Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Isn't it ludicrous to think that a bitch that bragged about fucking 61 guys in high school and college claimed she told one guy "no"?

The guy that happen to be picked by the President she hates so much to be on the Supreme Court?

This whole phony story is loaded with coincidences, but the left are too blind to see them.
They see them, but don't care. They're on a mission to destroy Kavanaugh. They're despicable nasty low lifes. They're the Tonya hardings of politics.
Nope. Hell, do a three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot investigation... it would still be done far in advance of the midterms.

Apples and oranges. In the Hill case, they had names, places, dates. They have none of that here, so there is no way in hell this would take three days.

That's why they need to gather feedback from Kavanaugh's and Blasey-Ford's classmates and packmates from back in their "old days".

Yes they should, and that would take what......about a year and a half? Find all these people, where they live, if they are even alive, go door to door across the country.

That's exactly what Katz was hoping for and it's not going to happen.

And apparently, there was no pack mates. If this woman can't say who brought her to the party or who took her home, obviously she didn't know them very well.

Perhaps. But it seems in the best long-term interests of the Republican Party to be sure, given this MeToo Movement business.

No, the best thing the Republicans can do now is show integrity and leadership.

Doubtful... but better for that to happen now, rather than in the course of impeachment proceedings against a Supreme Court Justice.

You can only impeach for high crimes and misdemeanors. A high crime or misdemeanor would need supporting evidence which is impossible to get in this case. Impeaching a judge works the same way as impeaching a President. It doesn't mean you throw them out of office. That takes 2/3 of the Senate.

They extended to her the courtesy of re-engaging the FBI... even in three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot mode... to examine her story.

Again, the Hill case was a federal matter. This isn't.


A university professor and accused sexual assault victim... a

Remember what I said about "perception" and "legions of American woman voters" ?

This "pig" business is exactly what they're hearing and seeing... and feeling... and you're going to pay for it politically on November 6.

Oh well... your funeral.

Yes, a pig. Anybody who would create such a wild story to try and stop a political process and ruin a human beings life is a pig. She is not some poor defenseless woman. She is an operative. Why do you think she scrubbed her Facebook page? She was an activist who attended anti-Trump protests. She wore a pussy hat for crying out loud.

On high crimes and misdemeanors, would a case that is, at worst, a misdemeanor juvenile offense qualify?

I don’t think democrats care but I don’t think it would fly
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

I haven't seen anything in the news about what happened last night; whether they accepted Wednesday or not. If they didn't, the confirmation will be Monday.

Grassley have them to tonight. Though it's clear he thinks this is just Democrat delay tactics

I went through the news this morning--Google, and didn't see anything on it. So this is like what, the forth or fifth time Grassley adjusted accommodations for her?

Pretty much. Senator hatch is teaming critics this morning on twitter. It’s a shame it’s taken him retiring to get up and grow a backbone
Nope. Hell, do a three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot investigation... it would still be done far in advance of the midterms.

Apples and oranges. In the Hill case, they had names, places, dates. They have none of that here, so there is no way in hell this would take three days.

That's why they need to gather feedback from Kavanaugh's and Blasey-Ford's classmates and packmates from back in their "old days".

Yes they should, and that would take what......about a year and a half? Find all these people, where they live, if they are even alive, go door to door across the country.

That's exactly what Katz was hoping for and it's not going to happen.

And apparently, there was no pack mates. If this woman can't say who brought her to the party or who took her home, obviously she didn't know them very well.

Perhaps. But it seems in the best long-term interests of the Republican Party to be sure, given this MeToo Movement business.

No, the best thing the Republicans can do now is show integrity and leadership.

Doubtful... but better for that to happen now, rather than in the course of impeachment proceedings against a Supreme Court Justice.

You can only impeach for high crimes and misdemeanors. A high crime or misdemeanor would need supporting evidence which is impossible to get in this case. Impeaching a judge works the same way as impeaching a President. It doesn't mean you throw them out of office. That takes 2/3 of the Senate.

They extended to her the courtesy of re-engaging the FBI... even in three-day Anita Hill -style snapshot mode... to examine her story.

Again, the Hill case was a federal matter. This isn't.


A university professor and accused sexual assault victim... a

Remember what I said about "perception" and "legions of American woman voters" ?

This "pig" business is exactly what they're hearing and seeing... and feeling... and you're going to pay for it politically on November 6.

Oh well... your funeral.

Yes, a pig. Anybody who would create such a wild story to try and stop a political process and ruin a human beings life is a pig. She is not some poor defenseless woman. She is an operative. Why do you think she scrubbed her Facebook page? She was an activist who attended anti-Trump protests. She wore a pussy hat for crying out loud.

On high crimes and misdemeanors, would a case that is, at worst, a misdemeanor juvenile offense qualify?

I don’t think democrats care but I don’t think it would fly

Even if it did qualify, it's still impossible to prove. But then again, when did the Democrats let law stand in their way?
Kreepy Kavanaugh is really underwater in the polls. Worst in history. I expect his name will be withdrawn.

I expect him to be sitting on the Supreme Court Oct 1
Me too. I've stated my reasons as to why I oppose him already, perhaps he will moderate on the primacy of the state. I'd much rather a couple of the others that were under consideration. Lordy though I am having fun watching the leftist heads explode.
Kreepy Kavanaugh is really underwater in the polls. Worst in history. I expect his name will be withdrawn.
With all the negativity without facts from the left, I think the MSM and dupes like you did a good job.
It's what the democrats do so well.....character assassination. You know, like what happened to Mitt Romney and Ronnie Jackson.
Facts be damned!
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

i expect a vote Monday. She isn't going to show. She won't dare make this claim under oath

There is still time left. It's possible Katz will ask for immunity for her to testify.

That defeats the purpose of going under oath.

I don’t think she is going to testify. They are just trying to delay this all they can and then try to blame republicans as monsters when she doesn’t testify thinking they can be “look they hate women! See!”

But they’ve over played themselves 75% of women think she is lying. The more they do this the less credible she looks. They haven’t miscalculated this badly since the Wellstone memorial. People were turned off by them politicizing his death. People are getting turned off by this.

Tell me, with all the faults of republicans, do people politicizing sexual assault deserve political power?
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

i expect a vote Monday. She isn't going to show. She won't dare make this claim under oath

There is still time left. It's possible Katz will ask for immunity for her to testify.

That defeats the purpose of going under oath.

I don’t think she is going to testify. They are just trying to delay this all they can and then try to blame republicans as monsters when she doesn’t testify thinking they can be “look they hate women! See!”

But they’ve over played themselves 75% of women think she is lying. The more they do this the less credible she looks. They haven’t miscalculated this badly since the Wellstone memorial. People were turned off by them politicizing his death. People are getting turned off by this.

Tell me, with all the faults of republicans, do people politicizing sexual assault deserve political power?

Well that's my point exactly. If she is granted immunity (which I don't think Grassley would) she could make any claim she wants, and even if proven false, no harm done to her.

No matter what the result of all this, it's still always going to be a cloud hanging over the judges head. Even if the FBI would investigate and it's found there is no supporting evidence of Ford.

So the damage is already done, and now it's just a matter of what their next demand is going to be. I'm sure they will think of something to try and make it look bad for Republicans no matter what it is.
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

i expect a vote Monday. She isn't going to show. She won't dare make this claim under oath

There is still time left. It's possible Katz will ask for immunity for her to testify.

That defeats the purpose of going under oath.

I don’t think she is going to testify. They are just trying to delay this all they can and then try to blame republicans as monsters when she doesn’t testify thinking they can be “look they hate women! See!”

But they’ve over played themselves 75% of women think she is lying. The more they do this the less credible she looks. They haven’t miscalculated this badly since the Wellstone memorial. People were turned off by them politicizing his death. People are getting turned off by this.

Tell me, with all the faults of republicans, do people politicizing sexual assault deserve political power?

Well that's my point exactly. If she is granted immunity (which I don't think Grassley would) she could make any claim she wants, and even if proven false, no harm done to her.

No matter what the result of all this, it's still always going to be a cloud hanging over the judges head. Even if the FBI would investigate and it's found there is no supporting evidence of Ford.

So the damage is already done, and now it's just a matter of what their next demand is going to be. I'm sure they will think of something to try and make it look bad for Republicans no matter what it is.
Though he was seated, Anita Hill's accusations neutered Clarence Thomas. He is so silent that if he is overheard saying it is a nice day out it is newsworthy and subject to controversy. Other than his voting record, Kavenaugh will most likely be much the same after this.
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

i expect a vote Monday. She isn't going to show. She won't dare make this claim under oath

There is still time left. It's possible Katz will ask for immunity for her to testify.

That defeats the purpose of going under oath.

I don’t think she is going to testify. They are just trying to delay this all they can and then try to blame republicans as monsters when she doesn’t testify thinking they can be “look they hate women! See!”

But they’ve over played themselves 75% of women think she is lying. The more they do this the less credible she looks. They haven’t miscalculated this badly since the Wellstone memorial. People were turned off by them politicizing his death. People are getting turned off by this.

Tell me, with all the faults of republicans, do people politicizing sexual assault deserve political power?

Well that's my point exactly. If she is granted immunity (which I don't think Grassley would) she could make any claim she wants, and even if proven false, no harm done to her.

No matter what the result of all this, it's still always going to be a cloud hanging over the judges head. Even if the FBI would investigate and it's found there is no supporting evidence of Ford.

So the damage is already done, and now it's just a matter of what their next demand is going to be. I'm sure they will think of something to try and make it look bad for Republicans no matter what it is.
Though he was seated, Anita Hill's accusations neutered Clarence Thomas. He is so silent that if he is overheard saying it is a nice day out it is newsworthy and subject to controversy. Other than his voting record, Kavenaugh will most likely be much the same after this.

I'm sure the Democrats will bring this up after every decision he makes on the Supreme Court. They know that if he gets on the bench now, he's got a lot of repaying to the Democrat party to do.
Kreepy Kavanaugh is really underwater in the polls. Worst in history. I expect his name will be withdrawn.

I expect him to be sitting on the Supreme Court Oct 1
Me too. I've stated my reasons as to why I oppose him already, perhaps he will moderate on the primacy of the state. I'd much rather a couple of the others that were under consideration. Lordy though I am having fun watching the leftist heads explode.

I expect another one in November
...Does faking sexual assault charges to win a political battle bother you at all?...
Yes. Indeed it does. But neither you nor I know whether Blasey-Ford's allegation is true or false.

That's why we need the FBI to re-engage and to re-open its Federal Background Investigation of Kavanaugh, to learn more.

...The FBI didn't miss it because it didn't exist before
Neither you nor I know that to be fact... not to mention that the allegations had not yet surfaced, which makes it difficult to investigate.

If you are not talking to the people who can shed light on an old (alleged) incident, then you are, indeed, going to miss something.

Now that allegations of sexual assault have been raised against this nominee, it is appropriate for the FBI to re-engage.

A quick-and-dirty three-day Anita Hill -style investigative effort would probably suffice... to either refute or confirm such claims.

Well in advance of the mid-terms, which puts to rest any Republican concerns over lengthy delays.

You DO want to get this right, don't you? You DO want to be seen as fully exploring a woman's claims of sexual assault, don't you?

Anything other than a simple "yes" to both will play into the hands of your political opponents to your own very great political peril.

But if you truly think you're "bullet-proof" in this regard, you go right on ahead, playing it the way you're talking about here.

I will ask you on the morning of November 7, 2018, whether you finally understand what I was saying here, this week.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but Republicans are setting themselves up for huge losses in November.

The arrogance and myopia are mind-numbing... almost as bad as the LibTards in the run-up to the 2016 General Election.
The left is now overplaying their hand. They usually do. Their bluff is being called. I expect a vote next week.

i expect a vote Monday. She isn't going to show. She won't dare make this claim under oath

There is still time left. It's possible Katz will ask for immunity for her to testify.

That defeats the purpose of going under oath.

I don’t think she is going to testify. They are just trying to delay this all they can and then try to blame republicans as monsters when she doesn’t testify thinking they can be “look they hate women! See!”

But they’ve over played themselves 75% of women think she is lying. The more they do this the less credible she looks. They haven’t miscalculated this badly since the Wellstone memorial. People were turned off by them politicizing his death. People are getting turned off by this.

Tell me, with all the faults of republicans, do people politicizing sexual assault deserve political power?

Well that's my point exactly. If she is granted immunity (which I don't think Grassley would) she could make any claim she wants, and even if proven false, no harm done to her.

No matter what the result of all this, it's still always going to be a cloud hanging over the judges head. Even if the FBI would investigate and it's found there is no supporting evidence of Ford.

So the damage is already done, and now it's just a matter of what their next demand is going to be. I'm sure they will think of something to try and make it look bad for Republicans no matter what it is.
Though he was seated, Anita Hill's accusations neutered Clarence Thomas. He is so silent that if he is overheard saying it is a nice day out it is newsworthy and subject to controversy. Other than his voting record, Kavenaugh will most likely be much the same after this.

I’m pretty sure Thomas has always been like that
...Does faking sexual assault charges to win a political battle bother you at all?...
Yes. Indeed it does. But neither you nor I know whether Blasey-Ford's allegation is true or false.

That's why we need the FBI to re-engage and to re-open its Federal Background Investigation of Kavanaugh, to learn more.

...The FBI didn't miss it because it didn't exist before
Neither you nor I know that to be fact... not to mention that the allegations had not yet surfaced, which makes it difficult to investigate.

If you are not talking to the people who can shed light on an old (alleged) incident, then you are, indeed, going to miss something.

Now that allegations of sexual assault have been raised against this nominee, it is appropriate for the FBI to re-engage.

A quick-and-dirty three-day Anita Hill -style investigative effort would probably suffice... to either refute or confirm such claims.

Well in advance of the mid-terms, which puts to rest any Republican concerns over lengthy delays.

You DO want to get this right, don't you? You DO want to be seen as fully exploring a woman's claims of sexual assault, don't you?

Anything other than a simple "yes" to both will play into the hands of your political opponents to your own very great political peril.

But if you truly think you're "bullet-proof" in this regard, you go right on ahead, playing it the way you're talking about here.

I will ask you on the morning of November 7, 2018, whether you finally understand what I was saying here, this week.

It’s beyond obvious that it’s fake.

There is a reason she is balking at testifying
... Personally destroying a person's career, family, and life over a political appointment with flimsy at best accusations is wrong.
I totally agree.

If Blasey-Ford is lying, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts.

If Franken(fein)stein was complicit in advancing a lie, let's (metaphorically) crucify her in the law-courts, too.

But's let's find out if that's truly the case, or if Kavanaugh is hiding something, first.

Lets be sure.

Let's be damned sure.

The best way to do that, is to have the FBI reopen its background investigation(s) on Kavanaugh, and for the FBI to amend its findings.

Even if it's on a hurried, 3-day-Anita-Hill -style snapshot basis.

Better than nothing.


The Republicans are setting themselves up for terrible election-year optics, should they fail to do that small thing.

Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, or fair or unfair.

Politics is all about perception.

Perception relies largely upon optics.

If you have terrible optics, you trigger terrible perceptions.

You give your opponent an early Christmas gift - tons of ammunition to use against you in an election year.

Fail to re-open the investigation into Kavanaugh's background at your own very great peril.

Both with respect to the upcoming election for control of the House and Senate, and with respect to any future SCOTUS impeachment.

The democrats had 6 weeks to look into it prior to Feinstein purposefully dragging Dr. Ford into this.

In that time, if Ford was to be believed, Feinstein could have hired any number of Private Detectives, many are former FBI agents, and get some facts to at least tie the victim to the Judge.

Problem is, she likely did, and they came up with nothing. It wouldn't take an FBI investigation to produce, at least a minimal amount of facts on the dude.

When that fails, as is often the case in actual police investigations, the Law Enforcement agency doing the investigation will seek the public's assistance, and Feinstein did by leaking the name. From that they hope to garner information. At this point the Dem's have gotten a grand total of a single lead, and that from someone in Mexico who within hours retracted her statement.

This is a crap show and a waste of time and money.

Let her speak, but unless she brings up FACTS to back her allegations, then it needs to be considered an unfounded allegation and proceed to a speedy vote.

She, Feinstein and the Democrats have had due time to produce damning evidence, and have failed. That's on them and nobody else.
Terrible optics.

You are giving your adversaries tons of ammunition, six weeks before the mid-terms.

Oh, well... you've been warned.
They use these tactics every election cycle.........and have used these tactics on the Supreme Court before..........they go low every time...........

This is a he said she said.........and would be laughed out of any court room in the United States over the Statue of Limitations...........and the way it came out at the last moment shows it was a planned attack to try and stop the confirmation process............

I believe most normal Americans don't believe a word they say anymore............this just riles up the leftist base.....which is easy anyway.......

Nothing new here............

Ram the vote down their throats and circular file their BS tactics.

Do that and I strongly suspect that you're going to be very sorry on the morning of November 7, 2018.

Threats, threats, and more threats in order to subvert the order of things in which most Americans live by and believe in. I think the demon-crats keep digging a deeper and deeper hole for themselves, because what happened in the presidential election finally showed the Demon-crats just how far the citizens can be pushed until they finally revolt.

Trump became president, and the war had begun to push him out over an agenda that wasn't ever agreed upon by the masses. The transparent attempts at derailing the Presidency can be seen through a led plate by a blind man. :dig:

Look, this devide of the people by activist control crazies needs to end. No one hates anyone like the current leftist would have people believe, so why not sit back to collect your thoughts, and realize that it wasn't the end of the world when Trump was elected.

The crazies who were in to deep into their activism, and we're attempting to control this country with their activism, their fundemental change (against the majority will), and just ridiculous thinking in general, has caused a big push out of the bullcrap by most common sense Americans. So the up hill battle is placed upon the Demon-crats this time, and not upon the conservatives.
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Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but Republicans are setting themselves up for huge losses in November.

The arrogance and myopia are mind-numbing... almost as bad as the LibTards in the run-up to the 2016 General Election.
So you keep saying. But then you guys were saying that when Donald Trump was nominated in 2016. And that didn’t turn out the way you thought.

Personally I hope America lots more if you guys out of office. Maybe then you’ll stop with this phony outrage and fake accusations
nothing is nothing. perhaps you could explain how you investigate nothing? I'll wait. I'm curios cause nothing = nothing.

That's pretty stupid.

A claim is made that something happened in a certain place at a certain time and that other people were present.

You think nothing can be ascertained? Witnesses can't be interviewed?

How stupid are you?
No there wasn’t, no information was shared. Six background checks didn’t find it. Therefore, it doesn’t exist.. another check will find the same nothing! Want to know why?
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Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, but Republicans are setting themselves up for huge losses in November.

The arrogance and myopia are mind-numbing... almost as bad as the LibTards in the run-up to the 2016 General Election.
Why did the dems just lose a seat they have held for 139 years? Your trend isn’t good

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