Kavanaugh Official Merge for Oct 2nd, 2018

Given the circumstances, did the judge show admirable restraint?

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Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.

But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements.

The New York Times was contacting dozens of his classmates, asking for confirmation before spiking the non-story.
You're surprised that word got back to Kavanaugh's team? LOL!

now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering.

Apparently he's tampering with non-witnesses. DERP!
what i don't get is "witness tampering"

i thought this was NOT a criminal investigation?

the shit she comes up with.

Oh, I am going to bet you can still be charged with interfering in a Senate investigation...
show me that rule. i'll wait.
If you watched CNN yesterday, the reason to withdraw the Kavanaugh nomination just changed. With PJ Smyth going on record to the FBI that he doesn't remember the party Dr. Ford described, the narrative turned to Kavanaugh's drinking and potentially lying about it in his testimony. It's not unlike the Russia probe becoming about obstruction of justice or Stormy Daniels and campaign finance laws.

Chad Ludington, a classmate of Kavanaugh's, said he thought that there was no way he didn't have memory loss given how drunk he saw the nominee in college. Apparently he got a forensic toxicology degree in the past week. Everyone's body chemistry is different and blackouts from drinking happen based on a complex set of factors. Yet, hour after hour, CNN irresponsibly reported on conjecture from people based on what they think they saw 30 years ago.

Last night, the New York Times reported on a police report showing Kavanaugh was in a bar fight during this period. Mission "Destroy Kavanaugh" continues.

With Trump's NAFTA win, it's not inconceivable that he could withdraw the nomination and move on. He's done plenty of 180s before.
mission creep is as good a phrase as any.

HE'S A RAPIST??? no? not gonna buy that one?
HE'S EMOTIONAL!!!!! (well, you did just call him a rapist and his family has been threatened)
HE'S A LIAR!!!! (perspective and twist but we've gone from rapist to liar)
HE THROWS WATER WHEN HE'S MAD!!!! (we've now gone from rapist to the man is a water chunker with some of that water being dangerously frozen)

at this point the right must get him through for no other reason than to not allow these tactics from the left to become part of our "normal" process in our government. and given the left can't make up their mind WHAT to disqualify him for they have effectively shown they don't care about ford or anyone else - just get him disqualified at all costs.

at this point it's a pretty high cost and next round you'll see the right do a "hold my beer" and we're really gonna get out of control.

and the left is too fucking stupid to see it. biden rule, bit them in the ass. nuclear option, but them in the ass. yet they keep doing things they believe are 1 sided and then get all butthurt when the right uses them too.

I say don't let them change the narrative. Keep hammering on the stories that are falling apart.

That they are. No one remembers being at that party. Hell even the two witnesses Ford put forth said they weren't at that party.

Still smells like week old dead fish.
Misogyny on the right is a fascinating phenomenon. Hillary hatred was so intense that to this day mention Hillary, as Kavanaugh oddly did, and the right wing men salivate hate. It is a bizarre and odd reaction as I'm sure most had moms. ;) Why are right wing men so insecure around women that they support a blowhard liar and draft dodger as their hero? Trump would have nothing to do with them either. Kavanaugh came across as guilty for guilty people overly express emotion to hide even from themselves. Conservative snowflakes wake up you are being played as fools.


Psychotherapists on Ford's testimony

Here's what experts who study sexual violence say about the credibility of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony - Los Angeles Times

Hearing Exposes Brett Kavanaugh Temperament Problem, Credibility Issues

You don't actually believe this do you?

Why don't Dimms just straight up believe Keith Ellison's GF?
The lies are getting more and more shrill.

As I said, I hope the GOP along with their advocates are taking notes for the midterm campaign ads!
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.

But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements.

The New York Times was contacting dozens of his classmates, asking for confirmation before spiking the non-story.
You're surprised that word got back to Kavanaugh's team? LOL!

now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering.

Apparently he's tampering with non-witnesses. DERP!
what i don't get is "witness tampering"

i thought this was NOT a criminal investigation?

the shit she comes up with.

Oh, I am going to bet you can still be charged with interfering in a Senate investigation...
show me that rule. i'll wait.

You didn't have to wait. You could have looked yourself.

18 U.S. Code § 1505 - Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees
So far this only stands as a reminder that the cover-up of any info in an attempt to protect yourself is usually what gets you into trouble, not the accusation itself.

So far what I have read, like the other several cases, there is no 'smoking gun' / no solid evidence.

Ramirez, for example, admitted that she was highly intoxicated at the party she attended, where she claims Kavanaugh exposed himself to her.

"In the New Yorker story outlining the event, Ramirez makes some careful distinctions, saying she remembers “a penis being in front of [her] face,” that Kavanaugh was next to her, and that he pulled up his pants. She acknowledged she was heavily drunk at the time and admits to having gaps in her memory."

A total of 4 people were named as having been involved / connected to what happened and/or who were reportedly 'there':
1. Unnamed classmate: 2nd-Hand Knowledge - 'Heard About The Allegation'

2. Richard Oh: " Oh remembers a tearful female student telling a friend about an incident involving a fake penis gag and then a student exposing himself." - A friend was told of an incident....3rd-Hand knowledge about a 'gag'

3. James Roche: Says "Kavanaugh was a “notably heavy drinker” at the time and that “he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk.” 'Heavy Drinker' is not evidence of the incident, witnessed nothing.

4. Ramirez’s mother and sister: Ramirez says she told them about a 'disturbing incident' but gave no specific details.


Like Ford, again, it is a 'She Said - He Said'.

Like with Ford, this would never hold up in an official trail / courtroom, which means the only court in which the Democrats have a chance of finding Kavanaugh 'Guilty' is the 'Court Of Public Opinion', which is why they will do their best to 'try' this in public ... and drag it out for as long as possible while claiming 'Kavanaugh is 'Guilty until proven innocent' - the 'burden of proof is on the accused'.

Everything we know about the allegations against Kavanaugh

According to her Ex Boyfriend and father of the child they had together, Julie is a little nutty, and likes to make up stories just like Ford. She also threatened to kill their unborn child. So abortion is an important issue to her being able to murder her own offspring and claiming that as a right, while denying the right to life of a unborn viable in vitro US Citizen.

Ex-boyfriend says Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick threatened to kill his unborn child, 'was exaggerating everything'

The ex-boyfriend of Julie Swetnick, the third woman to make uncorroborated, lurid allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, told Fox News exclusively on Monday that she had threatened to kill his unborn child and at times even bizarrely asked him to hit her..

"Right after I broke up with her, she basically called me many times and at one point she basically said, 'You will never, ever see your unborn child alive,'" Richard Vinneccy said on "The Ingraham Angle."

Vinneccy, who said he dated Swetnick off-and-on for seven years, maintained that Swetnick never once mentioned to him her extraordinary claims, apparently made for the first time last month, that Kavanaugh had engaged in systemic gang rapes decades ago. He said the relationship spanned from 1994 to 2001.

"Never, never once [did] she mention that to me," he told host Laura Ingraham. "We used to talk about everything. She never once mentioned that at all. ... If you ask me personally if I believe her, I don't believe her. I really don't believe her. Nobody knows Julie Swetnick better than me."

He added that while he was not aware of Swetnick's political tendencies, "She always wanted to be the center of attention. . .. She was exaggerating everything. Everything that came out of her mouth was just exaggerations."

Kinda like this chic, right?

The "proper place" being somewhere a man wants her to be I assume?

Not quite. Under that definition some women could be in places not meant for them because her male counterpart has no spine or Morals.

A woman’s proper place is as described in Traditional Western Cukture as the homemaker, nurturer and support for her Husband. Whereas His place is as the Head of Household, breadwinner and protector of the family.
Kavvy testified under oath that he first learned about the Debbie Ramirez allegations when he read about them in the New Yorker. But new reports indicate that he was lying yet again. Before the story broke Kavvy was anticipating the allegations and scrambling to get ahead of the story, contacting Yale classmates and mutual friends of Ramirez's, asking for public endorsements. Kavvy wanted to set the tone of the discussion that was about to happen over the impending accusations, hoping to track down a picture of that showed him and Ramirez smiling along side each other, having a good time with friends a wedding years after college. Kavvy eventually got a copy of the picture on September 22nd. But three days later he told staffers for the Senate Judiciary committee that he couldn't remember if he had any interaction with Ramirez.

The man is a continual liar, and now it turns out he is effectively witness tampering. This is not someone who belongs on the Supreme Court.

Text messages suggest Kavanaugh wanted to refute accuser's claim before it became public

The texts between Berchem and Karen Yarasavage, both friends of Kavanaugh, suggest that the nominee was personally talking with former classmates about Ramirez’s story in advance of the New Yorker article that made her allegation public. In one message, Yarasavage said Kavanaugh asked her to go on the record in his defense. Two other messages show communication between Kavanaugh's team and former classmates in advance of the story.
Conservatives don't care, they'll blindly support any Republican nominee regardless how unfit.

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