Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Wow. I wonder if they held other kids down and gave them a haircut as a school prank? Send them all to prison!
I repeat. Sexual assault is not a "childish prank"

However making unproven claims are not either. Destroying a man and his family for political expediency is no joke. It's a serious issue and should not be the future norm for our country.
Ya know what is no joke?

Sexual assault

neither is this

Woman accused of making up rape allegations in Connecticut will go on trial this week - Los Angeles Times

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Yes, because she's the only one with supporters stupid enough to parrot that line without ever understanding how ridiculous it is.
I repeat. Sexual assault is not a "childish prank"

However making unproven claims are not either. Destroying a man and his family for political expediency is no joke. It's a serious issue and should not be the future norm for our country.
Ya know what is no joke?

Sexual assault

neither is this

Woman accused of making up rape allegations in Connecticut will go on trial this week - Los Angeles Times

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.
And the only one who has taken a lie detector test..and passed it

Also because she's the only one with supporters stupid enough to think that matters to anyone or anything, even leaving aside the bogus nature of the questions asked.
If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
You realize that after Kavanaugh is confirmed, he's going to take his revenge out on you liberals for the next 30 years right.
he can be impeached and as trumps pick the pos was going against anything dems want anyway

No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
You realize that after Kavanaugh is confirmed, he's going to take his revenge out on you liberals for the next 30 years right.
he can be impeached and as trumps pick the pos was going against anything dems want anyway

No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
so you wanna get rid of ginsberg also, huh?
If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
You realize that after Kavanaugh is confirmed, he's going to take his revenge out on you liberals for the next 30 years right.
he can be impeached and as trumps pick the pos was going against anything dems want anyway

No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
dude, that's called consequences of losing an election. remember that line? when you win it back your side can nominate liberal judges. but if you realllllllllly think a conservative is going to put in a liberal judge. son your elevator doesn't go all the way to the top.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
he can be impeached and as trumps pick the pos was going against anything dems want anyway

No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!

Because he's not a gay woman who ignores the constitution when it conflicts with the liberal agenda.
However making unproven claims are not either. Destroying a man and his family for political expediency is no joke. It's a serious issue and should not be the future norm for our country.
Ya know what is no joke?

Sexual assault

neither is this

Woman accused of making up rape allegations in Connecticut will go on trial this week - Los Angeles Times

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?
Actually...if the allegations are fraudulent...he should WANT to have them clear his name

"Actually, Republicans should WANT investigators up their asses every second of the day to disprove the made-up shit we fling at them."

Pretty sure he wants what SANE people would want - ie. people who aren't you - which is for her to put up or shut up. Under one of those laws you leftists ignore when it gets in the way of your tantrum du jour, he's entitled to face his accuser. Which means her happy ass needs to stop hiding in the shadows and acting like the system is all about coddling her, and make her accusation to his face in front of the Committee. Otherwise, she has not one single claim on credibility or the nation's time.
Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!

Because he's not a gay woman who ignores the constitution when it conflicts with the liberal agenda.
still sounds RACIST!!
However making unproven claims are not either. Destroying a man and his family for political expediency is no joke. It's a serious issue and should not be the future norm for our country.
Ya know what is no joke?

Sexual assault

neither is this

Woman accused of making up rape allegations in Connecticut will go on trial this week - Los Angeles Times

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.
And the only one who has taken a lie detector test..and passed it

inadmissible in any court.

she passed a test on an event as she remembers it...

not on how it happened.

(If Kavanaugh took a test, and it proved he DIDN'T do it, would you believe it?)

They didn't even ask her if that was actually what happened, or even if that was how she remembered it. They asked her if they had repeated it back to her exactly as she said it. That's the left's idea of "passing a polygraph". Spare me.

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?
Actually...if the allegations are fraudulent...he should WANT to have them clear his name

"Actually, Republicans should WANT investigators up their asses every second of the day to disprove the made-up shit we fling at them."

Pretty sure he wants what SANE people would want - ie. people who aren't you - which is for her to put up or shut up. Under one of those laws you leftists ignore when it gets in the way of your tantrum du jour, he's entitled to face his accuser. Which means her happy ass needs to stop hiding in the shadows and acting like the system is all about coddling her, and make her accusation to his face in front of the Committee. Otherwise, she has not one single claim on credibility or the nation's time.
I want strzok, comey, brennan, clapper all investigated. I want obammy investigated, hitlery, slick willie, shit I want every mther fking leftist investigated. how's about that left turds? I want every mther fking document related to russia russia investigated and released. I WANT IT NOW YOU SKITZO FKS.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?
Actually...if the allegations are fraudulent...he should WANT to have them clear his name

Must be why HE has no problem with the hearing.
He does seem to have a problem with the FBI investigating this though...doesn't he.

I wonder why...

Because he's smarter than the average bread mold, unlike you, and he knows it's not their job. The only real and appropriate investigatory body for this is the Senate Judiciary Committee.

There's no number of times you're going to screech "FBI! FBI! Squawk!" that's going to let you turn that into something appropriate.

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.
And the only one who has taken a lie detector test..and passed it

inadmissible in any court.

she passed a test on an event as she remembers it...

not on how it happened.

(If Kavanaugh took a test, and it proved he DIDN'T do it, would you believe it?)
Has he volunteered to take a lie detector test?

Why not?

Because as a juge, he again knows what you're too piss-stupid to: that polygraphs (what ignorant children like you call "lie detectors") are meaningless, which is why they're not admissable in court.
They need to get over there wants and quit playing games
not in your lifetime. these are schizophrenic fks who have no morals or souls.

Anyone, and I mean anyone believes nothing as fact is pure ass alien.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
he can be impeached and as trumps pick the pos was going against anything dems want anyway

No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
Ask Hill You repubs are attracted to low lifes It's in your genes
Yale Daily News‏Verified account @yaledailynews
A photograph that appeared in @yaledailynews on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Brett Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus, via @Hailey_Fuchs @BrittonDaly https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/09/20/a-flag-of-underwear-photo-from-kavanaughs-time-shows-dke-hijinks/ …


Brett Kavanaugh's Yale Fraternity Hoisted A Flag Made Of Women's Underwear In 1985

Wow, what a school.
Your point? Do you consider this to be proof that Kavanaugh is guilty?

Let's be serious. Lush considers the fact that Kavanaugh is a Republican nominee to be proof that he's guilty of anything and everything, up to and including felony "living when Lush hasn't given you permission to".
/——/ A summary of events so far:
Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
Ask Hill You repubs are attracted to low lifes It's in your genes
what about that liar, what is it you want me to ask her? I have a question, but I can't write it here.
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

She's already demanding no lawyers.
Republicans trying t
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

You can point to no judicial problems to justify that view.
Why can't we have fair and honest judges on the SC ??Thomas is slime and this new AH was picked solely to protect the president and to vote down roe v wade
how is thomas a slime? that sounds RACIST!!!
Ask Hill You repubs are attracted to low lifes It's in your genes
what about that liar, what is it you want me to ask her? I have a question, but I can't write it here.
Read up on her testimony I know you read a lot You're a republican lol

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?
Actually...if the allegations are fraudulent...he should WANT to have them clear his name

"Actually, Republicans should WANT investigators up their asses every second of the day to disprove the made-up shit we fling at them."

Pretty sure he wants what SANE people would want - ie. people who aren't you - which is for her to put up or shut up. Under one of those laws you leftists ignore when it gets in the way of your tantrum du jour, he's entitled to face his accuser. Which means her happy ass needs to stop hiding in the shadows and acting like the system is all about coddling her, and make her accusation to his face in front of the Committee. Otherwise, she has not one single claim on credibility or the nation's time.
I want strzok, comey, brennan, clapper all investigated. I want obammy investigated, hitlery, slick willie, shit I want every mther fking leftist investigated. how's about that left turds? I want every mther fking document related to russia russia investigated and released. I WANT IT NOW YOU SKITZO FKS.
Uh oh Jcc going bonkers It was just a matter of time Kissing trump rump will do it to you

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