Keep going or stop when hooligans attack your car

Keep going or stop?

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We see news all the time of groups, some REALLY large, attacking drivers as they are traveling down the road. So the question is....what do you do?
Stop. Stop and shoot them with your Sig 365 or other firearm of choice.
Thanks! (And no wonder we know enough not to fall for the Democrats’ agenda.)

Judging by the derp comments here always attacking Trump, Maga, tradition, decency and morality, it appears that to be a good democrat these days, people have to fall into the 88th percentile and below (the bottom 20%).

One look at one of Jay Leno's Jay Walker videos where he interviews California college kids on the street seems to confirm that.

The reason for the world being so messed up today is that we have really stupid people running the world with the help of a lot of evil people.
The idiot OP brought her up in derailing his idiot thread, but I’ve also seen her posts a few times - memorable avatar. :)

To the delusional conservative mind, voting for Biden is like pulling an Uzi on a nun while setting an orphanage on fire; extreme responses are 100% justified!!!! :eek:

The Idiot Award?

The definition was posted above.

You REALLY shouldn’t be voting, Tooby.

Connies: Sooooooooo triggered

Very unhealthy.

Everyone is the enemy.

But it’s all in their delusional minds.

Threads like this demonstrate a significant part of why Trump will lose, as normal people don’t want to be associated with angry/triggered loons who see danger everywhere except in their own fevered brains.

The OP is a perfect example of projection in which yet another conservative reveals the violent mess storming inside their damaged psyche.
Ass carbuncle.
We see news all the time of groups, some REALLY large, attacking drivers as they are traveling down the road. So the question is....what do you do?

I would stop in order to get a steady sight picture on my Glock.

"Something offered for consideration" is not the same as asking a direct question as to specific action one would take in a given situation.

In this case, it is.
It probably would have made more grammatical sense to say the OP's premise was absurd.
I think I did that as well; both are correct.

But you’re reduced to semantics now, and are wrong on top of that.

All to protect your need to angrily snowflake.
But let's run with your definition for the sake of argument.
Holy shit.

Absolutely pathetic.
In that case, the question is, why do you think the OP's proposition is absurd?
Read the thread.

In this case, it is.

Wrong. A proposition "offered for consideration" is to propose something for either acceptance or rejection; to assess its viability or usefulness for possible future adoption as procedure or sale or action.
I think I did that as well; both are correct.

No you didn't.
But you’re reduced to semantics now, and are wrong on top of that.

I disagree.
All to protect your need to angrily snowflake.

What am I snowflaking about?
Holy shit.

Absolutely pathetic.

Read the thread.

I did, that's why I'm asking.

You keep harping about deranged fantasies and how unlikely it is one will find themselves in that situation. But as I said, the frequency of these types of incidents is not at issue, is irrelevant and misses the point.

It's unlikely I'll ever find myself in such a situation but it is possible nonetheless. On the off chance I do, what would I do? What would you do?
Couldn’t make you guys up.

Truth is stranger than the fearful, mob-infested fiction of the conservative mind.
I couldn't vote, because of a lack of a 'Stop, get out, and go Chuck Norris on their asses' option.

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