Kavanaugh: What Have We Learned?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Kavanaugh: What Have We Learned?

So, Brett Kavanaugh is our next Supreme Court justice. It's all over now. What have we learned from the events of the past month?
Speaking only for myself, this debacle has done nothing to change my mind about our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the media and the Democratic Party. (And yes, I realize those two things are the same thing.) Here are just a few of my biases that have been confirmed by this whole mess. If you don't know, now ya know:
1. Most of the media is actively working for the Democrats If I had any doubt about this, it was completely erased by the events of the past month. The only way any of it makes sense is if the press is eagerly doing the will of the Democrats.
2. The Democrats have no ideas, no principles, just tactics. If you were under the misapprehension that the Dems were acting on principle, they were more than happy to shatter that illusion. Over and over, at every turn, they insisted that their treatment of Brett Kavanaugh was no different than what those evil Republicans did to Merrick Garland.
3. Dems are angry, vindictive, and violent. Republicans are getting death threats, and now they're even getting ricin in the mail. They're being doxed. Dems are screaming at them in elevators and hounding them whenever they go out in public.

We have all learned a lot within the last two months, about how morally, spiritually and ethically defunct the elitist Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democratic party is. They've shown that they are in favor of character assassination and mob thought and willingly oppose any due process. Democrats believe their political enemies are guilty until proven innocent. A few Democrat senators actually said, that it was up to Kavanaugh to produce evidence that the charges were false.
We have learned that the Democrats prefer to upend established processes such as Supreme Court nomination processes, by using false accusations, setting off a neutron bomb into the proceedings.
Democrats have shown they favor anarchy and temper tantrums if they don’t get their own way. This process has been very revealing as to the aims and mindset of the Democrats.
Ford's best friend, Monica Lee McLean, former FBI agent, "beach friend, who most likely wrote the letter", was sitting behind Blasey Ford during her testimony.
Time for a special prosecutor to go after all involved,

I've learned leftists will stoop to any level to advance their agenda. The only course of action is all our war...whatever it takes to destroy them. No quarter should be given or expected.
I've learned leftists will stoop to any level to advance their agenda. The only course of action is all our war...whatever it takes to destroy them. No quarter should be given or expected.

That should have been done over 150 years ago. Lincoln preferred to try and heal our Republic before the process could begin Democrats killed him and began their terrorist arm to destroy America. They haven't stopped yet. You may be correct in your analysis.
The FemiNazi Hate Movement has no respect for truth, since it never had any truth to begin with....

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