Kavanaugh Asks if Texas Abortion Law Could Be Model for Bans on Gun Rights

You are an idiot. You can do away with Roe versus Wade. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the rights of more than half the population of the United States the women their rights to have control over their own bodies. You can't tell them they're equal citizens and then hijack their bodies from them that's insane there is no legal standing to prevent abortions, just as there is no legal standing to force people to have them. Which may someday be the case very soon when the world realizes the big problem is overpopulation when it's already too late when people are starving when supplies are dwindling and resources are scarce. If you give the government this power now, they will have the power to force people to have abortions in the future. Women will be second class citizens forever.
Hey moron, a 5-4 ruling could end Roe tomorrow. What you are saying is just frivolous opinion. Legally Roe is simply a privilege being paraded around as a right.
If it can be removed by a 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court, it is not a right. Roe v Wade is an interpreted privilege, nothing more. The 2nd Amendment is a right, even a 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court cannot get it out of the Constitution.
How many people got taken by the Trump U. "constitutional law" school correspondence course?
"Interpreted privilege"?

That's every right in the constitution, moron.

"The 2nd Amendment is a right, even a 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court cannot get it out of the Constitution".
Who do you think wrote the constitution?
Why do you think it was amended 27 times?

BTW, Trump never gives refunds.
And yet there is a class of human beings where your whole position is to deny then the right to life, to deny that they are even human.

And in accordance with that position, thousands of them are murdered in cold blood every day, with no legal consequences for those who are responsible for these murders.

You really cannot go any lower than this, any more evil than this, to advocate for the murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.

Then I assume you advocate for research and programs to stem the horrific tide of infant mortality. As you certainly know the United States is a world leader, more children die within the first year of birth here than nearly any country.

So what do you advocate for this horrific trend?
How many people got taken by the Trump U. "constitutional law" school correspondence course?
"Interpreted privilege"?

That's every right in the constitution, moron.

"The 2nd Amendment is a right, even a 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court cannot get it out of the Constitution".
Who do you think wrote the constitution?
Why do you think it was amended 27 times?

BTW, Trump never gives refunds.
What are babbling about?
What are babbling about?
I was thinking the same about your claim.
Post 336.

"If it can be removed by a 5-4 ruling by the Supreme Court, it is not a right. Roe v Wade is an interpreted privilege, nothing more. The 2nd Amendment is a right, even a 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court cannot get it out of the Constitution".

You're FOS.
nd yet there is a class of human beings where your whole position is to deny then the right to life, to deny that they are even human.

And in accordance with that position, thousands of them are murdered in cold blood every day, with no legal consequences for those who are responsible for these murders.

You really cannot go any lower than this, any more evil than this, to advocate for the murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.

Fetuses aren't people because they aren't viable. Even when abortions were illegal, they weren't treated as "murder". Women were never arrested for having them,and providers were only arrested for performing them if they seriously injured the woman.

An absurd statement. Of course they existed. Whether they were ever given names, whether they were ever recognized for what they were, they were all precious, innocent human beings, brutally murdered for no better reason than that their existence was inconvenient to someone else.

If a fetus is being terminated at that late a stage, it's because something has gone horribly wrong in the pregnancy. Most abortions occur in the 8-12 week range, when the fetus is the size of a kidney bean and looks like a cocktail shrimp.

A late abortion is performed when a fetus is seriously damaged or represents a serious threat to the health of the mother.
And yet there is a class of human beings where your whole position is to deny then the right to life, to deny that they are even human.

And in accordance with that position, thousands of them are murdered in cold blood every day, with no legal consequences for those who are responsible for these murders.

You really cannot go any lower than this, any more evil than this, to advocate for the murder of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings.
This is a lie.
An absurd statement. Of course they existed. Whether they were ever given names, whether they were ever recognized for what they were, they were all precious, innocent human beings, brutally murdered for no better reason than that their existence was inconvenient to someone else.

removed graphic images
It is neither the role nor responsibility of the state to dictate to citizens when life begins, or to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law.

That is the only issue – government excess and overreach, the unwarranted authority of the state interfering in citizens private lives where the state has no business being.
Speaking of which...
Why won't you tell evryone you believe the TX abortion law is constitutional?
Conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy.

If the states should have the right to ban abortion, then they should likewise have the right to ban certain firearms.

The inconsistent right can’t have it both ways.
I do not understand how the Texas abortion law still standing it is encounter with basics human rights. It totally violates both major aspects of the privacy laws 1. The general law of privacy, what's your Ford's a tort action for damages resulting from an unlawful invasion of privacy and 2. The constitutional right of privacy which protects personal privacy from unlawful governmental invasion.
The Texas anti-privacy rights measure is still in place because the Supreme Court is dominated by authoritarian rightwing ideologues who have nothing but contempt for the right to privacy and settled, accepted precedent.
Abortions have been around for thousands of years--there is nothing in the constitution that bans them ergo they arent banned. AND FYI---terminating a pregnancy is not murdering a child. Nature often aborts unwanted zygotes/fetus's.

Nature also kills every single person who ever lived, but that doesn't mean it's okay to shoot someone.

Murder, assault, and robbery have also been around for . . . well, forever. So what?

The Constitution is not the only law in this country. So no, "It's not in the Constitution, therefore it's not banned." That just means it's not the purview of the federal government.

FYI, make arguments that aren't predicated on demanding everyone accept your worldview from the start.
I don't need to explain further. It's common sense. It was explained post 323. If that's not enough the Constitution was established so people in America could pursue, " Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ". No one has to live up to any religious code of conduct, or anyone else's mortal code other than their own.

"I don't need to explain further" = I can't explain, I just want to make assertions and demand that you accept them.

Glad we got that settled.
Name one single victim of abortion. You can't because they never existed in the first place.
Ask any pregnant woman what's growing in her stomach. I would wager that you've never been pregnant.
No it's not. My mother's cousins, Joe and Olga Pulaski died in the concentration camps. There were people, they existed, they had names. People have names. Embryos and fetuses do not because they are not people. I know it's hard for you to accept but that's the truth.

And now, you're no better than those who murdered your mother's cousins. Just like them, calling for the deaths of people whom you wrongfully consider to be less than human.
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Almost all life is precious. A possible exception may be lives of some serial killers.

I'll gladly lump all serious criminal in with that. As far as I am concerned, there is some line of criminality, some point of being willing to unjustifiably cause harm and loss to human beings, where one forfeits one's own humanity.
"Graphic Images, material or links to images, Videos, and or material, whether real, satirical or implied, depicting obscene, indecent, pornography, pornographic acts, or Morbid Images (at Moderator/Admin discretion) are not permitted. This includes Gifs and cartoons."
How many people got taken by the Trump U. "constitutional law" school correspondence course?
"Interpreted privilege"?

That's every right in the constitution, moron.

"The 2nd Amendment is a right, even a 9-0 ruling by the Supreme Court cannot get it out of the Constitution".
Who do you think wrote the constitution?
Why do you think it was amended 27 times?

BTW, Trump never gives refunds.

As much as it has tried to usurp this power, and as much as much of this usurpation has been allowed to stand, the Supreme Court cannot change the Constitution. It cannot add to the Constitution, what is not written therein, and it cannot remove from the Constitution what is written therein. Only by the Amendment process, can the Constitution legitimately be altered.

Most of the rights explicitly named in the Bill of Rights were held by its authors to be inherent God-given rights, to which we are all entitled, regardless of what is or is not written in the Constitution or in any other law; that the Bill of Rights did not exist to grant these rights, but to acknowledge and protect them.
Then I assume you advocate for research and programs to stem the horrific tide of infant mortality. As you certainly know the United States is a world leader, more children die within the first year of birth here than nearly any country.

So what do you advocate for this horrific trend?

That's a kwanzaa argument, that in order to be oppose the the cold-blooded murder of human beings, that I must consider myself obligated to agree with whatever pollical agenda you want to claim for the benefit of human beings.

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