Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

...Curious, what are you so afraid of?
That the Democrats are going to take back the House and Senate due to your (collective) arrogance and foolishness?

Sure they will, just like they were going to keep the White House.

If you refuse to do the right thing every time it might be inconvenient, when do you ever get to do the right thing at all?
Right thing, indeed...
...Curious, what are you so afraid of?
That the Democrats are going to take back the House and Senate due to your (collective) arrogance and foolishness?


Excuse me?

You are working off the assumption the allegations are true. Aren't you overreacting just a tad? Grassley has been nothing but a statesman handling this issue, and is being repaid with nothing but foot and knuckle dragging by Ford and her attorneys.
Most folks aren't that sophisticated... they see bad optics... they perceive negatively... they pull the opposing lever at the polls.
...Curious, what are you so afraid of?
That the Democrats are going to take back the House and Senate due to your (collective) arrogance and foolishness?


Excuse me?

You are working off the assumption the allegations are true. Aren't you overreacting just a tad? Grassley has been nothing but a statesman handling this issue, and is being repaid with nothing but foot and knuckle dragging by Ford and her attorneys.
Most folks aren't that sophisticated... they see bad optics... they perceive negatively... they pull the opposing lever at the polls.

You people think everybody is as dumb as you are.

"Do this the Democrat way or else!!!"

That doesn't work anymore. You on the left have been making inaccurate predictions for as long as I can remember.
Grassley blinks: Grants Dr. Christine Blasey Ford more time.

BREAKING: Senate Judiciary chairman says he’ll give Kavanaugh accuser more time to decide whether to testify before committee

Earlier Friday, Sen. Charles E. Grassley set a deadline for Christine Blasey Ford to decide whether to testify about her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when they were in high school. But after the deadline passed, Grassley said on Twitter that he “granted another extension” to Ford: “I want to hear her.”

This story will be updated.

Senate panel to give Kavanaugh accuser more time to decide whether to testify
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Been paying way to much attention to this sort of nonsense far too long. Plow straight ahead. The media and liberals cannot possibly be made any more hysterically angry.
Dr. Ford has a fear of flying. Merrick Garland waited for 11 months - and never got an interview or hearing.
When did she get her fear of flying since her internship was in Hawaii and she didn't drive there?
Good point!
Sounds like Kavanaugh has a fear of the truth. A number of people don't like flying. In this case the truth should be the most important factor.

Agreed. In fact, it is far more important than her "fear of flying" or whatever else she's going to whinge about next. Which is why she needs to get to the Committee and testify, or forever hold her peace. Piss or get off the pot. Fish or cut bait. Pick your saying.

Only a dumbfuck claims that people demand a hearing before the appropriate investigative body because they're "afraid of the truth", and the REAL truthseeker is the lying bitch refusing to speak her piece to anyone.

Next thing you know, she'll say she's afraid of driving as well, and the only way to get to Washington comfortably is by bike.

Grassley offered to come to her. No need for her to fly. Her lawyer refused the offer. Case closed.
Fear of flying verses Fear of lying

Patti Davis, the daughter of Ronald and Nancy Reagan, describes an attack from 40 years ago at a prominent music executive’s office. She says she never told anyone for decades. And it doesn’t surprise her, she writes, that for more than 30 years, Christine Blasey Ford didn’t talk about the assault she accuses Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh of committing.

I was sexually assaulted. Here’s why I don’t remember many of the details.

Good food for thought.
She's a lib. Enough said.
Kooky also
Loved to wear very little and go nuts when looked at.

Liberals in the same old game of dredgingbup Republican malcontents. But it does showvthey know, Deep down, that nobody respects them. In every crisis they try the “look what this Republican said” gambit because even they know they lack credibility.
It’s a sham.
The Washington Post and New York Times are both running stories about decades old rape cases that came to fruition. Collude much?
We have to wipe these dishonest, empty, characterless barbarians out completely.
I have to ask, why do anyone think she is entitled to an FBI investigation?

Quite frankly I don't think she is entitled to a hearing. Especially with the games she is playing.
BREAKING on Rachel Maddow: Dr. Ford asks for ONE additional day to make her decision.

Because a trained psychiatrist is afraid to fly. AND YOU BUY THAT SHIT!
She's a psychologist. She's not a medical doctor. She once worked in Honolulu. Flying is the only way to get there that doesn't take two weeks. The claim that she's afraid to fly is utter horse shit.

Have you noticed that no matter how many holes are revealed in here story, the snowflakes just keep repeating the lies?
Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

You know how
Not with all that has come to light and Ford playing the Democrat Game

What "Democrat game" is Dr. Ford playing? Please enlighten us. Sounds to me like she wants facts before a hearing.

Ah I see. She needs the FBI to discover if there really was an assault, because at this point she's not even sure.

WTF are they going to investigate Lakhota?
nothing is nothing. perhaps you could explain how you investigate nothing? I'll wait. I'm curios cause nothing = nothing.

That's pretty stupid.

A claim is made that something happened in a certain place at a certain time and that other people were present.

You think nothing can be ascertained? Witnesses can't be interviewed?

How stupid are you?
There isn’t a certain place, nor a certain time to investigate.
How stupid are YOU.???
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford may have hired private investigators, including retired FBI agents, and may present their findings in her Senate testimony.
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford may have hired private investigators, including retired FBI agents, and may present their findings in her Senate testimony.
You mean big Democrat donors have hired them. I doubt it, because the so-called rape never happened. That much has become obvious with all the obvious lies and holes in her story.

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