Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Kreepy Kavanaugh is really underwater in the polls. Worst in history. I expect his name will be withdrawn.
That is the desired outcome, right? Character assassination using lies. Straight out of the democrat playbook.
You're such a simpleton, Lakhota, probably need a 'how to' book for breathing.
Why is the Owner of Ford Motor Company declaring Kavanaugh's accuser will NOT testify?

Because, he says, NOTHING RUNS LIKE A FORD.


If Hillary Clinton can testify that she thought more than 60 requests for additional security - all of which she denied before Ambassor Stevens & 3 other Americans were needlessly murdered - was part of Stevens' 'SENSE OF HUMOR' ... AND LAUGH ABOUT IT ... despite him being dead ... and liberals agreed with her / said that was ok, SURELY they must think this joke was humorous, too....
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford may have hired private investigators, including retired FBI agents, and may present their findings in her Senate testimony.
May May may may may...
Fake and made up non news presented as news
Lib 101
...It is all about perception. When the accuser has every opportunity to come forward, efforts made to provide a convenient means to put her statement to public record, and she even refuses to do that privately in her own home? Perception and opportunity soon gives way to suspicion and credibility.
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

She now faces perpetual silencing and being ignored unless she caves-in to that refusal and consolation-prize alternative.

She is now assessing the impact of that caving-in and whether the hell that the Right will put her through is worth the effort.

If she needs an extra day or two to make sense out of that before giving her answer, then, what the hell, give her some space.

But you're right about the "perception" thing.

And, if American women "perceive" that Blasey-Ford was railroaded, they'll hurt you badly at the polls in November.

The accuser doesn't get to set ANY conditions. What the hell are you thinking? Do you have any idea what kind of damage this kabuki theater you people are engaging in will do to American jurisprudence? Do you even give a damn?

"She now faces perpetual silencing . . . through repeated accommodations to get her to talk. How DARE they silence her by giving her a chance to speak?!"

She OUGHT to be assessing the impact of "caving-in" to facing up to her actions, instead of just being able to speak vague lies and toddle along her merry way as though she did nothing. How DARE you piss and moan about the "hell" of one lousy session of questions and answers in a Congressional committee? You're spitting in the face of REAL victims, who routinely go through months of questioning and procedures and red tape - all without the convenience of "setting conditions" on the system - in order to bring their attackers to justice. Oh, but they aren't sheltered, coddled pawns of the left, are they? So fuck them.

"If she says she needs it, just give it to her. The only 'nice' thing to do is cave in to everything." Screw you.

And don't even THINK about speaking for "American women" and projecting your self-serving political excuses onto us. American women don't believe her, and those of us who have been REAL victims, or have known someone who was a REAL victim, know better, and we find YOUR "optics" lousy.
...It is all about perception. When the accuser has every opportunity to come forward, efforts made to provide a convenient means to put her statement to public record, and she even refuses to do that privately in her own home? Perception and opportunity soon gives way to suspicion and credibility.
The accuser set a precondition that the FBI investigate her claims prior to her testifying.

The vastly more powerful Republican-controlled Senate denied her that righteous response and played chicken with her.

She now faces perpetual silencing and being ignored unless she caves-in to that refusal and consolation-prize alternative.

She is now assessing the impact of that caving-in and whether the hell that the Right will put her through is worth the effort.

If she needs an extra day or two to make sense out of that before giving her answer, then, what the hell, give her some space.

But you're right about the "perception" thing.

And, if American women "perceive" that Blasey-Ford was railroaded, they'll hurt you badly at the polls in November.
I don't think American women are that dumb. Do you think American women are that dumb?

Obviously, he does. Leftist misogynist pigs usually do.

I can tell you that there are a lot of women who've REALLY experienced sexual assault, and fought their way through the system to prosecute their attackers, who are watching this pathetic melodrama with growing outrage.
Nope... do this the Righteous Way, and give Blasey-Ford some space to tell her story... or else.

Because the leftist way is always the righteous way, right? The Republican way is always wrong...

Re-opening a Federal background investigation long enough to render informed commentary to the US Senate is righteous.

...Well you sure seem far, FAR left on this situation...
No... I just seem far from your (collective) own position in the matter... nothing to do with Right or Left.

...We already figured it out. That's why we have the White House, the Senate, the House, and 2/3 governorships across the country.
That was then.

This is now.

And you have very, very important mid-term elections coming-up in about six weeks.

The Creature himself has done great damage to many of your causes; you need every seat you can hold on to, or gain.

And now we see GOP leadership in the Senate, complicit in a very visible refusal to reopen a Federal investigation.


The perception of legions of women who sympathize with Blasey-Ford and who want the FBI to get down to the bottom of this.

And who are going to be pissed when they see the Republicans sweeping this under the carpet by playing brinksmanship with Blasey-Ford.

That poses a very great political risk for the Republicans... very great.

But, if you (collectively) cannot see it... if you're so goddamned tunnel-visioned about a single nomination... so be it.

Like I said... you've been warned... proceed at your own very great political peril.

This "arrogance of an incumbency" poses a greater self-risk that you (collectively) seem capable of sensing.

Damned shame, that.

Here's hoping you still think it was worth it, on the morning of November 7 2018.

"Everything I want is RIGHTEOUS! Screw the law, screw the rules, I want it, and that makes it RIGHT!"

Here's hoping you realize that destroying American was NOT worth it, in every possible way that you can.
Nope... do this the Righteous Way, and give Blasey-Ford some space to tell her story... or else.

Because the leftist way is always the righteous way, right? The Republican way is always wrong...

Re-opening a Federal background investigation long enough to render informed commentary to the US Senate is righteous.

...Well you sure seem far, FAR left on this situation...
No... I just seem far from your (collective) own position in the matter... nothing to do with Right or Left.

...We already figured it out. That's why we have the White House, the Senate, the House, and 2/3 governorships across the country.
That was then.

This is now.

And you have very, very important mid-term elections coming-up in about six weeks.

The Creature himself has done great damage to many of your causes; you need every seat you can hold on to, or gain.

And now we see GOP leadership in the Senate, complicit in a very visible refusal to reopen a Federal investigation.


The perception of legions of women who sympathize with Blasey-Ford and who want the FBI to get down to the bottom of this.

And who are going to be pissed when they see the Republicans sweeping this under the carpet by playing brinksmanship with Blasey-Ford.

That poses a very great political risk for the Republicans... very great.

But, if you (collectively) cannot see it... if you're so goddamned tunnel-visioned about a single nomination... so be it.

Like I said... you've been warned... proceed at your own very great political peril.

This "arrogance of an incumbency" poses a greater self-risk that you (collectively) seem capable of sensing.

Damned shame, that.

Here's hoping you still think it was worth it, on the morning of November 7 2018.
Do you believe this is "righteous" when it comes to the character of the judge being smeared?

He believes "righteous" is determined by whether or not the left gets to control everything with no opposition, because he thinks that's the "correct" way for things to be.
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
I found it funny that she wants the Judge to give info before she takes the stand. That is a stupid Lawyer joke. What can he testify to. I did not do it and leave. Time delay, then only under my conditions. Is she running the hearings now.
NaziCon Republicans have met their match! Go Dr. Ford.

so despite 75% of people thinking she is lying, this is what you are going with?

They figure they'll just do what they always do, which is ram their agenda down the nation's unwilling throat with no thought for anything but themselves, and then in five years, they'll start a propaganda campaign to rewrite history.

Just look at how they're running articles about Anita Hill, talking about what a courageous heroine she was with no acknowledgement of the fact that she failed because no one believed her. Not the committee, and not the public.

In five years, they'll be reminiscing about how "loved" and "admired" Ford was.
...she has 36 years to tell her story. How much more space do you need?...
References to "space" pertain to a space of days to determine if she wants to testify without the surety of FBI investigative findings.

...she had 36 years to do an investigation...
Sexual assault victims oftentimes remain silent for years or decades... happens all the time... but you already know that.

...the Republicans have bent over backwards accommodating her and she is playing games...
The Republicans refused to re-engage the FBI in order to gather and objectively assess corroborating testimony from both sides.

...75% of the people don't believe her. 75%...
Pulling numbers out of thin air?

...You people keep politicizing sexual assault and you will see a backlash
Failing to re-open the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh in the light of these allegations will provide you with a backlash very soon now.

You will understand more about this on the morning of November 7, 2018.

"Failing to do exactly as we demand will make you suffer! The American people want you to SURRENDER EVERYTHING!"

The only people clamoring to destroy American society to give you your way are you and your idiot buddies on the left. Your towering sense of entitlement doesn't ACTUALLY mean you have the public's support.
If there's nothing there...why NOT have an FBI investigation to show that??
Under the Progressive plan is to have, or order the FIBs to run out the clock. Only problem is the Progressives have again stirred up the voters that some of the Progressives are not going to return to the Senate and other positions of power.
BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.

Because a trained psychiatrist is afraid to fly. AND YOU BUY THAT SHIT!

Apparently Kavanaugh made her afraid of many things.

Apparently, she could claim to have been abducted and "assaulted" by space aliens and you would be falling over yourself to believe her and sympathize with her, so long as you thought it might get you what you want.

Wait Kavanaugh is an alien ?? Lol
NaziCon Republicans have met their match! Go Dr. Ford.

so despite 75% of people thinking she is lying, this is what you are going with?

They figure they'll just do what they always do, which is ram their agenda down the nation's unwilling throat with no thought for anything but themselves, and then in five years, they'll start a propaganda campaign to rewrite history.

Just look at how they're running articles about Anita Hill, talking about what a courageous heroine she was with no acknowledgement of the fact that she failed because no one believed her. Not the committee, and not the public.

In five years, they'll be reminiscing about how "loved" and "admired" Ford was.
I think you are right, it is not the first or last time they rewrite History and print lies in books for the Progressive Teachers to past on to the students.
Kreepy Kavanaugh is really underwater in the polls. Worst in history. I expect his name will be withdrawn.
That is the desired outcome, right? Character assassination using lies. Straight out of the democrat playbook.
You're such a simpleton, Lakhota, probably need a 'how to' book for breathing.

Who wants to tell him that Supreme Court justices aren’t elected?

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