called Grassley a bully. That's a gross understatement.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
It is a wonder that she does not want the Judge to testifiy prior. This would give her a idea where he was at the time of the incident. This whole thing is the progressives have put her into a incident and they are going to have to make evidence fit the so called crime. What a bunch of crap.

Not only that, but she is demanding Ford not be questioned by lawyers. Okay, then WTF is going to question Kavanaugh on your side, our Senators?

Katz is doing everything possible to make the Republicans refuse their offer so they could claim Bully status. And saying that Kavanaugh needs to go first makes that obvious. What can Kavanugh say other than he doesn't know WTF this dingbat is talking about? There are no questions you can ask Kavanaugh unless you know what he's defending. Katz knows this quite well.

There's a reason why in no place in American life does the defendant speak before the accuser, and it's because you can't defend yourself against an accusation until it's actually made. How are you even supposed to know what to talk about?

And Katz knows this quite well. They are demanding they set the procedure instead of the committee. Could you imagine trying to do that in a court of law?

"Yeah judge, I will testify against the guy that beat me up in the bar, but I can't make it until Friday, I can't be asked any questions by a defense attorney, and I need a pillow to sit on when I'm on the stand."

Any judge would tell you to GFY.

Can you imagine telling the judge that you'll only testify if he makes the defendant leave the courtroom? He'd roast you over a slow fire.

Mz Ford is a PHD. She's a highly trained psychologist. She knows body language can't be hidden in the heat of the moment. In other words she doesn't have the guts to look Kavanaugh in the eye because she simply can't. She wouldn't even be able to look in his direction. Taking an innocent man, a person who led a stellar life, and trying to destroy that life and his family for political expediency is something most of us could never do.

Maybe there is something good about her deep, very deep down inside.

Hold the vote on Monday. It's almost like you leftists don't control reality through your tantrums, or something.

That's gotta sting.

I think NaziCons will feel the real "sting" on November 6.

Oh, yeah, the 25% of people who are dumb enough to buy this are TERRIBLY frightening to the 75% who know bullshit when it's shoveled on their shoes.

You just run with your belief that you're being admired for your tantrum.
Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony

Washington (CNN) The attorney for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault blasted the Senate Judiciary Committee for imposing a Friday night deadline to decide whether her client should testify before Congress.

Debra Katz, who is representing Christine Blasey Ford, wrote in a letter to the committee that its "cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the Committee is completely inappropriate."
Calling the deadline arbitrary, Katz wrote in a letter that "our modest request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision."

Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony - CNNPolitics

So sad. So unfair.
So, will the Senate NaziCons vote on Monday to confirm Kavanaugh - like Grassley said.
Democrats need to be run out of our country. That have no right to be here. Democrats have set us back a 100 years. From race relations to our economy. Democrats have simply proved they are the puss of a terrible infection.
its "cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the Committee

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Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony

Washington (CNN) The attorney for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault blasted the Senate Judiciary Committee for imposing a Friday night deadline to decide whether her client should testify before Congress.

Debra Katz, who is representing Christine Blasey Ford, wrote in a letter to the committee that its "cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the Committee is completely inappropriate."
Calling the deadline arbitrary, Katz wrote in a letter that "our modest request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision."

Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony - CNNPolitics

So sad. So unfair.
Another day? Unfair? Nah, this comedy show has run for a week, the liar has had plenty of time to book a flight and a hotel. Monday was the day graciously set and the liar still wants to set terms.
Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony

Washington (CNN) The attorney for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault blasted the Senate Judiciary Committee for imposing a Friday night deadline to decide whether her client should testify before Congress.

Debra Katz, who is representing Christine Blasey Ford, wrote in a letter to the committee that its "cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the Committee is completely inappropriate."
Calling the deadline arbitrary, Katz wrote in a letter that "our modest request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision."

Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony - CNNPolitics

So sad. So unfair.
Another day? Unfair? Nah, this comedy show has run for a week, the liar has had plenty of time to book a flight and a hotel. Monday was the day graciously set and the liar still wants to set terms.

Dr. Ford has a fear of flying. Merrick Garland waited for 11 months - and never got an interview or hearing.
Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony

Washington (CNN) The attorney for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault blasted the Senate Judiciary Committee for imposing a Friday night deadline to decide whether her client should testify before Congress.

Debra Katz, who is representing Christine Blasey Ford, wrote in a letter to the committee that its "cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the Committee is completely inappropriate."
Calling the deadline arbitrary, Katz wrote in a letter that "our modest request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision."

Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony - CNNPolitics

So sad. So unfair.
Another day? Unfair? Nah, this comedy show has run for a week, the liar has had plenty of time to book a flight and a hotel. Monday was the day graciously set and the liar still wants to set terms.

Dr. Ford has a fear of flying. Merrick Garland waited for 11 months - and never got an interview or hearing.
The liar was given the opportunity to provide written testimony, she should have taken it.
Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony

Washington (CNN) The attorney for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault blasted the Senate Judiciary Committee for imposing a Friday night deadline to decide whether her client should testify before Congress.

Debra Katz, who is representing Christine Blasey Ford, wrote in a letter to the committee that its "cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the Committee is completely inappropriate."
Calling the deadline arbitrary, Katz wrote in a letter that "our modest request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision."

Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony - CNNPolitics

So sad. So unfair.
Another day? Unfair? Nah, this comedy show has run for a week, the liar has had plenty of time to book a flight and a hotel. Monday was the day graciously set and the liar still wants to set terms.

Dr. Ford has a fear of flying. Merrick Garland waited for 11 months - and never got an interview or hearing.
When did she get her fear of flying since her internship was in Hawaii and she didn't drive there?
Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony

Washington (CNN) The attorney for the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault blasted the Senate Judiciary Committee for imposing a Friday night deadline to decide whether her client should testify before Congress.

Debra Katz, who is representing Christine Blasey Ford, wrote in a letter to the committee that its "cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor who has been doing her best to cooperate with the Committee is completely inappropriate."
Calling the deadline arbitrary, Katz wrote in a letter that "our modest request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision."

Ford's lawyer asks for additional day to decide on Senate Judiciary Committee testimony - CNNPolitics

So sad. So unfair.
Another day? Unfair? Nah, this comedy show has run for a week, the liar has had plenty of time to book a flight and a hotel. Monday was the day graciously set and the liar still wants to set terms.

And they even pushed it back to Wednesday now. So they can't say the Republicans are not trying to work with them. Kavanaugh was supposed to be confirmed a week from last Thursday. I think this near 2 week delay is more than generous.

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