Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
Ask Hill You repubs are attracted to low lifes It's in your genes
what about that liar, what is it you want me to ask her? I have a question, but I can't write it here.
Read up on her testimony I know you read a lot You're a republican lol
I watched it. son, anything that came out of that bitches mouth was smellier that anything I ever put down a toilet. I know of no human that would want to go near that thing.
Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorneys Lay Out Conditions For Senate Hearing

Some of the conditions included Kavanaugh not being present during Blasey’s testimony and for the committee to not turn the hearing into a “media circus.”


I agree that Kavanaugh should not be allowed in the same room while Dr. Ford is testifying.

Of course you agree. First, because you automatically think anything your side suggests is the best, most right, proper, WONDERFUL thing on Earth. One can only assume that when you scratch your ass, your fingers bump up against the arm of your puppetmaster. Second, because little things like the law and Constitutional rights mean nothing to you when they involve your political opponents, who don't deserve the right to exist, let alone Constitutional rights.

Take a look at the 6th Amendment, twat. No, this is not a criminal proceeding, but she IS accusing him of something that would have been a crime, had she made it up . . . excuse me, accused him of it at the time. And as a body which has sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution, the Senate does have it incumbent upon them to respect the civil rights laid out there.

So if Ms. PreciousPants is too special and fragile to deal with what every other woman who makes charges of sexual assault does, then she should shut her flapping headhole. I have zero fucking sympathy for her. I was a victim of sexual assault once, but unlike Dr. Ford, I didn't mysteriously keep it quiet until I needed to use it to blame being a shitty wife on. I actually pressed charges against the guy in court, within months of the actual assault. I was not only forced to undergo hours of being questioned by and making statements to the police, I was also required to submit to extensive questioning by his lawyer, and THEN appear in court and testify against him in front of a jury and an audience, with his ass sitting a few feet away. Guy turned out to have been a murderer, and I was lucky to escape alive.

So if I can suck it up and do that at the age of 18, only six months after the attack, she can damned well get her wrinkled, 51-year-old ass up there and talk about it 36 years later.
Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?
Actually...if the allegations are fraudulent...he should WANT to have them clear his name

"Actually, Republicans should WANT investigators up their asses every second of the day to disprove the made-up shit we fling at them."

Pretty sure he wants what SANE people would want - ie. people who aren't you - which is for her to put up or shut up. Under one of those laws you leftists ignore when it gets in the way of your tantrum du jour, he's entitled to face his accuser. Which means her happy ass needs to stop hiding in the shadows and acting like the system is all about coddling her, and make her accusation to his face in front of the Committee. Otherwise, she has not one single claim on credibility or the nation's time.
I want strzok, comey, brennan, clapper all investigated. I want obammy investigated, hitlery, slick willie, shit I want every mther fking leftist investigated. how's about that left turds? I want every mther fking document related to russia russia investigated and released. I WANT IT NOW YOU SKITZO FKS.
Uh oh Jcc going bonkers It was just a matter of time Kissing trump rump will do it to you
Naw, that's how I interpreted what the bitch from California said.
Republicans trying t
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
Ask Hill You repubs are attracted to low lifes It's in your genes
what about that liar, what is it you want me to ask her? I have a question, but I can't write it here.
Read up on her testimony I know you read a lot You're a republican lol
I watched it. son, anything that came out of that bitches mouth was smellier that anything I ever put down a toilet.
Look boy anything that ever comes out of anyones mouth directed to the stinking perverts in the Repub party is always wrong by you Even the 18 ladies the pos trump molested they were all lying too??
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
Ask Hill You repubs are attracted to low lifes It's in your genes
what about that liar, what is it you want me to ask her? I have a question, but I can't write it here.
Read up on her testimony I know you read a lot You're a republican lol
I watched it. son, anything that came out of that bitches mouth was smellier that anything I ever put down a toilet.
Look boy anything that ever comes out of anyones mouth directed to the stinking perverts in the Repub party is always wrong by you Even the 18 ladies the pos trump molested they were all lying too??
Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorneys Lay Out Conditions For Senate Hearing

Some of the conditions included Kavanaugh not being present during Blasey’s testimony and for the committee to not turn the hearing into a “media circus.”


I agree that Kavanaugh should not be allowed in the same room while Dr. Ford is testifying.

Of course you agree. First, because you automatically think anything your side suggests is the best, most right, proper, WONDERFUL thing on Earth. One can only assume that when you scratch your ass, your fingers bump up against the arm of your puppetmaster. Second, because little things like the law and Constitutional rights mean nothing to you when they involve your political opponents, who don't deserve the right to exist, let alone Constitutional rights.

Take a look at the 6th Amendment, twat. No, this is not a criminal proceeding, but she IS accusing him of something that would have been a crime, had she made it up . . . excuse me, accused him of it at the time. And as a body which has sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution, the Senate does have it incumbent upon them to respect the civil rights laid out there.

So if Ms. PreciousPants is too special and fragile to deal with what every other woman who makes charges of sexual assault does, then she should shut her flapping headhole. I have zero fucking sympathy for her. I was a victim of sexual assault once, but unlike Dr. Ford, I didn't mysteriously keep it quiet until I needed to use it to blame being a shitty wife on. I actually pressed charges against the guy in court, within months of the actual assault. I was not only forced to undergo hours of being questioned by and making statements to the police, I was also required to submit to extensive questioning by his lawyer, and THEN appear in court and testify against him in front of a jury and an audience, with his ass sitting a few feet away. Guy turned out to have been a murderer, and I was lucky to escape alive.

So if I can suck it up and do that at the age of 18, only six months after the attack, she can damned well get her wrinkled, 51-year-old ass up there and talk about it 36 years later.
her accusation would never have been considered a crime.
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
Ask Hill You repubs are attracted to low lifes It's in your genes
what about that liar, what is it you want me to ask her? I have a question, but I can't write it here.
Read up on her testimony I know you read a lot You're a republican lol
I watched it. son, anything that came out of that bitches mouth was smellier that anything I ever put down a toilet.
Look boy anything that ever comes out of anyones mouth directed to the stinking perverts in the Repub party is always wrong by you Even the 18 ladies the pos trump molested they were all lying too??
Yes, they were lying. Their stories were cut into little pieces within hours of the Dims announcing them. Why would anyone believe a gang of paid off spurned gold diggers?
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.

Why slow down when the accusers won't cooperate?

Who's not cooperating?
We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.

Why slow down when the accusers won't cooperate?

Who's not cooperating?
nope, he's on first base.
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.

Your pleading would only have merit if the Senate Democrats brought this to light during the hearings. Since they did not, and we know they had the information, the request is without base.

But keep crying about it, I have stock in Kleenex.

The hearings aren't over, dope.
We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.

Your pleading would only have merit if the Senate Democrats brought this to light during the hearings. Since they did not, and we know they had the information, the request is without base.

But keep crying about it, I have stock in Kleenex.

The hearings aren't over, dope.
well actually yes they were. they were at the voting phase cause guess what the hearing was over. fk can't you fks ever find out the facts before you spew your shit?
Hmm...just like Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
The poster was talking about people who have come foreward to back up the accuser, dope.

Kav's buddy did the same thing.

Stop responding with retarded shit. Read and understand the conversation before posting.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.


Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
heh - this was quickly recanted. keep up, DOPE. :)

Not at the time the post was originally made, dope.
Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
Ask Hill You repubs are attracted to low lifes It's in your genes
Hill is the lowlife. She's a perjuring slandering piece of shit. Only a congenital moron would believe the shit she was spewing.
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.
Waste of taxpayer money. This is a good man and he doesn't deserve this. That's why. Even you know this is bogus.

You have no way of knowing if this is bogus.
The FBI has thoroughly investigated Kavanaugh.

And they had thoroughly investigated Thomas...and did so again when the Anita Hill accusations came up.

That's how it WORKS
And Thomas was CONFIRMED. That's how it works. You creatures are sick.

Then what are you afraid of?
Nothing. No one is afraid. Why do you want to waste the taxpayer's money on this crap?

You are deathly afraid of losing this confirmation.
The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""
Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.

I have no problem with the FBI doing a full scale criminal investigation of this alleged molestation of a child.

But it should be done AFTER the vote, and regardless of the result of the vote.

There is no statute of limitations for the child molestation in Maryland, and there is no reason why all of the suspects and witnesses shouldn't be given a full anal examination.

But delaying this vote? That would be unfair to the American people.

If Kavanaugh were convicted as the Chomo the Democrats say he is, he'll be impeached anyhow- just like Jared Fogle was impeached from his position at Subway as soon as he was convicted.

But delaying this vote? That would be unfair to the American people.

What a hypocritical loser.

M..E..R..R..I..C..K G..A..R..L..A..N..D

Delaying a vote that's likely to result in confirmation is a far cry from denying a vote that would have been negative, anyway.
We will never know. Republican cuntery knows no bounds.
I'm going to tell you exactly what Obama told republicans. "Elections have consequences". Trump won. The Senate is republican controlled. Win some elections and democrats get to decide. That's how it works.
Well, If the Senate decides who is confitmed, then using Mcconnel's logic, we must wait for the American people to decide.
... Personally destroying a person's career, family, and life over a political appointment with flimsy at best accusations is wrong.
I totally agree.

If Blasey-Ford is lying, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts.

If Franken(fein)stein was complicit in advancing a lie, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts, too.

But's let's find out if that's truly the case, or if Kavanaugh is hiding something, first.

Lets be sure.

Let's be damned sure.

The best way to do that, is to have the FBI reopen its background investigation(s) on Kavanaugh, and for the FBI to amend its findings.

Even if it's on a hurried, 3-day-Anita-Hill -style snapshot basis.

Better than nothing.


The Republicans are setting themselves up for terrible election-year optics, should they fail to do that small thing.

Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, or fair or unfair.

Politics is all about perception.

Perception relies largely upon optics.

If you have terrible optics, you trigger terrible perceptions.

You give your opponent an early Christmas gift - tons of ammunition to use against you in an election year.

And, if you're up against terrible perceptions, you're on the defensive.

If you're on the defensive, then you have to explain yourself.

If you have to explain yourself, you've already lost a big piece of your audience.


Fail to re-open the investigation into Kavanaugh's background at your own very great peril.

Both with respect to the upcoming election for control of the House and Senate, and with respect to any future SCOTUS impeachment.

You have been warned.
Fuck the FBI investigation. Even if it happened, it's a big nothing. Those calling for the investigation are douchebags who are only interested in delaying the appointment.

No one is fooled.
Even if it happened, it's a big nothing.

She has clearly stated all such information.

"Sometime in the 80s, some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there, some party don't know who was there."

Yeah, very clearly stated. Uh huh.

some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there,

Do you imagine the FBI would question a house, dope?

She's already named who was there.

I always love it when some imbecile tells me I'M stupid because HE doesn't understand plain English.

No, little one, I don't expect them to question the house. I would expect investigators to question THE OWNERS OF THE HOUSE AT THAT TIME. One presumes that a house party would be thrown by someone who lived in the house, and said person might then have some information as to other people who were present at the party and their activities.

But it is extremely hard to question the hosts of a party if one has no idea where the party was, and therefore who the hosts were.
I always love it when some imbecile tells me I'M stupid because HE doesn't understand plain English.

No, little one, I don't expect them to question the house. I would expect investigators to question THE OWNERS OF THE HOUSE AT THAT TIME.

She's already named who was there, dope.
They say she's lying.

Which of course means nothing.
Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorneys Lay Out Conditions For Senate Hearing

Some of the conditions included Kavanaugh not being present during Blasey’s testimony and for the committee to not turn the hearing into a “media circus.”


I agree that Kavanaugh should not be allowed in the same room while Dr. Ford is testifying.
That's quite infantile. "Mommy, Brett's looking at me!"

A basic principle of justice is that the defendant has the right to face his accusers.

Might be why it's in the Constitution. The real one, not the leftists' "living document".
WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?
None. The woman is obviously lying.
you're #1 ,,,and you don't know WTF you're talking about
Everyone knows she's lying. Even you. I admit that you're incredibly stupid, but you're not that stupid.

Great. Then let the FBI nail her ass to the wall.
You mean allow here to derail the nomination?

Go fuck yourself.
Derail the nomination? How would the FBI proving her a liar do that?

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