Keep going or stop when hooligans attack your car

Keep going or stop?

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You fucking piece of shit.
I’m spoken for - sorry. :)
Yes I am painfully aware that us kicking their asses the week before did have something to do with

what happened to that poor girl. It's something I live with.

But you seem to have evolved no awareness.

You lash out at everyone around you, bragging about the things you did that predicated this.

That doesn’t sound like remorse or mindful awareness to me.
If only I had been there or the dumbass she was with would have hit the gas.
Or if only you had shown REAL courage and restraint, and not done the things that predicated this alleged tragedy.
You have seen an eyeball pop by someone ramming some else's head into a square sideview mirror, huh?
Still raving/bragging I see.
How many square sideview mirrors have you seen?
Now mostly raving...
STFU you fucking pussy.
Now back to attacking rather than taking responsibility...
There was a reason we went back the next week and beat the shit out of them all.
To cause more pain and damage to the innocent?

60+ years later, you’ve learned nothing.
Not ary a one of them motherfuckers was left standing by the time we were done.
See above.

You are the most pathetic of cowards.
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It is SELF DEFENSE. I'm sure he thought of he didn't fight back they might spare him. He's still messed up from that attack. A mob mentality takes control of the crowd and they don't care AT ALL what happens to you
And yet he’s forgiven his attackers.

He’s a real man.
Answering a question with another question is not an answer.

Again, mob assaults have happened before, yes?

Their frequency is not in question.

Who's triggered?

It's not. It's a legitimate concern since protests and demonstrations have gotten more violent in the last ten years or so.

ALSO because of lightning.

Didn't say you did, dumbass. I said your position "seems...".

Exactly. You say that you did not say that conservatives claimed mobs are a common occurrence and yet your responses suggest this is exactly what you think.

How exactly is this a strawman?


Still doesn't answer the question Lumpy.

I'm not.

Triggered by what?

Strawman. What exactly is my fantasy here?

Have a girly drink and calm the fuck down. :)

The OP proposition is absurd and mega-triggered.
I told you, you're being an ASS HOLE.

'Kay? Stop it.
Free speech is bad.
If you walked in my shoes for even 10.minutes you'd know what a putz you're being.
There is nothing fucking "IMAGINARY" about having your children assaulted by a bunch of screaming rioters in BROAD FUCKING DAYLIGHT while the cops are standing 100 feet away smiling and jerking off.
What are you talking about?
Now stop being such a mindless fucktard.
Free speech is DANGEROUS! :eek:
You're better than that.
When in Rome, bra.
Show the world
If you want to have a serious/respectful discussion about whatever it is you’re hinting at, I’m happy to be serious/respectful. :)
And yet he’s forgiven his attackers.

He’s a real man.
People don't forgive to make their attackers feel better. They forgive to calm themselves. In the case of Reginald Denny, he had absolutely no memory of the attack at all and very little memory of his rehabilitation. Forgiveness didn't involve forgiving anything it was a formality and looked good on TV.
We see the real world and prepare ourselves for it. Liberals work hard to avoid reality
This person (MinSlut) is a troll sock. Arguing with her is like arguing with a wall. She gets off riling people up. Always has.
People don't forgive to make their attackers feel better. They forgive to calm themselves. In the case of Reginald Denny, he had absolutely no memory of the attack at all and very little memory of his rehabilitation. Forgiveness didn't involve forgiving anything it was a formality and looked good on TV.
You make some good points, but I don’t think we can accurately second guess him.
You make some good points, but I don’t think we can accurately second guess him.

Do you have a personal recollection of this. After Denny was released from the hospital some dippy talk Show had him on. The four men that tried to kill him were in prison. Relatives were there. The people that rescued Denny was there. The main attacker was Damion "Football" Williams. His mother was there. Seeing the damage (Denny still has a cleft in his head), and hearing from witnesses she started to cry and said she was sorry. On national television, confronted with a tearstained mother, Denny forgave her son. Then forgave everyone. Heartfelt? Playing to the camera? It no longer matters.
Do you have a personal recollection of this. After Denny was released from the hospital some dippy talk Show had him on. The four men that tried to kill him were in prison. Relatives were there. The people that rescued Denny was there. The main attacker was Damion "Football" Williams. His mother was there. Seeing the damage (Denny still has a cleft in his head), and hearing from witnesses she started to cry and said she was sorry. On national television, confronted with a tearstained mother, Denny forgave her son. Then forgave everyone. Heartfelt? Playing to the camera? It no longer matters.
I’ve looked into his situation, and was very impressed with him.

Many heroes around those terrible events, though in differing ways.
This person (MinSlut) is a troll sock.

I think I’m much boopier than Betty for instance.

You are an idiot just like you always have been. Nice going admitting it up front that you are BettyPoop's sock. You've always been a far left loon. Whassamatta? Got banned yet again from yet another board so you come crawling back here? Did yer creepy "friends" have enough of you...again? Poor Poop.
Must truly suck to be you.

You have no power here, servant of Sleazrenn! You are nameless, faceless, formless (not counting obese and ugly outside and inside to boot). Go back to the void from whence you came.
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