Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Funny but I never remember the stupid Moon Bats ever calling for a FBI investigation into the dozen or so allegations of Slick Willy molesting and raping women. I wonder why?
that is the strongest argument to move forward with the vote. hey lefturds, since you didn't care about the women of slick willie, will take your lead and move on.
Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?

As a woman who was a teenaged girl at the same time as Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, I don't believe so, either.

I knew a number of boys back then who were utter asshats, and was even clumsily and unwillingly groped by quite a few of them. I know a lot of those same men now, and they are nothing like that. In the intervening 36 years, they did this thing sane humans call "growing up".

It's called sexual assault, loser.

Holding a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet is not "clumsily groping".
what is called sexual assault? sexual assault? well duh.

See clumsy, she has to prove he held a hand over her mouth. see that's america justice. And again for you genius, six background checks, never found anything about holding his hand on a mouth. no sexual assault. you know why? wait for it....she never reported it so it doesn't exist in cyberspace!!!!!!!!!

How does she prove it, dope?
by giving what happened where and when. that's how. something to go look into maybe. I don't know, she made the fking accusation, back it the fk up!!!
And of course the fight against abortion in the US is led by and energized by women.

Only the ones who hate and resent being women.

Thats plenty if thats the case. 60% I would guess. Barreness and infanticide are the realm of the self hating women. Women do a fine job keeping the anti-abortion pressure on. They are life givers.

According to Gallup, 57% of women are pro-life, not pro-abortion.
Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

What's wrong with the local police or sheriff's office investigating this? Sexual Assault is a state crime

The local sheriff does not do background investigations for supreme court nominees, fool.

You need to make up your mind, always generously assuming you have one and can locate it.

First you want her allegations investigated. NOW you say you want a background investigation. They aren't the same thing, and Kavanaugh has already HAD a background investigation.
You need to make up your mind, always generously assuming you have one and can locate it.

First you want her allegations investigated. NOW you say you want a background investigation. They aren't the same thing, and Kavanaugh has already HAD a background investigation.

No, dope. The only investigation I've called for is the continuation of the background investigation to look into these allegations.
I want nothing more than what was done when the allegations against Thomas came out.

Pull your head out of your ass and get up to speed, dope.

The FBI did investigate Anita Hill's accusation, and it took 3 days - CNNPolitics

Watch Grassley and Hatch praise the FBI investigation into the allegations agaisnt Thomas. Video at link.

Senate Democrats on Twitter

Sen Hatch thought it was a great idea 27 years ago.

why does she need an investigation before she talks?

Why didn't they ask for the investigation six weeks before when they got the information. ahhh loser you're soo fking stupid you can't see straight.
Rachel Maddow is now reporting that a criminal complaint could trigger a Maryland state criminal investigation against Kavanaugh. Maryland says no one has filed a criminal complaint - yet. Wow...

Not sure what you're Wow-ing about.
Dr. Ford's lawyer talking to Senate Republicans tonight. Won't be on show.

Did you know there is no statute of limitations in Maryland on attempted rape?
She could file charges.

Did you know you're a drooling idiot?

Maryland DOES have a statute of limitations on things like this, and she couldn't have filed charges 36 years ago with the level of "evidence" she has, let alone file one now.
Dr. Ford's lawyer talking to Senate Republicans tonight. Won't be on show.

Did you know there is no statute of limitations in Maryland on attempted rape?
She could file charges.

Did you know you're a drooling idiot?

Maryland DOES have a statute of limitations on things like this, and she couldn't have filed charges 36 years ago with the level of "evidence" she has, let alone file one now.
You insult drooling idiots with this comparison.
the willful ignorant will never understand they refuse too

The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.


within their jurisdiction dummy

however ya turdbreath remain willfully ignorant

staying ignorant is important to ya

What We Investigate

The FBI Background Investigation Process - ClearanceJobs
pull out the piece that backs your claim? again, for the SC nomination process, they only run background checks, no investigation. So perhaps you should read the SC senate process.

Guides: Supreme Court Nominations Research Guide: Nomination & Confirmation Process

"The Process
  1. The President usually will consult with Senators before announcing a nomination.

  2. When the President nominates a candidate, the nomination is sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.

  3. The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on the nominee. The Committee usually takes a month to collect and receive all necessary records, from the FBI and other sources, about the nominee and for the nominee to be prepared for the hearings.

  4. During the hearings, witnesses, both supporting and opposing the nomination, present their views. Senators question the nominee on his or her qualifications, judgment, and philosophy.

  5. The Judiciary Committee then votes on the nomination and sends its recommendation (that it be confirmed, that it be rejected, or with no recommendation) to the full Senate.

  6. The full Senate debates the nomination.

  7. The Senate rules used to allow unlimited debate (a practice known as filibustering) and to end the debate, it required the votes of 3/5 of the Senate or 60 senators (known as the cloture vote). In April 2017, the Senate changed this rule and lowered the required votes to 51 to end debate on Supreme Court nominations (this is commonly known as "the nuclear option").

  8. When the debate ends, the Senate votes on the nomination. A simple majority of the Senators present and voting is required for the judicial nominee to be confirmed. If there is a tie, the Vice President who also presides over the Senate casts the deciding vote."
BTW, the senate is on at step 8

That vote will be enjoyable to watch. Im not so into politics that I normally do watch things like that but this time I probably will. The Republicans will cast votes in an orderly and civilized fashion. Like their European heritage teaches. And the Democrats will cry, rant, moan, scream about Nazis...hopefully one or two may even set themselves on fire.
The "protest" is the highest and most noble art form to them. Comes from reading books by Mao and Che. I guess the poll is the second most noble thing to them..or would that be abortion?

Abortion is a religious sacrament, so that kinda transcends nobility.
Exactly what is she getting out of it besides death threats from people like you and harassment...

Fucking stupid

Cecil never issued a death threat. You just feel like its a death threat because you haven't been accustomed to losing like this. But you will get used to it in time. A few more years of Donald Trump and losing will feel quite natural to you and not like dying.

And what Ford got out of it was a continuation of her efforts to play some part in the destruction of the President the American people selected. She was a left wing, Marxist, hate-filled agitator her whole life.
And f course a little help from (((soros))) who is funding her lawyers I believe?

Why on Earth would I want to kill any of these sad little partisan dolts when they are providing me with such excellent entertainment?
Well your buddies are making death threats...and they have published her home address.

Fucking deplorables

Not MY buddies, ass kitten. And the accusation of "deplorable" coming from the likes of you has all the weight of a puff of warm hydrogen. Or methane, if one wants to duplicate the stench.
In the Merrick Garland case, we didn't want to hold a vote we knew was going to be negative, anyway. In this case, we want to hold the vote that we know has a chance of being positive.

So it was and is strictly politics.

Thanks for that admission

All that McConnell shit about "letting the voters decide" was obviously bullshit

If you're looking to shame people for "strictly politics" over simply voting against a nominee they didn't like, when YOUR "simply politics" against people you don't like involves trying to smear them as sexual predators, you are not only on the wrong message board, you're in the wrong frigging universe.
What is Ms. Ford asking for? An FBI investigation. Essentially of the criminal variety.

Or have you been too busy reveling in this spectacle to pay any attention?

It can't be criminal, fool. Its not a federal crime and has long since been past the statute of limitations.

It would simply be a follow up to the background investigation focused on the allegation.

Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?

As a woman who was a teenaged girl at the same time as Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, I don't believe so, either.

I knew a number of boys back then who were utter asshats, and was even clumsily and unwillingly groped by quite a few of them. I know a lot of those same men now, and they are nothing like that. In the intervening 36 years, they did this thing sane humans call "growing up".

It's called sexual assault, loser.

Holding a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet is not "clumsily groping".

Yeah sure, but somehow you know it happened without even having a shred of evidence to prove it.

Put up or shut up, Nostradamus.
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.

Because she no longer wants one. She's too busy dictating terms to the Judiciary Committee to care about an FBI investigation now.
In the Merrick Garland case, we didn't want to hold a vote we knew was going to be negative, anyway. In this case, we want to hold the vote that we know has a chance of being positive.

So it was and is strictly politics.

Thanks for that admission

All that McConnell shit about "letting the voters decide" was obviously bullshit

I didnt know he said that. I dont think much of old Mitch but by God he was right in this instance. The voters decided. Justice Gorsuch nice to meet you :)
The voters decided when they elected Obama.

McConnell stole that seat

Yes, because everyone knows he had an obligation to rubber-stamp Obama's choice. It was deplorable of him and the other Senators to think they had a right to vote against the sacred will of the Messiah.

However, it's completely moral and respectable to prevent a nomination by destroying a man's reputation with unfounded rumors, so long as he's a Republican and you don't have the votes to stop him. But don't you DARE think it's anything but evil and outrageous and "deplorable" to stop Democrats from getting their way by the "underhanded, sleazy trick" of following the rules.

There is not enough "fuck you" in the world for your very existence, let alone for your twisted, repulsively selfish worldview.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

I think it's a little more than political than this. Let's face it--it was a brilliant political maneuever by Diane Feinstein who apparently had this letter for who knows how long. So she lets Kavaunaugh in the gate,let's him go through confirmation hearing and waits until the last minute--knowing it would stall the process, and hold up the vote.

Democrats are still pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland (Obama's last nominee a chance) so it's payback time. They're trying to stall until after the midterm election cycle. If Democrats can take the Senate they will be the ones that will dictate who the next Supreme Court Justice is.

I really don't know why Republicans are so upset about this, because in reality there is nothing special in Niel Gorsuch nor Brett Kavanuagh, at least (not in the way Republicans think they are.)

They have both ran the Democrat Gaunlet under G.W. Bush. Both were G.W. Bush nominees coming out of 2006, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate & were in charge of confirming Federal Court Justices. While Democrats turned down many of G.W's nominees, they confirmed both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh to Federal court Judgeships.

IOW these same Democrats would have also voted for & confirmed Brett Kavanaugh.


Where Republicans run the risk of confirming Kavanaugh prior to an investigation, is with women. Women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. He is in the tank at 27% and going into the midterm election cycle. Therefore by installing Kavanaugh without an investigation will only add fuel to that flre. The worse case scenario for Republicans, is if what this woman is stating is true, and it comes out after he becomes SCOTUS. Holy skeetshe.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

So Republicans are stuck in a corner on this one. It would be in their best interest to play along and do an investigation, & then have her testify before confirming Kavanaugh.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--they carry a very big punch in the voting booth.
oh please stop with the threat on the risk to women nonsense. Women don't want this. leftist goofballs do based on your post. All other decent women know the exploitation going on. Why are you such a fool. I feel sorry for you that you fell for that crap trap. Listen to this, hey all you commie leftist and fear mongering on #metoo movement. FK you all!!! The Senate must take a vote on Kavanaugh Monday come hell or high water. If Ford wants to testify, good for her slutty ass, if she refuses to show, push the vote through. I'm done with the left dictating policy when they have no fking power.

That was a gallop poll I just gave you. 7 in 10 women don't have a liking of Trump. For those of you that are interested--redirect to this post on this thread by clicking this link.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

If you want to really see some women who really don't like Trump, just click this link to redirect to another thread on this board. Pictures everywhere with links.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Then come back on here and tell me you think that pushing the envelope with women, by confirming Kavanaugh before an investigation is a wise thing to do--:lastword:
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.

Because she no longer wants one. She's too busy dictating terms to the Judiciary Committee to care about an FBI investigation now.

An here it is the unbelievable, calculated to PREVENT Kavanaugh to answer her testimony:

Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford's team lays out terms it wants for potential Senate interview, sources say

By Gregg Re, Shannon Bream | Fox News


"Christine Blasey Ford's legal team has asked the Senate Judiciary Committee to agree to certain terms before she sits down for a potential interview over her accusation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago, two sources told Fox News on Thursday night.

Among the terms: Only members of the committee -- no lawyers -- can question her; Kavanaugh cannot be in the room at the time; and Kavanaugh should be questioned first, before he has the opportunity to hear Ford's testimony.

The requests, some of which appeared to be negotiable, capped a whirlwind day of back-and-forth statements. Ford's lawyers told the Senate Judiciary Committee that she was open to testifying next week, apparently backing off her bid for the FBI to first launch a new inquiry into her allegations.

But the attorneys said it was "not possible" for Ford to testify at a hearing scheduled for Monday by Senate Republicans, without explaining why, and they reiterated that she had a "strong preference" for an FBI probe beforehand."

Why doesn't woman just SUE Kavanaugh in a court of Law?

There is no statute of limitation in the State of Maryland over what she accuses him of.

This is rapid evident of a travesty of justice in the making, to prevent the accused legal representation and the ability to a reply to accusers testimony.
In the Merrick Garland case, we didn't want to hold a vote we knew was going to be negative, anyway. In this case, we want to hold the vote that we know has a chance of being positive.

So it was and is strictly politics.

Thanks for that admission

All that McConnell shit about "letting the voters decide" was obviously bullshit

I didnt know he said that. I dont think much of old Mitch but by God he was right in this instance. The voters decided. Justice Gorsuch nice to meet you :)
The voters decided when they elected Obama.

McConnell stole that seat

Yes, because everyone knows he had an obligation to rubber-stamp Obama's choice. It was deplorable of him and the other Senators to think they had a right to vote against the sacred will of the Messiah.

However, it's completely moral and respectable to prevent a nomination by destroying a man's reputation with unfounded rumors, so long as he's a Republican and you don't have the votes to stop him. But don't you DARE think it's anything but evil and outrageous and "deplorable" to stop Democrats from getting their way by the "underhanded, sleazy trick" of following the rules.

There is not enough "fuck you" in the world for your very existence, let alone for your twisted, repulsively selfish worldview.
There isn’t enough fk you in the universe!!!

Dude that’s outstanding
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.

I think it's a little more than political than this. Let's face it--it was a brilliant political maneuever by Diane Feinstein who apparently had this letter for who knows how long. So she lets Kavaunaugh in the gate,let's him go through confirmation hearing and waits until the last minute--knowing it would stall the process, and hold up the vote.

Democrats are still pissed that Republicans didn't give Merrick Garland (Obama's last nominee a chance) so it's payback time. They're trying to stall until after the midterm election cycle. If Democrats can take the Senate they will be the ones that will dictate who the next Supreme Court Justice is.

I really don't know why Republicans are so upset about this, because in reality there is nothing special in Niel Gorsuch nor Brett Kavanuagh, at least (not in the way Republicans think they are.)

They have both ran the Democrat Gaunlet under G.W. Bush. Both were G.W. Bush nominees coming out of 2006, at a time when Democrats owned the Senate & were in charge of confirming Federal Court Justices. While Democrats turned down many of G.W's nominees, they confirmed both Niel Gorsuch & Brett Kavanaugh to Federal court Judgeships.

IOW these same Democrats would have also voted for & confirmed Brett Kavanaugh.


Where Republicans run the risk of confirming Kavanaugh prior to an investigation, is with women. Women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump. He is in the tank at 27% and going into the midterm election cycle. Therefore by installing Kavanaugh without an investigation will only add fuel to that flre. The worse case scenario for Republicans, is if what this woman is stating is true, and it comes out after he becomes SCOTUS. Holy skeetshe.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

So Republicans are stuck in a corner on this one. It would be in their best interest to play along and do an investigation, & then have her testify before confirming Kavanaugh.

Women are the largest voting block in this country today--they carry a very big punch in the voting booth.
oh please stop with the threat on the risk to women nonsense. Women don't want this. leftist goofballs do based on your post. All other decent women know the exploitation going on. Why are you such a fool. I feel sorry for you that you fell for that crap trap. Listen to this, hey all you commie leftist and fear mongering on #metoo movement. FK you all!!! The Senate must take a vote on Kavanaugh Monday come hell or high water. If Ford wants to testify, good for her slutty ass, if she refuses to show, push the vote through. I'm done with the left dictating policy when they have no fking power.

That was a gallop poll I just gave you. 7 in 10 women don't have a liking of Trump. For those of you that are interested--redirect to this post on this thread by clicking this link.
Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

If you want to really see some women who really don't like Trump, just click this link to redirect to another thread on this board. Pictures everywhere with links.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

Then come back on here and tell me you think that pushing the envelope with women, by confirming Kavanaugh before an investigation is a wise thing to do--:lastword:
Yep your polls, not mine. I have the facts from the election. Actual numbers

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