Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Been paying way to much attention to this sort of nonsense far too long. Plow straight ahead. The media and liberals cannot possibly be made any more hysterically angry.

And if they can be made more hysterically angry...that’s just icing on the cake.
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

I haven't seen anything in the news about what happened last night; whether they accepted Wednesday or not. If they didn't, the confirmation will be Monday.
...You mean long enough as in past the midterms?...
Nope. Hell, do a three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot investigation... it would still be done far in advance of the midterms.

...Why reopen something that's been done six times?...
Ummmm... because the first six times missed it? However, now that it's come to light...

...What can they find with no names, places, dates, contacts? There is nothing the FBI nor top investigators in the country can find with zero leads. .
That's why they need to gather feedback from Kavanaugh's and Blasey-Ford's classmates and packmates from back in their "old days".

...They are making up this FBI thing to buy time...
Perhaps. But it seems in the best long-term interests of the Republican Party to be sure, given this MeToo Movement business.

...The more time they can get, the more likely some other leftist flake will come forward with some made-up story about Kavanaugh. That's why they are playing this card...
Doubtful... but better for that to happen now, rather than in the course of impeachment proceedings against a Supreme Court Justice.

...First of all your comment here is an insult to every American woman. Why don't you just come right out and say American women are stupid? You might as well, because even the late Ray Charles could see through this one. ..
You go right ahead and keep pitching that line, all the way to November 6, 2018.... you're deluding yourselves.

...The Republicans are starting to get it now that Trump is in charge. Ignore the polls, they are an extension of the Democrat party anyway. And as Rush said repeatedly, the polls are designed to change opinion, not report opinion. ..
Irrelevant in this context.

...As for how the Republicans are treating this, they extended every curtesy to Ford. They offered to hear her story. When she didn't want to come out, Grassley said he would go to her. When she refused that, he said they can do it over the phone. When she refused that, he gave her an extension. When she refused that, he finally set a date almost two weeks from the original conformation date. Now Katz is making demands that she is the one to setup how and when it's to take place if it's to take place at all. She will decide the procedure and schedule on how testimony is to take place...
They extended to her the courtesy of re-engaging the FBI... even in three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot mode... to examine her story.

...Sorry, but the Republicans went well out of their way to accommodate this pig. She's being uncooperative.

A university professor and accused sexual assault victim... a

Remember what I said about "perception" and "legions of American woman voters" ?

This "pig" business is exactly what they're hearing and seeing... and feeling... and you're going to pay for it politically on November 6.

Oh well... your funeral.
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...You people think everybody is as dumb as you are....
Oh, hell, I can be as dumb as a box-o-rox... but I'm not, about this particular subject.

..."Do this the Democrat way or else!!!" ...
Nope... do this the Righteous Way, and give Blasey-Ford some space to tell her story... or else.

...That doesn't work anymore...
Righteousness always works, in the end, and most especially behind closed voting-booth curtains.

...You on the left have been making inaccurate predictions for as long as I can remember.
Good thing for me, then, that I'm not a Leftist, eh?


Fail to conduct a fair and thorough investigation of Blasey-Ford's claims at your own very great political peril.

It need not come to that... hell, I don't want it to come to that... but ya'll seem hell-bent on self-injury, so...

What-the-hell... have at-it... have a field-day with it... enjoy yourselves... there is no 10,000-lb elephant in the room...

You'll figure it out, the morning of November 7, 2018.

she has 36 years to tell her story. How much more space do you need?

she had 36 years to do an investigation.

the Republicans have bent over backwards accommodating her and she is playing games.

75% of the people don't believe her. 75%. You people keep politicizing sexual assault and you will see a backlash
...It is all about perception. When the accuser has every opportunity to come forward, efforts made to provide a convenient means to put her statement to public record, and she even refuses to do that privately in her own home? Perception and opportunity soon gives way to suspicion and credibility.
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

She now faces perpetual silencing and being ignored unless she caves-in to that refusal and consolation-prize alternative.

She is now assessing the impact of that caving-in and whether the hell that the Right will put her through is worth the effort.

If she needs an extra day or two to make sense out of that before giving her answer, then, what the hell, give her some space.

But you're right about the "perception" thing.

And, if American women "perceive" that Blasey-Ford was railroaded, they'll hurt you badly at the polls in November.

she isn't in a place to be demanding anything. If she wants to be heard, they've invited her to be heard. She has had decades to conduct an investigation. If she doesn't want to be heard, she doesn't have to
...It is all about perception. When the accuser has every opportunity to come forward, efforts made to provide a convenient means to put her statement to public record, and she even refuses to do that privately in her own home? Perception and opportunity soon gives way to suspicion and credibility.
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

She now faces perpetual silencing and being ignored unless she caves-in to that refusal and consolation-prize alternative.

She is now assessing the impact of that caving-in and whether the hell that the Right will put her through is worth the effort.

If she needs an extra day or two to make sense out of that before giving her answer, then, what the hell, give her some space.

But you're right about the "perception" thing.

And, if American women "perceive" that Blasey-Ford was railroaded, they'll hurt you badly at the polls in November.
I don't think American women are that dumb. Do you think American women are that dumb?

considering only 25% of women believe here, they aren't dumb at all.
...she has 36 years to tell her story. How much more space do you need?...
References to "space" pertain to a space of days to determine if she wants to testify without the surety of FBI investigative findings.

...she had 36 years to do an investigation...
Sexual assault victims oftentimes remain silent for years or decades... happens all the time... but you already know that.

...the Republicans have bent over backwards accommodating her and she is playing games...
The Republicans refused to re-engage the FBI in order to gather and objectively assess corroborating testimony from both sides.

...75% of the people don't believe her. 75%...
Pulling numbers out of thin air?

...You people keep politicizing sexual assault and you will see a backlash
Failing to re-open the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh in the light of these allegations will provide you with a backlash very soon now.

You will understand more about this on the morning of November 7, 2018.
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

i expect a vote Monday. She isn't going to show. She won't dare make this claim under oath
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

I haven't seen anything in the news about what happened last night; whether they accepted Wednesday or not. If they didn't, the confirmation will be Monday.

Grassley have them to tonight. Though it's clear he thinks this is just Democrat delay tactics
...You mean long enough as in past the midterms?...
Nope. Hell, do a three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot investigation... it would still be done far in advance of the midterms.

...Why reopen something that's been done six times?...
Ummmm... because the first six times missed it? However, now that it's come to light...

...What can they find with no names, places, dates, contacts? There is nothing the FBI nor top investigators in the country can find with zero leads. .
That's why they need to gather feedback from Kavanaugh's and Blasey-Ford's classmates and packmates from back in their "old days".

...They are making up this FBI thing to buy time...
Perhaps. But it seems in the best long-term interests of the Republican Party to be sure, given this MeToo Movement business.

...The more time they can get, the more likely some other leftist flake will come forward with some made-up story about Kavanaugh. That's why they are playing this card...
Doubtful... but better for that to happen now, rather than in the course of impeachment proceedings against a Supreme Court Justice.

...First of all your comment here is an insult to every American woman. Why don't you just come right out and say American women are stupid? You might as well, because even the late Ray Charles could see through this one. ..
You go right ahead and keep pitching that line, all the way to November 6, 2018.... you're deluding yourselves.

...The Republicans are starting to get it now that Trump is in charge. Ignore the polls, they are an extension of the Democrat party anyway. And as Rush said repeatedly, the polls are designed to change opinion, not report opinion. ..
Irrelevant in this context.

...As for how the Republicans are treating this, they extended every curtesy to Ford. They offered to hear her story. When she didn't want to come out, Grassley said he would go to her. When she refused that, he said they can do it over the phone. When she refused that, he gave her an extension. When she refused that, he finally set a date almost two weeks from the original conformation date. Now Katz is making demands that she is the one to setup how and when it's to take place if it's to take place at all. She will decide the procedure and schedule on how testimony is to take place...
They extended to her the courtesy of re-engaging the FBI... even in three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot mode... to examine her story.

...Sorry, but the Republicans went well out of their way to accommodate this pig. She's being uncooperative.

A university professor and accused sexual assault victim... a

Remember what I said about "perception" and "legions of American woman voters" ?

This "pig" business is exactly what they're hearing and seeing... and feeling... and you're going to pay for it politically on November 6.

Oh well... your funeral.

Does faking sexual assault charges to win a political battle bother you at all?

The FBI didn't miss it because it didn't exist before
...she has 36 years to tell her story. How much more space do you need?...
References to "space" pertain to a space of days to determine if she wants to testify without the surety of FBI investigative findings.

...she had 36 years to do an investigation...
Sexual assault victims oftentimes remain silent for years or decades... happens all the time... but you already know that.

...the Republicans have bent over backwards accommodating her and she is playing games...
The Republicans refused to re-engage the FBI in order to gather and objectively assess corroborating testimony from both sides.

...75% of the people don't believe her. 75%...
Pulling numbers out of thin air?

...You people keep politicizing sexual assault and you will see a backlash
Failing to re-open the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh in the light of these allegations will provide you with a backlash very soon now.

You will understand more about this on the morning of November 7, 2018.

she has had since Kavanaughs nomination to decide whether to come forward. Which she clearly decided she was going to do something or she wouldn't have hired an attorney, allegedly taken a lie detector, and gotten her therapy records. That takes time an planning.

but please continue politicizing a fake sexual assault charges that 75% of people don't believe. It's making you look so wonderful to the people.

oh and if hardly call a Huffington post poll out of thin air. Considering their politics, it's probably skewed toward her
Nope. Hell, do a three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot investigation... it would still be done far in advance of the midterms.

Apples and oranges. In the Hill case, they had names, places, dates. They have none of that here, so there is no way in hell this would take three days.

That's why they need to gather feedback from Kavanaugh's and Blasey-Ford's classmates and packmates from back in their "old days".

Yes they should, and that would take what......about a year and a half? Find all these people, where they live, if they are even alive, go door to door across the country.

That's exactly what Katz was hoping for and it's not going to happen.

And apparently, there was no pack mates. If this woman can't say who brought her to the party or who took her home, obviously she didn't know them very well.

Perhaps. But it seems in the best long-term interests of the Republican Party to be sure, given this MeToo Movement business.

No, the best thing the Republicans can do now is show integrity and leadership.

Doubtful... but better for that to happen now, rather than in the course of impeachment proceedings against a Supreme Court Justice.

You can only impeach for high crimes and misdemeanors. A high crime or misdemeanor would need supporting evidence which is impossible to get in this case. Impeaching a judge works the same way as impeaching a President. It doesn't mean you throw them out of office. That takes 2/3 of the Senate.

They extended to her the courtesy of re-engaging the FBI... even in three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot mode... to examine her story.

Again, the Hill case was a federal matter. This isn't.


A university professor and accused sexual assault victim... a

Remember what I said about "perception" and "legions of American woman voters" ?

This "pig" business is exactly what they're hearing and seeing... and feeling... and you're going to pay for it politically on November 6.

Oh well... your funeral.

Yes, a pig. Anybody who would create such a wild story to try and stop a political process and ruin a human beings life is a pig. She is not some poor defenseless woman. She is an operative. Why do you think she scrubbed her Facebook page? She was an activist who attended anti-Trump protests. She wore a pussy hat for crying out loud.
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

I haven't seen anything in the news about what happened last night; whether they accepted Wednesday or not. If they didn't, the confirmation will be Monday.

Grassley have them to tonight. Though it's clear he thinks this is just Democrat delay tactics

I went through the news this morning--Google, and didn't see anything on it. So this is like what, the forth or fifth time Grassley adjusted accommodations for her?
You can not investigate, nothing.
The FBI does not investigate the crime of simple assault.
Isn't it ludicrous to think that a bitch that bragged about fucking 61 guys in high school and college claimed she told one guy "no"?

The guy that happen to be picked by the President she hates so much to be on the Supreme Court?
Isn't it ludicrous to think that a bitch that bragged about fucking 61 guys in high school and college claimed she told one guy "no"?

The guy that happen to be picked by the President she hates so much to be on the Supreme Court?

This whole phony story is loaded with coincidences, but the left are too blind to see them.

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