what does the right have to offer 2

Only in suicides do rural areas beat urban areas by the numbers.
Violent crime is much worse in urban shitholes...


...According to the NCVS, violent crime in urban areas rose 29 percent from 2020 to 2021, from 19.0 to 24.5 victimizations per 1,000 persons aged 12 or older.

From 2018 through 2020, the NCVS found that the violent-crime rate in urban areas was between 29 percent and 42 percent higher than the rate in rural areas. In 2021, however, the violent-crime rate in urban areas was 121 percent higher, more than doubling the rate in rural areas (24.5 victimizations in urban areas, versus 11.1 in rural areas, per 1,000 persons). In addition, the violent-crime rate in urban areas was 48 percent higher in 2021 than in suburban areas, more than tripling any difference in urban and suburban rates registered from 2018 to 2020. The property-crime rate in urban areas was nearly twice as high in 2021 as in suburban areas (157.5 to 86.8 victimizations per 1,000 households) and nearly three times as high as in rural areas (157.5 to 57.7 victimizations per 1,000 households).

These statistics do not include murder, as murder victims obviously can’t answer a crime survey. In 2020, according to FBI statistics, the nationwide murder rate rose 27 percent, the largest percentage increase in at least 100 years—higher even than during the surge of violence at the start of Prohibition (see page 414 in this census report, page 83 in the PDF). In cities such as Minneapolis, Portland, and New York, the increase was even greater, as former attorney general Jeff Sessions has noted.
Post your research. I know you got bubkist

Too lazy to look for yourself i see.
Why am I not surprised.

Number 1 indicator of a future wealth at birth is parents socioeconomic standing. Parents have money, so will you.

2 is just dumb luck.

3 who you know

4 work ethic, nowhere near the top of the list as you see.

My personal experience, the hardest I ever worked was below minimum wage no benefits, no overtime, just 12 plus hours a day on my hands and knees 8n the hot sun.

The easiest job I ever had i made more money than you have ever seen.

Facts, all verifiable to those that want to learn.
Too lazy to look for yourself i see.
Why am I not surprised.

Number 1 indicator of a future wealth at birth is parents socioeconomic standing. Parents have money, so will you.

2 is just dumb luck.

3 who you know

4 work ethic, nowhere near the top of the list as you see.

My personal experience, the hardest I ever worked was below minimum wage no benefits, no overtime, just 12 plus hours a day on my hands and knees 8n the hot sun.

The easiest job I ever had i made more money than you have ever seen.

Facts, all verifiable to those that want to learn.
Too lazy to look for yourself i see.
Why am I not surprised.

Number 1 indicator of a future wealth at birth is parents socioeconomic standing. Parents have money, so will you.

2 is just dumb luck.

3 who you know

4 work ethic, nowhere near the top of the list as you see.

My personal experience, the hardest I ever worked was below minimum wage no benefits, no overtime, just 12 plus hours a day on my hands and knees 8n the hot sun.

The easiest job I ever had i made more money than you have ever seen.

Facts, all verifiable to those that want to learn.
Thanks, I have a little respect for you now! A lot to unpack, how you want to do this line item by line item?

1, Michael Jordan’s dad wasn’t a gifted player, yet Michael pushed himself to be the best! If you think he didn’t work hard you’d be disrespecting him
We hear endlessly about crime in this country and the right says that it is all in the city's and they are run by democrats. but that ridiculous. If you want to look at the total broad spectrum of crime in this country it is necessary to look at state crime totals . Point of interest there are 13 states that have a higher incident of crime then their favorite punching bag New York and all those 13 states are all red states. This is per 100,000 people. Not total , total tells you little.
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what does the right have to offer​

The Right has nothing to offer wetbacks, chicks with dicks, faggots, rug munchers, feminazis, abnormal unconventionals, abortion lovers, degenerates, lowlifes, bottom feeders and foreigners.
So basically, they offer nothing to you or the Democrat base.
We hear endlessly about crime in this country and the right says that it is all in the city's and they are run by democrats. but that ridiculous. If you want to look at the total broad spectrum of crime in this country it is necessary to look at state crime totals . Point of interest there are 13 states that have a higher incident of crime then their favorite punching bag New York and all those 13 states are all red states. This is per 100,000 people. Not total , total tells you little.
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All democrat run cities have crime statistics off the charts. The left wing trick is to lump the rest of the state in with the cities to reduce the number. Can they only find 13 red states that have a higher crime index than NYC or Chicago. You can play with statistics all you want but Americans instinctively know that you risk your life in a democrat run big city,
All democrat run cities have crime statistics off the charts. The left wing trick is to lump the rest of the state in with the cities to reduce the number. Can they only find 13 red states that have a higher crime index than NYC or Chicago. You can play with statistics all you want but Americans instinctively know that you risk your life in a democrat run big city,
wheres the logic then that the city that these haters attack and hate the most New York is safer then 13 states in this country , all 13 being red hate states, Red states have the highest murder rate, the highest murder rate by gun , the highest rapes numbers, the highest, number of white supremacist, the highest across the board crime rates. The worst places to raise a family, YA ace you got something , what a hoot. Can you tell they don't like these facts and their attempt to turn them around on democrats is a hoot , actually comical. We will try this one more time. If the problem with crime is blue citys , then the worst crime numbers would be blue states with blue city's not red states with blue city s' . These microbes just can't quite figure this out5 . Funny and pitiful at the same time.
The right is a glorious bastion of freedom and liberty standing against the tyranny of the left.
So it’s leftist tyranny taking over the right of women to make personal decisions regarding whether or not they will be forced to bear a child?
All democrat run cities have crime statistics off the charts. The left wing trick is to lump the rest of the state in with the cities to reduce the number. Can they only find 13 red states that have a higher crime index than NYC or Chicago. You can play with statistics all you want but Americans instinctively know that you risk your life in a democrat run big city,
Crime is trending down jackass
So it’s leftist tyranny taking over the right of women to make personal decisions regarding whether or not they will be forced to bear a child?
i'd say the choice was made by allowing sperm in her womb!!! Her choice.
i'd say the choice was made by allowing sperm in her womb!!! Her choice.
And where did that sperm come from?

Does the “donor” of that sperm have any responsibility? Does HE face the consequences of that act?


And where did that sperm come from?

Does the “donor” of that sperm have any responsibility? Does HE face the consequences of that act?


Yes, any male who impregnates a woman is responsible as well. Now, why is it so convenient for women to ignore the male and not include them? Again, a woman's choice!!! Choice is still theirs. Explain it differently for me.
So it’s leftist tyranny taking over the right of women to make personal decisions regarding whether or not they will be forced to bear a child?
yeah, they can avoid getting pregnant. Their choice.
So it’s leftist tyranny taking over the right of women to make personal decisions regarding whether or not they will be forced to bear a child?
I wonder what Letch might have been attempting to grunt out other than his usual babble?
I wonder what Letch might have been attempting to grunt out other than his usual babble?
all I know is the women have a choice to not get pregnant. Not sure how that right has been revoked.
all I know is the women have a choice to not get pregnant. Not sure how that right has been revoked.
I am one of the folks who believes that “life” begins at the instant of conception.

I take the right to life as guaranteed in our law and Constitution seriously.

I reject the contention that the right to life only applies to a person upon birth.

But I also recognize a need for women to have access to medically safe abortions under some circumstances. Obviously, her right to abort the child should supersede the child’s right to life where prolonging the pregnancy puts her at serious risk to her life or health. And if the pregnant person is a minor or has no legal capacity to consent or if the woman has been the victim of rape, I also admit a ground for abortion. (I concede that lacking pure consistency therein.)
The thirteen leading states in crime are all GOP. So crime is not a Dem problem.

Abortion is not GOP business, yet AZ's 1864 abortion bill may be the start of a massive blue victory this fall.

The RNC is going to say it believes "the big steal", and after the massive blue victory, Lara Trump and the RNC are going to be sued for many $billion dollar liabilities.

MAGA is so out of touch, so incompetent, so massively inept, that will probably disappear next year.
We hear endlessly about crime in this country and the right says that it is all in the city's and they are run by democrats. but that ridiculous. If you want to look at the total broad spectrum of crime in this country it is necessary to look at state crime totals . Point of interest there are 13 states that have a higher incident of crime then their favorite punching bag New York and all those 13 states are all red states. This is per 100,000 people. Not total , total tells you little.
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all I know is the women have a choice to not get pregnant. Not sure how that right has been revoked.
Isn’t it convenient that the men forcing that choice don’t have to worry about getting pregnant?

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