Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Lakhota caught lying again, he claimed he had me on ignore, if he had the dumb ass would see my post to rate it as funny. Thanks Lakhota for confirming my statement that claims you are a liar.
That's because another nomination process will take this past midterms which is their goal.
That's because another nomination process will take this past midterms which is their goal.

So, you are willing to ignore such a serious allegation and grant a lifetime appointment for nothing more than political expediency?

Republicans have zero ethical standards.
so you are willing to take unfounded accusations against a man and destroy his life cause you don't like his politics?

I'm pushing for an investigation, dope.
Kavanaugh has been investigated, and you've been told that he's been investigated numerous times. Idiot. You're nothing but a propaganda parrot.

This allegation has not been investigated.
They couldn't have investigated an incident they knew nothing about, dope.

Not even the local authorities? No one made a statement or think to confide to someone of the event, like a friend? Also, how is it you go through an event so traumatic and you can’t remember any details of what happened at any point of the assault in question? When offered to have someone take a statement privately in your own home, even that set of conditions she refused. There seems to be a lot of hesitation and dodging towards coming forward, even to the point of refusing a private statement at her home, to go over any part of the event she remembers. She’s not willing to go “on the record”, her lawyer even asked Kavanaugh to testify first ( I guess so she has something to formulate her details of the event around. ). Her delay to come forward, along with a series of excuses to avoid any means to provide a recollection, shows that she is no more than being used as a liberal political pawn. Remember, we are under a system of innocent until proven guilty by the accuser.
...You people think everybody is as dumb as you are....
Oh, hell, I can be as dumb as a box-o-rox... but I'm not, about this particular subject.

..."Do this the Democrat way or else!!!" ...
Nope... do this the Righteous Way, and give Blasey-Ford some space to tell her story... or else.

...That doesn't work anymore...
Righteousness always works, in the end, and most especially behind closed voting-booth curtains.

...You on the left have been making inaccurate predictions for as long as I can remember.
Good thing for me, then, that I'm not a Leftist, eh?


Fail to conduct a fair and thorough investigation of Blasey-Ford's claims at your own very great political peril.

It need not come to that... hell, I don't want it to come to that... but ya'll seem hell-bent on self-injury, so...

What-the-hell... have at-it... have a field-day with it... enjoy yourselves... there is no 10,000-lb elephant in the room...

You'll figure it out, the morning of November 7, 2018.
... Personally destroying a person's career, family, and life over a political appointment with flimsy at best accusations is wrong.
I totally agree.

If Blasey-Ford is lying, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts.

If Franken(fein)stein was complicit in advancing a lie, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts, too.

But's let's find out if that's truly the case, or if Kavanaugh is hiding something, first.

Lets be sure.

Let's be damned sure.

The best way to do that, is to have the FBI reopen its background investigation(s) on Kavanaugh, and for the FBI to amend its findings.

Even if it's on a hurried, 3-day-Anita-Hill -style snapshot basis.

Better than nothing.


The Republicans are setting themselves up for terrible election-year optics, should they fail to do that small thing.

Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, or fair or unfair.

Politics is all about perception.

Perception relies largely upon optics.

If you have terrible optics, you trigger terrible perceptions.

You give your opponent an early Christmas gift - tons of ammunition to use against you in an election year.

And, if you're up against terrible perceptions, you're on the defensive.

If you're on the defensive, then you have to explain yourself.

If you have to explain yourself, you've already lost a big piece of your audience.


Fail to re-open the investigation into Kavanaugh's background at your own very great peril.

Both with respect to the upcoming election for control of the House and Senate, and with respect to any future SCOTUS impeachment.

You have been warned.

It is all about perception. When the accuser has every opportunity to come forward, efforts made to provide a convenient means to put her statement to public record, and she even refuses to do that privately in her own home? Perception and opportunity soon gives way to suspicion and credibility. Will her statements likewise change as much as her many decisions to come forward?
...It is all about perception. When the accuser has every opportunity to come forward, efforts made to provide a convenient means to put her statement to public record, and she even refuses to do that privately in her own home? Perception and opportunity soon gives way to suspicion and credibility.
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

She now faces perpetual silencing and being ignored unless she caves-in to that refusal and consolation-prize alternative.

She is now assessing the impact of that caving-in and whether the hell that the Right will put her through is worth the effort.

If she needs an extra day or two to make sense out of that before giving her answer, then, what the hell, give her some space.

But you're right about the "perception" thing.

And, if American women "perceive" that Blasey-Ford was railroaded, they'll hurt you badly at the polls in November.
...It is all about perception. When the accuser has every opportunity to come forward, efforts made to provide a convenient means to put her statement to public record, and she even refuses to do that privately in her own home? Perception and opportunity soon gives way to suspicion and credibility.
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

She now faces perpetual silencing and being ignored unless she caves-in to that refusal and consolation-prize alternative.

She is now assessing the impact of that caving-in and whether the hell that the Right will put her through is worth the effort.

If she needs an extra day or two to make sense out of that before giving her answer, then, what the hell, give her some space.

But you're right about the "perception" thing.

And, if American women "perceive" that Blasey-Ford was railroaded, they'll hurt you badly at the polls in November.
I don't think American women are that dumb. Do you think American women are that dumb?
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

Since when does an accuser have the right to "set the preconditions" of a hearing? It doesn't work that way. The committee sets the preconditions of the hearing. You either accept or decline.

You're blind if you can't see that the Ford team set this up so they can make an excuse why they aren't coming.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

The Republicans had nothing to do with it. The FBI stated the case was laughable and is outside their purview. They don't investigate local teen house parties.
Nope... do this the Righteous Way, and give Blasey-Ford some space to tell her story... or else.

Because the leftist way is always the righteous way, right? The Republican way is always wrong.

Good thing for me, then, that I'm not a Leftist, eh?

Well you sure seem far, FAR left on this situation.

You'll figure it out, the morning of November 7, 2018.

We already figured it out. That's why we have the White House, the Senate, the House, and 2/3 governorships across the country.
Lakhota caught lying again, he claimed he had me on ignore, if he had the dumb ass would see my post to rate it as funny. Thanks Lakhota for confirming my statement that claims you are a liar.

Low-khota just hates anybody that proves her wrong on a consistent bases. Putting somebody on ignore (unless it's due to personal insults) is a surrender move. Many on the left simply don't have the fortitude to admit when they are wrong.
BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.

Because a trained psychiatrist is afraid to fly. AND YOU BUY THAT SHIT!
She's a psychologist. She's not a medical doctor. She once worked in Honolulu. Flying is the only way to get there that doesn't take two weeks. The claim that she's afraid to fly is utter horse shit.

Have you noticed that no matter how many holes are revealed in here story, the snowflakes just keep repeating the lies?

Well.........when that's all you got, use it I guess. The real problem is you explain something to them and how they are wrong, and they keep repeating the same talking point. It's pure brainwashing as far as I can tell. Democrat politicians go on TV and come up with all kinds of crap, and the followers are then set out to promote that crap. It's almost impossible to get through to them.
Nope... do this the Righteous Way, and give Blasey-Ford some space to tell her story... or else.

Because the leftist way is always the righteous way, right? The Republican way is always wrong...

Re-opening a Federal background investigation long enough to render informed commentary to the US Senate is righteous.

...Well you sure seem far, FAR left on this situation...
No... I just seem far from your (collective) own position in the matter... nothing to do with Right or Left.

...We already figured it out. That's why we have the White House, the Senate, the House, and 2/3 governorships across the country.
That was then.

This is now.

And you have very, very important mid-term elections coming-up in about six weeks.

The Creature himself has done great damage to many of your causes; you need every seat you can hold on to, or gain.

And now we see GOP leadership in the Senate, complicit in a very visible refusal to reopen a Federal investigation.


The perception of legions of women who sympathize with Blasey-Ford and who want the FBI to get down to the bottom of this.

And who are going to be pissed when they see the Republicans sweeping this under the carpet by playing brinksmanship with Blasey-Ford.

That poses a very great political risk for the Republicans... very great.

But, if you (collectively) cannot see it... if you're so goddamned tunnel-visioned about a single nomination... so be it.

Like I said... you've been warned... proceed at your own very great political peril.

This "arrogance of an incumbency" poses a greater self-risk that you (collectively) seem capable of sensing.

Damned shame, that.

Here's hoping you still think it was worth it, on the morning of November 7 2018.
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That's it!

After this farce, I'm giving any woman I meet at least 20 feet of clearance.

Personal space? You got it toots! I'm not going to get accused of sexual assault because I brushed your shoulder walking by you.

Yeah, I'm being cynical. Give me a reason not to be!
The people who have possibly concocted this story in order to stop Kavanaugh (I believe), could be seriously destroying decades of equality for the women who have been instrumental at making great progress for women in this country over the years.

Yes, your point makes one wonder if the situation has made the nation very wary of women in the workplace, government, and in the churches sadly enough now. The Demon-crats sacrificing the progress of women for political purposes is very telling about how messed up that party really is now.

They are imploding due to the weight of their crazy ideologies, and they are trying to drag down everyone else with them.

Your post is just one example probably of many in which shows possibly just how the people are feeling in these ways (over these things), especially when see this kind of crazyness go on in this nation more and more and more.

It's time for this nation to wake up, and to begin to see through these kinds of things quickly, and to stop these things in there tracks before such things consume everything around them in the most negative ways imaginable.

It's already happening (the huge negativity), but the Demon-crats just march right on as if they are working some sort of scorched earth policy just as the Germans did when they retreated after their strategies of war began to fail them miserably during world war two.

Now if a woman has been abused, then of course do the right thing to help her, but if lies are being told then the smart people who are experts at detecting such lies need to kick in immediately, and this they need to do in order to stop such lies from destroying the nation's progress, gains, and especially the rights obtained over the years for all those who deserve those many things that were won for them.
...You people think everybody is as dumb as you are....
Oh, hell, I can be as dumb as a box-o-rox... but I'm not, about this particular subject.

..."Do this the Democrat way or else!!!" ...
Nope... do this the Righteous Way, and give Blasey-Ford some space to tell her story... or else.

...That doesn't work anymore...
Righteousness always works, in the end, and most especially behind closed voting-booth curtains.

...You on the left have been making inaccurate predictions for as long as I can remember.
Good thing for me, then, that I'm not a Leftist, eh?


Fail to conduct a fair and thorough investigation of Blasey-Ford's claims at your own very great political peril.

It need not come to that... hell, I don't want it to come to that... but ya'll seem hell-bent on self-injury, so...

What-the-hell... have at-it... have a field-day with it... enjoy yourselves... there is no 10,000-lb elephant in the room...

You'll figure it out, the morning of November 7, 2018.
"Give her some space to tell her story"..... That's hilarious. She's had 36 years of space and still hasn't told her story. She obviously doesn't really want to tell her story. She obviously wants to throw a wrench into a Constitutional process. Typical leftist trash throwing a hissy fit because they can't get their way. The tramp should be ignored.
Nope... do this the Righteous Way, and give Blasey-Ford some space to tell her story... or else.

Because the leftist way is always the righteous way, right? The Republican way is always wrong...

Re-opening a Federal background investigation long enough to render informed commentary to the US Senate is righteous.

...Well you sure seem far, FAR left on this situation...
No... I just seem far from your (collective) own position in the matter... nothing to do with Right or Left.

...We already figured it out. That's why we have the White House, the Senate, the House, and 2/3 governorships across the country.
That was then.

This is now.

And you have very, very important mid-term elections coming-up in about six weeks.

The Creature himself has done great damage to many of your causes; you need every seat you can hold on to, or gain.

And now we see GOP leadership in the Senate, complicit in a very visible refusal to reopen a Federal investigation.


The perception of legions of women who sympathize with Blasey-Ford and who want the FBI to get down to the bottom of this.

And who are going to be pissed when they see the Republicans sweeping this under the carpet by playing brinksmanship with Blasey-Ford.

That poses a very great political risk for the Republicans... very great.

But, if you (collectively) cannot see it... if you're so goddamned tunnel-visioned about a single nomination... so be it.

Like I said... you've been warned... proceed at your own very great political peril.

This "arrogance of an incumbency" poses a greater self-risk that you (collectively) seem capable of sensing.

Damned shame, that.

Here's hoping you still think it was worth it, on the morning of November 7 2018.
Do you believe this is "righteous" when it comes to the character of the judge being smeared?

Re-opening a Federal background investigation long enough to render informed commentary to the US Senate is righteous.

You mean long enough as in past the midterms? Why reopen something that's been done six times? What can they find with no names, places, dates, contacts? There is nothing the FBI nor top investigators in the country can find with zero leads.

They are making up this FBI thing to buy time. The more time they can get, the more likely some other leftist flake will come forward with some made-up story about Kavanaugh. That's why they are playing this card.

That was then.

This is now.

And you have very, very important mid-term elections coming-up in about six weeks.

The Creature himself has done great damage to many of your causes; you need every seat you can hold on to, or gain.

And now we see GOP leadership in the Senate, complicit in a very visible refusal to reopen a Federal investigation.


The perception of legions of women who sympathize with Blasey-Ford and who want the FBI to get down to the bottom of this.

And who are going to be pissed when they see the Republicans sweeping this under the carpet by playing brinksmanship with Blasey-Ford.

That poses a very great political risk for the Republicans... very great.

But, if you (collectively) cannot see it... if you're so goddamned tunnel-visioned about a single nomination... so be it.

Like I said... you've been warned... proceed at your own very great political peril.

This "arrogance of an incumbency" poses a greater self-risk that you (collectively) seem capable of sensing.

Damned shame, that.

Here's hoping you still think it was worth it, on the morning of November 7 2018.

First of all your comment here is an insult to every American woman. Why don't you just come right out and say American women are stupid? You might as well, because even the late Ray Charles could see through this one.

The Republicans are starting to get it now that Trump is in charge. Ignore the polls, they are an extension of the Democrat party anyway. And as Rush said repeatedly, the polls are designed to change opinion, not report opinion.

As for how the Republicans are treating this, they extended every curtesy to Ford. They offered to hear her story. When she didn't want to come out, Grassley said he would go to her. When she refused that, he said they can do it over the phone. When she refused that, he gave her an extension. When she refused that, he finally set a date almost two weeks from the original conformation date. Now Katz is making demands that she is the one to setup how and when it's to take place if it's to take place at all. She will decide the procedure and schedule on how testimony is to take place.

Sorry, but the Republicans went well out of their way to accommodate this pig. She's being uncooperative.

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