Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

whats wrong with voting against the pos that is against an indictment of the scumbag in our wh and against roe vs wade? you against choice too?
so this isn't about kavenaugh then is it?

it's about roe vs wade but the left don't have the balls to come out and say it so it's this passive aggressive bullshit they like to play.
it was mentioned many times as a reason to tell this pos to take a walk

You don't have the majority behind you....doom


I'm glad that the majority of people understand the "innocent until proven guilty" basis of our American system. Too bad Chris Cuomo doesn't.
I wonder if Kavanaugh will have his kids at the next hearing? We shall see...
/——/ They will get an education in the evil underworld of liberalism.

Yeah, it's a lot like having to teach your children that pedophiles exist. They need to know, but it's so repugnant to have to tell them.

Was that Slick Willy asshole damn close to being a pedophile when he was getting the young interns that worked in the White House to give him blow jobs? She was over 18 but not by much, wasn't she?

Honey, the only one who's "confused" about why she didn't speak up sooner is you, and that's only because you WANT to be. There is no "explanation" you're going to offer that's going to make this look any more legitimate and respectable than the sleazy pile of evil bullshit it currently is. And even if such an explanation existed, the fact that it's coming from you automatically makes it look like a lie draped over reeking, festering sewage.
I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Are you sure that's what you want?

And by "correctly" do you mean "by any means necessary to derail the confirmation of Kavanaugh"?

No, dope.
By correctly I mean correctly. Like taking this allegation seriously and do the dilligence required to look into the allegation properly.
There is absolutely no reason to take this allegation seriously.

That's the view of a fool.
Just because she has not YET put forth any evidence that compels you, certainly does not mean it doesn't exist. The prudent thing to do is make sure before moving foreward.

One would think that it would be a high priority for the accuser to present such evidence, in order to substantiate her claim instead of having it weaken as time goes by without it. Leads one to believe it doesn't exist.

That's where you go off the rails. Nothing has been weakened. You have nothing but news reports and dopey conjecture so far. You have no idea what her testimony will bring out. The Republicans are going to be questioning her cold on live television. The smart thing to have done would be to let the FBI do what they did during the Thomas confirmation and at least have an idea of what's out there.
Women are going to stomp the shit out of old white men like Grassley in November.
This is the straw and the camel's back is breaking.
Trump and Hollywood Access tape.
Trump's ex campaign manager Corey Lewandowski accused of sexual assault.
Trump and the porn star.
Rob Porter, Trump aide and wife beater.
Trump's pedo buddy Roy Moore in Alabama.
Bill Shine, Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly...Trump friends all fired for sexual harassment.
You old white farts....look in the mirror and kiss your asses goodbye.
You are soooooo obso-fucking-lete.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you yourself are male, are you not? It's honestly hard to tell the difference with leftists.

ROFLMAO.....freaking priceless

I wish I had just been being sarcastic and snotty, but it's actually true. Unless they have an overtly feminine or masculine name (and even that doesn't mean anything with them), they're literally so androgynous that it could be either.
What is Ms. Ford asking for? An FBI investigation. Essentially of the criminal variety.

Or have you been too busy reveling in this spectacle to pay any attention?

It can't be criminal, fool. Its not a federal crime and has long since been past the statute of limitations.

It would simply be a follow up to the background investigation focused on the allegation.

Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?

As a woman who was a teenaged girl at the same time as Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, I don't believe so, either.

I knew a number of boys back then who were utter asshats, and was even clumsily and unwillingly groped by quite a few of them. I know a lot of those same men now, and they are nothing like that. In the intervening 36 years, they did this thing sane humans call "growing up".

So why doesn't Kavanaugh just admit it and move on?

Maybe because he didn't do it?

You need to learn where the line is between the fantasy of whatever lie you've made up today to fling at Republicans, and the reality of them being lies, and you being someone no one trusts, or respects enough to piss on if you were on fire.

Meanwhile George Soros has bought and paid for his minions to loiter inside government offices. This has turn into a sideshow. What a joke. Do these idiots even work?

You're seeing them do it right there. THAT is their "work".

Our 14 year old daughter delivered a gem at breakfast this morning....

Be informed, not influenced.

I smiled, she's learned her life lessons well
Hmm...just like Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
The poster was talking about people who have come foreward to back up the accuser, dope.

Kav's buddy did the same thing.

Stop responding with retarded shit. Read and understand the conversation before posting.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.


Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident

So bring that person to the Senate, put them under oath and get their testimony. What's hard about that?

Which would be great because she earlier stated she never told anybody (including her husband) until therapy. If she never told anyone, how did somebody else hear about it?

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Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
The poster was talking about people who have come foreward to back up the accuser, dope.

Kav's buddy did the same thing.

Stop responding with retarded shit. Read and understand the conversation before posting.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.


Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident

So bring that person to the Senate, put them under oath and get their testimony. What's hard about that?

Which would be great because she earlier stated she never told anybody (including her husband) until therapy. If she never told anyone, how did somebody else hear about it?

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Oh those pesky details that she'll have to explain.
the willful ignorant will never understand they refuse too

The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.


within their jurisdiction dummy

however ya turdbreath remain willfully ignorant

staying ignorant is important to ya

What We Investigate

The FBI Background Investigation Process - ClearanceJobs
hey fuckhead he has already been though that process --LOSER--

six times ya --LOSER--

Not on the subject of the allegation.
They couldn't investigate something they didn't know about, dope.
well this would be outside the scope of jurisdiction dope

how the senate rules are clear and have been followed to the T ya dope
Hard to investigate something when you have no idea what it is or anything about it.

So we won't ask YOU to investigate...

Unless you're going to shell out for a private investigator, Toots, you don't get to "ask" ANYONE to investigate. It's not up to you whose jurisdiction this is, no matter how much you delude yourself that you can control the cosmos through the sheer force of your tantrums and drama.
Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

Which brings us back to WHY the FBI would interview anyone, given that this is not their job.

The appropriate investigative body, whose job this ACTUALLY is - the Senate Judiciary Committee - would like to interview people . . . starting with Dr. Ford, just as soon as she decides this is really as important as she claims it is, and agrees to do so.

It is their job. The FBI conducted the background investigations. This is a question regarding his background.


Yes, and the extent to which it affects his background check is the FBI saying, "There was an allegation that he did this, it was never reported to law enforcement and never pursued." And they've done that. So there you go.

You speak for the FBI now?


No, I'm just reporting what they said and did, and what their job description is. It's like one is actually capable of knowing things, if one is not wasting time and energy wailing like a spoiled child.

right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days

Yeah, we're petrified about the midterms, that's why we're inventing wild, vague accusations to smear people's reputations and making insane demands that change from day to day to cover it up . . . oh, wait. That's not us. That's you.
"Sometime in the 80s, some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there, some party don't know who was there."

Yeah, very clearly stated. Uh huh.

some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there,

Do you imagine the FBI would question a house, dope?

She's already named who was there.

I always love it when some imbecile tells me I'M stupid because HE doesn't understand plain English.

No, little one, I don't expect them to question the house. I would expect investigators to question THE OWNERS OF THE HOUSE AT THAT TIME. One presumes that a house party would be thrown by someone who lived in the house, and said person might then have some information as to other people who were present at the party and their activities.

But it is extremely hard to question the hosts of a party if one has no idea where the party was, and therefore who the hosts were.
I always love it when some imbecile tells me I'M stupid because HE doesn't understand plain English.

No, little one, I don't expect them to question the house. I would expect investigators to question THE OWNERS OF THE HOUSE AT THAT TIME.

She's already named who was there, dope.

And they haven't confirmed her story.


The FBI? Because straight testimony won't confirm anything.

That's all there is, thanks for admitting there's no purpose in involving the FBI.
Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?

As a woman who was a teenaged girl at the same time as Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, I don't believe so, either.

I knew a number of boys back then who were utter asshats, and was even clumsily and unwillingly groped by quite a few of them. I know a lot of those same men now, and they are nothing like that. In the intervening 36 years, they did this thing sane humans call "growing up".

It's called sexual assault, loser.

Holding a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet is not "clumsily groping".
what is called sexual assault? sexual assault? well duh.

See clumsy, she has to prove he held a hand over her mouth. see that's america justice. And again for you genius, six background checks, never found anything about holding his hand on a mouth. no sexual assault. you know why? wait for it....she never reported it so it doesn't exist in cyberspace!!!!!!!!!

How does she prove it, dope?

There's the rub. She can't, so it's he said, she said. Her lack of specifics is hurting her story.

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