Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Can you not even see another side to this? Are you serious? Okay, I'll spell it out. First, the Dems are absolutely driving Republicans straight to the polls with this in November. Read up on that. Second, you are opening up a Pandora's box now for EVERY candidate. You think we won't turn this game on you? You think you can FIND a Dem candidate who didn't, in high school, have drunken shenanigans? If our Congressmen won't find those shenanigans, believe me, our media WILL.Stupid, stupid, short-sighted Dems. As. Ever.
The way I'm seeing now, trump and the republicans are driving the democrats to the polls. It's all the same to me as I neither like nor trust either party. I might have voted for Sanders and Warren but they both supported Hillary, who I still can't stand. I voted Green but with Jill Stein hobnobbing with Putin, I will not support her either. Sad state of affairs.

Democrats have zero legislative successes and an abundance of broken promises... what inspires you to support them, just wondering..?

Hey now....Obamacare worked out beautifully!!! //////
Talk to us after the November elections.

Hmmm...why don’t we talk right now? What’s that you said about the next Republican President? Do you intend to just keep lying until by chance you get one right ? Or do you think lying will help get you there?
I’m not sure any purpose is served by talking to one who hit it so wrong, or so dishonest, do very recently.

President Trump? You`re a funny guy but even you know that the next republican president has yet to be born.
Talk to us after the November elections.

Hmmm...why don’t we talk right now? What’s that you said about the next Republican President? Do you intend to just keep lying until by chance you get one right ? Or do you think lying will help get you there?
I’m not sure any purpose is served by talking to one who hit it so wrong, or so dishonest, do very recently.

President Trump? You`re a funny guy but even you know that the next republican president has yet to be born.
Indeed I got that one wrong but how was I to know that Comey and the Russians would be involved in the 2016 election?
Talk to us after the November elections.

Hmmm...why don’t we talk right now? What’s that you said about the next Republican President? Do you intend to just keep lying until by chance you get one right ? Or do you think lying will help get you there?
I’m not sure any purpose is served by talking to one who hit it so wrong, or so dishonest, do very recently.

President Trump? You`re a funny guy but even you know that the next republican president has yet to be born.
Indeed I got that one wrong but how was I to know that Comey and the Russians would be involved in the 2016 election?

Indeed you did. Lol. Not real sharp at predicting American politics are you boy?
Talk to us after the November elections.

Hmmm...why don’t we talk right now? What’s that you said about the next Republican President? Do you intend to just keep lying until by chance you get one right ? Or do you think lying will help get you there?
I’m not sure any purpose is served by talking to one who hit it so wrong, or so dishonest, do very recently.

President Trump? You`re a funny guy but even you know that the next republican president has yet to be born.
Indeed I got that one wrong but how was I to know that Comey and the Russians would be involved in the 2016 election?

This one is pretty good too.

After January, you`ll be calling Bill Clinton.....at his White House address! :) :)
I think you got it...sort of. No wonder you make the big bucks! Too bad you lack human attachments.
The point is, this story is across wire, TV, radio and internet. Until it's been investigated, it's anybody's guess as to it's veracity. You don't like it obviously but stick with it and see where it goes.
Talk to us after the November elections.
We could do that >>>

Kavanaugh Confirmation > 61-39 To Confirm
I had an amazing talk with an elderly Republican friend last night about this; she believes he will not and should not be confirmed, even though she believes it is all poppycock. She said the damage is done, his name has been tarnished. It's too late and she has even contacted our senator Susan Collins urging her to vote no. This relative NEVER gets involved in that type of thing.

I'm not sure everyone is willing to charge ahead with this regardless. Women are a big part of the voting pool these days and I am surprised at some of the reactions.
Can you not even see another side to this? Are you serious? Okay, I'll spell it out. First, the Dems are absolutely driving Republicans straight to the polls with this in November. Read up on that. Second, you are opening up a Pandora's box now for EVERY candidate. You think we won't turn this game on you? You think you can FIND a Dem candidate who didn't, in high school, have drunken shenanigans? If our Congressmen won't find those shenanigans, believe me, our media WILL.Stupid, stupid, short-sighted Dems. As. Ever.
The way I'm seeing now, trump and the republicans are driving the democrats to the polls. It's all the same to me as I neither like nor trust either party. I might have voted for Sanders and Warren but they both supported Hillary, who I still can't stand. I voted Green but with Jill Stein hobnobbing with Putin, I will not support her either. Sad state of affairs.

Democrats have zero legislative successes and an abundance of broken promises... what inspires you to support them, just wondering..?

Hey now....Obamacare worked out beautifully!!! //////

It did and now more people love it even more that they know its the ACA.
He will get confirmed, as the same people who voted for Trump while holding their noses, will want Kavanaugh while holding their noses.
I had an amazing talk with an elderly Republican friend last night about this; she believes he will not and should not be confirmed, even though she believes it is all poppycock. She said the damage is done, his name has been tarnished. It's too late and she has even contacted our senator Susan Collins urging her to vote no. This relative NEVER gets involved in that type of thing.I'm not sure everyone is willing to charge ahead with this regardless. Women are a big part of the voting pool these days and I am surprised at some of the reactions.
The republicans keep discounting how women in general feel about this. Kavanaugh is on a sinking ship.
He will get confirmed, as the same people who voted for Trump while holding their noses, will want Kavanaugh while holding their noses.
I don't know what to think about the guy, really, but a big part of me is reluctant to judge a man like Kavanaugh on drunken behavior when he was 16, 17, 18 years old. As an ADULT, his career and reputation is sterling, and he has an impressive legal mind. Apparently he quit drinking or he grew up (not surprising--that happens to most of us), or both. Would I be devastated to learn that my son had done something like what Kavanaugh is accused of when he was that age? Of course, but I know that he is now an outstanding father and husband, a good man and a positive contributor to the community. Should all that go down the tubes because of drunken behavior when he was not yet fully formed? I truly wonder, Penelope.
As I said yesterday after the initial allegation, you will have a liberal judge in the S.C in 2019, probably full blown socialism by 2024.
He will get confirmed, as the same people who voted for Trump while holding their noses, will want Kavanaugh while holding their noses.
I don't know what to think about the guy, really, but a big part of me is reluctant to judge a man like Kavanaugh on drunken behavior when he was 16, 17, 18 years old. As an ADULT, his career and reputation is sterling, and he has an impressive legal mind. Apparently he quit drinking or he grew up (not surprising--that happens to most of us), or both. Would I be devastated to learn that my son had done something like what Kavanaugh is accused of when he was that age? Of course, but I know that he is now an outstanding father and husband, a good man and a positive contributor to the community. Should all that go down the tubes because of drunken behavior when he was not yet fully formed? I truly wonder, Penelope.

A man who thinks the Potus is above the law, is said to have voted pro in favor of corps over individuals, and would not let an immigrant get an abortion after she was supposedly raped, yes I think so. We have 9 people on the SC and its a lifetime position, and there are others who can fill the void, he was not on the first list, but was picked due to the fact he thought the Potus should not even be investigated.
He will get confirmed, as the same people who voted for Trump while holding their noses, will want Kavanaugh while holding their noses.
I don't know what to think about the guy, really, but a big part of me is reluctant to judge a man like Kavanaugh on drunken behavior when he was 16, 17, 18 years old. As an ADULT, his career and reputation is sterling, and he has an impressive legal mind. Apparently he quit drinking or he grew up (not surprising--that happens to most of us), or both. Would I be devastated to learn that my son had done something like what Kavanaugh is accused of when he was that age? Of course, but I know that he is now an outstanding father and husband, a good man and a positive contributor to the community. Should all that go down the tubes because of drunken behavior when he was not yet fully formed? I truly wonder, Penelope.

A man who thinks the Potus is above the law, is said to have voted pro in favor of corps over individuals, and would not let an immigrant get an abortion after she was supposedly raped, yes I think so. We have 9 people on the SC and its a lifetime position, and there are others who can fill the void, he was not on the first list, but was picked due to the fact he thought the Potus should not even be investigated.
Now THAT is a good reason to oppose his nomination. If only that is the discussion this country was having right now, instead of talking about ... you know.
The problem is Republicans made the mistake of treating Democrats in the Senate with respect and fairness when everyone knows that they absolutely can't be trusted...


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Brett Kavanaugh's prospects of being confirmed to the Supreme Court suffered another major setback on Sunday night when a second woman accused him of sexual assault decades ago, and a prominent lawyer took to Twitter claiming a third woman has "credible information" on the high court nominee.

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are investigating another allegation of sexual assault against Kavanaugh, according to The New Yorker. Deborah Ramirez, who is 53, told the magazine that when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale in the 1983-84 academic school year, she remembers that he “exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.”

Kavanaugh flatly denied the allegation, calling it a last-minute smear. But his confirmation now appears to be in serious doubt. Most Senate Republicans had vowed to push forward with his nomination after securing a Thursday hearing with Christine Blasey Ford, who went public a week ago with her allegation that Kavanaugh sexually attacked her at a high school party.- Source

When it rains, it pours. Poor Brett can't seem to get a break here.

Oh now there is a third claim...lol you idiot loons are pathetic. Your second claim is already shot to shit because just like Ford's NOBODY CAN REMEMBER ANYTHING LIKE THAT HAPPENING and the third one he was involved im numerous gang rapes is so preposterous you can tell it's mafe up.

Fucking retards you should be ashamed of yourselves....but you won't
He will get confirmed, as the same people who voted for Trump while holding their noses, will want Kavanaugh while holding their noses.
I don't know what to think about the guy, really, but a big part of me is reluctant to judge a man like Kavanaugh on drunken behavior when he was 16, 17, 18 years old. As an ADULT, his career and reputation is sterling, and he has an impressive legal mind. Apparently he quit drinking or he grew up (not surprising--that happens to most of us), or both. Would I be devastated to learn that my son had done something like what Kavanaugh is accused of when he was that age? Of course, but I know that he is now an outstanding father and husband, a good man and a positive contributor to the community. Should all that go down the tubes because of drunken behavior when he was not yet fully formed? I truly wonder, Penelope.

There is no reason to believe that any of this shit actually happened.

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