Kavanaugh Asks if Texas Abortion Law Could Be Model for Bans on Gun Rights

Mormon Bob, there were just as many abortions going on before Roe as after Roe. Women would go to their OB?GYN, he'd perform the abortion and write something else on the chart.

Take a look at birth figures for 1973 and onward. The birth rate actually INCREASED, it didn't drop.

You seem to keep ignoring the fact that no one is driving around in trucks, snatching women off the street and making them get abortions.

Instead, women are making appointments, going to the clinic, getting their little problem taken care of, and getting on with their lives.

If you were serious about less of them doing that, then support paid family leave, universal health care, comprehensive sex education and availability of contraception.

You seem to keep ignoring the fact that no one is driving around in trucks, snatching women off the street and making them get abortions.

Correct...the democrat party is simply setting up abortion mills in black neighborhoods.......continuing their history of racism and killing blacks...but now under cover of law....
You seem to keep ignoring the fact that no one is driving around in trucks, snatching women off the street and making them get abortions.

Correct...the democrat party is simply setting up abortion mills in black neighborhoods.......continuing their history of racism and killing blacks...but now under cover of law....

It's funny how Incel Joe is so fond of falsely accursing others of “racism”, and of wanting to kill black people for no good reason; yet he supports murderous racist hate groups like Planned parenthood that have murdered more black people than all groups combined that can in any way be associated with those that he likes to call “racist”.
Correct...the democrat party is simply setting up abortion mills in black neighborhoods.......continuing their history of racism and killing blacks...but now under cover of law....

Funny, blacks have a higher population replacement rate than whites do... this is why Carlson gets on TV every night screaming about replacement theory.

If PP has to set up in poorer neighborhoods, it's because the private practice OB/GYN can't be bothered, because he won't make any money. This isn't exactly anything to be proud of.

It's funny how @Incel Joe is so fond of falsely accursing others of “racism”, and of wanting to kill black people for no good reason; yet he supports murderous racist hate groups like Planned parenthood that have murdered more black people than all groups combined that can in any way be associated with those that he likes to call “racist”.

Fetuses aren't babies.
Fetuses aren't people.
If the woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

I mean, if you want to throw a hissy, that's fine and all, but you have yet to tell me how you are going to stop women from terminating unwanted pregnancies... Sure, you can close down the clinics, but that just means OB/GYN's will go back to performing them quietly, like they did before Roe.

You can legislate morality, but you can't legislate conduct.

Prohibition didn't work. Our cities were awash in booze in the time between the 18th and 21st Amendments.
Laws against prostitution don't work. You only have to look at all the escort services, massage parlors, and strip joints operating in states where prostitution is illegal.
The war on drugs hasn't worked... they've pretty much raised the white flag on Marijuana, and most places are giving up on prohibition and moving on to rehabilitation as the answer.

So you really only have two choices here.

One is to be what we were before Roe, what the Philippines are now, where you have these laws on the books that people will find all sorts of creative ways to break and

The other is to create a police state where medical privacy and freedom are things of the past.

Neither is really appealing, at least to those of us who aren't religious crazies....
There is NO Constitutional right to kill a child.
No one said there was.

There is a right to privacy, however – prohibiting the state from compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

That some might perceive an embryo/fetus as a ‘child’ is subjective, devoid of legal and Constitutional merit, in no manner mitigating the right to privacy.
You're talking about a human being. And by speaking of that human being's health and choices being under the jurisdiction of his mother, you're arguing for the right of the mother to kill than human being in cold blood.

There is no spin that you can pout on it, to hide the murderous evil which you are defending, nor to hide what it very clearly tells us about your own murderous character.
As a settled, accepted fact of Constitutional law, prior to birth, an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections – the rights and protected liberties of the woman being paramount.

Given this fact, abortion is not ‘murder.’

The right to privacy concerns civil law; murder concerns criminal law – one having nothing to do with the other.
No one said there was.
There is a right to privacy, however – prohibiting the state from compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.
And yet, you believe the TX abortion ban is constitutional.
Why do you never mention this?
As a settled, accepted fact of Constitutional law, prior to birth, an embryo/fetus is not entitled to Constitutional protections – the rights and protected liberties of the woman being paramount.
And yet, you believe the TX abortion ban is constitutional.
Why do you never mention this?
No one said there was.

There is a right to privacy, however – prohibiting the state from compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

That some might perceive an embryo/fetus as a ‘child’ is subjective, devoid of legal and Constitutional merit, in no manner mitigating the right to privacy.
The right of a child to live supersedes the right of a mother to kill it.

Basic human values.
The right of a child to live supersedes the right of a mother to kill it.

Basic human values.

Except it doesn't stop there, does it?

Under such a law, you'd have to investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide. Did the woman do something that caused her to miscarry a fetus that now has more rights than she has.

Women who smoke or drink or even have shitty diets while pregnant would be guilty of assault. You know all those pharma commercials that tell you in the disclaimer "don't take if pregnant", what happens when women unknowingly continue to take them before they realize they are pregnant?

We've already seen the use of fetal homicide laws to go after women who have had miscarriages. Usually poor women of color because they'd never pull that shit on a white woman... at least not yet.
Except it doesn't stop there, does it?

Under such a law, you'd have to investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide. Did the woman do something that caused her to miscarry a fetus that now has more rights than she has.

Women who smoke or drink or even have shitty diets while pregnant would be guilty of assault. You know all those pharma commercials that tell you in the disclaimer "don't take if pregnant", what happens when women unknowingly continue to take them before they realize they are pregnant?

We've already seen the use of fetal homicide laws to go after women who have had miscarriages. Usually poor women of color because they'd never pull that shit on a white woman... at least not yet.
You are a lying piece of shit. None of that would happen and you KNOW it, you just say it to try and scare the rubes.
You are a lying piece of shit. None of that would happen and you KNOW it, you just say it to try and scare the rubes.

It has ALREADY happened, even with the fetal homicide laws.

Check out these cases of women who miscarried and were charged with fetal homicide. Check out these cases from New Gilead... er Indiana.

Except it doesn't stop there, does it?

Under such a law, you'd have to investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide. Did the woman do something that caused her to miscarry a fetus that now has more rights than she has.

Women who smoke or drink or even have shitty diets while pregnant would be guilty of assault. You know all those pharma commercials that tell you in the disclaimer "don't take if pregnant", what happens when women unknowingly continue to take them before they realize they are pregnant?

We've already seen the use of fetal homicide laws to go after women who have had miscarriages. Usually poor women of color because they'd never pull that shit on a white woman... at least not yet.

You are morally confused.

It is wrong for a woman to kill a child for the sake of her convenience.

You being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat have a hard time understanding basic human values like it being wrong to kill a child, don't you?

I know you are afraid that the Feminazis will beat you up if you don't support the killing of the children but it is moral to be against abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.
You are morally confused.

It is wrong for a woman to kill a child for the sake of her convenience.

A lot of things are wrong for the sake of convenience. People should smoke, drink, use drugs, sit on their asses and not exercise, eat fatty foods, drive recklessly, etc. But unless you are willing to live in the equivalent of North Korea, you should learn to mind your own fucking business.

You being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat have a hard time understanding basic human values like it being wrong to kill a child, don't you?

Actually, I was brought up Catholic and got 12 years of Fetus Porn propaganda. Here's what I learned. The girls who got that same propaganda for 12 years or worse (they separated the boys and girls after middle school) still ended up getting abortions when their half-ass attempts at contraception failed.

I know you are afraid that the Feminazis will beat you up if you don't support the killing of the children but it is moral to be against abortion on demand for the sake of convenience.

Again, I'd take your side more seriously on this subject if you weren't constantly trying to cut programs for poor children and single mothers.
A lot of things are wrong for the sake of convenience. People should smoke, drink, use drugs, sit on their asses and not exercise, eat fatty foods, drive recklessly, etc. But unless you are willing to live in the equivalent of North Korea, you should learn to mind your own fucking business.

Actually, I was brought up Catholic and got 12 years of Fetus Porn propaganda. Here's what I learned. The girls who got that same propaganda for 12 years or worse (they separated the boys and girls after middle school) still ended up getting abortions when their half-ass attempts at contraception failed.

Again, I'd take your side more seriously on this subject if you weren't constantly trying to cut programs for poor children and single mothers.
When I have to argue to someone why it is wrong to kill children for the sake of convenience then I am wasting my time. If a person doesn't understand that then they are crazy, confused and immoral and can never be reasoned with.

Basic human morality is lost on you. Kinda of like it was on Hitler to use a historical analogy.
When I have to argue to someone why it is wrong to kill children for the sake of convenience then I am wasting my time. If a person doesn't understand that then they are crazy, confused and immoral and can never be reasoned with.

Basic human morality is lost on you. Kinda of like it was on Hitler to use a historical analogy.

Get real. Women have been having abortions since the dawn of time... and they will keep having them no matter how much you scream "JESUS!" at them.
Get real. Women have been having abortions since the dawn of time... and they will keep having them no matter how much you scream "JESUS!" at them.

Get real Moon Bat. It is wrong for anybody to kill a child for the sake of convenience.

You are one sick puppy if you don't understand that.

Of course all you Moon Bats are sick in the head to one extent or another.
Get real Moon Bat. It is wrong for anybody to kill a child for the sake of convenience.

You are one sick puppy if you don't understand that.

Of course all you Moon Bats are sick in the head to one extent or another.

Fetuses aren't children.

Half of zygotes that are fertilized never attach to the uterine wall.
of the ones that do, 20% are miscarried, 20% are aborted and 60% might become a baby...

Now, ideal world, women would never have abortions because contraception would always work and women would only get involved with men who are good father material.

Realistically- abortion happens because we live in a less than ideal world.
Fetuses aren't children.

Half of zygotes that are fertilized never attach to the uterine wall.
of the ones that do, 20% are miscarried, 20% are aborted and 60% might become a baby...

Now, ideal world, women would never have abortions because contraception would always work and women would only get involved with men who are good father material.

Realistically- abortion happens because we live in a less than ideal world.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bat. By the time a woman knows she is knocked up the zygote stage has long passed. It is a developing human being.

You sound like a Nazi saying that Jew is not human as a justification for killing them.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution, do you?
You stupid uneducated Moon Bat. By the time a woman knows she is knocked up the zygote stage has long passed. It is a developing human being.

But that's not the point, you guys are against any form of contraception that prevents the zygote from attaching. You oppose IUDs or morning after pills for the same reason....

Unless you are willing to concede a zygote isn't a person. Which is fine. Neither is a fetus.

You sound like a Nazi saying that Jew is not human as a justification for killing them.

Nope, that's a dumb analogy. Again, they aren't driving around in trucks snatching women off the street to abort fetuses... the women come down to the clinic and get their little problem taken care of.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Biology than you know about Economics, History, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution, do you?

More than you, Cleetus...
Back to the topic – which is rightwing hypocrisy.

Conservatives have no problem with the Texas anti-privacy rights law that uses the threat of lawsuits to enforce the six-week ban rather than the state enforcing the measure, rendering the state immune from court challenges that the anti-privacy rights law is un-Constitutional pursuant to Roe/Casey.

But should the Court at some point in the future invalidate state AWBs, and those states continue to enforce those AWBs via the threat of lawsuits, rendering the states immune from court challenges, now conservatives have a problem.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

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