Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.
You are probably feeling a little foolish with what came out about her demands, huh?
It's okay, but let this be a lesson for you in the future.

What came out?
How come Democrats don't believe Keith Ellison's accuser?
dude these fks are schizophrenics. I think they'd get lost in their own house cause what they believe in is always changing.

I've changed nothing, dope.
but you still get lost. ahh I see.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

I think it's a little more than political than this. Let's face it--it was a brilliant political maneuever by Diane Feinstein who apparently had this letter for who knows how long. So she lets Kavaunaugh in the gate,let's him go through confirmation hearing and waits until the last minute--knowing it would stall the process, and hold up the vote.

Democrats are still pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland (Obama's last nominee a chance) so it's payback time. They're trying to stall until after the midterm election cycle. If Democrats can take the Senate they will be the ones that will dictate who the next Supreme Court Justice is.

I really don't know why Republicans are so upset about this, because in reality there is nothing special in Niel Gorsuch nor Brett Kavanuagh, at least (not in the way Republicans think they are.)

They have both ran the Democrat Gaunlet under G.W. Bush. Both were G.W. Bush nominees coming out of 2006, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate & were in charge of confirming Federal Court Justices. While Democrats turned down many of G.W's nominees, they confirmed both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh to Federal court Judgeships.

IOW these same Democrats would have also voted for & confirmed Brett Kavanaugh.


Where Republicans run the risk of confirming Kavanaugh prior to an investigation, is with women. Women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. He is in the tank at 27% and going into the midterm election cycle. Therefore by installing Kavanaugh without an investigation will only add fuel to that flre. The worse case scenario for Republicans, is if what this woman is stating is true, and it comes out after he becomes SCOTUS. Holy skeetshe.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

So Republicans are stuck in a corner on this one. It would be in their best interest to play along and do an investigation, & then have her testify before confirming Kavanaugh.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--they carry a very big punch in the voting booth.
oh please stop with the threat on the risk to women nonsense. Women don't want this. leftist goofballs do based on your post. All other decent women know the exploitation going on. Why are you such a fool. I feel sorry for you that you fell for that crap trap. Listen to this, hey all you commie leftist and fear mongering on #metoo movement. FK you all!!! The Senate must take a vote on Kavanaugh Monday come hell or high water. If Ford wants to testify, good for her slutty ass, if she refuses to show, push the vote through. I'm done with the left dictating policy when they have no fking power.

That was a gallop poll I just gave you. 7 in 10 women don't have a liking of Trump. For those of you that are interested--redirect to this post on this thread by clicking this link.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

If you want to really see some women who really don't like Trump, just click this link to redirect to another thread on this board. Pictures everywhere with links.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Then come back on here and tell me you think that pushing the envelope with women, by confirming Kavanaugh before an investigation is a wise thing to do--:lastword:

When we start running our government according to what the polls say, we are then a doomed country because polls are often wrong and many times skewed either by who they poll or the kind of questions asked.
His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.
You are probably feeling a little foolish with what came out about her demands, huh?
It's okay, but let this be a lesson for you in the future.

What came out?
How come Democrats don't believe Keith Ellison's accuser?
dude these fks are schizophrenics. I think they'd get lost in their own house cause what they believe in is always changing.

I've changed nothing, dope.
Answer the question. How come Democrats don't believe Keith Ellison's accuser?

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?

His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.

:haha: If he doesn't remember it, what good would a lie detector do?

It would certainly do nothing for his defense of the allegation.
His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.
You are probably feeling a little foolish with what came out about her demands, huh?
It's okay, but let this be a lesson for you in the future.

What came out?
How come Democrats don't believe Keith Ellison's accuser?
dude these fks are schizophrenics. I think they'd get lost in their own house cause what they believe in is always changing.

I've changed nothing, dope.
why no ask for an fbi investigation into ellison? see that's how you're inconsistent. you change your belief in the same sentences.
Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorneys Lay Out Conditions For Senate Hearing

Some of the conditions included Kavanaugh not being present during Blasey’s testimony and for the committee to not turn the hearing into a “media circus.”


I agree that Kavanaugh should not be allowed in the same room while Dr. Ford is testifying.
once again the left is fine with re-writing our entire judicial and executive system in order to get their demands met. if the right tries it, they go ape-shit batty. then again so do i cause it's crap on a wicker stick.

Dems re-writing?

The Republicans haven't even followed the precedent used the last time this happened.
cause the left keeps changing it to suit their needs at the time then they get all bent-ass-stupid when the right does it in return. it's like STOP COPYING OUR CHEATING DAMNIT! IT'S OURS!!!

Changing what?
That means nothing. The allegation needs to be investigated.
no it doesn't. It was, the FBI did a background check it didn't come up. so it didn't exist. that's simple

There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:


Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?

His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.
/——/ Not even you are dumb enough to believe that.
Apparently you're dumb enough to believe that is a valid defense.

Just because he supposedly can't recall
doesnt mean it didn't happen
/----/ And Ford can't recall much of anything.
no it doesn't. It was, the FBI did a background check it didn't come up. so it didn't exist. that's simple

There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:

You don't care about sexual harassment. You just use false accusations for political purposes. You're nothing but a smearing propaganda parrot.
No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

The American people disagree with you.

More Americans say Kavanaugh should be rejected than confirmed: poll

Your fake news poll of liberal pukes means nothing.

It means the clock is ticking.


I wonder how much further they will drop when the details come out.

I wonder how much further they will drop when the details come out.


What 'details'?
no it doesn't. It was, the FBI did a background check it didn't come up. so it didn't exist. that's simple

There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:


Not really, it's just that when you think the Democrats could never go any lower, they surprise as always.
no it doesn't. It was, the FBI did a background check it didn't come up. so it didn't exist. that's simple

There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:

No, Hutch, we're panicking because of the overwhelming stench of bullshit coming from this circus.

Ha! Us? Panicking? You serious?
no it doesn't. It was, the FBI did a background check it didn't come up. so it didn't exist. that's simple

There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.

There certainly is enough evidence to have the entire right in a complete panic.:laugh:


whats wrong with voting against the pos that is against an indictment of the scumbag in our wh and against roe vs wade? you against choice too?
so this isn't about kavenaugh then is it?

it's about roe vs wade but the left don't have the balls to come out and say it so it's this passive aggressive bullshit they like to play.
it was mentioned many times as a reason to tell this pos to take a walk

You don't have the majority behind you....doom


Poll: More Americans oppose Kavanaugh confirmation than support it

Too bad for you that polls also show that only 25% of Americans think these accusations are credible. Could be all you're going to accomplish is to create MORE supporters for his confirmation.
Fuck that bitch. She can’t even provide enough information to start an investigation. Like where? When? Who was there?

She has clearly stated all such information.

"Sometime in the 80s, some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there, some party don't know who was there."

Yeah, very clearly stated. Uh huh.

some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there,

Do you imagine the FBI would question a house, dope?

She's already named who was there.

I always love it when some imbecile tells me I'M stupid because HE doesn't understand plain English.

No, little one, I don't expect them to question the house. I would expect investigators to question THE OWNERS OF THE HOUSE AT THAT TIME. One presumes that a house party would be thrown by someone who lived in the house, and said person might then have some information as to other people who were present at the party and their activities.

But it is extremely hard to question the hosts of a party if one has no idea where the party was, and therefore who the hosts were.
I always love it when some imbecile tells me I'M stupid because HE doesn't understand plain English.

No, little one, I don't expect them to question the house. I would expect investigators to question THE OWNERS OF THE HOUSE AT THAT TIME.

She's already named who was there, dope.

No, she named Mark Judge, who says she's full of shit, and I believe mentioned one other person, who also says she's full of shit. She has yet to tell us whose house it was, or where. DOPE.
The accuser doesn't remember the date or place this traumatic event occurred. Idiot.

So what. The date and place is not as important as witnesses who can corroborate the allegation. There already is a therapist and her husband. There is also no doubt several others who knew at the time. All of whom could be inteviewed by the FBI.
/----/ I'm sure you'd have no issue having your life destroyed on such flimsy "evidence"

My life would only be "destroyed" if the allegations are corroborated and it will have been destroyed by my own actions.

Yes, no one's life has ever been destroyed by having their reputation smeared with false allegations. That NEVER happens.

Then prove they are false and move on. Let the FBI gather the facts.

"So give me what I demand! Never mind that I've been told 70 times that what I demand is unreasonable and violates the law, THE ONLY RIGHT THING TO DO IS GIVE ME MY WAY!"

Piss off. Still not their job, never going to be their job, NO.
Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?

His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.
You are probably feeling a little foolish with what came out about her demands, huh?
It's okay, but let this be a lesson for you in the future.

What came out?
How come Democrats don't believe Keith Ellison's accuser?
I don't see that dingbat Hirono whining that she has to be believed.

I have not been able to turn up any verification of this.
yep. only places i'm seeing it are the far right usual suspects and i won't believe them either. i did find one far right one saying "unverified, stop spreading shit people" and that was nice to see.

Yeah, I want to know who the sources are, for a start. And for that matter, who the hell is Josh Cornett?
Women are going to stomp the shit out of old white men like Grassley in November.
This is the straw and the camel's back is breaking.
Trump and Hollywood Access tape.
Trump's ex campaign manager Corey Lewandowski accused of sexual assault.
Trump and the porn star.
Rob Porter, Trump aide and wife beater.
Trump's pedo buddy Roy Moore in Alabama.
Bill Shine, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly...Trump friends all fired for sexual harassment.
You old white farts....look in the mirror and kiss your asses goodbye.
You are soooooo obso-fucking-lete.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you yourself are male, are you not? It's honestly hard to tell the difference with leftists.

Its *impossible* to tell. The men are feminized and the women masculanized. The self hatred means that it could be a male cheered that white males are going to be beaten. Its part of their cuckoldry. These Democrat males sometimes have to ask their wife's boyfriend for help with car problems.

But in this particular case it is probably a Jewish woman Democrat. You dont find this kind of genocidal hatred usually except in those quarters.

Yes, cecilie is very feminine. :laugh2:

Well, admittedly I'm not screeching about my victimhood the way leftist women do, so that's probably where you got confused.

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