Keep going or stop when hooligans attack your car

Keep going or stop?

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Run them down, and back up if you see them still moving. They can't arrest your family if you're driving, and these vermin are known murderers and thugs. Worry about it after you cripple a dozen or so of them.
It’s incredible that the fact that he pulled a gun AND had an extensive FIVE year criminal record was deemed inconsequential. In fact, it’s insane. The law is indeed an ass. :(
Juvenile records are always sealed and cannot be used as priors in an adult prosecution. I was Danny's first crime as an adult. He literally had no prior charges. BUT, it was his 18th birthday. His first day as an adult. The whole thing infuriates me to this very day.

If you want something to make you sick to your stomach, I had half a dozen prosecutors dismissed from the case. The last one was a young woman lecturing me on my racism for even calling the police. Well dressed, her shoes were obviously more expensive than her suit.

I told her that I had been shopping and my new shoes, scrappy sandals with a stiletto heel, were in the car when it was stolen.

"The bastard! He is going DOWN!"

She got the three years for car theft and the ten year enhancement for using a gun.

No. I did not have new scrappy sandals with slut heels in the car. I knew that was something she would care about since putting a gun to my head didn't register.

If this is what the legal profession was becoming, I wanted no part of it. Life is too short.
Ah yes! Saint Pancake! Thanks for the memories.

They still host pancake breakfasts in the Wast Bank and Gaza Strip, in her honor.

Especially those high school kids who stream out into traffic after their team wins.


You sound triggered.

By a fantasy.

That’s the problem - the deranged mob in yor mind.


Well, some differing possibilities there...

1) Dukey having a Joe Biden-style senior moment & making shit up.

2) Dukey remembering an old Sal Mineo movie as his own life.

3) Dukey - 60 years after the fact - not realizing that his own violent actions the week prior in part led to this horrendous alleged incident, and he’s so tone-deaf and clueless now that he’s bragging about his culpability.

That last one is a serious fuck you to decency, don’t you agree? :(

Ooo - speaking of fuck Us to decency.

But yeah - the OP premise is a deranged trainwreck prepper fantasy of end times unhinged from reality.

You fucking piece of shit. Yes I am painfully aware that us kicking their asses the week before did have something to do with

what happened to that poor girl. It's something I live with.

If only I had been there or the dumbass she was with would have hit the gas.

You have seen an eyeball pop by someone ramming some else's head into a square sideview mirror, huh?

How many square sideview mirrors have you seen?

STFU you fucking pussy. There was a reason we went back the next week and beat the shit out of them all.

Not ary a one of them motherfuckers was left standing by the time we were done.
It is SELF DEFENSE. I'm sure he thought of he didn't fight back they might spare him. He's still messed up from that attack. A mob mentality takes control of the crowd and they don't care AT ALL what happens to you

Answering a question with another question is not an answer.

Again, mob assaults have happened before, yes?
Super relevant.

It should be, as these rare coccurrences seem to be a conservative obsession.

Their frequency is not in question.

Why choose being triggered over a rare occurrence?

Who's triggered?
Ask myself why this is a conservative obsession.

It's not. It's a legitimate concern since protests and demonstrations have gotten more violent in the last ten years or so.
See above.

Not because of lightning.

ALSO because of lightning.
Straw man; I didn’t say this.

Didn't say you did, dumbass. I said your position "seems...".
I said conservatives were obsessed over a rare occurrence.

Exactly. You say that you did not say that conservatives claimed mobs are a common occurrence and yet your responses suggest this is exactly what you think.
Straw man.

How exactly is this a strawman?
Hilarious; see above.

You’ve built the straw man argument, not me.

People bite dogs and win lotteries.

Still doesn't answer the question Lumpy.
Why obsess over these rare occurrences?

I'm not.
Highly relevant.

You’re engaging in irrational, triggered, fear-driven behavior.

Triggered by what?

Why fill your mind with these deranged fantasies?

I’m going with MDS.

Strawman. What exactly is my fantasy here?
It's not an everyday crime, for sure. But it doesn't have to be for people to take action to avoid it happening to them. There are oodles and gobs of videos out there showing us all that yes- some mobs in streets can and will yank you from your car, or break the glass, turn the car over, set it on fire- what the hell ever.

I'd put skidmarks on them.
big bad cyber warrior

Nope. Just someone who prefers to be among the living, rather than a corpse. I'm not big nor am I bad. But I will do what needs to be done in order to preserve my own life and he lives of my loved ones.

It's called "personal responsibility." I don' believe in an all-seeing, all-knowing government that's going to watch over me and coddle me like a baby. I'm a grown the fuck up man who makes his own choices and accepts responsibility for them.
If a crazed group of gym sock-wielding Democrats surrounded you...

Why are conservatives so triggered 24/7/365?


Why obsess over imagnary calamity?

It’s insane.
I told you, you're being an ASS HOLE.

'Kay? Stop it.

If you walked in my shoes for even 10.minutes you'd know what a putz you're being.

There is nothing fucking "IMAGINARY" about having your children assaulted by a bunch of screaming rioters in BROAD FUCKING DAYLIGHT while the cops are standing 100 feet away smiling and jerking off.

Now stop being such a mindless fucktard.

You're better than that. Show the world
Juvenile records are always sealed and cannot be used as priors in an adult prosecution. I was Danny's first crime as an adult. He literally had no prior charges. BUT, it was his 18th birthday. His first day as an adult. The whole thing infuriates me to this very day.

If you want something to make you sick to your stomach, I had half a dozen prosecutors dismissed from the case. The last one was a young woman lecturing me on my racism for even calling the police. Well dressed, her shoes were obviously more expensive than her suit.

I told her that I had been shopping and my new shoes, scrappy sandals with a stiletto heel, were in the car when it was stolen.

"The bastard! He is going DOWN!"

She got the three years for car theft and the ten year enhancement for using a gun.

No. I did not have new scrappy sandals with slut heels in the car. I knew that was something she would care about since putting a gun to my head didn't register.

If this is what the legal profession was becoming, I wanted no part of it. Life is too short.
That’s right - you said it was his 18th birthday!

And he was coddled along the path of crime for FIVE years before that day; a classic correctional criminal.

I’m sorry you had to deal with that.

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