Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but Republicans are setting themselves up for huge losses in November.

The arrogance and myopia are mind-numbing... almost as bad as the LibTards in the run-up to the 2016 General Election.

The only myopia is on the left because they fail to see something this obvious for what it really is.

What the left wants us to believe:

Kavanaugh led a stellar life, but he attacked a girl one day, and continued to lead a stellar life afterwards.

There was no timing here. Ford just decided to come out with this a week before confirmation after holding it in for over 35 years.

Frankenstein only held the letter not to use as a last minute stall, but because she respected the privacy of the woman who wrote her.

This name was leaked to the Washington Post not by Feinstein, but "somebody" else.

Katz is demanding that the FBI look into this even though she knows quite well this is not an FBI issue.

Another woman claims she heard about the rape as rumor, but Ford earlier stated she never told a soul about this attack.

Ford said she had no intention of anybody knowing about this except Frankenstein, but lawyered up and took a polygraph test one month before her name was known.

Now, look at this list and tell me "we" are the myopic ones.
Dr. Ford has been meeting with the FBI today about death threats.
Unrelated to her testifying, so what's your point here ? Did the FBI concern themselves with Kavanaugh and his family who have suffered greatly in trying to just qualify for a job in our governmental body ? A job in which this man is more than qualified for. His conservative views are a huge threat to the dark wing of a party whom can't control that wing in their party, so the radicals end up dragging their party through the bottom levels of hell in trying to get their way. When will the moderate Democrats wake up that they are being controlled by radicals in their party ?

It is my hopes that anyone threatening anyone is dealt with accordingly.
Dr. Ford has been meeting with the FBI today about death threats.
Unrelated to her testifying, so what's your point here ? Did the FBI concern themselves with Kavanaugh and his family who have suffered greatly in trying to just qualify for a job in our governmental body ? A job in which this man is more than qualified for. His conservative views are a huge threat to the dark wing of a party whom can't control that wing in their party, so the radicals end up dragging their party through the bottom levels of hell in trying to get their way. When will the moderate Democrats wake up that they are being controlled by radicals in their party ?

It is my hopes that anyone threatening anyone is dealt with accordingly.
The Democrat party is controlled by the granolas, fruits, nuts and flakes.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford may have hired private investigators, including retired FBI agents, and may present their findings in her Senate testimony.

Bring em. They can be guilty of lieing under oath as she can be.
Dr. Ford has been meeting with the FBI today about death threats.
Unrelated to her testifying, so what's your point here ? Did the FBI concern themselves with Kavanaugh and his family who have suffered greatly in trying to just qualify for a job in our governmental body ? A job in which this man is more than qualified for. His conservative views are a huge threat to the dark wing of a party whom can't control that wing in their party, so the radicals end up dragging their party through the bottom levels of hell in trying to get their way. When will the moderate Democrats wake up that they are being controlled by radicals in their party ?

It is my hopes that anyone threatening anyone is dealt with accordingly.
The Democrat party is controlled by the granolas, fruits, nuts and flakes.

And cuck males.
Also, I don’t think the GOP is going into this election arrogantly. Historically speaking it should be a rough year for us, at least with the House. The odds of thr senate changing are lower but not impossible. But we have a strong economy, the people have more money, swamp is starting to drain, a strong foreign policy. We are fighting to win and we have a good record and agenda to take to the people.

Democrats, however, are acting arrogantly. They are doubling down on the things that hurt them in 2016 and going full on socialists as though it didn’t hurt them then. They’ve changed nothing. They agenda consists of impeachment and tax increases. Yet they are fullly sure they are going to win a senate seat in Texas despite being 9 pts down in last credible poll. And that’s not factoring in all this nonsense going on with the Kavanaugh hearings

I don’t know what will happen in November. No one does. But i hope the people will do what’s right
Also, I don’t think the GOP is going into this election arrogantly. Historically speaking it should be a rough year for us, at least with the House. The odds of thr senate changing are lower but not impossible. But we have a strong economy, the people have more money, swamp is starting to drain, a strong foreign policy. We are fighting to win and we have a good record and agenda to take to the people.

Democrats, however, are acting arrogantly. They are doubling down on the things that hurt them in 2016 and going full on socialists as though it didn’t hurt them then. They’ve changed nothing. They agenda consists of impeachment and tax increases. Yet they are fullly sure they are going to win a senate seat in Texas despite being 9 pts down in last credible poll. And that’s not factoring in all this nonsense going on with the Kavanaugh hearings

I don’t know what will happen in November. No one does. But i hope the people will do what’s right

Trump needs to get out there and ask the Reagan question: Were you better off two years ago than you are today?
Also, I don’t think the GOP is going into this election arrogantly. Historically speaking it should be a rough year for us, at least with the House. The odds of thr senate changing are lower but not impossible. But we have a strong economy, the people have more money, swamp is starting to drain, a strong foreign policy. We are fighting to win and we have a good record and agenda to take to the people.

Democrats, however, are acting arrogantly. They are doubling down on the things that hurt them in 2016 and going full on socialists as though it didn’t hurt them then. They’ve changed nothing. They agenda consists of impeachment and tax increases. Yet they are fullly sure they are going to win a senate seat in Texas despite being 9 pts down in last credible poll. And that’s not factoring in all this nonsense going on with the Kavanaugh hearings

I don’t know what will happen in November. No one does. But i hope the people will do what’s right

Trump needs to get out there and ask the Reagan question: Were you better off two years ago than you are today?

I would add provide a new contract with America. Give the people a specific reasons to vote for a GOP Congress
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but Republicans are setting themselves up for huge losses in November.

The arrogance and myopia are mind-numbing... almost as bad as the LibTards in the run-up to the 2016 General Election.

Sorry but you Moon Bats are as delusional now as you were in 2016. Must be because of that mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

The Republicans will maintain control of the House.

The Republicans will pick up one or more seats in the Senate.

Trump will still be President.

Kavenaugh will be on the Supreme Court.

RBG will be on her death bed soon.

The stupid Moon Bats will still be marching around in their pink pussy hats, howling at the sky and wondering why life is so unfair that the US is not a Socialist shithole.

Americans know that this Ford allegation is nothing more than Democrat dirty tricks. The Democrats have done it before with Supreme Court nominees.

After all, the bitch bragged about fucking 61 guys in High School and college. Why in the hell would have got all upset about Brett trying trying to get a piece of her ass? Her claim doesn't even pass the snicker test.
Also, I don’t think the GOP is going into this election arrogantly. Historically speaking it should be a rough year for us, at least with the House. The odds of thr senate changing are lower but not impossible. But we have a strong economy, the people have more money, swamp is starting to drain, a strong foreign policy. We are fighting to win and we have a good record and agenda to take to the people.

Democrats, however, are acting arrogantly. They are doubling down on the things that hurt them in 2016 and going full on socialists as though it didn’t hurt them then. They’ve changed nothing. They agenda consists of impeachment and tax increases. Yet they are fullly sure they are going to win a senate seat in Texas despite being 9 pts down in last credible poll. And that’s not factoring in all this nonsense going on with the Kavanaugh hearings

I don’t know what will happen in November. No one does. But i hope the people will do what’s right

Trump needs to get out there and ask the Reagan question: Were you better off two years ago than you are today?

I would add provide a new contract with America. Give the people a specific reasons to vote for a GOP Congress

I think they should come out with a four day work week. Like the Do Not Call list, it's practical and many people could relate to it.

It's a win-win really. A three day weekend every non-holiday week for most people. If you have a long way to drive to work, what's putting in an extra two hours a day to avoid driving to work a fifth day? Saving money on gasoline would be a big hit now that prices are up. Speaking of which, it may draw the interest of some environmentalists since that would mean one less day of rush hour traffic a week. The fuel savings overall would be outstanding.

Another idea I like came from the radio host Hough Hewitt. He suggested that we all be allowed to have a one-time 20% withdrawal of our IRA to use to purchase a home or repay a mortgage you already have. There would be a small withdrawal fee, let's say $1,000, but you would save that ten-fold by the interest you would no longer be paying on the loan.

Get rid of time changes in the country. Leave it at Daylight Savings time.

These are practical ideas that would get the attention of the public and possibly bring in new votes.
2 hours until decision deadline time....

Will she or won't she?

Tick Tock, MS Ford....
...Curious, what are you so afraid of?
That the Democrats are going to take back the House and Senate due to your (collective) arrogance and foolishness?


Excuse me?

You are working off the assumption the allegations are true. Aren't you overreacting just a tad? Grassley has been nothing but a statesman handling this issue, and is being repaid with nothing but foot and knuckle dragging by Ford and her attorneys.
Most folks aren't that sophisticated... they see bad optics... they perceive negatively... they pull the opposing lever at the polls.

Let me get right on NOT caring about the fact that you "mysteriously" see bad optics ALWAYS for the Republicans every time they have the temerity to oppose the Democrats. Yeah, nothing at all suspicious about the fact that you always think it looks bad to not roll over and surrender immediately the instant Democrats demand something.
Why is the Owner of Ford Motor Company declaring Kavanaugh's accuser will NOT testify?

Because, he says, NOTHING RUNS LIKE A FORD.

BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.

Because a trained psychiatrist is afraid to fly. AND YOU BUY THAT SHIT!

Apparently Kavanaugh made her afraid of many things.

Apparently, she could claim to have been abducted and "assaulted" by space aliens and you would be falling over yourself to believe her and sympathize with her, so long as you thought it might get you what you want.
BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.

Because a trained psychiatrist is afraid to fly. AND YOU BUY THAT SHIT!
She's a psychologist. She's not a medical doctor. She once worked in Honolulu. Flying is the only way to get there that doesn't take two weeks. The claim that she's afraid to fly is utter horse shit.

Have you noticed that no matter how many holes are revealed in here story, the snowflakes just keep repeating the lies?

Well.........when that's all you got, use it I guess. The real problem is you explain something to them and how they are wrong, and they keep repeating the same talking point. It's pure brainwashing as far as I can tell. Democrat politicians go on TV and come up with all kinds of crap, and the followers are then set out to promote that crap. It's almost impossible to get through to them.
Repeating talking points is what they do. It doesn't matter if they are consistent or rational. All that matters is a constant spew of "arguments," if you can call them that, on their side of the issue. That fools a significant percentage of people into believing there's actually another side to the issue.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford may have hired private investigators, including retired FBI agents, and may present their findings in her Senate testimony.

One hopes that if she did, she managed to invent . . . excuse me, "remember" some details for them to investigate.
NaziCon Republicans have met their match! Go Dr. Ford.

Yeah, every time you leftists come up with an evil lie, you're just SURE that it's someone's "match". It's just mind-boggling how proud you can be of being an evil, slimy piece of shit.

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