Kayleigh MCenany ... wow...was she ever on point today. This was the best I have seen of her...

She’s a smart cookie and getting a feel for how the Trump propaganda machine is working. A waste of talent if you ask me, she shouldn’t be wearing that cross on her neck if she is going to execute her job the way she is
READ: " I either don't understand what she is talking about, or I refuse to try.... so I will just attack her personally and say some rhetorical claptrap."
I understand everything she is talking abut. She is a very clear communicator. I just see the BS and spin in it. That’s what propaganda machine means
No... that is what you want it to mean.
She literally backed up what she said by actual statistics while saying it. That is the OPPOSITE of propaganda.
HARRIS - candidate for Vice President, and likely to be President sooner than later - compared U.S. law enforcement to the KKK while on the Senate floor. The Speaker of the House called Federal Officers "storm troopers".
Haha. No she used actual statistics to distract from the question and politically attack Trumps opponents. It was a great political answer as I said she’s a smart one. But of course Trump is trying to score political point off the violence and No I don’t expect his press secretary to admit to that. But it’s obviously true.
No... the question was complete nonsense. And she roundly eviscerated such a stupid question with actual facts showing the exact opposite was true.
Again... you are just seeing what you want to see,
I’m seeing what’s there. Trump is playing off the violence to be Mr Law and order and painting the Democrats as supporters of the riots. He doesn’t address the underlying issues of what’s causing the protests and he provokes in times when he should be cooling the flames
You not get the memo?

Y'all are suddenly for law and order again. Time to swap arguments again.

"The Democrats suddenly showing concern for the violence and rioting after ignoring it for 3 months is like an arsonist blaming the fire"
Man...that is just sexy. Spot on.
Answering an impossibly stupid question is Trump using the violence to gain political points....
"Well interesting you say that, violent crime in 2017 and 2018 was down all across the country, despite the fact it was up both 2015 and 2016. In Portland you have a 615% increase in murders in the past 6 months, in Seattle the first 8 months of murders surpassed all of 2019, and this is because of defund the police movement, the criticism of officials towards their own police officers and the withdrawing of funds from their departments. Which is why from day one the President fought against that movement and fought for a robust legend response movement that improved violent crime in all of these cities before.

Just fucking brilliant today.

Being White House press secretary in a GOP administration is the toughest job after the President. Being WH press secretary in a Democrat administration is easiest job.

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